India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Feb 17, 2017
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Some of my "liberal" friends had started to ask questions on why exactly we are "attacking" pakistan and what was the need to escalate the situation, should've just went for a small surgical strike. Since, we have not released quite a lot on what we've accomplished they kept on asking for proof. Needless to say, these people are vehemently anti-Modi to the point that they seemingly become pro-pakistani and anti-India and believe whatever Modi has done, its all just to gather votes.

Not releasing our own war-efforts into the media and not talking about it has solved this problem to some extent, the current blackout makes it so that outside the forum and some circles people believe that we are not doing a lot and the situation has calmed down to normal levels even if it is still slightly hot. This results in these idiots not flaming against Modi on social media and in the society in a heightened aggressive manner.
These Liberals should know their asking such questions on Twitter is hurting India. Pakistanis use their tweets to further their propaganda. To me it's like these liberals are synonymous to anti-nationals.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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One thing i have noticed is that between this indo -pak conflict , kashmiris are getting tamed. They are still anti India but less and less are joining militancy, less shutting down their shops due to bandh call by separatists, realizing that jihadis are evil and oh boy! anyone heard any major stone pelting event after balakot strikes?

If this was the strategy to clean the internal mess then it has surely worked!
Kashmiri separatists are far worse than Pukistani. Because Pukistani are enemies but Kashmiris separatists live among us and yet sing in line with Pukistan.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2018
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I posted this tweet from a Pakistani earlier but deleted it as didn't want to give any weight to Pakistani trolls. Since you asked posting it here. We need to bring down their few jets then we tell them PAF has one way ticket to hell
Like I said.

We are yet to retaliate for their daring instrusion on 27th February into our borders for no reason other than show of might.

It’s our turn now.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Well, from what I have gathered the screaming headless chickens have the fanboys. I have been patiently replying to several insults that have been thrown at me, so please do tell me who are the screaming. I distinctly remember fanboys saying that wait till 7th March something big will happen but lo! nothing happened. The only reason I am raising this point is because there are other naive members who believe this false narrative. As one of the biggest defence forum in India, we should have a certain standard to uphold as well as display maturity which, sadly, I have yet to come across barring a few people.

India and its forces has already mentioned that they dont do the body count.
So whatever open Source information we have people share here.and we do celebrate that to a good extent.
As time moves, people do post links to coorelate the earlier OS information claims. There are people who are here who have contacts..but they do confirm facts but not the details..thats how it is.
A lot of the operational details do come out later in the months and some time in years. We feel happy cuz there is some action than the inaction that we have been seeing over decades.

NOBODY cries and begs for proofs and you have been doing that screaming loud...and yeah you are upholding your show the proof standards despite all members telling you where everyone is getting their details from and it COULD be true.
Its a forum and everyone has the right to fence their points , be it from whatever source and exfoliate on it.


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Feb 17, 2017
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I hope we have taken into account the Turks into our threat matrix while gaming out possible scenarios in case of escalation. They are a pretty insidious bunch with the cash and equipment that can really help the Porkis. Something needs to be done about them.
One threat at a time, we can deal with all threats. Immediate enemy is Pakistan.

I remember watching a video on YouTube about predictions from nostradomus. Though it is irrelevant here, but as per him, our forces will reach Iraq. So i believe all Indians should be united and support our forces. Tomorrow we are going to take care of all threats.

Turkey itself is going through economic crisis. Don't think Turkey can financially help Pakistan. Turkey can help Pakistan with hardware but it will charge Dollars that Pakistan doesn't have. So threat from Turkey is not big enough.
Erdogan Tries to Ease the Pain of Turkey’s Bad Economy. It’s Still Hurting.

Once Modi is re-elected, our foreign policy is going to see a paradigm shift. Those countries that act against Indian interests, Modi will isolate them and deal with them like Pakistan is being taken care of.


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
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Some of my "liberal" friends had started to ask questions on why exactly we are "attacking" pakistan and what was the need to escalate the situation, should've just went for a small surgical strike. Since, we have not released quite a lot on what we've accomplished they kept on asking for proof. Needless to say, these people are vehemently anti-Modi to the point that they seemingly become pro-pakistani and anti-India and believe whatever Modi has done, its all just to gather votes.

Not releasing our own war-efforts into the media and not talking about it has solved this problem to some extent, the current blackout makes it so that outside the forum and some circles people believe that we are not doing a lot and the situation has calmed down to normal levels even if it is still slightly hot. This results in these idiots not flaming against Modi on social media and in the society in a heightened aggressive manner.
Put two in their head. That is how I deal with such scum.:bounce::india:


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Sushma Swaraj asks Indian envoy to Pakistan for report on Hindu girls' conversion to Islam before marriage

On the eve of Holi, a group of 'influential' men kidnapped 13-year-old Raveena and 15-year-old Reena from their home in Ghotki district.

MEA doing their part of highlighting HUMAN RIGHTS Violation at a LARGER level.
Never used to happen before this way.

So a mechanism in action.
Need to put all the human rights violations of pakistan right in the center


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Some of my "liberal" friends had started to ask questions on why exactly we are "attacking" pakistan and what was the need to escalate the situation, should've just went for a small surgical strike. Since, we have not released quite a lot on what we've accomplished they kept on asking for proof. Needless to say, these people are vehemently anti-Modi to the point that they seemingly become pro-pakistani and anti-India and believe whatever Modi has done, its all just to gather votes.

Not releasing our own war-efforts into the media and not talking about it has solved this problem to some extent, the current blackout makes it so that outside the forum and some circles people believe that we are not doing a lot and the situation has calmed down to normal levels even if it is still slightly hot. This results in these idiots not flaming against Modi on social media and in the society in a heightened aggressive manner.
Just tell them we are following Dharma or doing the right thing as per Geeta. We are the victims and have given them opportunity to make amends. But we are still suffering. So we will hit them till we subjugate them.
If fiberals are against us we will take action against you too or fiberals can stand in LoC and face their shelling.


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Kashmiri separatists are far worse than Pukistani. Because Pukistani are enemies but Kashmiris separatists live among us and yet sing in line with Pukistan.
Out of 22 districts in J&K only 4 districts have insurgency problem.

The Kashmir valley region has 46 seats, the Jammu region has 37 seats and the Ladakh region has 4 seats. Party with majority from Kashmir valley forms govt in Kashmir. One solution is to create more assembly seats in Jammu & Ladakh regions. This way BJP has opportunity to form government in J&K. As we have seen in present situation, tough stand by government has brought a lot of changes with less youth joining terrorists and after Air strike stone Pelting reduced. This was because Pakistan was presented to them as invincible & messiah of all Muslims. But after Indian strikes people now know the real aukaat of Pakistan. Many people in Kashmir valley were supporting separatists from their fear. Some separatists were confident of backing and finances for their separatist activities due to weapons and finances coming from Pakistan. Now due to heavy Indian Army presence on LOC, arms and finances are no longer there. With a strong government at center and if Jammu Ladakh regions have more seats, a strong pro-Indian government in J& K can bring a lot of changes including removing certain articles.

I hope government create more assembly seats in Jammu & Ladakh regions.

Rahul Singh

Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Sushma Swaraj asks Indian envoy to Pakistan for report on Hindu girls' conversion to Islam before marriage

On the eve of Holi, a group of 'influential' men kidnapped 13-year-old Raveena and 15-year-old Reena from their home in Ghotki district.

MEA doing their part of highlighting HUMAN RIGHTS Violation at a LARGER level.
Never used to happen before this way.

So a mechanism in action.
Need to put all the human rights violations of pakistan right in the center
Now spread this on twitter and tag Taliban Khan & DGISPR and every other pakistani propagandists. Also tag CNN NYT Guardian, Reuters etc.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Still no access to Balalkot for the media.


Now spread this on twitter and tag Taliban Khan & DGISPR and every other pakistani propagandists. Also tag CNN NYT Guardian, Reuters etc.
Precisely, as keyboard warriors, every opportunity must be taken to bring out the truth of the shit-hole called Porkistan.

Also tag those disgusting international media such as WaPo, NYT, BBC et al and see if they publish these stories that don't suit their propoganda.


Feb 17, 2009
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Still no access to Balalkot for the media.

View attachment 33487 View attachment 33487

Precisely, as keyboard warriors, every opportunity must be taken to bring out the truth of the shit-hole called Porkistan.

Also tag those disgusting international media such as WaPo, NYT, BBC et al and see if they publish these stories that don't suit their propoganda.
Rahul posted that pic on Twitter.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan and its Army of the Pure.

This book on the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) is the culmination of years of painstaking research by renowned Georgetown University academic, Dr Christine Fair, who travelled through Pakistan first as a young doctoral student in the mid-1990s, and through subsequent decades, till the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) assessed that she was (in her own words) a “nasty woman.” Her earlier work on the Pakistan army, Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army’s Way of War (Oxford, 2014)argues that Pakistan is a revisionist state in Kashmir and seeks to resist India’s rise in the region. Fair holds here that the Army “fights to the end” more “for ideological rather than security reasons.”

Despite the ISI’s ban on her entry into Pakistan, Dr Fair was able to access a vast corpus of the LeT/ Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD)’s own writing, obtained by libraries in the US under the PL-480 programme. She presents new information about the organisation, its recruits, the families that produce them, and the external and domestic political imperatives that motivate its operations within and beyond Pakistan.

Starting with a brief history of Pakistan’s security competition with India from Partition onwards, Dr Fair goes on to describe the evolution of Pakistan’s asymmetric war/non-state actor strategy, underpinned by its development of nuclear weapons. She then delves into LeT’s ideological roots, organisational structure and operational development, including its most recent foray into politics, under the garb of the Milli Muslim League (MML) party. The most substantive part of the book is contained in chapters five (Who are the Soldiers in the Army of the Pure) and six(The Domestic Politics of LeT). Finally, Dr Fair discusses “options of dealing with the LeT” and ways, if any, to “escape Pakistan’s nuclear coercion.”


Quantitative and qualitative insights from 918 posthumous biographies of slain ‘martyrs’ reveal that “contrary to popular belief,” while many LeT fighters studied in madrassas, they were recruited also from Urdu medium schools in the regular government stream. Some had also been to college or universities, being thus more educated than most, relative to the population from which they were drawn. The average age of new recruits was around 17-18 years. They were underemployed, not necessarily from compulsion, although often by choice.

The vast majority of recruits (89 per cent) came from Punjab while 5 per cent were from Sindh, 4 per cent from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and 1 per cent each from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). This data partially substantiates earlier assertions made by many analysts about the LeT and the Pakistan army having an overlapping recruitment base. However, Fair depicts two tables (figures 5. 1 and 5.2) to show that the army’s recruitment base is more diverse – while 10 central and south Punjab districts account for LeT recruitment, the army’s spreads over 11 Punjab districts as well as Karachi, Peshawar and PoK.

Role of Mothers

Families were incredibly important in encouraging their sons to join the organisation and ultimately to fight and die in its service. Hafiz Mohd Saeed (HMS) deliberately stipulated family consent as a prerequisite for fighting in Kashmir. This is emphasised as “an important part of the Ahle-Hadis tradition.” Women particularly mothers – sustained the individual ideological motivation of recruits. Though many mothers were initially reluctant, LeT’s propaganda machine managed to overcome this resistance. Exhortation to parents finds place in LeT’s Tafseer Surat at-Taubah.LeT publications venerate the role of mothers in educating themselves about the sacrifice of their sons. Their grief is mobilised to provide social mobility, with a fighter’s death according a higher status to LeT mothers. The organisation shores up familial support financially. Tanzeems compensate fighters’ families. Families of martyrs attend annual ijtemas (gatherings) where the heroism of their sons is attested.


In her book, Fair brings out how the LeT is “highly selective” before providing military training. Though religious training is easily available, more people want to join for militant activities than can be deployed. From the samples studied, only five per cent of the trainees were deployed into India (Kashmir mainly) after completing the basic 18-day course (Daura-e-Aam). The majority (62 per cent) underwent the advanced Daura-e-Khaas course and an additional 12 per cent took on specialised training – Daura e Saqeela, Daura e Abdullah bin Massod, or Daura e Ribat– which could extend to four months. Those selected for combat must demonstrate their capacity to infiltrate on their own into India and exfiltrate through regular or irregular routes before they are taken in for higher or more specialised military training. LeT leaders “leverage quality control,” “continually assessing the person’s suitability and fitness for military operations.” Lobbying by family members and other influential relatives with LeT leaders is often necessary for selection. “Fighters who stay under cover in India for an extended period must engage in successful operational security,” “learn Devanagari” and “speak Hindi fluently.”

Here, interestingly, Fair draws similarities and differences with the Pakistan army’s training of its officers as well as other ranks (ORs). She holds that using LeT’s trained fighters enables the Pakistan army to add supportive manpower at a fraction of the costs. While army personnel get more extensive benefits, LeT fighters “have presumably comparable fighting capabilities and human endowments” as army non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and junior commissioned officers (JCOs).


Biographies of ‘martyrs’ studied indicated multiple motivations, including: a history of prior violent behaviour from childhood, possible criminal records including in narcotics abuse, origin from families with “a jihadi mindset” where brothers had already been martyred, “boredom with their lives,” and search for “more meaningful and exciting” purpose. Fighters “drew upon their belief about the Kashmir conflict,” the alleged illegitimacy of the Indian claim, posited brutality of “Hindu India” and its army. There was a cultivated “belief, pervasive among Pakistanis that Kashmiris welcome their contributions to the battle and actively support their efforts.”

Role in Domestic Politics

Apart from serving as a proxy militia, LeT/JuD performs a critical role in assisting the deep state to secure its domestic objectives. It ideologically combats Islamist militant groups that target the Pakistani state, seen especially between 2009-2013. It undertook philanthropic work after the 2005 earthquake in PoK and during the floods. Even as Deobandi groups like Sipah-e-Sahaba (SSP) and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) engaged in sectarian or communal attacks, the LeT/JuD opposed sectarianism and even talked of protecting, assimilating or proselytising Hindu minorities inside the country. LeT/JuD also does not endorse takfir (the practice of declaring a fellow Muslim apostate) and maintains a discreet silence on the persecution of Ahmaddiyas. HMS denounced the Islamic State (IS) as “evil.”

Fair examines in detail the concepts of jihad, takfir and kufr (disbelief), as explained in the writings of ideologues Ubaid ur Rehman Muhammadi and HMS, in which justification for waging jihad against “Hindu India” for “killing Muslims in Kashmir” can be found. She refers in passing to the deep state’s re-investment in Deobandi groups like Masood Azhar’s Jaish e Mohammed (JeM), which is described as “a cornerstone of Pakistan’s strategy of managing its own security challenges as well as…its policy of terrorism backed by nuclear blackmail..”

Emergence of MML

HMS announced MML’s formation in August 2017. Fair contends that this reversal of erstwhile LeT abstinence from electoral politics could not have occurred without the explicit involvement of the army and ISI. The emerging importance of Tabish Qayyum is flagged here, with Fair pointing out that he has been cultivated over a long time by Pakistan’s deep state. In June 2013, he presented a series of workshops in Karachi and Islamabad on “Social Media Warfare,” which were organised under the supervision of an army colonel by the name of Nazir Ahmed, initially a co-accused with HMS for the Mumbai 26/11 attacks. Qayyum completed his postgraduate degree from Pakistan’s National Defence University in 2016, and is today one of HMS’s main lieutenants. Among MML’s goals postulated in an October 2017 JuD journal, Invite,are a commitment to support the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and contribution to efforts to overcome Baloch resistance to the CPEC.

Options to Deal with LeT

As LeT remains the army’s “most useful proxy in managing domestic insecurity” and its “faithful executioner abroad,” in her concluding chapter, Fair examines the options to deal with group in the future.

Within option one, “American cupidity” and “Indian strategic restraint” are seen as having helped “maintain the status quo.”

LeT has not faced option two, which is that of “leadership decapitation,” but Fair contends that as a fairly structured organisation, it could withstand such an eventuality, though at present its leaders remain heavily guarded by several security layers, and “its managers in ISI and the Pakistan army do not anticipate any meaningful threat to its prized proxy.”

Option three looks briefly at Pakistan’s nuclear coercion strategy. Fair believes “Pakistan’s nuclear bluff” should be called out but that India “cannot do it alone,” while the US continues to recoil from meaningful penalties.

She advocates de-incentivising Pakistan by stopping Coalition Support Funds (CSF) and even purchase of strategic weapon systems with sovereign funds, and declaring Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. She suggests that there may be“no good options,” just “less bad options” at present.

Some minor glitches, not central to the book’s main theme, appear in Fair’s book. In her discussion on the succession of the army chief, for example, Fair does not accurately assess the nuances of civil-military tension that have cyclically plagued Pakistan. Musharraf appointed Kayani his successor, disregarding the Tariq Majeed, then X Corps Commander, Rawalpindi. This was the first time that an ISI Chief ascended to the top job. All army professionals, serving and retired, did not appreciate this. Regrettably, though not necessarily in sequel, Tariq Majeed had to later embarrassingly negotiate with Islamist terrorists for the release of his kidnapped son-in-law by paying a huge ransom. Raheel Sharif was number three in the pecking order at the time Nawaz Sharif appointed him chief. The real reason was Raheel’s kinship to his elder brother, Shabbir Sharif, Pakistan’s highest decorated military martyr of the 1971 war, a choice Pakistan’s generals could hardly demur. Again, when General Bajwa was chosen, superseding three seniors, there were murmurs against this selection and talk of a possible Ahmmadiya link, which may have been fanned by the overlooked generals.


While many or most of Dr Fair’s sinister findings about the LeT /JuD’s role and character were known to Indian security analysts and have been repeatedly highlighted before global interlocutors, they do provide timely scholastic imprimatur at a moment when the sceptre of the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) impending censure is forcing Pakistan to undertake perhaps a more than cosmetic crackdown on madrassas and other financial fronts of the LeT / JuD and JeM. How long this crackdown lasts is another matter. Only time will tell whether the ‘mainstreaming’of these entities will enable Pakistan to completely curb the malaise, which is ultimately more damaging to its own society. Dr Fair remains convinced it will not.

This is emphasised as “an important part of the Ahle-Hadis tradition.” Women particularly mothers – sustained the individual ideological motivation of recruits. Though many mothers were initially reluctant, LeT’s propaganda machine managed to overcome this resistance.
Well!! Our army chief did ask the MOTHERS to warn their children not to join the Terror outfits.

India is not just reacting..its working with a template

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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View attachment 33483
View attachment 33484

This is unexploded porki 105mm shell made in 1956 found on our side. So porkies must have depleted their ammunition same will be true for fuel. Soon they will be using swords and horses....:pound::pound::pound::rofl::rofl::rofl:
This raises serious doubts on ammunition stock of Pukiswines, the time is not far when Pukes will kneel and beg for peace.

India, Pakistan came close to firing missiles at each other on February 27

Not sure if this is entirely true..,
Based on a news paper article some youtube channels are also saying the same.

If there is any one who does not believe official IAF statements. They should be summarily banned. My opinion.
I second that, very well said. We can have Pakistani members but the forum has no place for Jaychands.
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