Indian Army Artillery


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Feb 28, 2019
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IA blew over $930 million on 6 apaches which will add precious little in terms of capability otoh create a new logistics headache given the assortment of rotary aircraft they already operate.

Those $930 million could've added some serious small arms and night fighting capability to the infantry trooper(mostly Paras, RR, SFF) facing the PLA.


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Aug 9, 2014
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Army moves over Rs 6,500 cr deal to Defence Ministry for procurement of 400 howitzers from 'desi' firms

New Delhi [India], September 28 (ANI): In a mega push to promote indigenously designed and developed weapon systems, the Indian Army has moved a proposal to the Defence Ministry to buy 400 howitzers from Indian firms.

Indian Army’s Regiment of Artillery is looking to use the expertise of Indian Industry to produce 155 mm/52 calibre Towed Gun System, which will be lighter, versatile and cater for future technological advancements.
“A proposal for buying 400 155mm 52 calibre towed gun systems (TGS) along with towing vehicles from Indian firms under the Buy Indian-IDDM category has been moved to the Defence Ministry.
The government is expected to soon take a decision on the TGS at a high-level meeting,” senior military officials told ANI.
The Indian Army has already issued a tender for buying 307 Advanced Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGS) along with one for finding a mounted gun system for its requirements along borders with China and Pakistan.

The Indian Designed, Developed and Manufactured howitzer would mean that it would be totally Indian in all ways.

The Army wants the guns to be lighter in weight and easier to deploy in high-altitude areas like the older bofors guns.

The procurement process is part of the Army plan for Mediumisation with indigenous guns and is likely to be completed by the year 2042

In the last decade, four contracts have been concluded for the procurement of 155 mm howitzer. These Gun Systems have already been inducted and more number of Regiments are being equipped with these guns.
These gun systems include Dhanush, Sharang, Ultra Light Howitzer (ULH) and K-9 Vajra Self Propelled Guns.

Dhanush Guns are an electronic upgrade of Bofors Guns, while the Sharang Guns have been up-gunned from 130mm to 155mm calibre.
Seven Regiments have already been equipped with ULHs while five have been equipped with self-propelled guns. (ANI)



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Sep 13, 2010
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Army moves over Rs 6,500 cr deal to Defence Ministry for procurement of 400 howitzers from 'desi' firms

New Delhi [India], September 28 (ANI): In a mega push to promote indigenously designed and developed weapon systems, the Indian Army has moved a proposal to the Defence Ministry to buy 400 howitzers from Indian firms.

Indian Army’s Regiment of Artillery is looking to use the expertise of Indian Industry to produce 155 mm/52 calibre Towed Gun System, which will be lighter, versatile and cater for future technological advancements.
“A proposal for buying 400 155mm 52 calibre towed gun systems (TGS) along with towing vehicles from Indian firms under the Buy Indian-IDDM category has been moved to the Defence Ministry.
The government is expected to soon take a decision on the TGS at a high-level meeting,” senior military officials told ANI.
The Indian Army has already issued a tender for buying 307 Advanced Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGS) along with one for finding a mounted gun system for its requirements along borders with China and Pakistan.

The Indian Designed, Developed and Manufactured howitzer would mean that it would be totally Indian in all ways.

The Army wants the guns to be lighter in weight and easier to deploy in high-altitude areas like the older bofors guns.

The procurement process is part of the Army plan for Mediumisation with indigenous guns and is likely to be completed by the year 2042

In the last decade, four contracts have been concluded for the procurement of 155 mm howitzer. These Gun Systems have already been inducted and more number of Regiments are being equipped with these guns.
These gun systems include Dhanush, Sharang, Ultra Light Howitzer (ULH) and K-9 Vajra Self Propelled Guns.

Dhanush Guns are an electronic upgrade of Bofors Guns, while the Sharang Guns have been up-gunned from 130mm to 155mm calibre.
Seven Regiments have already been equipped with ULHs while five have been equipped with self-propelled guns. (ANI)

Wtf is the IA’s game here?

1600 towed gun requirement being split up to ensure high cost, low delivery

genuinely hard to tell if these guys are corrupt as hell or legitimately retarded


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Feb 28, 2019
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Anything except Athos 2052 is fine
Wouldn't be surprised if the Athos sneaks in as it emerged L1 during the Arty gun trials.

MoD should force another set of trials between Athos, ATAGS & Dhanush to prolong our neighbors misery.

As 50% local sourcing is mandatory even for emergency procurement under the recently issued guidelines, me thinks its Athos. Will hate it if its the Athos really.

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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Wouldn't be surprised if the Athos sneaks in as it emerged L1 during the Arty gun trials.

MoD should force another set of trials between Athos, ATAGS & Dhanush to prolong our neighbors misery.

As 50% local sourcing is mandatory even for emergency procurement under the recently issued guidelines, me thinks its Athos. Will hate it if its the Athos really.
It's Athos
No mod or GoI guideline will be followed when threat will start beating our gates

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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Wtf is the IA’s game here?

1600 towed gun requirement being split up to ensure high cost, low delivery

genuinely hard to tell if these guys are corrupt as hell or legitimately retarded
No one could be retard when u have a fully developed and up to date artillery gun in your option
So first case is the truth
Increase the cost decrease the delivery rate and create artificial scarcity thus satisfying the masters

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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No one could be retard when u have a fully developed and up to date artillery gun in your option
So first case is the truth
Increase the cost decrease the delivery rate and create artificial scarcity thus satisfying the masters

Let's drink bro, let's drink limited flavor of sting .
That's all we can realistically do.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
IA blew over $930 million on 6 apaches which will add precious little in terms of capability otoh create a new logistics headache given the assortment of rotary aircraft they already operate.

Those $930 million could've added some serious small arms and night fighting capability to the infantry trooper(mostly Paras, RR, SFF) facing the PLA.
Exactly what are apaches needed for at the moment?

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
Wouldn't be surprised if the Athos sneaks in as it emerged L1 during the Arty gun trials.

MoD should force another set of trials between Athos, ATAGS & Dhanush to prolong our neighbors misery.

As 50% local sourcing is mandatory even for emergency procurement under the recently issued guidelines, me thinks its Athos. Will hate it if its the Athos really.
How will Athos 2052 be part of an IDDM procurement?

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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LoL that's whataboutery, does not address shit
Again writing it
Treat it as whataboutery or something else
This process just increases the cost of overall program on other hand decreases production capability thus resulting in time overruns too
Which creates an artificial scarcity when u already have domestic and capable gun thus giving a way for Athos through emergency route if Chinese again sit on our territory which is certain and give rise to a armed conflict


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Sep 13, 2010
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Basically don't fall for the false hopium being planted by Twitter shills.They may all say that only ATAGS would win the TGS contract but we all know how this is gonna pan out 😞
ATHOS with an Indian name and 50.00001% ‘indigenous content’

it’s so obvious what the game is here

this RFI wouldn’t exist if they had any plans to order more than ~300 ATAGS

this Is the complete Arjun treatment- token measly orders for domestic product, 1000s for the imported toys, TOT is IDDM now