Indian president backs Syria's claim on Golan


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2009
Thats what I am asking. Why poke an eye for an eye. Couldn't we have lodged a formal protest? After all Israel needs friends than India.
You've seen what 'formal protests' have done for us over the years. Nothing incentivizes co-operation better than a little "brush with the rough" :emot154:


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
Thats what I am asking. Why poke an eye for an eye. Couldn't we have lodged a formal protest? After all Israel needs friends than India.
There was a formal protest after Israel talked of the violence and HR abuses in Kashmir. We did protest, but cutting away from just the usual protests, this step too was taken, so in the future, Countries will know, along with the Protest, India will do such stuff, when people walk over its Sovreignity!


Oct 8, 2009
Actually this is not a new position. This is considered as occupied territory by the UN as well. And even Israelis have at different times talked about withdrawing from Golan heights as long as Syria can guarantee security of that border. Israel captured this territory in 1967 and by 1974 there was talks of a disengagement plan where Israel would handover the heights to Syria. Again in 1999 Netanyahu had been involved in similar talks. And again in 2006 before Israel invaded lebanon again.

So this just like saying India believes in the two state solution. Nothing that Israel should or would consider offensive when the Israeli govt. has itself at different point in time said the same in a different way. The Israeli ministers have explicitly even stated that they want to retain control as long as Syria can guarantee security but also establish diplomatic ties and have friendly relations with Israel.

What I would speculate is that behind closed doors, India would possibly be an interlocutor between Syria and Israel. Turkey was performing this role intially but after the 2006 invasion of lebanon and the cast lead operation in Gaza, Turkey stopped all diplomatic initiatives with Israel on the peace process.
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Oct 16, 2010
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Now i am starting to get this. This is nothing but the exercise to get the 2/3rd majority in the UN General Assembly required for Permanent Membership of the Security Council when it actually comes up. India is trying to get as my ME countries on their side as possible. This is my take on this development now....
Yes it could be a reason.


Feb 19, 2009
India has to play to its interests and nothing more which is precisely what the Indians are doing.

In the larger context as india grows, india needs more and more countries which are supportive of it and its ideals as international diplomacy is not worked out in isolation. India with an occasional statement is playing for the gallery and nothing more.

Imagine this is a region and more specifically the arab league with which our trade by 2016 is expected to the around 240b usd, which means huge number of jobs being created in india, india to a great extent sourcing its energy needs from this region, india to a large extent contributing to the number of expats to this region which help enhance the over all skill set along with remittance that adds to our coffers, this region in times to come could be a huge source of fdi as they pursue their realignment policy with india and china, this is the region and more specifically the gcc which is expected to be the next growth of engine in asia a pie of which we certainly need to have so that we have spin offs in india and to our corporate.

Its not a zero sum game out there. We deal with Israel, iran and ksa all at the same and there is no reason why we cant and should not club in the complete gcc and some day the entire arab world. The more countries we have supportive of our ideals the bigger and a more influential say we will have in times to come, and so I think the newly envisioned look west policy is treading the same line but what I want to see india more aggressively would be the CAR and if that means taking a more expensive route of Russia, so be it, but we need to very aggressively pursue that region as well.
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Technically the Golan Height belong to Syria.

Yet, it is strategically important for Israel to hold it. Golan Heights contribute significantly to the water resources of the region, providing about 15% of Israel's water supply. The region is also the source of a large proportion of Israel's agricultural production.

The significance of the Golan Heights to the security and welfare of Israel is outlined below:

1. The topography of the Golan serves as a natural blockade against any military attack from Syria. The Golan is essentially one high-altitude plateau that overlooks southern Syria and serves as an excellent vantage point for Israel to keep track of Syrian military movements.

2. Advances in ballistic technology in recent years have increased the importance of keeping control of this strategic high ground and maintaining geographic depth.

3. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, control of the eastern mountain ridge of the Golan helped 177 Israeli tanks to repel 1,400 Syrian tanks. [5]

4. The Sea of Galilee borders the southwestern Golan and provides one-third of Israel's fresh water supply. In 1964, the Syrians attempted to impair Israeli access to fresh water through a damming project, which the Israel Defense Forces ultimately thwarted.

5. Israel has utilized the fertility of the Golan landscape to enrich and expand Israel's agricultural sector.

4. About 40 percent of Israeli beef, 30 percent of Israeli fruit and 38 percent of Israeli wine exports come from the Golan.

In the 1970s, Israeli politician Yigal Allon proposed as part of the Allon Plan that a Druze state be established in Syria's Quneitra Governorate, including the Israeli-held Golan Heights. Allon died in 1980 and his plan never materialised.



Senior Member
Apr 4, 2010
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the president must keep its mouth shut given the kind of relationship we have with israel.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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the president must keep its mouth shut given the kind of relationship we have with israel.
I dont think you have bothered to read what has been posted before in this thread. Please do.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
This is utter foolishness on India's part because when it comes to strategic allies India can bank on only two of them and Israel is one of it. Why come out with such foolish statements while our own problems are not solved and that too speaking against one of our closest friends. Don't get it....!
I don't really know how close "allies" we really are. We need something from them, their technology and their anti-terror knowledge, and they need our money. You forget, Israelis will be just as happy selling their high-end products to China as they will to India. It is the money which talks, not an alliance.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
I don't really know how close "allies" we really are. We need something from them, their technology and their anti-terror knowledge, and they need our money. You forget, Israelis will be just as happy selling their high-end products to China as they will to India. It is the money which talks, not an alliance.
EXACTLY! If It wasnt for Uncle Sam, Chinese Airforce would have inducted at least 8 Phalcon AWACS, and used the tech to make their own version! Luckily for us, Uncle Sam told Israel to back off, and here we Have China without a fully operational AWACS As good as the Phalcon. God Speed


Feb 19, 2009
I dont think you have bothered to read what has been posted before in this thread. Please do.
i have not the slightest of the clues why a section of us have to get so touchy about israel, do people even realize what a parasite of a nation israel is and how they can in covert work against the closest of their allies.

I don't really know how close "allies" we really are. We need something from them, their technology and their anti-terror knowledge, and they need our money. You forget, Israelis will be just as happy selling their high-end products to China as they will to India. It is the money which talks, not an alliance.
thats what its all about. it is the US which has made sure all that technology be not given to the chinese, the day the americans say they can, israel will do exact that at a snap of a finger, but then hey, what the hell, india and israel are supposed to be some strategic allies whose love tale was scripted in the heaven!

rather than being thankful to the americans because of whom this relationship with israel has worked, we like to bash the same americans.

fact of the matter its nothing more than just another relationship we have with the rest though our relations with them are a priority relationship much like the way we have with burma and with all that money, resources and influence to be had from the gcc and arab world india would be foolish to antagonize and side step them.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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off-topic but recent acts buy china i donot think isreal-china relationship will be any on lines if israel-usa. israel would think twice on supplying any militrary hardware to china in future (as when china becomes more powerful then usa)
Feb 16, 2009
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If Israel gets to close to China and USA cuts them off it maybe the end of Israel.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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The president was in syria.

What do we expect her to say

In inter national matters it doesnt matter what you say WHat you DO AND WHAT CAN you do that matters.

The palestine and Middle east conflicts are such that when US and europe cant do a thing why shud our statement bother Israel

We do have to address the sensitivities of our Muslim population.

There fore NO HIGH level visits between India and Israel other than defence ministers have happened in UPA regime
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Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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This stupid government will ruin our established ties with Israel for no reason. The guy who brought up Kashmir issue was a retired government official of Israel who spends his waste life writing dumb articles. While on the other hand our clown of a president who's not even retired has issued a statement that has gone against Israel. with 2-3 of critical systems of Israel-India JVs in the pipeline, the stupid dadi ma should have kept her mouth shut.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The president was in syria.

What do we expect her to say
I agree that foreign policy is mutual benefit, but here Dadima could shut her mouth or say something like "It is bilateral matter between Arabs and Israel and hence they must solve it peacefully". Why pander to false votebank and try to score cheap brownie points? Then with what right did we curse Iran off for meddling in our matters when our incumbent president has issued such an irresponsible statement intentionally?

We do have to address the sensitivities of our Muslim population.
What sensitivities are you talking about? Indian Muslims are Indianand hence have nothing to do with Palestine and Israeli issue Which is an Arab-Jew issue. I don't understand this logic of yours seriously. Why is left and Muslim community so upbeat about protesting against Israel? Officially their nation has a friendly stance towards Israel and hence they should keep in their view of Nation and treat a friend as a friend. Religion is individual basis and those who shout against such outside matters simply are in an identity crisis situation, which politicians misuse in our country.

Such protests should be banned since they don't have any base or reason to begin with. Little do these Arab-wannabe protestors from Left/Muslim parties realize that it was Israel that saved us BIGTIME in Kargil war when our inept government structure had not armed our troops with enough shells and spy planes and had supplied us stuff within 24 hours when Russia couldn't.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
The president was in syria.

What do we expect her to say
I presume she could have spoken about the long and historical ties of the two people and all that which the visiting dignitaries say, which in sum and substance is merely diplomatic hot air. :)

Syria flourished and became not only an entrepot zone of central importance in the east/west trade in luxuries (from China, India and Trans-Oxiana). And the President did a plug for India Syria economic enhancement.

India, Syria committed to economic reforms: Patil


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
This stupid government will ruin our established ties with Israel for no reason. The guy who brought up Kashmir issue was a retired government official of Israel who spends his waste life writing dumb articles. While on the other hand our clown of a president who's not even retired has issued a statement that has gone against Israel. with 2-3 of critical systems of Israel-India JVs in the pipeline, the stupid dadi ma should have kept her mouth shut.
Tshering, AFAIK, the Israelis brought out the Kashmir issue and the human rights violations that happen in Kashmir during a talk by their UN representative. They were telling the world doesnt tell India anything, yet lecture Israel. India protested, and Israel said something similar to sorry, but the DAMAGE was done. Its not just the retired official, its bigger than that. Do correct me if I am wrong.
Feb 16, 2009
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Tshering, AFAIK, the Israelis brought out the Kashmir issue and the human rights violations that happen in Kashmir during a talk by their UN representative. They were telling the world doesnt tell India anything, yet lecture Israel. India protested, and Israel said something similar to sorry, but the DAMAGE was done. Its not just the retired official, its bigger than that. Do correct me if I am wrong.
if it was said in the UN the it is much bigger than one individual saying it, Israel more or less started this provocation, they seem to be losing all friends and allies-USA,Turkey,India etc.....

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