India 'rebel' explosives recovered


New Member
Oct 2, 2009

The police say the explosives were being used by Maoists

Police in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have recovered a huge amount of explosives which they say were being used by Maoist rebels.

State police chief Girish Kumar said the explosives would have helped in making some 3,000 hand grenades.

He said the discovery indicated that the rebels were trying to revive their activities in the state.

More than 6,000 people have died during the rebels' 20-year fight for communist rule in many Indian states.

The rebels have a presence in about a third of India's 600-odd districts.

However, a security offensive in Andhra Pradesh four years ago drove many of the rebels out of the state and into hiding.

Mr Kumar said that the rebels had been stocking explosives at Pydiparru village which had never known rebel activity in the past.

Apart from the explosives, grenade shells, live ammunition and six rocket launchers were also recovered, he said.

The federal government has launched a major security offensive against the rebels in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.