Is Air force capable of Two Front War?


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
Quantitiy is not a matter of success.
Upgrading flights and maintaining it in good level to mission at any second.
Regular training to the perfection of core to our pilotes.
Good radars and defense system like surface to air missiles.
and never under estimate our neighbours.
this four things is enough to be strong and face any challenges.
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New Member
Jul 4, 2010
absolutely, and that is what is being done with the mirage 2000, mig 29 and other fighters, even su30mki will be upgraded,
jags and others are upgraded with new tech+ lca spinoffs, it sounds great

with a high quality and professional force, and vision to win, we can definitely meet any war in the eye


New Member
Sep 8, 2009
As I have stated before, it is pointless to compare PLAAF's entire inventory with IAF. Unlike Pakistan, China cannot afford to use every single combat-capable airplane against India. They have so many other fronts to worry about (Russia, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, etc.) and can't leave any one undefended. Compared to these fronts, the Indian front is very unimportant to China (what do they have to gain, a bunch of rocks?).

PLAAF will only use its entire inventory against India if Indian forces advance on a major Chinese city in China proper, and if that ever happens hell itself will freeze over.


New Member
Oct 4, 2010
Late but india is slowly preparing itself for two front war it is raising two mountain division akash missile battery has been positoned in north east. We are slowly concentrating in chinese border many sukhoi has been posted there and many yet to come. Many tank has been kept up there and soon we are going to keep their own missile shield. There are enough to defend our country against chinese invasion


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Oct 13, 2010
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First of all the wars are not fought only in the air. Simply by blocking the sea-route to China and their essential supplies, Chinese would be pressurized to act aggressively, while the chinese plans to destroy some air fields in north-east of kolkata for that matter, Indians while on defensive on the eastern front would be aggressive in the Indian ocean sailing into south China sea. Till now the world would react to the situation and a conflict could be stopped in its tracks of getting converted into major war.

Pakistan is not accounted for in this category. It would be a 6-day job for Indian armed forces to mop up pakistan ruthlessly.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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NO. IAF cannot at present withhold both PAF and PLAAF. PLAAF will use its vintage MiG copies which are about 800 of them to overwhelm us. Their J-10, J-11 and later J-20 will be focused on Japan, South Korea and US from east. They will rely on quantity to defeat us because they are too paranoid about quality with its eastern threats.

@Those member who are saying that they have only 2 divisions there:

That's because they don't need to permanently station stuff there. Infrastructure is there, road and railways is there; if they want, they can bring in 10 divisions of PLA and hold Indian military on ground until more of MiG copies come by to these 2 divisions of PLAAF stationed in Tibet.

So what solution is there? Sign that damn MRCA contract and get the production rates of HAL to 30-50 jets per year. No less than that otherwise we as well lay down our arms and let PLA(AF) come in with ceremonial thalis. The alternative/simultaneous solution is; get those damn Akash SAMs out ASAP. Fast, many numbers and start covering the entire east. Make sure that there are 3-4 SAMs for every single jet. The focus will be defense of AP, Sikkim, Ladakh, HP and Uttarakhand; not invading Tibet. Make sure that if PLAAF jets enter, they are greeted with a rain of SAMs where there is no escape: either they get hit by SAMs or they crash on the jagged mountainous terrain trying risky maneuvers and die.

MRCA will take more time knowing HAL's slow and lack-lustre work (150 MKIs remember). So we need SAMs fast and BEL has a fairly better record. So get those damn SAMs in place and fast. Not only SAM blankets will help in forcing the PLAAF to think a 100 times before sending their jets into Indian airspace but also pose a potent risk for PLA Airborne Division to enter Indian territory. If they try, their large and bulky aircraft will be fireballs before they land.

In short: Use Chinese strength against them. Chinese rely on missiles for every form of defense. It is cheaper, effective and sends a message. Their ASBM is the latest example.

As for PAF, we need to make sure that if at all there is an invading maneuver we conduct, we must strike their forward bases in rapid successions. Get those modified Antonov transports as bomb trucks escorted by Mirage and MiG-29s. Air war with Pakistan in immediate future will prove competitive because they are inducting new jets faster than we ever have been. PAC Kamra is assembling more JFs than HAL can ever do for Tejas and MKIs.

In short victory in our air war on both sides of the border, depends not on IAF but on GOI and its many lazy and corrupt divisions.


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Sep 14, 2009
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time has come when we have to think and take defence seriously

defence officer should understan one thng there are working for nation not for corroupt leaders

we need more planes we need offence wepaons

if two front take place we need more numbers to save our lands

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

NO. IAF cannot at present withhold both PAF and PLAAF. PLAAF will use its vintage MiG copies which are about 800 of them to overwhelm us. Their J-10, J-11 and later J-20 will be focused on Japan, South Korea and US from east. They will rely on quantity to defeat us because they are too paranoid about quality with its eastern threats.
Those are replaced by J11 and SU-30MKK with J8 & J7upgraded..

The alternative/simultaneous solution is; get those damn Akash SAMs out ASAP. Fast, many numbers and start covering the entire east. Make sure that there are 3-4 SAMs for every single jet. The focus will be defense of AP, Sikkim, Ladakh, HP and Uttarakhand; not invading Tibet.

SA-6 is already there, Akash will provide SAM cover only over flat terrain..

In short: Use Chinese strength against them. Chinese rely on missiles for every form of defense.
Before any thing happens PLAAF & PLA use Cruise missiles, Without them its not at all possible to breach IAF defense in N.E..


Stealth J20..


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
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Well, from this discussion I can conclude that definitely India is not prepared for two front war yet but it has potential and strength to face them and provide a strong blow to throw out them from our territory. I've concluded few points here:

1. Of course fast development of road & transport infrastructure or call it military infrastructure to increase the mobility of our forces and supply ability to battlefield.
2. Deployment of enough number of SAM cover which we can practically do now to prevent any sudden air raid to our field.
3. Increase the strength of our air bases, military bases on northern front to hold and respond properly in case of heavy aggression.

But this would not be easy and would not guarantee a victory for us hence we can take some diplomatic majors so achieve our aim. We can take following diplomatic steps in case to counter chinese aggression:

1. Increase the bi-lateral relations with the nations who has disputes with china like Vietnam, South Korea, Russia etc, who don't have good relation with china and which can easily turn into war in future because it will force china to engage its armed forces including air force with these nations due to which china won't be able to use its full strength against India. In other words use chinese policy to themselves like they do with Pak against India.

2. US, Russia and any major power is highly unlike to actively help India in case of war hence India must rely on small players in south asia like vietnam who has bloody history with china and easily can open another front for china.

3. Despite no support in military terms US, Russia may play a major role in UN to interrupt international supply to china and chinese trade. I seriously doubt that US will co-operate India to block the sea route for china so IN have to do itself.

Overall all these steps in collectively can change the balance of war in our favor and ceasefire may be applied in our terms.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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The goal should be to secure the Western front quickly and shift all our AWACS, air assets and SAMS to the Eastern front.


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
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The goal should be to secure the Western front quickly and shift all our AWACS, air assets and SAMS to the Eastern front.
Of course our goal is to secure East-Western part but this won't be easy specially when we are talking about China who has history of attacks in neighbors like Tibet, India, Vietnam etc. The fact is You can't prevent you from a war until you don't get fully prepared for it. If chinese will see that India is fully prepared then they won't be able to attack because our forces would welcome them. Also just read a news somewhere that China plans to attack on India on 2014 which doesn't looks practical because India is most vulnerable for attack on 2012 because of delaying in acquiring in MMRCA's, subs, guns etc.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Of course our goal is to secure East-Western part but this won't be easy specially when we are talking about China who has history of attacks in neighbors like Tibet, India, Vietnam etc. The fact is You can't prevent you from a war until you don't get fully prepared for it. If chinese will see that India is fully prepared then they won't be able to attack because our forces would welcome them. Also just read a news somewhere that China plans to attack on India on 2014 which doesn't looks practical because India is most vulnerable for attack on 2012 because of delaying in acquiring in MMRCA's, subs, guns etc.
This is the way to handle the 2 fronts, of course diplomacy will also be going on and other countries may be rushing weaponry and equipment during this. what is the right amount of planes?? How do you compare low quality greater numbers with high quality lower numbers??? Also there will be a naval angle which will hurt the Chinese more than anything else while this is occuring.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Our AF at present is not capable of two front war, at present, it can have defence role against China, what is standing between war and China, a part from nukes are SU30MKI.


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Question? What would the primary role of PLAAF be in a war with india that it initiates?


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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air superiority........they will use cruise missile (airlaunched)
Air superiority over whose skies? Indian? Coming over from high airfields of tibet, using old MiGs, how? They don't even have good range. They will come into india but won't go back.


New Member
May 25, 2009
The goal should be to secure the Western front quickly and shift all our AWACS, air assets and SAMS to the Eastern front.
Assets from Western front will not be used in the estearn front. We are going for a capability based armed forces, so we will have enough for both fronts.

Air superiority over whose skies? Indian? Coming over from high airfields of tibet, using old MiGs, how? They don't even have good range. They will come into india but won't go back.
Air superiority is not possible for either forces. Air superiority over Pakistan is also not possible as of today. PLAAF's main focus will be Air Denial. As long as IAF is not able to bomb PLA, PLAAF has achieved all it's objective.

Winning the air war is of no use. Winning on the ground is what matters. So as long as both air forces prevent getting their armies bombed, they are successful. Other than that air power is of very little use over mountains.


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
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This is the way to handle the 2 fronts, of course diplomacy will also be going on and other countries may be rushing weaponry and equipment during this. what is the right amount of planes?? How do you compare low quality greater numbers with high quality lower numbers??? Also there will be a naval angle which will hurt the Chinese more than anything else while this is occuring.
Lethalforce, you are a military professional and I'm a civilian but one thing is common between us is that we both has a mindset of soldier. A weapon in terms of military is not useless, chinese can use their obsolete and cheap aircrafts to divert our focus to perform real operation somewhere else. Technology matters but strategy matters more in our case. Now back to the point I'm not talking that we should match with china plane by plane because we are not china. Also we should not forget that we still don't have SAM's in too much amounts and if chinese launch an dummy attack with these older aircrafts to engage our SAM's and knowing our SAM deployment strategy to confuse us then they can plan their offensive in better way. In short we must use better strategy with superior technology to achieve our goal and in all these strategy would play important role because still we don't have much wider gap of technological superiority over China.

Our Navy can only do one best thing and that is do block the main route of supply to china which will be crucial for china. The air force and land force both will fight more closer to enemy hence we must pay attention to all parts. What do you say?

