India wants to buy 1,770 T-14 Armata tanks: Russian Media


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Oct 20, 2015
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According to the data available to the news agency, India intends to purchase 1,770 medium-class tanks. At the moment, a relevant tender has been announced, and although the Russian T-14 Armata tank does not belong to the class of medium tanks, a request for the sale of these combat vehicles was sent to Rosoboronexport, which could make India the largest buyer of Russian heavy tanks, and the contract itself could be the largest ever.

This new generation battle tank, equipped with an active defense system, can intercept and destroy incoming missiles and works against all types of anti-tank missiles. But what makes it special for India is its suitability for high-altitude warfare , “the Eurasian Times reported.

Based on what requirements India will choose a supplier for 1,770 tanks, it is not known, but for Russia this can be very important.

According to experts, the United States will most likely try to prevent India from acquiring Russian tanks, for example, by imposing sanctions for the purchase of Russian weapons, however, as practice has shown with the S-400 Triumph complexes, this is not a big problem for New Delhi.


New Member
Dec 14, 2021
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Why the hell does India always want more Russian tanks than Russia:scared2:
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New Member
Apr 9, 2022
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According to the data available to the news agency, India intends to purchase 1,770 medium-class tanks. At the moment, a relevant tender has been announced, and although the Russian T-14 Armata tank does not belong to the class of medium tanks, a request for the sale of these combat vehicles was sent to Rosoboronexport, which could make India the largest buyer of Russian heavy tanks, and the contract itself could be the largest ever.

This new generation battle tank, equipped with an active defense system, can intercept and destroy incoming missiles and works against all types of anti-tank missiles. But what makes it special for India is its suitability for high-altitude warfare , “the Eurasian Times reported.

Based on what requirements India will choose a supplier for 1,770 tanks, it is not known, but for Russia this can be very important.

According to experts, the United States will most likely try to prevent India from acquiring Russian tanks, for example, by imposing sanctions for the purchase of Russian weapons, however, as practice has shown with the S-400 Triumph complexes, this is not a big problem for New Delhi.
Russia Pitches Its ‘Cutting Edge’ T-14 Armata Tank Technology To India To Co-Develop Army’s Main Battle Tank

ByAshish Dangwal

February 14, 2023

Russia is keen to share Armata tank technologies with India to participate in the joint development of the future main battle tank for the Indian Army.