Indian Army Artillery


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
Only two years back General VK Singh was part of this inefficient system as COAS.
He tried to overhaul the system and made changes such as new units like TDS.

But as usual with UPA every person who is pro active and against their interest is cut down.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
The trails are this month, It will be informed when trails are over and details are done ..

DRDO is not involve in making Ultra Light Howitzers, But Pvt ..

No News for Dhanush Trails since long time. Is DRDO also working on Lite or Ultra lite Howitzers

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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@Kunal Biswas Sir

Please have a look at this photo

FORCE-A Complete News Magazine on National Security-Defence Magazine,Indian Defence,AERO India 2013 Bangalore Bengaluru,magazine on Indian navy,Indian Army,Indian Air Force,Indian Paramilitary forces,Naxalism,Jammu & Kashmir,terrorism,national securi

Sir ; Which gun is this

The soldiers in this picture are Indian Soldiers ; it looks like a picture from an Army Exercise

The barrel length is quite good but it does not look like 155 mm calibre

It looks like 130 mm Truck Mounted Gun System
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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@Kunal Biswas Sir

Many Thanks sir ; the green coloured camouflage of the both the men and equipment
made me think that they are Indian soldiers
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Apr 15, 2014
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"This indicates that the army will be
finally inducting the indigenous
Bofors. We have already begun
procuring material to meet this order,"
said MC Bansal, chairman of OFB,
during a visit to National Academy of
Defence Production (NADP). The
institute trains officers joining the
Indian Ordnance Factory Service (IOFS)
"We are confident that the guns will
pass summer trials also, as there is no
room for any doubt. This may be
followed by a bulk order of more than
100 guns," said Bansal. So far, as many
as 1,800 shells have been fired during
the trials, which is probably the
highest ever. There was one incident
of barrel burst last year, but that was
due to defective ammunition in the
shell, and not because of the gun's
design, Bansal stressed.
OFB is currently designing the 155×45
mm calibre guns, but work is also
underway to develop 155x52mm guns,
which would have a better range, said
Bansal. The army is scouting the
global market for the higher calibre
guns. Though he did not specify a time
frame for it, Bansal said that it is a
gradual process and so far certain
subsystems of the 155×52 mm
howitzer have been developed.
Bansal said OFB will also soon put up
carbine machine guns developed
jointly with Defence and Research
Development Organization (DRDO) for
trials. Earlier, there were plans to
develop the weapon with Singapore-
based ST Kinetics,

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Gud Work, Sir ..

Gen VK Singh in a recent Interview with MoneyControl

"The problem is with your procedures. Let me give you one simple example. We made a gun, which we called the Indian field gun, an excellent in the gun, in the Jabalpur coach factory. In last 25 years, you haven't made a single gun. Why? Because the procedure says Indian army has not ordered more guns, "Hey guys, why were you sleeping? Why didn't you upgrade yourself to make something else?" Today, we won't have been looking for a 155mm if this gun coach factory along with the DRDO, along with the armed forces, sat down and had made or taken a stride in making a 155 caliber gun. So, the basic mentality has to be changed."

This was my gut feeling for many years abt defence research in india, which i was not able to express clearly in words. Defence research in India, when successful (Naval Projects, IAF Avionics) has followed an approach , more or less as suggested by the General above. So, maybe, for successful defense product realization, all concerned parties should be involved with the project, and a Heavyweight and Influential Project leader (who signs ACR or decides bonus, has authority to hire and fire team members from that particular project) should be selected. Japanese companies have concept called as "Cross Functional Team" and a position known as "Project Leader" who directly reports to the CEO. An example is the recent OFB 155mm 45 Cal Project, where, after Summer trials were passed , if the team had a structure as suggested by Gen VKS above, small no. of guns like 18-24 nos / 3-4 batteries can be inducted in terrain where the trials were successful, like say Rajasthan sector, and induction in Winter terrain can be differed pending winter trial results. The new guns would complement the existing 105mm and 130mm artillery in desert sector, and no one is suggesting yet that they will replace the Bofors. This approach has also been seen in Navy-DRDO sonar projects, where new developments "complement" the existing hardware, which is often imported. IMHO, such an approach gives an option to field commanders at the grass roots level, who can atleast have some weapon to fire back with, when previously nothing was available.
"This indicates that the army will be finally inducting the indigenous Bofors. Even as summer trials for the indigenous 155mm guns, made on the lines of the Bofors howitzers, are planned this month, the army has placed a part order with the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) to make 20 pieces of these howitzers. This is over and above the guns that are being put up for trials. We have already begun procuring material to meet this order," said MC Bansal, chairman of OFB, There was one incident of barrel burst last year, but that was due to defective ammunition in the shell, and not because of the gun's design, Bansal stressed.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Army places part orders for Indian Bofors - The Times of India

NAGPUR: Even as summer trials for the indigenous 155mm guns, made on the lines of the Bofors howitzers, are planned this month, the army has placed a part order with the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) to make 20 pieces of these howitzers. This is over and above the guns that are being put up for trials.

"This indicates that the army will be finally inducting the indigenous Bofors. We have already begun procuring material to meet this order," said MC Bansal, chairman of OFB, during a visit to National Academy of Defence Production (NADP). The institute trains officers joining the Indian Ordnance Factory Service (IOFS) cadre.


Homo Communis Indus
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Dec 25, 2012
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Dhairya bhai! This is pre-certification order. Let final certification come, then there will be more orders.

Oh my what a gigantic order:rolleyes:. Now lets cancel the 145 gun light howitzer order so these morons will up the number to 200 atleast.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Nov 30, 2011
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These are french 155mm of 52cal truck mounted gun system call Archer ..

Soilders are french, They are carrying famas assault rifle at back ..
Sir a small correection here,the system in the above picture isn't Archer,it's infact the french made Caesar 155mm Truck mounted system which has been in service for about a decade now in the French Army.On the other hand,The Archer Artillery System or Archer - FH77BW L52 is made by the Swedish company BAE Bofors and is exclusively used by the Swedish Army as of now but Norway and Canada are looking to buy this system in the near future:)
Archer Artillery System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CAESAR self-propelled howitzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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