India to launch Iran's Satellite in near future!


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Mar 21, 2009
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India, Iran Weigh Troop Training, Sat Launch

NEW DELHI - Officials from Iran and India discussed cooperative training of troops and the possible Indian launch of an Iranian commercial satellite during Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki's visit here Nov. 16-17, sources in the Iranian Embassy here said.

Mottaki called on Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Vice President Hamid Ansari and Foreign Minister Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna during his visit.

Details of the Iranian satellite to be launched from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) vehicle have been under consideration since July, but no decision has been taken, an Indian External Affairs Ministry official said.

India and Iran are also negotiating a joint patrol exercise in the Arabian Gulf. India and Iran have a defense cooperation framework in the Joint Working Group on Defence Cooperation, which has been dormant since 2005.

New Delhi is also pressing Iran to share information with India on the movement of terrorist groups like the Lashkar-e-Toiba, sources in the Home Ministry here said, but there has been no major breakthrough on this issue.

India, Iran Weigh Troop Training, Sat Launch - Defense News

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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ANTRIX corp is on run. GSLV-MK-3 and Mk-4 may change the present world.......On other side, we must not allow INDO-ISRAEL relations to come in mid of it.


New Member
May 24, 2009
And people wonder why the US is engaging less with India.


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Its Same with Russia too,
from first space program to first Indian landing on Moon to Next Chandrayaan-II

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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And people wonder why the US is engaging less with India.
US-PAK relations doesn't came in mid INDO-US relations. Then why should INDO-IRAN relations should affect our's with US? We need good relations with IRAN to keep IRAN aways from helping pakistan during any hostilities. IN can chock supply line through sea but land connection with IRAN will always be a challenge to chock. If Indian can convince IRAN on staying away from helping pakistan, then Pakistan will lose any war in no time. So, IMO we need good relation with IRAN. This can be called a beginning.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
Good move by India. GOI should stop listening to unkil on Iran issue.


Founding Member
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Feb 17, 2009
We need to factor in lots of dimensions before getting too jubliant about uninvited launch of Iranian satellite in future, because we cannot hope to distance ourselves from US in the aftermath of US-China joint statement about their role in AF-PAK policy, since we should not forget the fact that, launching of Iranian satellite may also invite certain barrier in our close cooperation with NASA. But we should not get too fearful about US backlash, rather should go ahead by launching Iranian satellite meant for civilian purpose.


New Member
May 19, 2009
Every nation has its own interests.

We cant simply let our economic interests with US deteriorate our strategic interests with other countries. US looks India in terms of business ,so do India.

We cant expect US to be a strategic parter similar to Russia.
US allies with most of India`s enemies.and still donates money to terrorist pakistan against Indian interests.In such a condition there is nothing wrong with India keep upto its own Interests.It is only during the Shaw of Iran.US-Iranian ties were high.After the Civil revolution US-Iran became hostile towards each other while Indo-Iranian cuddled.

You cant let your ties with US dictate the relationship with other countries.
There were so many pending projects with Iran.and I hope everything will be approved from no onwards.

Iran is of strategic value to India in the gulf against the talibanised Suadi and terrorist oriented pakistan.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009

what you say is true. However, US is at its weakest now, so if we are to give it concessions of the kind that it demands with respect to Iran, then US must do the same regarding Pakistan. For US, Iran is an evil regime. For us, Pakistan is an evil regime. India has infinitely more concerns regarding Pakistan's nuclear arsenal than US could ever have about non-existant Iran's nukes.

So, if US expects us to take US aids(under numerous names and categories) without whining, then US must also not whine at our relationship with Iran(or any other nation for that matter). Give and take.


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Feb 16, 2009
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We need to look after our own interest forget being 100% in USA'S camp, with the recent trip to China by Obama it has given us even proof that constructive ties built by one president can be thrown out by another inompetent president in a short time.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009

in a way Obama is a blessing in disguise. He made the policymakers in Delhi wakeup with his hostile approach to India. These policymakers were in a high after the Indo-US nuke deal and ready to shift to US camp, which would have effectively made India a lapdog of US. Thanks to Obama, this possibility is gone, hope the meeting with Singh is final nail in this coffin.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Johnee I hope it also wakes up our defense sector and does not have us acquiring excessive weapons from USA, just like USA can change their policy at the drop of a hat they can place sanctions or decide where and when and how weaponss acquired can be or should be used.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 24, 2009
I don't think US can object to the same, Since it is a Commercials & not a Defense Satellite, Secondly US is supplying arms to Pakistan & Going Ga-Ga with the Chinese.

The Iranians anyways want the satellite to be launched so :

1. US will not do it.

2. Europeans will be reluctant to do so. (Considering the US pressure)

3. Russia will be more then happy to do so (But at a cost)

4. INDIA is more cost effective to Iran compared to the above option.

How will it benefit :
# A more Cost effective solution.

# This will bring Iran more close to INDIA, (Since the INDIAN stand in UN has moved us away from the Iranians)

& Last but not the least we can have a friend in the back ally of pakistan.

So INDIA must go ahead with the Satellite launch let any one protest.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Iran would be delighted by Indians launching their satellite but what would be the reaction from USA and Israel moreso with whom we share a strategic partnership and have intelligence gathering and defense pacts?


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May 4, 2009
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India Backtracks on Iran Satellite Launch

India seems to have taken a pragmatic approach on the relationship with Iran. It has reportedly denied all the news on India launching Iranian satellite.

IMO this step has been taken in view of the IAEA's latest report on more hiddden nuclear facilities in Iran and also keeping in mind our special relation with Israel. We can cock a snook at the US but we have to keep our relations with the Israeli's at the forefront of our foreign policy,

No India launch of Iran satellite

India says it has no plans to launch an Iranian satellite, a move which would have angered the United States.

"We received a letter from the Iranians to launch a satellite for them some months ago. We don't plan to give them a response," top Indian officials said.

Any such launch would be a sensitive issue given that Western nations view with concern Iran's missile programme.

The remarks from Delhi came as Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki wound up a two-day visit to India.

Iran launched its first domestically-made satellite into orbit in February, insisting its intentions were peaceful. Western governments voiced concerns the technology used could lead to ballistic missile development.

India says it has no plans to launch an Iranian satellite, a move which would have angered the United States.

"We received a letter from the Iranians to launch a satellite for them some months ago. We don't plan to give them a response," top Indian officials said.

Any such launch would be a sensitive issue given that Western nations view with concern Iran's missile programme.

The remarks from Delhi came as Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki wound up a two-day visit to India.

Iran launched its first domestically-made satellite into orbit in February, insisting its intentions were peaceful. Western governments voiced concerns the technology used could lead to ballistic missile development.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | No India launch of Iran satellite


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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India should launch Iran's satellite. Launching Iranian satellite would set a good tie between Iran and India. A good relation with Iran could be helpful against rogue Pakistan. India is not a puppet of any country and it has its own rights. Is USA really that important in term of nuclear deal? We already have Russia and France with whom we can lead our nuclear programe. If USA objects on India's plan to launch Iran's satellite, India should also ask Uncle Sam why he is still giving multi billion dollars aid to pakistan, despite knowing that Pakistan diverted previous US aid to strengthen it's defense against India.


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
India launching iran's satellite would strengthen missile proliferation control

If there were genuine concerns regarding the nature of the satellite like dual purpose use, we may shy away. But, just because v don't have the balls to face upto israel and Us is a shame for the government and country.
Considering india's proximity to both west and east, we could have played an active role to mediate the iranian nuclear crisis, which so far v are reluctant to do so. Atleast this passive initiative would give the world a leverage to engage iran about its intentions and ambitions.
We have launched Israel's perceived military satellite, so launching iran's civilian satellite should not create such a fuss at all. Further had russia launched iran's satelitte the world would never know the kind of objective it was built to serve. If India were to do so, atleast they could get a peek though our free media or friendly diplomatic sources and could be rest assured about their safety.
Us, Israel and the west cried fowl over Iran's attempt to launch a home made satellite in its own launch vehicle saying that the technology could be used to build long range ballistic missile. But, if India were to launch iran's satellites from its own launch vehicles. iran would never need to develop such a capability. So, this should be a missile technology control regime boon for the world and the requirement to deploy interceptors in europe would become needless.
The iranian nuclear question itself can be persued with a lot of clarity, as the question of delivery systems development could be bought to its logical conclusion. The world and most importantly India should understand that Iran as a nation and its people have their own necessities, ambitions and dreams trying to deny them those would only cause alienation,animosity and heart burns that leave lasting scars. U wouldn't deny a neighbour in need, would u. On the world arena Iran is next door to India and its our duty to help our fellow-men.

for India's help Iran could be held accountable as well. A space cooperation pact between the two nations spanning 20 years can be made in which Iran should gaurentee not to research, develop or build long range missile whose range would be greater than 300 km as implied in the mtcr. In exchange India would launch Iranian satelittes and build ground stations recievers for mass communications, weather monitors etc.

Just Turning our backs on iran only to appease israel and Us doesn't make sense at all. My best bet would be v are working on the 'commercial satelittes launch agreement' with Us and waiting patiently before taking anything forward with iran which may delay the process considerably. In this case, v should do well to assuage the iranians to have some patience.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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We need to look after our own interest forget being 100% in USA'S camp, with the recent trip to China by Obama it has given us even proof that constructive ties built by one president can be thrown out by another inompetent president in a short time.
Apart from this SINO-IRAEL relations have much to teach us.......... We should not fall in one camp. Cold war is over and apart from NATO, non is real ally of other. Every one have to create their own safe zone be it Israel or India.