Indian Economy: News and Discussion


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2023
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just to close this point on copying china style top down policies to get china styles results. even if we are to assume, India will have to go thru the same political process of commies doing a china in India starting with cultural revolution to get to where they are now, it will not work, it would be a mess.

chinese communists are chinese nationalists, ironically Indian communists are also chinese nationalists, and Indian marxists are mix of american + british nationalists with che guevara posters on their walls, they know more about murican and european talking points than Indian useful talking points.
Give me absolute powers and make me the one and only head of the state where no one will be above me for next 30 yrs. I'll make India 10x time better than China and undefeatable for next 4 centuries atleast. If i fail i'll take sanyas.


Senior Member
Jun 16, 2020

No idea how accurate this is or if it is data fudging, but this is absolutely the single greatest achievement by a particular Indian state. TN is a large state with almost 80 million people. An IMR of 8.2 deaths per 1000 births is very close to first world levels. Different countries measure IMR slightly differently but generally - Japan and western europe is at 2-4, China and USA at 5-7. SEA countries around 10-20, India has fallen <30 as of SRS 2020.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Give me absolute powers and make me the one and only head of the state where no one will be above me for next 30 yrs. I'll make India 10x time better than China and undefeatable for next 4 centuries atleast. If i fail i'll take sanyas.
that’s 10 years more than what Netaji asked for in his Singapore speech, kyun bhai why the concession?


Senior Member
Jun 16, 2020
All that complaining aside, it is horrifying to read how extreme poverty was in the 1970s. It is a miracle India has remained a country. Indira gandhi permanently damaged India's economy. During this period of the 60s to 80s, most asian countries saw rapid economic growth

Nobody knows how many Indians have starved to death in this fourth famine year. In the countryside, especially, members of Parliament have testified to “horrible” famine conditions. One local Congress party official who toured 40 villages in Madhya Pradesh found that nine in every 10 families did not have a grain of wheat or rice and were living on wild fruit. Others have told of people driven by hunger to suicide, or eating grass and roots. In the Cooch Behar region of West Bengal, there are reports of people eating their own dead children. The Government has released no figures on deaths by starvation; nor, if it did, would they be likely to include those too undernourished to resist the mildest illness. “When a weak old man died after waiting in a queue for hours under a hot sun to get his food ration, the police said he died of sunstroke,” says the Bombay editor of The Times of India, Ajit Bhattachargea. “Is that an accurate statistic?”



Regular Member
Nov 11, 2023
All that complaining aside, it is horrifying to read how extreme poverty was in the 1970s. It is a miracle India has remained a country. Indira gandhi permanently damaged India's economy. During this period of the 60s to 80s, most asian countries saw rapid economic growth

Nobody knows how many Indians have starved to death in this fourth famine year. In the countryside, especially, members of Parliament have testified to “horrible” famine conditions. One local Congress party official who toured 40 villages in Madhya Pradesh found that nine in every 10 families did not have a grain of wheat or rice and were living on wild fruit. Others have told of people driven by hunger to suicide, or eating grass and roots. In the Cooch Behar region of West Bengal, there are reports of people eating their own dead children. The Government has released no figures on deaths by starvation; nor, if it did, would they be likely to include those too undernourished to resist the mildest illness. “When a weak old man died after waiting in a queue for hours under a hot sun to get his food ration, the police said he died of sunstroke,” says the Bombay editor of The Times of India, Ajit Bhattachargea. “Is that an accurate statistic?”

Better to have Hindutva Alt-Right Gobermint than starved to death and unlimited power cuts.

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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Give me absolute powers and make me the one and only head of the state where no one will be above me for next 30 yrs. I'll make India 10x time better than China and undefeatable for next 4 centuries atleast. If i fail i'll take sanyas.
ayelaaaa....nayak part 2. 😝😂



Regular Member
Nov 11, 2023
We also have this reservation thing going on preventing even the premier agencies and institutions running at their maximum capability. Especially in defense industries where we need best of the best. One solution can be gradually privatizing the Indian MIC. First production of arms then gradually propping up even the r&d itself. Same thing need to be done regarding higher institutions but cleverly. Andolanajeevis will start burning the country if we directly pass the bill prohibiting reservations. Instead of that we need to bring a provision like establishment of Public-Private-Government owned higher institutions where Government doesn't own it completely but own just enough so that there is some control over them. Those Private and public ownership is just jhumla to make it seem not owned by gobermint completely. So, whatever new IITs or NITs or AIIMs or IISc or IIMs have to be established. Gobermint need to rebrand them in new name and instruct few of capitalists to invest in them. Andonalanajeevis can't protest anything regarding reservation since they are only partly owned by gobermint.Gradually shift the best of the personnel into newly established ones. The final nail in the coffin is hunger games among the old ones and new ones. Establish a competition in regarding certain capabilities like ranking or research or so and the old ones will definitely be beaten black and blue. Now use that as an excuse to dumb them and reduce the capacity and also funding. We need to run the top institutes like a corporation at maximum efficiency if we want scientific and engineering progress in our country.
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Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Well we need to protect our fishing grounds from overfishing. Our fish stocks are not infinite!!! They need time recover and to be replenished to maintain a fishing industry so I do not think that boats that can catch more fish are the answer. We need to beef up our Coast Guard to protect our fishing grounds from Chinese and Japanese fishing fleets.
Calling out Chinese predatory overfishing


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Why India Isn’t the New China
The country’s population surpassed China’s last year. But India’s path forward is likely to look very different from its neighbor’s.

An air conditioner factory in Greater Noida, India, last year.

There are plenty of reasons for optimism. The country’s population surpassed China’s last year. More than half of Indians are under 25. And at current growth rates, it could become the world’s third-largest economy in less than a decade, having recently overtaken the U.K., its old colonial ruler, for the no. 5 spot. India’s equity market has now seen eight straight years of gains. Worsening trade relations between the West and China only helps its case.

But India’s path forward is likely to look very different—and more challenging—than China’s.

While its labor resources are, in theory, plentiful, a host of barriers still make it difficult to connect workers with employers. That makes it hard for households and companies alike to build up the savings needed for the kind of investment booms that transformed East Asian tigers like Taiwan and South Korea and lifted them out of poverty. Still-high barriers to trade are another problem, especially if India wants to become a gadget assembly hub like China. …..


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Why India Isn’t the New China
The country’s population surpassed China’s last year. But India’s path forward is likely to look very different from its neighbor’s.

An air conditioner factory in Greater Noida, India, last year.

There are plenty of reasons for optimism. The country’s population surpassed China’s last year. More than half of Indians are under 25. And at current growth rates, it could become the world’s third-largest economy in less than a decade, having recently overtaken the U.K., its old colonial ruler, for the no. 5 spot. India’s equity market has now seen eight straight years of gains. Worsening trade relations between the West and China only helps its case.

But India’s path forward is likely to look very different—and more challenging—than China’s.

While its labor resources are, in theory, plentiful, a host of barriers still make it difficult to connect workers with employers. That makes it hard for households and companies alike to build up the savings needed for the kind of investment booms that transformed East Asian tigers like Taiwan and South Korea and lifted them out of poverty. Still-high barriers to trade are another problem, especially if India wants to become a gadget assembly hub like China. …..
Its WSJ and Paid : Both are high barriers for most Indians on this forum to access what you want to point. Remove both so that Indian viewers can "invest" time in hearing your view point:)


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2023
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The new Google and UPI partnership:
- Broaden the use of UPI payments for travellers outside of India
- Establish UPI-like digital payment systems in other countries.
- Enable the cross-border money transfer by leveraging the UPI infrastructure.


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