Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Sep 15, 2014
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I think one of the places every single govt in India has failed (including this one) is the fact that we have always failed to build the narrative on Kashmir Nationally as well as Globally.

on the flip side Pakistan ahs done a great job on controlling the narratives of their operations - whether its the support of kashmir or the work of the "evil Indian army" or its brutal actions in SWAT/NFWP and Balouch where it is fighting "evil taliban and barbaric tribals."

What is the Narrative of Kashmir? Some points

- India is on the right side of the UN Accords - Its Pakistan thats in Violation
- The Valley and its troubles DO NOT constitute the whole of J&K. The Rest of J&K and a decent chunk of the Valley is actually pro india
- The stressing and highlighing the SOPs and ROEs of the Indian forces in Kashmir - They are the most restrictive of any COIN fighting unit in the history of COIN Warfare - this includes the british in NI.
- The Hearts and Minds and Humanitarian work done by various central agencies.
- The Documentation of Human Rights violations of Pakistan inside POK - Massive PR push towards bringing this to the attention to the population of India, Pakistan and the Valley

Today our narrative is adhoc - left to individual publications with no structure from the Central Govt.

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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Oct 11, 2017
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a porkistani being just that:bs:

Twitterati reminds Shahid Afridi of Balochistan, trolls him over Kashmir

Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi was trolled massively by Indians for raking up the 'Kashmir issue' on Monday. The player took to Twitter and posted, "Appalling and worrisome situation ongoing in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. Innocents being shot down by oppressive regime to clamp voice of self -determination and independence. Wonder where are the UN and other international bodies and why aren't they making efforts to stop this bloodshed?"

Slamming him, while some Twitterati reminded Afridi that Kashmir was an integral part of India, others reminded him of the situation in Balochistan.

Just a Correction : it's a "Pakistan Occupying Kashmir" .. KASHMIR WAS, IS AND WILL BE A INTEGRAL PART OF INDIA.

— Virat Kohli (@imVkohi) April 3, 2018

Even Pakistani's wanted to be in India, feel lucky to be Indian

— विकास देवासी (@VikasDewasi1) April 3, 2018

Being a respected man and cricketer you should not be too much indulged in political situation of other countries and focus on wellbeing of Pakistan!!!

— sunit shrivastava (@sunit_utd) April 3, 2018

Do you see Virat Kohli commenting on Forceful conversion of Hindus in Pakistan.. Abduction of Hindu Girls in Pakistan or Balochistan issue????

— sunit shrivastava (@sunit_utd) April 3, 2018

Man do you know in other countries like UK ,China, US, Russia if you pelt stone against their army they will kill you, contrary to this we use pellet first then if the situation goes berserk we use bullets

— Rahul Jamwal (@realjamwal) April 3, 2018

Afridi i respect you as a cricketer and you have a right to express your views. The situation you are talking about is due to terrorists trained, funded and infiltrated by your very own country. I hope u give a msg to your Army as Govt ur mere puppet. Also talk of Baloch massacre

— Sachin Pawar (@xyberocky3) April 3, 2018

Afridis comment is based on fake local newspapers?
Its for world to see who is epicenter of terrorism. Forgot Osama, Kasab? Pakistan must stop instigating, brain washing and training Kashmiri and Paki youths for terrorism. If you r serious you must ask ur rulers to stop it.

— Sachin Pawar (@xyberocky3) April 3, 2018

Hahaha You must be kidding man. You need to change the tv news channel that you follow. If not you need to rather study again from a diff. school coz all the info that ur shooting r baseless.They feed you all fake stuff.

— Sachin Pawar (@xyberocky3) April 3, 2018

Lala bhai Indian army is prepared to occupy POK, inshallah will do that very soon, till then pakistan may keep sending jihaadis , will keep sending them to 72 vergins ..

— Sumit kadel (@SumitkadeI) April 3, 2018

Stop terrorism..

— Sumit kadel (@SumitkadeI) April 3, 2018

Earlier also, Afridi had raised the 'issue of Kashmir' during the World Twenty20 match against Australia in Mohali in March 2016. He had thanked 'fans from Kashmir' for supporting Pakistan.

“I want to thank people who came and supported us from Pakistan and Kashmir," he had said in the post-match presentation in Kolkata after losing to Australia that had knocked his team out from the tournament.

The then BCCI secretary Anurag Thakur had called the Pakistani cricketer's remark “not politically correct”. "A player should stay away from all this," he had said.

Afridi retired from international cricket in 2017 and played 27 Tests, 398 ODIs and 98 T20Is for Pakistan. He led his country in the ICC World Cup 2011.


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Oct 11, 2017
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Hafiz Saeed wants Pakistan to declare war on India, avenge killing of 13 terrorists by Indian Army:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hafiz Saeed is the mastermind of the Mumbai terror attack. He runs Lahore-based terror JuD. The ground has been blacklisted by the US. Saeed also carries a bounty of USD 10 million, announced by the US.

A day after the Indian Army killed 13 terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief and Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed vowed to avenge the killings. In a video released after the Army’s operation, a jittery Saeed can be heard asking the Pakistani government to declare war on India. Saeed also lashed out at his country’s federal government for not heeding to the concerns of Kashmiri people.

He said that the government should effectively raise the issue of “atrocities against Kashmiris” by the Indian Army at all platforms. He said that the government should take note of the situation prevailing in the Valley.

Saeed noted that the world including the United Nations has turned a blind eye towards the youths of Kashmir. He said that he is not worried about the world’s silence on the cause but what has disappointed him is the Pakistan government’s inaction. “Leave all the works, it is not the right time for self-projection … Kashmiris are calling, they are calling Pakistan, they are looking towards Pakistan,” he said. Saeed also made an appeal to the people to support the two-day bandh call given by Hurriyat leaders in Kashmir.

The voice of #Kashmir.

Professor Hafiz Muhammad Saeed #Special message on
Indian #terrorism in #Kashmir. To the government Pakistan.#KashmirBleeds #HafizSaeed#Shopian#Srinagar #Kashmir#KashmirBleeds

— Burraq pak (@BurraqOfficial) April 2, 2018

The Army has been conducting operations in Kashmir under its ‘Operation Allout’ to eliminate terror groups from the Valley who are targeting innocent civilians and defence installations. In one of the worst round of clashes between armed officials and terrorists this year, security forces killed 13 militants in Shophian and Anantnag districts yesterday. While one terrorist was killed in Dialgam in Anantnag district, one was arrested there. Seven terrorists were killed in Dragad village of Shopian district and five in Kachdoora village in the same district. Three soldiers were also martyred in the gunbattle.

In 2018 alone, security forces have neutralised about 50 terrorists.

Hafiz Saeed, who carries a bounty of USD 10 million by the US, runs Lahore-based terror group JuD. He claims that the JuD is involved in humanitarian activities across Pakistan. The group has been blacklisted by the US.

However, if all goes well, Hafiz Saeed may contest the upcoming general elections in Pakistan. The Islamabad High Court had last month set aside the Election Commission’s decision to refuse recognition to JuD’s political front Milli Muslim League (MML) as a political party, paving the way for his shot at the possibility of him running for the post of Pakistan’s Prime Minister.


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Oct 11, 2017
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the nxt joker shedding croc tear

India cannot silence Kashmir: PM Abbasi

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said on Monday that India was incapable of silencing Kashmir.

Abbasi expressed deep sorrow over the recent loss of life in Kashmir and condemned Indian tyranny. He said India could not silence Kashmiris. The prime minister went on to add that the Kashmiri struggle for independence could not be called terrorism.

Abbasi also urged the United Nations secretary general to appoint a UN representative for Kashmir. He said the Indian government should permit a UN fact-finding mission inside Indian-Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

Foreign Affairs Minister Khawaja Asif took to social media and tweeted on Kashmir ‘doused in blood, sons being martyred, Kashmiris left counting bodies and the young carrying coffins.’

20martyred in South Kashmir Shopian,Islamabad districts of occupied Kashmir bloodbath today, Indian occupation forces martyred 20 Kashmiris,300 injured and destroyed over 5 houses and still counting..worst day of state terrorism in Kashmir valley

— Khawaja M. Asif (@KhawajaMAsif) April 1, 2018

Indian state-sponsored terrorism is on the verge of extirpating Kashmiri young, Asif said. He said killings in Kashmir were a blot on the conscience of the international community. He said Pakistan stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Kashmir in this hour of trial.


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Oct 11, 2017
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Army man killed in cross border firing along LoC in Poonch:mad2:

An Army man was Tuesday killed, while four others including a lieutenant were injured in cross-border shelling along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district of Jammu region, officials said.

“The cross-border shelling by Pakistan troops started in Krishna Ghati sector this morning and continued for over two hours, resulting in injuries to five soldiers including an officer," an Army officer said.

One of the injured soldiers later succumbed to injuries at the military hospital.

A police official said a lieutenant and two junior commissioned officers were among the injured and they were evacuated to command hospital in Udhampur district for specialized treatment.

Earlier, defence spokesman Lt Col N N Joshi said that Pakistan Army initiated unprovoked and indiscriminate firing from 0700 hours using small arms, automatics and mortars.

"Indian Army has retaliated strongly, effectively and proportionately to the unprovoked ceasefire violation, he said.

With the latest killing, the death toll in the cross-border shelling along the LoC this year has gone up to 27.

The dead included 13 forces and five members of a family who lost their lives when a shell hit their house in Balakote sector of Poonch district on March 18.

India and Pakistan accuse each other of violating the ceasefire along the LoC and IB.

(With inputs from PTI)


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Oct 11, 2017
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Jawan killed, lieutenant among 4 injured in Pakistan shelling in J&K’s Krishna Ghati sector

The Pakistani troops again violated ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district on Tuesday. The Pakistan Army targeted Indian Army forward posts with mortar shells. The misadventure by the Pakistani side was given a strong response by the Indian security forces.

Unfortunately, an Army jawan was martyred while four others including a lieutenant were injured in the Pakistan firing.

Commenting on the latest ceasefire violation incident, an Army officer said, "Pakistan Army initiated unprovoked and indiscriminate firing from 0700 hours along the Line of Control (LoC) in Krishna Ghati sector using small arms, automatics and mortars". The Indian Army retaliated strongly, effectively and proportionately to the unprovoked ceasefire violation, he said.

This is third consecutive ceasefire violation in as many days by the Pakistan Army.

On March 18, five members of a family were killed and two others injured when a mortar shell fired from across the LoC hit a residential house in Balakote sector of Poonch district.

There has been a spurt in ceasefire violations along the LoC and the International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir this year, resulting in the death of 26 people including 12 security personnel.


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Oct 11, 2017
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May he attain moksha. just 20 yrs old:crying:

An Indian Army soldier, Mustapure Shubham Suryakant, died after he was grievously injured in the shelling by Pakistan troops along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Jammu’s Krishna Ghati (KG) sector on Tuesday. Mustapure was taken to the military hospital where he succumbed to his injuries, said a spokesperson of the Army. Sepoy Mustapure Shubham Suryakant, aged 20 years, belonged to Village Konerwadi, Chatori Tehsil, district Parbhani, Maharashtra.



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Oct 11, 2017
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respect and luv for fallen soldier....babudom style:rage:

Defence Accounts Dept Tells Indian Army Jawan's Mother To Show His Body To Get Pensionary Benefits
Rifleman Rinku Ram of Jammu and Kashmir Rifles, slipped and fell into raging waters of a river while patrolling in a terrain on Line of Actual Control with China

In November 2009, rifleman Rinku Ram of Jammu and Kashmir Rifles, slipped and fell into raging waters of a river while patrolling in a terrain on Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China. The area is such that it’s almost impossible to retrieve bodies. The body of Ram too couldn’t be recovered.

Nine years on, his parents are still running pillars to posts to get their son’s pensionary benefits released. The Indian Express reported that the mother of the dead soldier from Himachal Pradesh has approached the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) after the defence accounts department, under the government of India, has told her that the pensionary benefits would not be released till his body was found.

The order came despite the fact that the soldier was duly declared a “battle casualty” by the military and executive authorities, since as per rules, deaths due to drowning, avalanches, floods etc in operational areas are treated as battle casualties. The army also issued a death certificate.

But interestingly, the accounts office said since he was merely “missing” and not “dead” and that pension will not be granted, added the newspaper.

Ram's parents had been approaching authorities for ex-gratia benefits and pension since 2009.

Kamla Devi filed the petition in the Chandigarh Bench of the AFT that comprised Justice MS Chauhan and Lt Gen Munish Sibal, who have issued a notice of motion.

The counsel handling the case said that the demands of the accounts officers were unacceptable. "It is as if they would prefer that the family first jump into the river that flows into China and retrieve the body as proof to get the dues," The Times of India quoted the counsel as saying.

“There are numerous cases that are rejected by Defence Accounts Department due to a hyper-technical and negative interpretation of beneficial rules even after being sanctioned by executive authorities and being covered by judicial dicta,” a lawyer who is familiar with such matters told The Indian Express.

Last year, the Centre informed Rajya Sabha that between 2014 and 2016, 58 soldiers died in natural calamities. The government did not say if avalanches killed the soldiers but told the house that soldiers inducted into high altitude regions were given adequate training in mountain craft, ice craft and survival in glaciated terrain to cope with any eventuality like avalanches, reported IANS.

Samsung J7

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Mar 22, 2018
Bjp is acting like a clueless chicken when it comes to kashmir. Modi becomes mounibaba (worse than Manmohan) regarding army and kashmir issues.


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Jul 7, 2016
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Bjp is acting like a clueless chicken when it comes to kashmir. Modi becomes mounibaba (worse than Manmohan) regarding army and kashmir issues.
Wht would you like him to do hop around with verbal diarrhea like paki PM? Whatever he is, he is better than RaGa or any opposition leader. Don't expect anything drastic this year.

Before election Modi thought he can buldoze his way to Kashmir resolution but he realised that Kashmir problem is rather more complicated than he earlier thought it to be.

Only way to resolve kashmir issue is by breaking Pakistan, that they are doing themselves. We only have to wait for the right moment and unfortunately it might take time.

Indian government would not risk a war till the time it's sure of winning it in short and swift way. Length wars are not an option as of now.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2015
Bjp is acting like a clueless chicken when it comes to kashmir. Modi becomes mounibaba (worse than Manmohan) regarding army and kashmir issues.
Looks like you are not liking Pakis and terrorists getting roasted.
You prefer other PM's who would let our soldiers get killed and not do anything to the terrorists?


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Bjp is acting like a clueless chicken when it comes to kashmir. Modi becomes mounibaba (worse than Manmohan) regarding army and kashmir issues.
UPA talks to separatists they give them importance and also keeps talking to Pakistan.
NDA ignores them and this is why they say talk

Now the point is which one works better? These daily skirmish in Kashmir is due to this reason that no one is talking. Pakistan is little desperate to bring India on table.

Babloo Singh

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Oct 8, 2015
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UPA talks to separatists they give them importance and also keeps talking to Pakistan.
NDA ignores them and this is why they say talk

Now the point is which one works better? These daily skirmish in Kashmir is due to this reason that no one is talking. Pakistan is little desperate to bring India on table.
When separatists say talk, basically they are saying give us money to stay quiet....
As of now they aren't getting money from this side & money flow from other side is being squeezed....
They are trying to prove the value of paying them by creating unrest & skirmishes, hoping GOI like earlier will finally buy peace, and GOI is waiting knowing very well that they are burning cash from their own pocket to sustain this trouble.
Let's see whose patience/cash runs out first.
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