India-Pakistan LoC/IB Skirmishes in the Aftermath of August 5 2019

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Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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I think in this thread members were speculating whether an earthquake in Pakistan was actually a strike.

I had opined that simultaneous earthquakes were seen in different parts of the world along fault lines so big geologic activity was about to take place.

And, the Taal volcano in Philippines is active and very dangerous now. Watch out for more troubles in months to come. India might be affected by earthquakes since one of the plates is Himalaya plates.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Where is our deep state ?
Where are our hit squads?
Thing is Indians are made docile via bs morality, karma fearing , god fearing bs ,
It shows on every level ,in army you can see officers taking pride in morality ,equality while getting attacked ,mocked again and again and again ,
When did we ever attack ,
We Indians always look for compromise ,
Believe it or not Indian societal construct makes them obedient ,compromising and always defensive SLAVES ,
who celebrate prithviraj chauhan's senseless cowardice conduct as some sort of nobility ,
Nobility which resulted in ass rape and genocide of 10s of thousands of natives.

Even our army ,our officers lack COLD BLOODED strategic nature ,
Compare US army ,compare British empire and other colonialists of past, Compare mongols changez khan hordes even Babur , Muzzies ,turks ,japanese
Take anyone , all these guys were bold and had guts to do things which Indians are even discouraged from Imagining.

Even Our traditional dada's and chowdhurys etc dadagiri ends at street or village level ,
While a small muslims entering underworld takes it over and literally fucks hindus like anything .

There were shaivites ,vaishanavites , buddhists , jains ,sikhs etc
Its time for evolution of a modern EQUAL (among ourselves) ,Cold blooded , Ruthless opportunist(against others) ,free from mumbo jumbo's like muhurat's , hawans ,tona-totaka's etc New society among native Indians ,

You can see guru nanaks reason for starting sikhism and you can see when freed from hocus pocus bs what they were able to do against much bigger adversary .
No disrespect to historical Indian warriors but they showed zero evolution of tactics ,weapons and strategic planning, they were way over in their heads for being some "SPECIAL" warriors BY BIRTH (not merit) ,
i mean maharana pratap was fighting with chariots , just unbelievable ,
If you take a unbiased look at our military history we were only winning and later survived because of our LARGE numbers,
wherever population was less ,that area got islamicized pretty quickly ,like Afghanistan and fata areas ,
Our heavily populated areas didn't get islamisized because we had way more heads than muslims can cut off.

Mughals weren't really interested in conquering surrounded rajputana deserts ,they just wanted to destroy any new found vigour and they did it time and again, whenever someone tried to pose a LITTLE challenge (And we celebrate it as some kind of great win) , Their main aim was to rule the fertile green belt and they ruled it till the end. Even here rajputs were jyst defensive and CONSPIRING against one another because even among themselves.

The way marathas fought was EVOLUTION but according to derranged Hindu thinking it will be considered coward way of fighting , similar tactics were used by sikhs later ,

Nobility ,warrior ethics look cool when you have larger army but when you are less in numbers then you use whatever you have , Only thing that matters is RESULT period.

Ok , i might have mixed up two three things ,
but what i mean to say is we need to evolve into a New society rather than romantisizing old ones which Already FAILED BADLY and No offense to anyone but outright DISCRIMINATORY to major part of population .

It all can only change through a educational and societal REVOLUTION .

We are getting attacked from 1947 continously by someone way smaller in numbers than us ,
We are not able to do anything about it ,
Now for a moment think How did RUSSIA (chechanya),US(middle east),China(Xingziang ,salami slicing,internal security) etc behave and how do India aspiring to be a super power behaves.
We should aspire to take all our land back not only POK doesn't matter if its a 100 yrs plan.

Moral armies only win in mythical stories ,in real world the sadistic cold armies do the job , go through history vikings, rome , alexander , arabs ,mongols ,turks ,colonialists,soviets , US.
If they can they take over others resources and if they cant they try that no one fucking does , doesnt matter millions die .
Though I'll argue of our officers having that cold blooded strategizing nature, I do agree. A war of civilizations is not won by morality.
It's like racing with the handbrakes on.
We need to be guiltless, shameless and cunning with disregard to this barely sustainable moral value while subsequently having this big picture in mind.

If you do not sit down each day and think "I'm going to hell when I die", are you really efficient and fit for war?

This is not to mention the fact that due to the standard of moral values our young officers and soldiers are held up to and when reality of war hits, the effect it has on them and the scale of PTSD among them (in the Indian context) goes ignored.

The ones who seem to be free from all this hullaboo about "morals" and "hearts & mind" seem to be the Paras who don't mind fetching footballs from across the LoC and obviously SG. Have heard stories about SG which makes them sound downright sadistic nutcases but all of that image is a pre-planned psy op to sap the morale of enemy troops and it worked.

SG dudes are absolute nuts. Nuttier than Edward Gallagher but maintaining professionalism.
Trust me.
You never want to be on the receiving end of their business.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Having morality is also a part of strategy when you don't have enough friends. That is the only way you can justify your actions when you are weak and without friends.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Death toll 57 in Neelum Valley,

How come not a single mard e converted of paki army died?
Or they passing off last two weeks dead paki soldiers as civilians ,
Because 57 is close to the number of dead paki soldiers reported by falcon.
They most likely Evacuated all there Hijadas from Avalanche Prone areas on the LOC before the civilians themselves as expected from the Terrorist Bastards Unlike the Indian Army who stayed back to help Evacuate and rescue the civilians and also protect the important areas on LOC.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Having morality is also a part of strategy when you don't have enough friends. That is the only way you can justify your actions when you are weak and without friends.
India or it’s Army isn’t weak it’s the people who are weak especially Indian Dindus. Our Civilians and Maybe even the up ranks of the Army are full weak hearted people from Dindu community. Morality has pulled India back on so many occasions from achieving total victory. Mercy and Morality should be shown to enemies who deserve it unlike the PorkiShitani Camel Pee Drinkers. India has more “friends” than Porkishitan. PorkiShitan is a Slave/Whore unlike India which is the Tiger of Asia and but India doesn’t act like that.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Where is our deep state ?
Where are our hit squads?
Thing is Indians are made docile via bs morality, karma fearing , god fearing bs ,
It shows on every level ,in army you can see officers taking pride in morality ,equality while getting attacked ,mocked again and again and again ,
When did we ever attack ,
We Indians always look for compromise ,
Believe it or not Indian societal construct makes them obedient ,compromising and always defensive SLAVES ,
who celebrate prithviraj chauhan's senseless cowardice conduct as some sort of nobility ,
Nobility which resulted in ass rape and genocide of 10s of thousands of natives.

Even our army ,our officers lack COLD BLOODED strategic nature ,
Compare US army ,compare British empire and other colonialists of past, Compare mongols changez khan hordes even Babur , Muzzies ,turks ,japanese
Take anyone , all these guys were bold and had guts to do things which Indians are even discouraged from Imagining.

Even Our traditional dada's and chowdhurys etc dadagiri ends at street or village level ,
While a small muslims entering underworld takes it over and literally fucks hindus like anything .

There were shaivites ,vaishanavites , buddhists , jains ,sikhs etc
Its time for evolution of a modern EQUAL (among ourselves) ,Cold blooded , Ruthless opportunist(against others) ,free from mumbo jumbo's like muhurat's , hawans ,tona-totaka's etc New society among native Indians ,

You can see guru nanaks reason for starting sikhism and you can see when freed from hocus pocus bs what they were able to do against much bigger adversary .
No disrespect to historical Indian warriors but they showed zero evolution of tactics ,weapons and strategic planning, they were way over in their heads for being some "SPECIAL" warriors BY BIRTH (not merit) ,
i mean maharana pratap was fighting with chariots , just unbelievable ,
If you take a unbiased look at our military history we were only winning and later survived because of our LARGE numbers,
wherever population was less ,that area got islamicized pretty quickly ,like Afghanistan and fata areas ,
Our heavily populated areas didn't get islamisized because we had way more heads than muslims can cut off.

Mughals weren't really interested in conquering surrounded rajputana deserts ,they just wanted to destroy any new found vigour and they did it time and again, whenever someone tried to pose a LITTLE challenge (And we celebrate it as some kind of great win) , Their main aim was to rule the fertile green belt and they ruled it till the end. Even here rajputs were jyst defensive and CONSPIRING against one another because even among themselves.

The way marathas fought was EVOLUTION but according to derranged Hindu thinking it will be considered coward way of fighting , similar tactics were used by sikhs later ,

Nobility ,warrior ethics look cool when you have larger army but when you are less in numbers then you use whatever you have , Only thing that matters is RESULT period.

Ok , i might have mixed up two three things ,
but what i mean to say is we need to evolve into a New society rather than romantisizing old ones which Already FAILED BADLY and No offense to anyone but outright DISCRIMINATORY to major part of population .

It all can only change through a educational and societal REVOLUTION .

We are getting attacked from 1947 continously by someone way smaller in numbers than us ,
We are not able to do anything about it ,
Now for a moment think How did RUSSIA (chechanya),US(middle east),China(Xingziang ,salami slicing,internal security) etc behave and how do India aspiring to be a super power behaves.
We should aspire to take all our land back not only POK doesn't matter if its a 100 yrs plan.

Moral armies only win in mythical stories ,in real world the sadistic cold armies do the job , go through history vikings, rome , alexander , arabs ,mongols ,turks ,colonialists,soviets , US.
If they can they take over others resources and if they cant they try that no one fucking does , doesnt matter millions die .
I have been preaching this since the beginning when I joined this Forum and I hundred percent agree with everything you said. India can’t beat Pisslams with Ahimsa, Morality or Forgiveness. The Only reason Hindus survived was because of the Orthodox Nature of Hinduism and huge number of followers it had. Core Areas of India had Huge Population which Pisslams couldn’t convert. Only people who did convert were either forced too or did it for higher social standing in Pisslam Controlled Society. If Hindus don’t Toughen up or become ruthless India could never be able to take and Keep POK under our hands
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Regular Member
Apr 18, 2014
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On the topic of non-violence and Indian strategy:

How can you expect Indians to be ruthless when the psyche has been cucked by Gandhi?
The freedom we got was not TAKEN but was GIVEN by the British. The aggreement was that India will have to pay the price by partition. Britain had already sucked India dry and it was in no position to continue colonization in 20th century that too after getting hit in WW2.

Gandhi's cuckoldry won hearts and minds in Great Britain. There was a reason he could meet the King of England while Subhash Chandra Bose couldn't. Well, he wouldn't have met him anways but the reason Gandhi mingled with Kings and Viceroys was because he was a great asset to keep poor savage Indians docile. He was the biggest asset of the British.

Think about it! Why would a British king meet Gandhi and be given so much respect?

Gandhi, the great cuckold event believed that Mahabharata war is a parable and its true message is that war should be fought only inside the mind. According to him, Mahabharata war never happened!

Even now if you say anything against Gandhi, then people from GenX and GenY will be like..."ohh no, he is the Father of nation bro, we should not fight wars naa, we should make peace na". I am totally astounded by the cuckoldry of my co-nationals. A great rejuvenation and total social engineering is required.

This should start with PM Modi stopping this tamasha of paying tribute to cuckold Gandhi every year . IT HAS TO START SOMEWHERE.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2012
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On the topic of non-violence and Indian strategy:

How can you expect Indians to be ruthless when the psyche has been cucked by Gandhi?
The freedom we got was not TAKEN but was GIVEN by the British. The aggreement was that India will have to pay the price by partition. Britain had already sucked India dry and it was in no position to continue colonization in 20th century that too after getting hit in WW2.

Gandhi's cuckoldry won hearts and minds in Great Britain. There was a reason he could meet the King of England while Subhash Chandra Bose couldn't. Well, he wouldn't have met him anways but the reason Gandhi mingled with Kings and Viceroys was because he was a great asset to keep poor savage Indians docile. He was the biggest asset of the British.

Think about it! Why would a British king meet Gandhi and be given so much respect?

Gandhi, the great cuckold event believed that Mahabharata war is a parable and its true message is that war should be fought only inside the mind. According to him, Mahabharata war never happened!

Even now if you say anything against Gandhi, then people from GenX and GenY will be like..."ohh no, he is the Father of nation bro, we should not fight wars naa, we should make peace na". I am totally astounded by the cuckoldry of my co-nationals. A great rejuvenation and total social engineering is required.

This should start with PM Modi stopping this tamasha of paying tribute to cuckold Gandhi every year . IT HAS TO START SOMEWHERE.
Correction - it was a transfer of power in 1947. We still had a british Viceroy and 3 chiefs of staffs of all 3 forces.
Modi can and will everything that he has taken Birth to do. We need to be patient n back him.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019

Two CISF Jawans died in Fratricide Incident in J&K UT District of Udhampur. Two Jawans Had Argument against each other causing a Shoot Out between the two and killing each other in the ensuing fight.
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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while paki porks sent the books to get 72 virgins India sends
Indian embassy hands over 1 lakh textbooks to Madagascar
The Indian embassy in Antananarivo handed over as many as 100,000 academic textbooks on behalf of the Indian government to Madagascar.



Sep 7, 2015
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Left/Congress - Pakistan Link Exposed | Pakistan's Secret Document Revealed!!

Pakistan's Official secret Document leaked on the net exposes the Connection between Pakistan and Congress Party & Leftists. This document is shown in this video. See till the end. It's mind boggling to see the length to which the Cong and the Left will go to try and bring down Modi. Even sell the country to Pak!


Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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This should start with PM Modi stopping this tamasha of paying tribute to cuckold Gandhi every year . IT HAS TO START SOMEWHERE
Sometimes it's better to show yourself as adhar vadhi noble and peaceful around the globe and bomb Pakistan at night. Gandhi is a good public figure image of india.

Anyways those who know about india will always know about our ICBMS and our navy which dominates the Indian ocean.
Countries use fake great idols to portray themselves in international arena.

I say we should totally milk gandhi.

Because it doesn't matter what past was today we are totally different beast.


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Whats surprising is that the seem to take this activity with very low rewards.
Bet these are sikhs still sympathetic to Khalistan issue... looking way for money & leting in illegal shipments is one thing, but noone would actively help ferry the mujahids for mere bribes!
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fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Bet these are sikhs still sympathetic to Khalistan issue... looking way for money & leting in illegal shipments is one thing, but noone would ferry mujahids for mere bribes!
it would be foolishness to say every Sikh is supporting khalistan it is just a day dream of extremist sikhs living in Canada.i think that u have not visited any village in punjab.

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Bet these are sikhs still sympathetic to Khalistan issue... looking way for money & leting in illegal shipments is one thing, but noone would ferry mujahids for mere bribes!
Ever read about khalistan issue.
It's a ideology of hate created by khangress.
They wanted to remove akali dall from punjab in order to do that they started to provide support bhindrawala and in the end we find out that he was a isi stooge.
And the way Congress organized 1984 dange was pathetic unlike Muslims sikhs and hindus didn't had any conflict.
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