Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Feb 21, 2012
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In Response to Rocket Fire, IDF Targets Terror Sites in Gaza

Overnight, in response to rocket fire at Israel, Israel Air Force aircraft targeted a terror activity site and a weapons-manufacturing facility in the northern Gaza Strip, as well as a weapons-storage facility in the southern Gaza Strip.

Direct hits were confirmed.

In Response to Rocket Fire, IDF Targets Terror Sites in Gaza


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Feb 21, 2012
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Iron Dome shoots down one of two rockets fired at Eilat

The Iron Dome missile defense system shot down at least one of two Grad rockets fired at Eilat from the Sinai Peninsula on Friday evening.

Warning sirens were heard throughout parts of the Red Sea resort city, and then residents reported hearing two explosions. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

An Iron Dome battery had been placed near Eilat in July, and was on alert after two rockets were fired at the city last Monday. An al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group that operates in the Sinai and Gaza, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, claimed responsibility for that attack.

In a statement, the group said, "Our war with the enemy in Egypt will not distract us from the war with the nation's first enemy, Israel. With Allah's help, from us the Jews will see only injury."

Iron Dome shoots down one of two rockets fired at Eilat | The Times of Israel


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Feb 21, 2012
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Rockets hit Israel's south

Two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council and near the city of Ashkelon on Thursday. No injuries or damage were reported in either incident.

At approximately 11 pm, it was reported that a rocket hit in the Eshkol Regional Council.

Earlier Thursday, at approximately 8:30 pm, a red alert siren sounded in the Ashkelon region, followed by a hit in an open area. The rocket was the second one to hit Ashkelon area on Thursday, as a rocket hit near the Gaza Strip border fence at approximately 2:00 pm.

Rockets hit Israel's south - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF strike critically wounds Gaza terrorist

Abdallah Kharti was responsible for rocket attacks against Israelis and was a key member of a Sinai jihadist group, IDF says

The IDF has confirmed that an Israeli Air Force strike on Sunday morning successfully hit a Palestinian terrorist in the central Gaza Strip who was responsible for multiple attacks against Israel.

"Abdallah Kharti, born in 1985, is a key Popular Resistance Committees operative, affiliated with global jihad," an IDF statement said. "Kharti was involved in numerous incidents of rocket fire towards Israel. The IDF operated in order to eliminate an imminent threat to the lives of Israeli civilians."

The IDF has confirmed that an Israeli Air Force strike on Sunday morning successfully hit a Palestinian terrorist in the central Gaza Strip who was responsible for multiple attacks against Israel.

"Abdallah Kharti, born in 1985, is a key Popular Resistance Committees operative, affiliated with global jihad," an IDF statement said. "Kharti was involved in numerous incidents of rocket fire towards Israel. The IDF operated in order to eliminate an imminent threat to the lives of Israeli civilians."

Kharti was reportedly in critical condition after the strike, which took place near the central Gaza town of Dir al-Balah, according to Palestinian reports. Another man was moderately wounded in the strike, but his identity has not been publicized. Kharti was hit while riding a motorcycle near the town.

There have been 33 rocket attacks on Israeli towns and territory since the beginning of 2014, the IDF noted. The Sunday strike followed a week in which at least four rockets were fired at Israeli towns. The latest rocket fire had not drawn an Israeli response until the Sunday morning strike.

"Precision munitions combined with advanced intelligence enables us to strike terrorists like Kharti while they attempt to use Hamas's Gaza as a haven for their hostilities,"
said IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner. "Gaza terrorists will not be immune to launch these cross border attacks at Israeli civilians."

According to the Shin Bet security service, Kharti was a member of the Popular Resistance Committees and was considered a radical jihadist with close ties to extremist jihadi forces in Sinai who have carried out a series of attacks against Egyptian troops and police in recent months and years. Kharti was responsible for the August 2012 attack on Route 12 that killed 12 Israelis, and for rocket fire on the southern town of Eilat, according to Israeli security sources. He was also involved in smuggling armaments to jihadi groups in Sinai.

Hamas on Saturday once again deployed troops to the border separating the Gaza Strip and Israel, Palestinian sources in the Gaza Strip said, but this time they were members of its armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, not the force it had previously dispatched to prevent rocket fire at Israel.

The move, which came shortly after a rocket was fired Saturday at Israel for the fourth time in a week, seemed aimed to deliver a clear message to the smaller armed groups in the Gaza Strip that Hamas will not tolerate rocket fire at Israel. It may have also served as a message to Israel that Hamas seeks calm rather than conflict.

Last week Hamas removed most of the 900-strong force it had employed to prevent rocket fire into Israel from the Gaza-Israel border, prompting fears of an escalation in hostilities between the Islamist rulers of the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state.

IAF strike critically wounds Gaza terrorist | The Times of Israel


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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF attacks Gaza in response to rocket fire

The Israeli Air Force attacked targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Monday after two rockets launched from the Hamas-controlled territory landed in the southern part of the country earlier in the day.

The two targets, a hidden rocket launcher in the central Gaza Strip and a terrorist target in the northern part of the territory, were hit in targeted strikes by Israeli planes.

Palestinian sources said the first raid targeted a training camp of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, near the Nuseirat refugee camp in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The second raid was said to have occurred near the community of Beit Lahiya, the security sources said.

IAF attacks Gaza in response to rocket fire | The Times of Israel


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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF attacks terror target in northern Gaza Strip

The Israeli Air Force attacked an underground rocket launcher in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday night.

The strike was meant to "eliminate an imminent threat" of rocket fire towards Israel, the IDF Spokesman's Office said.

Details of the strike remain unclear. Israeli media reported the target was a terrorist cell in Beit Hanoun about to launch a rocket at Israel.

Palestinian media has yet to report on the strike, and it is still unclear whether there were any Palestinian casualties.

IAF attacks terror target in northern Gaza Strip - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF Airstrike Kills Islamic Jihad Terrorist

The Israeli Air Force struck a terrorist rocket launching site late Monday night in the Gaza strip after a rocket was fired into the Ashkelon region. The fired rocket from Gaza landed in an open area and no injuries or damages were reported.

The AFP reported that the target of the strike was a terror cell that was in the midst of carrying out a second rocket launch into Israeli territory. IDF officials confirmed that the strike took place in Northern Gaza in the city of Bayt Hanun in retaliation. The strike targeted an underground rocket launcher.

"Israel Air Force aircraft targeted terrorists preparing to launch rockets in the northern Gaza Strip," the IDF stated. "The mission was carried out in order to eliminate an imminent attack targeting civilian communities of southern Israel."

IAF Airstrike Kills Islamic Jihad Terrorist - Breaking Israel News


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Feb 21, 2012
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Feb 21, 2012
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Israeli warplanes strike back over Gaza rocket salvo

Israeli civilians run for cover as air raid sirens sound in the Israeli city of Sderot in the southern Negev desert on March 12, 2014 (AFP Photo/David Buimovitch)
Israeli warplanes pounded 29 Palestinian targets in the Gaza Strip Thursday night in response to heavy Palestinian rocket fire into the Jewish state earlier, the military said.

Palestinian eyewitnesses, including an AFP photographer, said warplanes hit bases of the strip's Hamas rulers and the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, the Al-Quds Brigades, which had claimed responsiblity for firing dozens of rockets into Israel.

An army statement late Wednesday night said the remains of 60 rockets had so far been located, five of which hit populated areas.

"In response to the massive rocket attack that hit Israel earlier this evening, the Israel Air Force targeted 29 terror sites in the Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed," it said.

"This retaliation was precise and prompt. We targeted the infrastructure that serves the terrorists while they train, plan and implement their hideous attacks," it quoted Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, the chief military spokesman, as saying.

"They will not be permitted to conspire in the safety of their terrorist temples."

Al Quds said it fired 90 rockets at Israel in response to an air strike on Tuesday that killed three of its militants in southern Gaza.

The militant strikes, which sent tens of thousands of Israeli in the south to seek shelter were the biggest wave of attacks since a major eight-day November 2012 confrontation between Israel and Hamas.

There were no immediate reports of casualties on either side Wednesday.

Hamas personnel, including its military wing, the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, had earlier evacuated all their bases, Gaza security sources said.

The earlier Al-Quds barrage, which Israel said came from several sites, prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to warn of a tough response.

And Washington called for "these terrorists attacks to cease immediately" adding it condemned the rockets from Gaza "in the strongest terms".

The escalation in violence came just hours after British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived on his first official visit to the region since taking office in 2010.

Police raised the level of alert in the south, saying the rockets struck along the length of Israel's border with Gaza.

One hit near a public library in the town of Sderot, and another near a petrol station.

The attack began shortly after Netanyahu and Cameron addressed parliament, and prompted a stern warning from the Israeli leader, who pledged to act "with great force" against those seeking to harm Israel, a statement from his office said.

Later, Netanyahu warned those in Gaza again.

"If there won't be quiet in the south (of Israel) there will be noise in Gaza, and this is an understatement," he said, in remarks relayed by his office.

It said that he held a telephone conference with defence and security chiefs and instructed them to act "in any way" to restore calm.

Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon ordered the closure from Thursday of the Kerem Shalom goods crossing between Israel and Gaza and the Erez pedestrian crossing "until further security assessments," a military statement said.

"This is the biggest attack on Israel since the 2012 Operation Pillar of Defence," the military said on Twitter, referring to the 2012 confrontation that claimed the lives of 177 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and six Israelis.

- 'Reoccupation' of Gaza -

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel would have no choice but to reoccupy Gaza, from which it withdrew all troops and settlers in summer 2005.

"Following an attack like this -- a barrage of more than 50 rockets -- there is no alternative to a full reoccupation of the entire Gaza Strip," he told private Channel 2 television.

In Gaza, Islamic Jihad's armed wing the Al-Quds Brigades issued a statement saying its bombardment would continue in response to Israel's "aggression" in Tuesday's air strike.

Hamas warned Israel against escalating the confrontation.

"We hold the occupation responsible, we warn of the consequences of any escalation and we reiterate that resistance is the right of the Palestinian people to defend itself," said Ihab al-Ghassin, a spokesman for the Islamist movement Hamas, which governs Gaza.

Israeli warplanes strike back over Gaza rocket salvo


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Feb 21, 2012
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Rocket alerts sound in four Israeli towns

IDF says Iron Dome took out rocket fired at Ashkelon, two rockets land in area; Ashdod municipality sends students home from schools in light of recent escalation.

Red alerts for rocket fire sounded in the towns of Yavne, Rehovot, Ashdod and Ashkelon on Thursday morning, a day after swathes of southern Israel came under a barrage of dozens of rockets fired from Gaza

At least one rocket fired at Ashkelon was neutralized by the Iron Dome missile defense system, the IDF confirmed. Two rockets landed in open fields between Ashkelon and Ashdod. There were no initial reports of injuries following the events.

The Ashdod Municiaplity has decided to send home students from schools without proper protective shelters in light of the rocket fire towards the area Thursday morning.

Netanyahu further added: "Our policy in the south is clear – we thwart and harm anyone who tries to hurt us and we respond forcefully to every firing (of rockets)"

In a meeting with IDF officials, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said that "those who try to fire towards Israel or will be involved in firing towards Israel will bear the responsibility. The IDF's response last night was the harshest since Operation Pillar of Defense. Terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip will pay a heavy price. We have a wide range of possibilities that we do not hesitate to follow in order to continue and respond forcefully."

President Shimon Peres also stressed that Israel will respond with force to any fire from Gaza Strip. He added that "the rockets were launched by the Islamic Jihad but Hamas is responsible for the fire. Hamas should decide how they want to live – for every fire they will get fire right back, for every cease fire they will get a cease fire back."

Rocket alerts sound in four Israeli towns - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Feb 21, 2012
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UN chief condemns rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday condemned a series of rocket attacks against Israel that originated in the Gaza Strip and provoked swift Israeli retaliation.

The Secretary-General strongly condemns the multiple rocket attacks today on Israel from Gaza, for which Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility," Ban's press office said in a statement.

"While reports of damage and injuries are still being ascertained, (Ban) deplores the severe escalation of violence," it said. "He urges all actors to exercise maximum restraint to prevent further incidents that could bring greater escalation and destabilization in the region."

The rocket fire, which Israeli police said resulted in no casualties, was claimed by the Islamic Jihad group and came a day after Israel killed three of its members in a Gaza air strike.

UN chief condemns rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF strikes 7 Gaza terror targets in response to evening rocket fire

The Israel Air Force attacked seven Gaza terror targets on Thursday night - three targets in the north of the Strip and four in its south - after 17 rockets were fired by Gaza terror groups towards southern Israel following Islamic Jihad's announcement on a truce with Israel.

The Iron Dome missiles-defense system was deployed in Beersheba and near Ashdod on Thursday evening to stop grad rockets from reaching the populated cities.

'Code Red' sirens were heard shortly before 7:50 pm Thursday in the Shaar HaNegev and Sdot Negev Regional Councils and in Sderot, followed by three rocket falls. Two of the rockets fell in open areas in the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council and another fell in Sderot.

Another barrage of rockets was fired at around 8:30 pm, two of them intercepted by the Iron Dome missile-defense system. The rest fell in open areas. At around 9:05 pm, 'Code Red' sirens were heard for the third time in Sderot and Shaar HaNegev. Around 10:45 pm, another rocket fell in an open field in the Eshkol Regional Council. There was no 'Code Red' siren beforehand.

Earlier in the day, a rocket fell in an open area in the Ashkelon region, shortly after Islamic Jihad's announcement of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel. The organization denied that it was behind the attack.

After over 60 rockets were fired at southern Israel on Wednesday evening, rocket fire from the Gaza Strip resumed Thursday morning, with sirens sounding in the towns of Yavne, Rehovot, Ashdod and Ashkelon. In light of the wake in rocket fire, Kerem Shalom Crossing has been closed, as well as Erez Crossing, which will only remain open for humanitarian emergencies.

At least one rocket fired at Ashkelon was neutralized by the Iron Dome missile defense system, the IDF confirmed. Two rockets landed in open fields between Ashkelon and Ashdod.

The Israel Air Force struck targets in southern Gaza Strip in response to the morning rocket fire. Palestinian sources in Gaza reported that the IAF struck two targets in Rafah: A smuggling tunnel and a cached launching pad.

IAF strikes 7 Gaza terror targets in response to evening rocket fire - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Feb 21, 2012
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Counter-terrorism soldiers raid Jenin building, kill Hamas terrorist

Police counter-terrorism (Yamam) fighters killed three Palestinians in Jenin overnight, among them 22-year-old Hamza Abu Al-Haija, the son of a senior Hamas official in the West Bank. The Yamam found an M-16 assault-rifle on Al-Haija, a Hamas man himself. Mahmoud Abu Zina, from the Islamic Jihad's military wing, was also among the dead. During the overnight raid, two Yamam fighters were lightly injured.

An initial debriefing of the incident in Jenin showed that the IDF's Judea and Samaria Division had been closely tracing Al-Haija's movements in recent days, after a months' long manhunt for the wanted Hamas man.

The compound in which he was hiding was discovered Friday night inside the Jenin refugee camp. An elite Border Guard counter-terrorism unit, the Yamam, encircled the building, while a number of other IDF units secured the perimeter.

The joint operation included soldiers from the Kfir Brigade and Netzah Yehuda Battalion, a haredi unit, as well as troops from the Border Guard.

The debriefing showed that the soldiers were greeted with gunfire from Al-Haija when they entered the compound. The soldiers asked the residents to exit the building, and shot warning rounds.

Meanwhile, the terrorist continued shooting at the Israeli soldiers. Within minutes dozens of armed Palestinians came to the location and opened fire on the IDF and Border Guard troops.

After a short intermission, the Hamas man exited the house while firing at the Israeli forces. Two Yamam soldiers were lightly injured from the shooting but managed to return fire, killing the 22-year-old terrorist.

At the same time, a gunfight raged between the troops and armed Palestinians that arrived at the scene. Two of the armed Palestinians were killed in the fire exchange, and seven others were wounded, one critically.

"Around us was a battle between armed gunmen and perimeter security. This was not riot," emphasized a senior official in Central Command, "There could have been 15 Palestinian casualties and they all would have been killed legally and according to the rules of engagement."

The two injured soldiers were still hospitalized in light condition, one of them suffering from a wound in his hand. Border Police officers visited them during the day and praised them for their bravery.

The source noted that "we are looking at the thwarting of a 'ticking time bomb' and not another arrest. The wanted man was directed by Hamas officials in Gaza, including those released in the (Gilad) Shalit deal, to commit a terror attack in the immediate future simultaneously on a settlement and on IDF forces."

Watch: Counter-terrorism soldiers raid Jenin building, kill Hamas terrorist - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Feb 21, 2012
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Gaza Aggression Draws IDF Retaliation

A short while ago, an IAF aircraft targeted four terror sites in the northern Gaza Strip and one additional site in the central Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed.

Yesterday, Palestinian snipers fired at security personnel near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip, causing damage to an armored vehicle. Several hours later, at around 21:20, four rockets struck southern Israel.

"Civilians in southern Israel were forced to begin this month with an unacceptable barrage of rockets," IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, said, "Hamas has a responsibility to cease and prevent acts of aggression emanating from the Gaza Strip. The IDF will retaliate, reciprocate and when required initiate the use of force in order to defend the civilians of the State of Israel from these unlawful terrorist actions".

Gaza Aggression Draws IDF Retaliation


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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF attacks 5 terror targets in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire

The Israel Air Force attacked five terror targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night in response to a rocket fired towards southern Israel earlier. An IDF statement said all targets were hit.

The rocket fell in an open field in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council. No one was hurt from the rocket fire and no damage was caused. This was the fifth rocket fired since Thursday.

Sderot residents reported to Ynet via the red mail on a series of explosions that caused panic in the southern city.

Palestinian sources in the Strip said one the airstrike's targets was in the northern Gaza Strip, likely a rocket launching pit. No injuries were reported by the power was cut in the buildings near the target.

IAF attacks 5 terror targets in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire - Israel News, Ynetnews


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Jul 20, 2013
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Pity the Palestinians? Count Me Out

Thousands of Arabs are dying in Syria and South Sudan. Where's the outrage on behalf of those truly suffering?

Provoked by the predictable collapse of the farcical negotiations forced by Secretary of State John Kerry on the Palestinians and the Israelis, I wish to make a confession: I have no sympathy—none—for the Palestinians. Furthermore, I do not believe they deserve any.

This, of course, puts me at daggers drawn with the enlightened opinion that goes forth from the familiar triumvirate of the universities, the mainstream media and the entertainment industry. For everyone in that world is so busy weeping over the allegedly incomparable sufferings of the Palestinians that hardly a tear is left for the tribulations of other peoples. And so all-consuming is the universal rage over the supposedly monumental injustice that has been done to the Palestinians that virtually no indignation is available for any other claimant to unwarranted mistreatment.

In my unenlightened opinion, this picture of the Palestinian plight is nothing short of grotesquely disproportionate. Let me leave aside the Palestinians who live in Israel as Israeli citizens and who enjoy the same political rights as Israeli Jews (which is far more than can be said of Palestinians who live in any Arab country), and let me concentrate on those living under Israeli occupation on the West Bank.

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A Palestinian protester stands during clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh in March. Reuters
Well, to judge by the most significant measure and applying it only to two instances of what is going on at this very moment: In Syria, untold thousands of fellow Arabs are starving, while according to the United Nations official on the scene in South Sudan, 3.7 million people, amounting to one-third of the population, are now facing imminent death by starvation.

And the Palestinians? True, when they wish to go from the West Bank into Israel proper, they are forced to stop at checkpoints and subjected to searches for suicide vests or other weapons in the terrorist arsenal. Once, when she was secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice bemoaned the great inconvenience and humiliation inflicted by such things on the poor Palestinians. Yet she had nothing to say about Palestinians dying of starvation on the West Bank, for the simple reason that there were none to be found.

Nor did anyone starve to death in Gaza when it too was under Israeli occupation. And despite propaganda to the contrary, neither is anyone facing the same fate in Gaza today because of the blockade the Israelis have set up to prevent clandestine shipments of arms intended for use against them.

Speaking of Gaza, it can serve as a case study of the extent to which the plight of the Palestinians has been self-inflicted. Thus when every last Israeli was pulled out of Gaza in 2005, some well-wishers expected that the Palestinians, now in complete control, would dedicate themselves to turning it into a free and prosperous country. Instead, they turned it into a haven for terrorism and a base for firing rockets into Israel.

Meanwhile little or nothing of the billions in aid being poured into Gaza—some of it from wealthy American Jewish donors—went to improving the living conditions of the general populace. Which did not prevent a majority of those ordinary Palestinians from supporting Hamas, under whose leadership this order of priorities was more faithfully followed than it was under Fatah, its slightly less militant rival.

As for the monumental injustice supposedly done to the Palestinians, it consists largely of losing territory in the war they themselves provoked in 1967, and the refusal of their demand that every inch of it be returned to them by the Israeli victors in that war. Such demands have always been known and universally denounced as revanchism or irredentism, most recently over the Russian seizure of Crimea. But where Israel is concerned, everything goes topsy-turvy, so that Palestinian irredentism is universally supported.

The accompanying and equally great injustice allegedly suffered by the Palestinians is that they have been denied a state of their own. But this hardly qualifies as unique, given that dozens of other ethnic groups—the Kurds being the most prominent—are in the same boat.

In any event, this "injustice" is also self-inflicted, since three times in the past 15 years the Palestinians have refused offers of a state on most of the territory taken by Israel in 1967 and with Jerusalem as its capital. They have justified these refusals by one pretext or another, but as anyone willing to look can see, what they truly want is not a state of their own living side by side with Israel but a state that replaces Israel altogether.

With this we come to the main reason I believe that the Palestinians do not deserve any sympathy, let alone the astonishing degree of it they do receive (and not least from many of my fellow Jews). It is that ever since the day of Israel's birth in 1948, they have never ceased declaring that their goal is to wipe it off the map. In all other contexts, this would be called by its rightful name of genocide and condemned by all decent people. Yet—here we go topsy-turvy again—for any and every step Israel takes to defend itself against so shamelessly evil an intent, it is the Israelis who are obsessively condemned at the U.N. and by the increasingly strident propagators of what calls itself "anti-Zionism" but is also increasingly indistinguishable from anti-Semitism.

Nor, alas, is it only the leaders of the Palestinians who harbor this evil intent. As revealed by poll after poll, as well as by the elections that led the way for Hamas to take power in Gaza, a decisive majority of the Palestinian people does so as well. No doubt this is the fruit of relentless indoctrination from above, but the damage has been done, and the end result is what it is.

Indeed, the best that can be said of both Palestinian leaders and led is that many of them no longer imagine—as did Gamal Abdel Nasser, the former president of Egypt—that they have the power to drive the Jews of Israel into the sea. Therefore they are now willing to give up pursuing the goal of genocide and to settle for the more modest objective of politicide—that is, to get rid of the Jewish state by transforming it, through various "peaceful" means like the "right of return," into a state with a Palestinian majority.

I for one pray that a day will come when the Palestinians finally let go of the evil intent toward Israel that keeps me from having any sympathy for them, and that they will make their own inner peace with the existence of a Jewish state in their immediate neighborhood. But until that day arrives, the "peace process" will go on being as futile as it has been so many times before and as it has just proved once again to be. Another thing that never changes: When John Kerry testified on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, it was the Israelis he blamed for this latest diplomatic fiasco.

Norman Podhoretz: Pity the Palestinians? Count Me Out -
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