What 'help'..Its the effing duty of the Union to do it. They dont do that for any charity.
No its not , Sri Lankan Tamils are NOT Indians
India tried its best to negotiate an agreement between Vellu and the Sri Lankan govt , When Vellu clearly had the upper hand ,
but it was the inexorable "all or nothing" attitude of the Sri Lankan tamils , that has resulted in the plight they are in today
They are as much to blame for the mess they are in as the Singhalese ,
What the hell were they thinking when they assassinated Rajiv Gandhi ,
That this would make New Delhi look down favourably to their cause and ways ?
Nice way to go about making friends in the region.
If u ask me even more then the Singhalese, Its the SL Tamils who are responsible for their misfortunes.
Yes it has..to a large extent if you ask me. And I would not use the term 'India'..but rather the term 'Govt in New Delhi'. The two are very different. The Govt in New Delhi voted yes, but after watering down the resolution, thus making the vote process a farce.
There are ways to , have the Govt in Delhi, accede to your demands other than promoting separatism , you know