India Russia Relations


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2012
We are dealing with two traitors, Russia and Pakistan with convinience of China. Its high time we tald Russians to bug off. We are no more interested in their third rate equipment.


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2011
We are dealing with two traitors, Russia and Pakistan with convinience of China. Its high time we tald Russians to bug off. We are no more interested in their third rate equipment.
Sheeesh! DFI members sure paint a rosy picture for India!



Senior Member
Dec 20, 2012
We are dealing with two traitors, Russia and Pakistan with convinience of China. Its high time we tald Russians to bug off. We are no more interested in their third rate equipment.
That will be difficult when the FGFA, Brahmos, INS Vikramaditya, spares for the Su-30 MKI, and the Indian S-300 all depend on Russian good graces...


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Why Japan and Russia are India's best friends

If you were to prepare a pithy list of India's top three friends in the world today, it is unlikely that you would name the United States, or the United Kingdom or France or even Germany – though all are having excellent relations with India right now.

If you ask me I would stop at two; just two! Japan and Russia, in that order. For the third spot there may be a contest between Israel and the US, though both have their own well determined agendas which do not gel with India's scheme of things – Palestine, Syria and Iran as far as Israel is concerned and a whole lot of issues, not just China and Pakistan, when it comes to the US.

The US may ostensibly win the race for the number three slot in my list of India's three best foreign policy partners for the simple reason that it is the sole superpower of the world and this status of Washington is unlikely to be challenged for the next couple of decades at least. But then partnering with the US is like running an egg-in-spoon race. The race itself is full of edge-of-the-seat excitements and the outcome is always tentative.

Moreover, with the US there is always another risk. You never know when you are an esteemed partner and when you become a liability. The US-Pakistan relations are an important reality check not just for the Indians but for anyone who wishes to get into the so-called good books of the Americans.

The Americans are known to be fast in finding new friends when it suits their national interest and faster in dumping them for the same reasons.

Like other major Western powers (read France particularly), the Americans have no qualms in arming India and Pakistan with lethal weapons simultaneously. Business is the sole mantra.

The Israelis are more sedate and steadfast as a strategic partner of India but this small, and yet militarily powerful, nation is more like a hot potato for India given the Israeli hatred to countries like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon which makes it difficult for any ruling party in India in India to handle.

Japan and Russia are the only two countries with which India has no ideological or strategic differences.

With either of the two India does not have any troublesome issues that contiguous neighbours usually have. India has no boundary dispute with either of them and does not have a chequered past of fighting a one-to-one war with any of the two for the simple reason that India does not share borders with either of these. And yet India is not far from Japan or Russia.

Over the past one decade, Japan has climbed up the Indian strategic ladder, thanks to the China factor. In fact, the political proximity between India and Japan can be solely attributed to China's aggressive diplomatic and military posturing. China's increasingly assertive diplomacy and its never-stated but always practiced strategy of weaving a string of pearls around India has been directly proportional to India's tilt towards Japan.

But Japan has one more claim to be India's number one friend in today's world. It has been instrumental in silently revolutionizing India's growth story which is visible to the naked eye of the man on the street in India. Japan has emerged as a solid game changer for India in infrastructure growth. No other power on earth has been so pro-actively engaged with the Indians in beefing up the Indian infrastructure like Japan has.

Look at the number of ambitious infrastructure projects that the Japanese have not just been financing but also imparting their technical skills to make these happen. Delhi Metro Rail project was the first to have started with the Japanese financial and technical assistance over a decade ago. Now the Delhi Metro example is being emulated by over thirty Indian cities!

The upcoming mega projects like the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and the Delhi Mumbai Freight Corridor are all set to eclipse the Delhi Metro glory in terms of the Japanese financial-technical assistance. The Chennai-Bengaluru corridor is another ambitious project in the impressive bouquet of Indo-Japanese global strategic partnership.

Japan has shown to the world how to win the Indian hearts – by stressing on sector-by-sector approach in the Indian infrastructural growth story. So much so that other powers like the UK, France and Germany too have dropped similar hints of focusing on sector-by-sector growth of India.

As far as Russia is concerned, the former superpower has had tried and tested strategic partnership with India for decades when the phrase 'strategic partnership' was not even coined. Russia is India's largest arms exporter. Russia has consciously kept the Indian strategic interests in mind and has taken care not to sell arms to Pakistan. This is despite Pakistan trying its best to cozy up to Russia in the recent past.

It is not a coincidence that the only two countries with which India has been having an institutionalized mechanism of annual summits are Russia and Japan – with Russia since 2000 and with Japan since 2006.

Ironically, the two countries that India is great friends with are deeply suspicious, and even inimical, with each other – Russia and Japan. This provides a wonderful diplomatic opportunity for India as New Delhi can act as a catalyst for improving Russia-Japan ties. Such a move from India is not yet in the public domain but it is a matter of when, not if, that India acts as a bridge between Russia and Japan, even as Moscow and Tokyo are already showing signs of rapprochement.


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Can Russia stop Indian drift?

The deep sea diving rupee makes currency conversions a tricky task. At last week's exchange rate India's defence imports amounted to $38 billion for the three-year period April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. Russia stays on top of the list of suppliers with $16 billion in orders.

In fact, Moscow's defence portfolio in India is worth $20 billion, which is enough to keep Russian factories from Nizhny Novgorod to Komsomolsk-na-Amure buzzing for years.

Should Russia be celebrating? Yes, but not for long. For, Israel and the United States have carved sizeable chunks of India's lucrative defence procurement cake. In fact, most industry experts appear to have missed out on the significance of the year 2011-12 when Israel – not Russia – was the Indian Army's leading weapons supplier.

To be sure, there is no way Russia could have kept in step with the Soviet Union which had an 80 percent share of India's defence imports. Russia's westward focus during the 1990s and the inability of its industry – which was going through turmoil – to supply spares to its biggest client forced India to start looking elsewhere.

The drift has been relentless since the 2000s, with India buying big-ticket items such as howitzers and transport planes from the United States as well as missiles and AWACS from Israel. What has worked in Washington and Israel's favour is their ability to keep assembly lines running and supply weapons platforms quickly. This has been in contrast to the drawn-out dramas that have accompanied deals with Russia.

Again, Israel has proved to be a reliable partner, and has sold India a lot of hot defence gear. With both countries facing intensely hostile security environments their need are similar, creating a lot of synergy. Israeli supplied surveillance technology has drastically reduced Pakistani infiltration across the line of control in Kashmir.

Needless to say reliability in supplying weapons and their effectiveness in operations has generated tremendous goodwill in the Indian armed forces.

Strategic partnership

Predictably, India's dalliance with Israel and the United States has caused a great deal of disquiet in Russia. On at least one occasion Moscow has directly snubbed New Delhi. In April 2011 a flotilla of five warships from the Indian Navy's Eastern Fleet that went for joint naval exercises to Vladivostok was turned back.

It doesn't take a diplomat to see that bilateral relationships can nosedive after such incidents. There might be a future admiral of the fleet among the officers on those Indian warships, which ended up doing tabletop war games instead of marine manoeuvres.

Russian view

Russia has a right to be peeved. Some say the reason for the Vladivostok cancellation was the scratching of the MiG-35 from India's MMRCA dogfight. Frankly, in a fair fight some of the winners in India's defence procurement contests may not have made it to the finish line. The Rafale, for instance, is unlikely to win a dogfight against the Su-35 – now China's frontline fighter – or arguably against the MiG-35.

"We know what gimmicks are used to manipulate deals," says Russian ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin. "Sometimes, terms of tenders are crafted specifically to get the required results."

Kadakin acknowledges that India, being "an emerging superpower", has the right to build defence ties with other countries, but says unlike "some newly-acquired partners", Russia has never hesitated to transfer the most sensitive defence technologies to India.

"Name a country that will lease you a nuclear submarine. Will the Americans, the British or the French lease you such a platform?" Kadakin asks, referring to the Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine leased to India by Russia last year. "This is the unique character of our privileged strategic partnership."

Without transparency, such issues can fester and poison a strategic partnership that has lasted 40 years – barring the hiccup of the Boris Yeltsin years – and is good for several more.

Friends vs allies

What India's new defence procurement procedure means for Russia

India's defence diversification strategy is aimed at reducing dependence on any one supplier. However, in the process the Indian armed forces must not look like the United Nations of weapons. Currently, no other country in the world has so many suppliers.

The motives of suppliers need to be carefully analysed too. Uncle Sam's current willingness to sell virtually anything to India can be seen in the backdrop of mass unemployment and hunger in its Bible Belt, where a lot of weapons are manufactured. In fact so desperate is Washington for cash that it wouldn't mind selling its F-35 stealth aircraft if India showed the slightest interest.

Consequences are important too. The sale of American weapons to India unsettles China, which – perhaps rightly – sees a plan hatched in Washington to surround it with stooges.

Building a defence base

India cannot afford to be stuck with the title of the world's leading arms importer forever. In its own interest it needs to spawn private sector defence companies that will be able to produce aircraft and tanks that the DRDO for some inexplicable reason has been unable to.

India's new defence procurement strategy released earlier this year aims to develop a robust defence base. If this strategy takes wings, in a few years India will be able to produce enough at home. It is in the area of joint production that Russia needs to press ahead.

The PAK-FA fifth generation fighter and the BrahMos anti-ship missile are the most visible outcomes of joint venture production. The work of Russian scientists and engineers in India's Arihant nuclear submarine and its successors has been publicly acknowledged by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

It is an area in which Russia has a head start and few rivals.

Can Russia stop Indian drift? |


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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RUSSIA is a steadfast friend of India..time tested and solid....It is a mistake to ever lose such a wonderful friendship. When nobody wanted to stand with India..when US used Pakistan to break up India by instigating Khalistan terror movement...It was our valued Russian friends who stood with us....
President Putin is a gutsy president and just like Russia lives in the heart of evry Indian...India lives in the heart of every Russian. Lets use this friendship for the greater well being of entire human family.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2013
what about the recent events, where US is trying to increase the defense cooperation between India and US ?


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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US only respects wealth and strenghth.....Donot forget history...US always tried to use Pakistani Military to keep India on its toes inspite of India being a democratic, secular, open society and ,in fact, a natural ally of USA. USA talks about idealism but when it comes to its own interest ,the only policy is to
gain power and wealth by any means. Pitting Pakistan against India, pitting Taiwan against China, using Chechnya and ukraine against Russia, South korea against North korea and son on...this game has always been the US game to maintain its hegemony. Therefore, Indians have such a difficulty trusting US. If India is militarily and economically strong...USA will be very interested in trade. Becoming an enemy of China or Russia to appease USA will be India's greatest mistakes in the 21st century. Russia and china want to trade with I(ndia and Believe me....NOBODY can win if there happens a war between these 3 great civilizations. Indian policy should be trade and friendship with China and Russia...whether USA like it or not.
Lastly, India must ...I say must...keep its military extremely strong as the world is turning into a jungle by the day. Strong only will survive . Forget Gandhi for next 10 years.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2013
anyway hope indo russian friendship endure forever and personally my opinion is that we increase defense co operation with russia than with US..atleast russians i believe are not backstabbers.......


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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US only respects wealth and strenghth.....Donot forget history...US always tried to use Pakistani Military to keep India on its toes inspite of India being a democratic, secular, open society and ,in fact, a natural ally of USA. USA talks about idealism but when it comes to its own interest ,the only policy is to
gain power and wealth by any means. Pitting Pakistan against India, pitting Taiwan against China, using Chechnya and ukraine against Russia, South korea against North korea and son on...this game has always been the US game to maintain its hegemony. Therefore, Indians have such a difficulty trusting US. If India is militarily and economically strong...USA will be very interested in trade. Becoming an enemy of China or Russia to appease USA will be India's greatest mistakes in the 21st century. Russia and china want to trade with I(ndia and Believe me....NOBODY can win if there happens a war between these 3 great civilizations. Indian policy should be trade and friendship with China and Russia...whether USA like it or not.
Lastly, India must ...I say must...keep its military extremely strong as the world is turning into a jungle by the day. Strong only will survive . Forget Gandhi for next 10 years.

And you think Soviets/Russia did it because they loved India and Indians?


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Its not about charity or idealism ...folks ! Its about values and ideology. Do you want a world where a power hungry superpower manipulates the rest of the world to keep its power OR a multi-polar, more democratic world where nations make decisions based on what is in the best interest of the World.
United Staes, overall is a great nation with basic values of freedom, equality and justice...YES.. its not perfect...which nation is perfect? Russia and China are ,also, great civilizations...although they have their own imperfections. India needs to rise above petty thinking and reclaim its, old, glorious past civilisational value system of "World is One Family" . The problem is United State's policy of last few decades ( a mistake US now realizes) of using a Muslim fanatical pakistan to keep India under control. To use Taliban, to defeat Soviets. These policies are coming back to bite U.S and U.S. is smart enough to figure these problems and rectify them. Such mistakes do not make United States "all bad" Its still a great force for good,just like India is.
India needs to be militarily so strong that Pakistan becomes USELESS for any major power to be used against India ..(be it US or China) Then Pakistan will not be able to use its "whore mentality" to get get "f..d' for some aid/donation . Pakistan will be placed in its right place and it will have to join the constructive group of major nations to uplift the world as a whole. I wish for a day when we see..US+Russia+India+China+Brazil+Indonesia+ rest of the nations AGAINST terrorists of all kinds,poverty, disease and natural calamities. (VASUDEV KUTUMBAKUM).


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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US only respects wealth and strenghth.....Donot forget history...US always tried to use Pakistani Military to keep India on its toes inspite of India being a democratic, secular, open society and ,in fact, a natural ally of USA. USA talks about idealism but when it comes to its own interest ,the only policy is to
gain power and wealth by any means. Pitting Pakistan against India, pitting Taiwan against China, using Chechnya and ukraine against Russia, South korea against North korea and son on...this game has always been the US game to maintain its hegemony. Therefore, Indians have such a difficulty trusting US. If India is militarily and economically strong...USA will be very interested in trade. Becoming an enemy of China or Russia to appease USA will be India's greatest mistakes in the 21st century. Russia and china want to trade with I(ndia and Believe me....NOBODY can win if there happens a war between these 3 great civilizations. Indian policy should be trade and friendship with China and Russia...whether USA like it or not.
Lastly, India must ...I say must...keep its military extremely strong as the world is turning into a jungle by the day. Strong only will survive . Forget Gandhi for next 10 years.
I agree on Russia part but Chinese are not so simple.

You're living in a very idealistic thinking, my friend. Chinese are not the Chinese of the old. They are very aggressive against our bordering states. I am from a state that directly borders them and my family has seen what they can do. Please know the difference.

Also I agree on forgetting Gandhi. His thinking was so idealistic that a nation cannot survive on such principles.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Indian Premier Arrives in Moscow For Summit

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived in Moscow Sunday for an official visit, during which he is due meet President Vladimir Putin and sign a series of agreements on trade, nuclear energy and defense equipment.

Monday will be the first working day of the visit, the 14th annual Russian-Indian summit, when Putin and Singh will hold talks.

The two sides are also expected to sign deals in the spheres of "science and technology and energy efficiency," according to the Indian Foreign Ministry.

According to Indian media, the talks are also likely to focus on defense procurement and cooperation, one of the central planks of the Indian-Russian bilateral relationship.

That is likely to include an Indian request for lease of a second nuclear-powered submarine from Moscow, following the lease of the INS Chakra attack boat in 2012.

The Deccan Herald reports Delhi wants to finance the completion of an Alfa Class submarine that was started during the Soviet era but not completed due to the funding collapse following the demise of the USSR. The deal could be worth 60 billion Rupees ($983 million) the paper says.

Nuclear power is another key area for cooperation, with talks likely on India's acquisition of a third and fourth block for the Kudankulam nuclear power plant.

The visit comes just three weeks before Russia prepares to hand over a refitted aircraft carrier to India for its navy, after a long-delayed and much over budget refit of the vessel.

The Vikramaditya, formerly the Admiral Gorshkov, is due to set sail for India in mid-November.

Foreign affairs will also be on the agenda, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, with the security situation in Afghanistan of concern to both sides ahead of the withdrawal of international security forces next year.

"At the end of the meeting, a joint statement is planned, reflecting the approach of both sides to the further development of the strategic partnership, including our growing trade and economic cooperation and coordinated cooperation in current international affairs," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Prime Minister Singh will also visit the Moscow State Institute for International Affairs (MGIMO) to receive an honorary diploma. After visiting Russia, he will fly to China on October 22 for a further official visit.

Indian Premier Arrives in Moscow For Summit | Russia | RIA Novosti


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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India Looks to Russia as Provider of Future Energy Security

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh secured commitments Monday from Russia that New Delhi will hope could go some way to providing for the country's surging energy needs.

Singh and Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a joint statement after talks in Moscow that the two countries have agreed on a range of energy issues, spanning from cooperation in electricity production to possible joint oil and gas exploration in the Arctic Sea.

With demand for electricity set to double in India over the coming decade, New Delhi is actively seeking ways to plug the gap.

Singh and Putin said Monday that Russia and India would speed up the signing of a long-anticipated framework agreement to build the third and fourth reactors at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in the southernmost tip of India.

Putin said the first reactor at the plant may even have been set to operate by Monday evening.

"I think it could happen in the next few hours," Putin said after talks with Singh.

Putin said the construction of as many as four more units at Kundankulam was under consideration. The Indian premier said Monday the second Kundankulam unit could be launched in early 2014.

India signed a contract with the Soviet Union to build the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in 1988. Construction started only in 1997 due to political and economic upheaval in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The project involves 1,000-megawatt pressurized water reactors being constructed by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited and Russia's Atomstroyexport company, a subsidiary of Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom.

The construction of the first two units was halted in September 2011 amid protests by local residents demanding the scrapping of the Indo-Russian project in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Protesters blocked all roads to the plant and would not allow the workers to enter.

Work resumed in March 2012 and the first unit at Kudankulam was commissioned on July 13.

According to Russian experts, negotiations on further construction at the Indian nuclear power plant have been hampered by New Delhi's strict safety liability regulations that Moscow believes cannot be applied to Soviet-era technology.

The joint statement Monday also said Russia and India would review "the possibility of organizing direct overland transportation of energy supplies from Russia to India."

It was unclear from the statement what methods of transportation are being proposed. India and Russia are separated by several countries, including Afghanistan and New Delhi's avowed foe Pakistan.

Singh furthermore reaffirmed India's interest in taking part in prospecting for energy resources in the Arctic Sea together with leading Russian companies, including the state-run Rosneft.

"We see Russia as a key partner for our energy security," Singh said Monday.

India Looks to Russia as Provider of Future Energy Security | Russia | RIA Novosti


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Friends, something very interesting is cooking in the region I call it "PUTIN PLAN" The plan is to develop a solid trade and military relationship between Russia,China and India and share oil and gas so these giant nations develop fast. Believe it or not...China is on board. New Chinese leadership (of President Xi and PM Li) is different in vision and want a "de-americanized" global system and are willing to join hands with Russia and India. A we speak ..right today (on Oct 22)..Prime minister of Russia, India and China are meeting in Beijing. There is a plan to have a highway from China to India to Burma to BanglaDesh. These three giants are aiming to have a Multi Polar world free from bullying of one selfish superpower. If they can unite and work together, it can be great for entire human family.

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