Your love for JJ Singh is evident in this forum .
I don't like him and I know him since we were from the same Squadron in the NDA.
He did nothing excepting changed the uniform to some extent with star on the gorget patches and stars on the car flags and wearing of combat dress on Friday to look
jangi. What a fantastic way to be a 'professional' army. Wear combat uniform to office. Of course, it does save
dhobi charges since one also uses it as sleeping suits in the operational areas and thus can look scruffy and untidy! Seen soldiers on the railway platforms sleeping in it because they don't have any other place to sleep?
With him the rot started.
It does not make us proud (those who had the honour and privilege to wear the uniform) to see a 'scam per day' profile being unearthed daily.
What exactly did he do to get the Governorship immediately after demitting office?
How come better men were not made Governors?