Indian Military Strategic Rocket Force Updates and Discussions


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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What Is A Rocket Force, Which Gen Rawat Says India Needs To Fight Battles Of The Future

hief of Defence Staff Gen. Bipin Rawat has said that India is “looking at creating a rocket force" as part of efforts to step up on enhancing its military capabilities. Alluding to hostile moves by India’s northern neighbour, he said “whether it happens in the form of direct aggression or through use of technology, we have to be prepared". While the CDS did not go into any details vis-a-vis the proposed rocket force, here’s why the creation of one assumes importance.

Think war, or military action, and the image that comes to mind is of soldiers, tanks and fighter planes engaging in combat with enemy assets and entering into hard-fought battles marked by a high toll in lives and destruction of military capabilites. But this approach to war is becoming obsolete. Future wars are likely to be focussed on swiftly and decisively dealing a crippling blow to the enemy’s strategic and essential infrastructure without committing legions of troops on the ground. And the way to do it will be through missiles.

Missiles, long-range, lethal, have long been valued more for the deterrence factor they present and not so much for their utility in intimidating the enemy.

“The future battlefield is likely to be largely contactless where unmanned warfare, stand-off weapons and cyber and clandestine operations will take precedence over tank vs tank or hand-to-hand combat," says a paper by Brigadier Bimal Monga in the CLAWS Journal.

To that extent, Monga points out, “all major countries are creating assets and organisations to consolidate their

space assets, galvanise capabilities in cyber domain, provide a new edge to their special forces and fine-tune their hybrid warfare options". Additionally, he says that “an equally important focus has been on boosting missile inventories and redefining its employment philosophy".

When it comes to missiles and how they are to be used in wars of the future, Monga says it is China that “stole a march over the US and Russia, by building her capacities and capabilities in rocketry — quietly, efficiently and surreptitiously". It is the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) that major powers have their focus on as they look to get their missile game in place.

In a 2021 paper published by the Vivekanda International Foundation, Maj Gen (retd) PK Mallick writes that it was in 2015 that the PLA Second Artillery Force, which he said was “China’s largest nuclear weapons stakeholder", was renamed the Rocket Force and “elevated from a military branch to military service", becoming the fourth service of the Chinese military alongside the three conventional ones of army, air force and navy.

The PLARF is in charge of managing and operating both land-based conventional and nuclear missiles in China’s arsenal. Maj Gen (retd) Mallick quotes Chinese President Xi Jinping as having said that PLARF will be “a strategic pillar for our country’s great power status, and an important cornerstone in protecting our national security".

Brig. Monga says that PLARF has an inventory of about 2,500 ballistic missiles, which are different from cruise missiles in that they can travel larger distances and carry bigger payloads. The PLARF is tasked with conducting “two major types of warfighting campaigns: the nuclear counter-attack campaign and the conventional missile strike campaign — to ensure strategic deterrence and conduct precision strikes", he adds.

He cites US Department of Defence data to note that PLARF has “DF-16 missiles with a range of about 800-1,000 km, DF-21 MRBMs, and the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile, in conventional role… about 1,200 short-range ballistic missiles and a number of CJ-10 ground-launched cruise

missiles with a range of about 1,500 km".

Where PLARF proves to be a game-changer, Brig. Monga says, is in that “while a number of countries maintained strategic assets as a means of deterrence or coercion, China introduced a new dimension to the matrix by deploying conventional missiles alongside the nuclear". The approach is based on the idea “that it would fight future wars, where the line dividing nuclear and non-nuclear operations would be blurred", he adds.

Indian capital New Delhi is only 400 km away from Tibet; and from Indian borders to Beijing the distance is around 4,000 km. PLA also holds credible missile defence capabilities, and it is perfectly capable of intercepting Agni V striking important targets in China. China’s short range tactical missiles can also constitute a sizeable threat to India," Monga quotes Chinese strategic analysts as saying.

The PLARF allows China to move its missiles out of a strictly deterrent role and into a position where they can be used to obtain tactical advantage in conflict situations. Maj Gen (retd) Mallick says that the implication of the Chinese president asking PLARF to be ready to conduct “comprehensive deterrence and warfighting", could be that “the force, including its nuclear component, will not be limited to strict deterrence functions and could instead take on a more active posture".

Elaborating on what such a role could mean, Brig. Monga says that more than half of the force, is “deployed to carry conventional loads to ‘conduct medium and long range precision strikes’ jointly with air power against ‘key strategic and operational targets,’ such as command and control facilities, communications and transportation nodes, air and missile defences, and airbases". These are targets that air or drone strikes, and land-based systems are traditionally geared to attack.

Presenting a scenario involving the deployment of PLARF firepower, Brig. Monga says China has capabilities to launch “an offensive, preceded by an intense missile campaign, targeting and crippling vital military and civil

infrastructure, thereby causing widespread destruction, loss of morale and shaping of public opinion against the government".

What that would trigger, he says, is “a whole of nation (and armed forces) response right at the outset, which however, may still be ineffectual, and come with an attendant risk of escalating the situation".

“Now analyse the same scenario, if we had own credible conventional missile inventory? Would the Chinese still target us with missiles, fully aware that it may invite a

similar and swift riposte?" he asks.



New Member
May 28, 2016
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I think a Rocket Force gives other services a breather. All tri-service will now focus on there joint effectiveness, without getting bogged down to strategize which missile battery to use to counter enemy threats and which to use for offensive operations.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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I think a Rocket Force gives other services a breather. All tri-service will now focus on there joint effectiveness, without getting bogged down to strategize which missile battery to use to counter enemy threats and which to use for offensive operations.
No, on the contrast, the Rocket Force will be shifted from strategic level to tactic level: all 4 forces are working together to re-shape the battlefield.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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New Member
Aug 19, 2009
India moving towards creating Rocket Force, defence services to acquire around 250 more 'Pralay' ballistic missiles
Read more At:
250 is nothing in the context of China. For an effective force, we need at least 3k Pralay missiles minimum. I would plan on having 8k missiles.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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250 is nothing in the context of China. For an effective force, we need at least 3k Pralay missiles minimum. I would plan on having 8k missiles.
Will they publically announce the actual numbers.

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
250 is nothing in the context of China. For an effective force, we need at least 3k Pralay missiles minimum. I would plan on having 8k missiles.
No one knows if these are the actual numbers that are going to be ordered or not.
Also, Pralay isn't the only missile that is going to be part of the Rocket Force, you also have missiles like Brahmos, ITCM, etc.
Maintaining and replacing 3000-8000 missiles is a nightmare, even the PLARF does not have more than 3000 missiles in total across all its Dongfeng series.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
No one knows if these are the actual numbers that are going to be ordered or not.
Also, Pralay isn't the only missile that is going to be part of the Rocket Force, you also have missiles like Brahmos, ITCM, etc.
Maintaining and replacing 3000-8000 missiles is a nightmare, even the PLARF does not have more than 3000 missiles in total across all its Dongfeng series.
True but I’m talking about deference value and building up the logistic chain to support maintenance of these missiles as well as replenishment. You don’t have to assemble all the rockets in the first place just mass produce the critical components so you can quickly assemble them as needed. To have that you need to have a large order and achieve economy of scale to avoid costly imports.

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
New Member
Jan 7, 2023
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cruise missile is very important for us:-
1:- we should upgrade all our older brahmos (300 km range) to 450 km nd 600 km range version.
2:- MBRL nd ballistic missiles should cover 40 km to 500 km range. or we can produce some brahmos ng for 300 km range.
3:- we r working or testing brahmos 800 km nd may be 1500 km version also.
4:- we r also working for subsonic low cost 1000-1500 km range cruise missile.
5:- we will make either vishnu hypersonic missile on basis of HSTDV or brahmos 2 on basis of zircon missile. which range will be near 1000 km.
6:- beside all this, we should either make a JV with russia or buy russian kaliber missile. which different versions hv 2500 km nd also 4500 km version (in development). it will give us capability to strike deep inside most chinese cities. our shaurya quasi ballistic missile hv maximum 1700 km range. so for chinese we should hv 500-1000 numbers of sub sonic cruise missile with 2500-4000 km range. it also saturated chinese missile defence systems. nd give air force to strike important chinese air bases nd militry headquarters near indian border. chinese large dams should be always on our target.

