INS Vikrant Aircraft Carrier (IAC)


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Apr 8, 2016
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what's sad is that, there is no mention of cholas by modi nor in that video.

Cholas and Mauryans had marine corps too.
Ahoms had one of the best navies in those days
Smashed the mughal fleet commanded by Dutch Portuguese etc into bit

Lachit Borphukan is also known as Nelson of India

Also psychological warfare was pioneered by ahoms in India


Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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India has finished building the Aircraft Carrier. Now India has two. There is a media outcry for a third one. This outcry is partly fuelled by the ship builders and partly by the interested naval officers who have retired. A lot has been written about the need of the third but none of the arguments stand up against its cost of a fully outfitted aircraft carrier ($10 billion). In its place you can have three nuclear submarines; one more ballistic missile submarine on top two India already has and two nuclear attack submarines. That will be a total sea denial for any Chinese or any other power’s sea adventure. These nuclear submarines (5 in all) and supplemented by diesel submarines both built and under construction will give india total control of the Indian Ocean.

Hence argument of third aircraft carrier is unnecessary.

Arjun Mk1A

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Mar 6, 2022
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When Carrier project starts, I hope we name them as Chola class super carriers and start naming them Raja Raja Cholan, Rajendra Cholan, Kulothunga Cholan, Karikalan cholan and use Tiger insignia. Cherry on top will be taking out some verses from Thiruvasagam, Periyapuranam etc.

Entire liberals will have meltdown with heavy radiation leakage.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
India has finished building the Aircraft Carrier. Now India has two. There is a media outcry for a third one. This outcry is partly fuelled by the ship builders and partly by the interested naval officers who have retired. A lot has been written about the need of the third but none of the arguments stand up against its cost of a fully outfitted aircraft carrier ($10 billion). In its place you can have three nuclear submarines; one more ballistic missile submarine on top two India already has and two nuclear attack submarines. That will be a total sea denial for any Chinese or any other power’s sea adventure. These nuclear submarines (5 in all) and supplemented by diesel submarines both built and under construction will give india total control of the Indian Ocean.

Hence argument of third aircraft carrier is unnecessary.
Three is a reasonable number with Vikramaditya having its own issues, we need one more in the same class with design corrections to optimize spares and so on.....this is ridiculous to not have a follow up. Should not have started the construction of IAC-1 and went through all that effort for one ship, comparison between having nuke subs which are last attack/defence instruments to carriers or surface fleet is tangential, we need to look beyond next 2 decades and need a carrier in BB, PErsian Gulf area and off djibouti or other side of Malacca strait.


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Jun 17, 2022
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When Carrier project starts, I hope we name them as Chola class super carriers and start naming them Raja Raja Cholan, Rajendra Cholan, Kulothunga Cholan, Karikalan cholan and use Tiger insignia. Cherry on top will be taking out some verses from Thiruvasagam, Periyapuranam etc.

Entire liberals will have meltdown with heavy radiation leakage.
That will require us to make 5-6 carriers.

Better dedicate a supersize Submarine class and paint Tiger on the subamrine's tower like German Wolfpack U-boats 😍😍

Okabe Rintarou

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Apr 23, 2018
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India has finished building the Aircraft Carrier. Now India has two. There is a media outcry for a third one. This outcry is partly fuelled by the ship builders and partly by the interested naval officers who have retired. A lot has been written about the need of the third but none of the arguments stand up against its cost of a fully outfitted aircraft carrier ($10 billion). In its place you can have three nuclear submarines; one more ballistic missile submarine on top two India already has and two nuclear attack submarines. That will be a total sea denial for any Chinese or any other power’s sea adventure. These nuclear submarines (5 in all) and supplemented by diesel submarines both built and under construction will give india total control of the Indian Ocean.

Hence argument of third aircraft carrier is unnecessary.
What a load of crap written just to explain away the need for a third aircraft carrier. And then you call me Chinese.
Read this:-


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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When Carrier project starts, I hope we name them as Chola class super carriers and start naming them Raja Raja Cholan, Rajendra Cholan, Kulothunga Cholan, Karikalan cholan and use Tiger insignia. Cherry on top will be taking out some verses from Thiruvasagam, Periyapuranam etc.

Entire liberals will have meltdown with heavy radiation leakage.
Those names should be for our P-75A SSNs. IAC-2 is Vishal and IAC-3 (if it ever happens) may be Viraat

skunk works

New Member
Jul 25, 2022
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what's sad is that, there is no mention of cholas by modi nor in that video.

Cholas and Mauryans had marine corps too.
Could be the exact reason in the tweet. What is the historical image of the Cholas in SE Asia? If they are viewed as colonials, I would be very careful if I was the PM.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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India has finished building the Aircraft Carrier. Now India has two. There is a media outcry for a third one. This outcry is partly fuelled by the ship builders and partly by the interested naval officers who have retired. A lot has been written about the need of the third but none of the arguments stand up against its cost of a fully outfitted aircraft carrier ($10 billion). In its place you can have three nuclear submarines; one more ballistic missile submarine on top two India already has and two nuclear attack submarines. That will be a total sea denial for any Chinese or any other power’s sea adventure. These nuclear submarines (5 in all) and supplemented by diesel submarines both built and under construction will give india total control of the Indian Ocean.

Hence argument of third aircraft carrier is unnecessary.
It can’t be about either or because China is building a full spectrum multi domain navy, the way you are talking is how the pakis and Iranians talk about their defensive posture. If India is going to be the economic giant it is poised to be it HAS to be a sea power and dominating the IOR. Submarines don’t project power, they are essential but that doesn’t mean surface ships and in particular carriers aren’t essential either. STOBAR carriers are pretty limited in their utility but CATOBAR carriers in the 65+ thousand ton class that can embark 40+ fighters able to take off with full payloads are an incredibly powerful asset to have on hand

china started planning their CBGs when they were a 3TN economy 15 years ago. Today india can’t even decide what fighters will go on their current carriers let alone planning for the future.

myopia feels like it will be the reason india can’t go toe to toe with China I feel


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Sep 13, 2010
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+ all those saying F18 is fine because folding wing width of 9.93m<10m lift width are in for a shock

Maybe not the time to point out that the IN has utterly screwed itself by opting for the smallest lifts and hanger entry seen on any carrier in service today (Russians don’t count). Either sheer incompetence or the Russians that designed the aviation complex were very ‘convincing’ to the navy officers



New Member
Aug 29, 2020
+ all those saying F18 is fine because folding wing width of 9.93m<10m lift width are in for a shock

Maybe not the time to point out that the IN has utterly screwed itself by opting for the smallest lifts and hanger entry seen on any carrier in service today (Russians don’t count). Either sheer incompetence or the Russians that designed the aviation complex were very ‘convincing’ to the navy officers

Square peg in round hole type of problems always come up and that's where innovative solutions are needed.


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Nov 1, 2016
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A full sized CATOBAR carrier is unavoidable if you want to be a serious naval power. More than the construction of the ship though, I'm concerned about the aircraft procurement. We've only managed to get 36 new fighters for the Air Force itself in the past 10 years. The cost snd procurement time for 57 modern western fighters for the navy will not be pretty. And this is when most countries with carriers are already moving towards 5th gen jets.

Secondly, I'm not seeing any plans for rapid expansion of the destroyer and submarine fleets, without which you cannot have enough ships for 3 carrier battle groups, plus enough ships for other duties. Even if 1 carrier is always in maintenance, the present number of destroyers including planned Vishakapatnam is not enough. And then there are the replenishment ships like tankers, which we will also need to procure more of. We will enter a Royal Navy situation where they bought 2 carriers but don't have enough ships for 2 CBG's, nor enough planes for the 2 carriers.

There are many elements in the navy which need to come together before a 3rd carrier makes sense, and I'm not seeing these other elements going in a satisfactory direction or speed.
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New Member
Aug 19, 2009
I’m glad opposition aren’t all ret@rds and are actually starting to fork coherent arguments and advocating for MORE hardpower. Indian psyche has been too infected by pacifism, because it’s easy and cheap.

Oh fucking please. Owaisi is nothing but a snake. He’s no patriot. He takes orders from his paymasters in Pakistan.

