Indian Human Spaceflight Program (HSP)

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Why didnt france try..they must have technology.
All 6 major space powers - US, France, Russia, China, India and Japan hold all technological building blocks; from human spaceflight to manned moon landing. Their economic situation and priorities make them different. EU and Japan have outsourced human spaceflight to US (though they supply most equipment) and focus on unmanned deep space missions. Japan struggles with budget.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
All 6 major space powers - US, France, Russia, China, India and Japan hold all technological building blocks; from human spaceflight to manned moon landing. Their economic situation and priorities make them different. EU and Japan have outsourced human spaceflight to US (though they supply most equipment) and focus on unmanned deep space missions. Japan struggles with budget.
Certainly not equal level, US and Russia different level in terms of experience and what not. Europe probably same level as China with potential. India and Japan next. If anyone is failing on budget related then its Russia (more than India and considering what they went through) and possibly India only as they work with peanut sized compared to others. Japan probably does not give priority till China got to dominating.

As for the jump suits, Russian's have the best from that pic, Indian's is comical and Chinese is horrible. Space suits, ours look equally good.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Certainly not equal level
With full launch capabilities, deploying cryogenic engines and having probes beyond Earth's orbit, all the 6 major space powers are essentially same and capable if they wish to independently conduct any kind of space mission.

Their current situation is as told before, is due to their priorities and not certainly "capabilities".
US and Russia different level in terms of experience and what not.
US and USSR funded space programs at a different level during cold war.

They both anyways are nowhere near what they used to be. People have retired and lot of manufacturing has discontinued. Both the countries, especially Russia due to lack of budget has declined largely. Russia actually lags behind or at least in neck with other 4 space powers too if inherited human spaceflight experience is left out.

If space powers today start spending 4% of tbeir GDP in space like cold war superpowers did, things will again go different.
Europe probably same level as China with potential. India and Japan next. If anyone is failing on budget related then its Russia (more than India and considering what they went through) and possibly India only as they work with peanut sized compared to others. Japan probably does not give priority till China got to dominating.
PR level of space agencies (I am assuming since you ranked them as per that) and history may not match altogether.

Japan by far has been among leading spacefaring countries before China & India were even in picture. It was first country to go in deep space after US & Soviet, send interplanetary robotic missions, advanced space telescopes and even landed on asteroids. They actually were willing to move with space shuttles and manned stations until their economy started squeezing. Even till 2017 when China finally had Long March 5B, Japan had largest rockets in Asia. It's HTV cargo module, other critical parts to ISS and so forth, Japan by far is most experienced one in Asia.

ESA started off as a commercial space launcher, which later begun unmanned interplanetary missions and did not move beyond that. China's space program is a result of decades long institutional shifts and attempts since 60s and India's one is since success in late 80s.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
With full launch capabilities, deploying cryogenic engines and having probes beyond Earth's orbit, all the 6 major space powers are essentially same and capable if they wish to independently conduct any kind of space mission.

Their current situation is as told before, is due to their priorities and not certainly "capabilities".

US and USSR funded space programs at a different level during cold war.

They both anyways are nowhere near what they used to be. People have retired and lot of manufacturing has discontinued. Both the countries, especially Russia due to lack of budget has declined largely. Russia actually lags behind or at least in neck with other 4 space powers too if inherited human spaceflight experience is left out.

If space powers today start spending 4% of tbeir GDP in space like cold war superpowers did, things will again go different.

PR level of space agencies (I am assuming since you ranked them as per that) and history may not match altogether.

Japan by far has been among leading spacefaring countries before China & India were even in picture. It was first country to go in deep space after US & Soviet, send interplanetary robotic missions, advanced space telescopes and even landed on asteroids. They actually were willing to move with space shuttles and manned stations until their economy started squeezing. Even till 2017 when China finally had Long March 5B, Japan had largest rockets in Asia. It's HTV cargo module, other critical parts to ISS and so forth, Japan by far is most experienced one in Asia.

ESA started off as a commercial space launcher, which later begun unmanned interplanetary missions and did not move beyond that. China's space program is a result of decades long institutional shifts and attempts since 60s and India's one is since success in late 80s.
Funding is not necessarily guaranteed to generate pioneers. I think this is a misconception, its having a vision and dedication. Russia is still equal match in my opinion even after what their country went through, they have fundamental disciplines still functioning across the spectrum. Until some other country claims some of the very firsts, they are just catching up besides USA and Russia;s achievements. Japan is ok but they are not sovereign in full spirit. THey had a chance to surpass USA back in 80s but they gave in and now they are being replaced in most of the things they used to rule from auto's to robotics to semi's and what not. ISRO is competent the most out of many PSU or research orgs. I will bet on China and then India than Japan in pursuing independent programs.

