India-Pakistan LoC/IB Skirmishes in the Aftermath of August 5 2019

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Oct 27, 2019
'Sikhs can visit Amritsar for pilgrimage, they should not come to Pakistan,' threatens Pak cleric

Updated Dec 03, 2019 | 18:52 IST | Times Now Digital

"Only Mecca and the Prophet are considered to be holy in our land. The Sikhs can visit Amritsar for pilgrimage if they want, but they should not come here," the cleric threatened.

Photo Credit: ANI
Pakistan cleric

Islamabad: Nearly three weeks after November 12, when the Kartarpur corridor was opened for Sikh pilgrims on a noble note to allow them to visit Gurudwara Darbar Sahib, a video has surfaced on social media where an Islamic cleric named Khadim Hussain Rizvi is seen stressing that Pakistan had been formed to forbid any Sikh to enter the country. The much-publicised endeavour of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to project Pakistan as a secular nation takes a beating with this video having created a stir.

The cleric - Khadim Hussain Rizvi-also adds, “Pakistan is formed from the word ‘Pak’ or pious in Islam. The dirty habits of Sikhs will not be allowed here.” Khadim Rizvi is an Islamist scholar and is the founder of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan - a religious-political organisation founded in 2015. It is known for its protests against any proposed dilution or change to Pakistan's discriminatory blasphemy law.

"Only Mecca and the Prophet are considered to be holy in our land. The Sikhs can visit Amritsar for pilgrimage if they want, but they should not come here," the cleric threatened.

The experts on a popular talk show on an online Canadian channel called Tag TV emphasised that the video is another confirmation that PM Imran Khan is trying to buy the Sikh sentiment and use it as an instrument against the BJP-led government in India and fuel the separatist movement for a separate nation for Sikhs called Khalistan.

The Kartarpur Sahib corridor is a 4.7 km long passage that connects the Sikh shrine at Dera Baba Nanak Sahib in India's Gurdaspur with the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan's Kartarpur. It was formally opened for pilgrims on November 12 this year, just three days ahead of 550th anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev the founder of Sikhism.

On the Pakistan side, along the Kartarpur Corridor, a state-of-the-art passenger terminal that can be compared to an airport, has been constructed. It has a capacity to accommodate nearly 5000 pilgrims each day. It is a fully air-conditioned and is endowed with facilities such as kiosks, washrooms, childcare, first aid medical facilities, prayer room and snacks counters. The building has a robust security infrastructure with CCTV surveillance and public address systems.


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Nov 26, 2017
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Porkis Released Bastard Hafiz Dog
Quick, let's ask our great Indian police to do encounter. They'll probably wet their pants. Our great police only kills unarmed, helpless slum kids, not convicted, UN-designated terrorist masterminds. Or let's ask our army. No, they won't do that either. Dawood has been sitting pretty for the last thirty years. Let's ask our intelligence agencies. No, they only frame ISRO scientists like Nami Narayan. Or let's ask our politicians. No, they're busy whipping up hysteria in the masses.

Mera Bharat Mahan!


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Quick, let's ask our great Indian police to do encounter. They'll probably wet their pants. Our great police only kills unarmed, helpless slum kids, not convicted, UN-designated terrorist masterminds. Or let's ask our army. No, they won't do that either. Dawood has been sitting pretty for the last thirty years. Let's ask our intelligence agencies. No, they only frame ISRO scientists like Nami Narayan. Or let's ask our politicians. No, they're busy whipping up hysteria in the masses.

Mera Bharat Mahan!
Yes, Indian police can , but first you need to get yourself appointed as SP of Bhawalpur, Pak.
Stop ranting. Unnecessary conjecture can only be classified as ranting.


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Apr 13, 2013
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How the British schemed to give Kashmir to Pakistan

Your book  highlights how a conspiracy was hatched around the erstwhile maharaja of J&K Hari Singh  to ensure that he acceded to Pakistan and not India. Why did this plan prove to be a  failure?

 The British deep state of which Lord Hastings Ismay (Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten‘s chief of staff) and  NWFP (North West Frontier Province) Governor Sir George Cunningham were a part  wanted the whole principality of Jammu and Kashmir to accede to Pakistan.

As long as the principality‘s prime minister Ram Chandra Kak was in the saddle, they were confident that Kak would steer the state towards accession with Pakistan.

Once Kak was dismissed by Maharaja Hari Singh and accession to Pakistan appeared unlikely, the British instituted Operations Gulmarg and Datta Khel  respectively  to foil possible accession to India.

Operation Gulmarg failed because the invaders were denied British leadership.

This happened because Major Onkar Singh Kalkat, a Sikh officer, gained access to the British devised invasion  plans.

Major Kalkat was waiting to hand over charge of the brigade  when a demi-official letter arrived from General Sir Frank Messervy stationed at the general headquarters in Rawalpindi.

Attached to the letter was an appendix titled ‘Operation Gulmarg – The Plan for the Invasion and Capture of Kashmir‘ with the operations expected to commence on October 20 1947.

Major Kalkat managed to escape from the frontier settlement of Mir Ali Mirali by the skin of his teeth, arriving in Delhi on October 18 1947.

He informed then defence minister Sardar Baldev Singh of this plan on October 19, 1947.

Sardar Baldev Singh asked the British staffed intelligence directorate to verify Major Kalkat‘s account, but they paid no heed to it.

It was only after the invasion had started in full swing that Major Kalkat‘s warning was taken seriously. He was   taken to meet  Pandit Nehru only on October 24, 1947.

It is my guess that  it was  this snafu regarding Major Kalkat that made the British mercenaries, who were originally expected  to  lead the Kabailis or Pathan invaders, to  stand down and not lead the invasion.

The rest is history.

The plan for Operation Gulmarg actually started in 1943.

Yes, planning for Operation Gulmarg started way back in 1943.

The British were certain Kashmir would go to Pakistan  and pulled out all the stops in advance to ensure this.

Cunningham , in his second term  as governor of NWFP, had initiated the forming of the Tucker  committee  in 1944  that recommended that regular Indian army troops  be withdrawn from the Razmak, Wana and Khyber Pass garrisons and be replaced with scouts and khassadars.

The northern boundaries  of British India  were to be defended by Muslim staffed Frontier Scouts and Frontier Constabulary.

In 1943, the British withdrew the army from the north western borders and the withdrawal was completed by 1946.

They were replaced by khassadars with  basic detachments of  2,000 of these paramilitary troops being officiated by British officers  called district officers.

There were around 25,000 khassadars with 20 to 40 British officers overseeing them.

They would have achieved success had it not been for the show of courage shown by Major Kalkat.

Your book also highlights how the British deep state was active in ensuring Gilgit was taken over by Pakistan. Its strategic importance was something Indian rulers seemed oblivious of. 

Unfortunately, the Indian political leadership of that time led by Pandit Nehru were singularly obsessed with the mistaken notion that Sheikh Abdullah called all the shots.

However, Abdullah only represented the valley and no more.

Abdullah was unacceptable in the other four regions of the state, namely Gilgit, Ladakh, Jammu and Muzaffarabad.

Gilgit shared an international border with Afghanistan,  Xinjiang  and Tibet. 

How was Gilgit actually given over to Pakistan?

The conglomeration of the vassal States of Gilgit,  Puniyal, Koh-e-Khizr, Yasin,  Yashkoman and Chitral were called Gilgit Agency.

In 1943, Colonel Roger Bacon took over as political agent in Gilgit.

 Lord Mountbatten announced after becoming viceroy of India that the Gilgit lease would be rescinded on July 31 1947 so that it be returned to  Maharaja Hari Singh.

But Lord Ismay, Colonel Bacon and Major Brown in Gilgit had other plans.

Major Brown asked the then governor Ghansara Singh, an appointee of Maharaja Hari Singh, to step down which he refused.

This made way for Operation Datta Khel on the night of  November 4 , 1947 where Major Brown and his troops took siege of the governor‘s residence.

A fierce gun battle followed and the governor and his staff were forced to surrender.

On November 17 , 1947, a Pakistani flag was flying over the governor‘s flag staff.

It is obvious this operation was the brain child of the British deep state.

This seems to be a common chord  – call it indifference or unawareness about the strategic importance of the regions around J&K

For example, when China acquired a large chunk of , alarm bells should have rung in the Indian establishment, but this did not happen.

The Government of India knew about the Chinese intrusions and purported annexation in Aksai Chin from 1952 onwards.

Why then did the Indian government sign the Pancheel Agreement with China in 1954?

Why did India surrender its consulates in Kashgar, Sinkiang and Gartok in Tibet?

The Chinese followed the annexation of Sinkiang and Tibet by annexing a large chunk of Aksai Chin.

 The central leadership  chose to ignore it and in fact bent over backwards to cede further sovereign territory in Tibet to China.

  This was the principality of Minsar.

China had in 1959, wanted a part of the Gilgit Agency and especially the Shaksgam Valley with its 250 glaciers making it the most glaciated region in the world to be part of China.

Were the Chinese conscious even then of the importance of  water that saw them push their expansionist design?

That is obvious, otherwise they wouldn‘t have entered into a territory swap with Pakistan in 1963;  they wouldn‘t have chosen Lop  Nor lake in Xinjiang for their nuclear testing site and they wouldn‘t have annexed the Aksai lake in Aksai Chin  having a catchment area of 8,000 sq  km  as compensation for their planned degradation of Lake Lop Nor  with nuclear waste. 

IMAGE: November 1962: Indian troops in Ladakh during border clashes between India and China. Photograph: Radloff/Three Lions/Getty Images

Subsequent  to  this was that China attacked India on October 20,  1962 because they needed greater strategic depth to build the Aksai Chin highway. 

The attack on October 20, 1962 by China was to politically consolidate their pre-existing annexation of Indian territory from 1952 onwards.

They were  primarily interested in avenging the Treaty of Chushul signed in 1842 between the Sikh empire, Tibet  and the  Daoguang  emperor of China, wherein China had conceded vast tracts in Tibet and Ladakh to the Sikhs.

The Chinese were interested in overthrowing the Treaty of Chushul which had caused them great humiliation and also emboldened the British officered Indian Army to storm the gates of the imperial capital Nanjing and submit the Daoguang emperor to yet another humiliation in the form of The Treaty of Nanjing signed also in 1842.

Making India bleed with a thousand cuts was not a strategy put in place by either  Zulfikar Ali Bhutto or Zia-ul Haq , but had its origins in the tenure of Pakistan‘s  longest serving ISI chief Major General  Robert Cawthome. 

Major General  Cawthome  was ISI chief from 1949 to 1959 and devised and institutionalised the strategy of ‘continuous proxy war‘ against India. It  was  he who established the fact that India was an existential threat to Pakistan.

It was he who reciprocated the overtures of China‘s chief spymaster in the 1950s, Kang Sheng.

How successful was Zia-ul Haq‘s  operation? To turn Kashmiris away from sufism to hard line  Wahhabi Islam as also to cleanse  non-Muslims  from the  Kashmir valley?
Why were the  valley‘s leaders and the central establishment napping through all these tumultuous developments? 

Zia-ul Haq‘s strategy of converting Kashmiris to Wahhabi Islam has been almost 90% successful.

His successors were  almost  100% successful in ethnically cleansing the valley of all Kashmiri Pandits. 

In your book you state that militancy in Kashmir is set to intensify.

China is never going to give up on the waters of the Indus river.

By sustaining the militancy and hybrid war currently on in Jammu and Kashmir, China is seeking to permanently thwart India‘s attempts to use modern hydrology, to prevent us from tapping into the 19.48% of the waters of the Indus that we are entitled to. 

In your book you state that abrogation of Article 370 and the removal of Article 35A as well as freeing J&K  from the ‘tyranny of   majoritarianism‘  and  the  transformation of a state into UTs  will see a new political discourse in J&K 

Has this happened or is it set to happen?

It is too early to comment on this.

Let the delimitation of all the constituencies in the newly formed Union Territories first take place.
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New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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How the British schemed to give Kashmir to Pakistan

Your book  highlights how a conspiracy was hatched around the erstwhile maharaja of J&K Hari Singh  to ensure that he acceded to Pakistan and not India. Why did this plan prove to be a  failure?

 The British deep state of which Lord Hastings Ismay (Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten‘s chief of staff) and  NWFP (North West Frontier Province) Governor Sir George Cunningham were a part  wanted the whole principality of Jammu and Kashmir to accede to Pakistan.

As long as the principality‘s prime minister Ram Chandra Kak was in the saddle, they were confident that Kak would steer the state towards accession with Pakistan.

Once Kak was dismissed by Maharaja Hari Singh and accession to Pakistan appeared unlikely, the British instituted Operations Gulmarg and Datta Khel  respectively  to foil possible accession to India.

Operation Gulmarg failed because the invaders were denied British leadership.

This happened because Major Onkar Singh Kalkat, a Sikh officer, gained access to the British devised invasion  plans.

Major Kalkat was waiting to hand over charge of the brigade  when a demi-official letter arrived from General Sir Frank Messervy stationed at the general headquarters in Rawalpindi.

Attached to the letter was an appendix titled ‘Operation Gulmarg – The Plan for the Invasion and Capture of Kashmir‘ with the operations expected to commence on October 20 1947.

Major Kalkat managed to escape from the frontier settlement of Mir Ali Mirali by the skin of his teeth, arriving in Delhi on October 18 1947.

He informed then defence minister Sardar Baldev Singh of this plan on October 19, 1947.

Sardar Baldev Singh asked the British staffed intelligence directorate to verify Major Kalkat‘s account, but they paid no heed to it.

It was only after the invasion had started in full swing that Major Kalkat‘s warning was taken seriously. He was   taken to meet  Pandit Nehru only on October 24, 1947.

It is my guess that  it was  this snafu regarding Major Kalkat that made the British mercenaries, who were originally expected  to  lead the Kabailis or Pathan invaders, to  stand down and not lead the invasion.

The rest is history.

The plan for Operation Gulmarg actually started in 1943.

Yes, planning for Operation Gulmarg started way back in 1943.

The British were certain Kashmir would go to Pakistan  and pulled out all the stops in advance to ensure this.

Cunningham , in his second term  as governor of NWFP, had initiated the forming of the Tucker  committee  in 1944  that recommended that regular Indian army troops  be withdrawn from the Razmak, Wana and Khyber Pass garrisons and be replaced with scouts and khassadars.

The northern boundaries  of British India  were to be defended by Muslim staffed Frontier Scouts and Frontier Constabulary.

In 1943, the British withdrew the army from the north western borders and the withdrawal was completed by 1946.

They were replaced by khassadars with  basic detachments of  2,000 of these paramilitary troops being officiated by British officers  called district officers.

There were around 25,000 khassadars with 20 to 40 British officers overseeing them.

They would have achieved success had it not been for the show of courage shown by Major Kalkat.

Your book also highlights how the British deep state was active in ensuring Gilgit was taken over by Pakistan. Its strategic importance was something Indian rulers seemed oblivious of. 

Unfortunately, the Indian political leadership of that time led by Pandit Nehru were singularly obsessed with the mistaken notion that Sheikh Abdullah called all the shots.

However, Abdullah only represented the valley and no more.

Abdullah was unacceptable in the other four regions of the state, namely Gilgit, Ladakh, Jammu and Muzaffarabad.

Gilgit shared an international border with Afghanistan,  Xinjiang  and Tibet. 

How was Gilgit actually given over to Pakistan?

The conglomeration of the vassal States of Gilgit,  Puniyal, Koh-e-Khizr, Yasin,  Yashkoman and Chitral were called Gilgit Agency.

In 1943, Colonel Roger Bacon took over as political agent in Gilgit.

 Lord Mountbatten announced after becoming viceroy of India that the Gilgit lease would be rescinded on July 31 1947 so that it be returned to  Maharaja Hari Singh.

But Lord Ismay, Colonel Bacon and Major Brown in Gilgit had other plans.

Major Brown asked the then governor Ghansara Singh, an appointee of Maharaja Hari Singh, to step down which he refused.

This made way for Operation Datta Khel on the night of  November 4 , 1947 where Major Brown and his troops took siege of the governor‘s residence.

A fierce gun battle followed and the governor and his staff were forced to surrender.

On November 17 , 1947, a Pakistani flag was flying over the governor‘s flag staff.

It is obvious this operation was the brain child of the British deep state.

This seems to be a common chord  – call it indifference or unawareness about the strategic importance of the regions around J&K

For example, when China acquired a large chunk of , alarm bells should have rung in the Indian establishment, but this did not happen.

The Government of India knew about the Chinese intrusions and purported annexation in Aksai Chin from 1952 onwards.

Why then did the Indian government sign the Pancheel Agreement with China in 1954?

Why did India surrender its consulates in Kashgar, Sinkiang and Gartok in Tibet?

The Chinese followed the annexation of Sinkiang and Tibet by annexing a large chunk of Aksai Chin.

 The central leadership  chose to ignore it and in fact bent over backwards to cede further sovereign territory in Tibet to China.

  This was the principality of Minsar.

China had in 1959, wanted a part of the Gilgit Agency and especially the Shaksgam Valley with its 250 glaciers making it the most glaciated region in the world to be part of China.

Were the Chinese conscious even then of the importance of  water that saw them push their expansionist design?

That is obvious, otherwise they wouldn‘t have entered into a territory swap with Pakistan in 1963;  they wouldn‘t have chosen Lop  Nor lake in Xinjiang for their nuclear testing site and they wouldn‘t have annexed the Aksai lake in Aksai Chin  having a catchment area of 8,000 sq  km  as compensation for their planned degradation of Lake Lop Nor  with nuclear waste. 

IMAGE: November 1962: Indian troops in Ladakh during border clashes between India and China. Photograph: Radloff/Three Lions/Getty Images

Subsequent  to  this was that China attacked India on October 20,  1962 because they needed greater strategic depth to build the Aksai Chin highway. 

The attack on October 20, 1962 by China was to politically consolidate their pre-existing annexation of Indian territory from 1952 onwards.

They were  primarily interested in avenging the Treaty of Chushul signed in 1842 between the Sikh empire, Tibet  and the  Daoguang  emperor of China, wherein China had conceded vast tracts in Tibet and Ladakh to the Sikhs.

The Chinese were interested in overthrowing the Treaty of Chushul which had caused them great humiliation and also emboldened the British officered Indian Army to storm the gates of the imperial capital Nanjing and submit the Daoguang emperor to yet another humiliation in the form of The Treaty of Nanjing signed also in 1842.

Making India bleed with a thousand cuts was not a strategy put in place by either  Zulfikar Ali Bhutto or Zia-ul Haq , but had its origins in the tenure of Pakistan‘s  longest serving ISI chief Major General  Robert Cawthome. 

Major General  Cawthome  was ISI chief from 1949 to 1959 and devised and institutionalised the strategy of ‘continuous proxy war‘ against India. It  was  he who established the fact that India was an existential threat to Pakistan.

It was he who reciprocated the overtures of China‘s chief spymaster in the 1950s, Kang Sheng.

How successful was Zia-ul Haq‘s  operation? To turn Kashmiris away from sufism to hard line  Wahhabi Islam as also to cleanse  non-Muslims  from the  Kashmir valley?
Why were the  valley‘s leaders and the central establishment napping through all these tumultuous developments? 

Zia-ul Haq‘s strategy of converting Kashmiris to Wahhabi Islam has been almost 90% successful.

His successors were  almost  100% successful in ethnically cleansing the valley of all Kashmiri Pandits. 

In your book you state that militancy in Kashmir is set to intensify.

China is never going to give up on the waters of the Indus river.

By sustaining the militancy and hybrid war currently on in Jammu and Kashmir, China is seeking to permanently thwart India‘s attempts to use modern hydrology, to prevent us from tapping into the 19.48% of the waters of the Indus that we are entitled to. 

In your book you state that abrogation of Article 370 and the removal of Article 35A as well as freeing J&K  from the ‘tyranny of   majoritarianism‘  and  the  transformation of a state into UTs  will see a new political discourse in J&K 

Has this happened or is it set to happen?

It is too early to comment on this.

Let the delimitation of all the constituencies in the newly formed Union Territories first take place.
We need to recognise Major Onkar Kalkats contribution. We need a statue of him. These are unsung heroes


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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We need to recognise Major Onkar Kalkats contribution. We need a statue of him. These are unsung heroes
this info should be floated out..
clears a lot of perecption issues associated with it.


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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this info should be floated out..
clears a lot of perecption issues associated with it.
This proves that Jinnah was a british agent , just a puppet and islamic cause was a farce. Need to expose these c**t British


New Member
Nov 26, 2017
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This proves that Jinnah was a british agent , just a puppet and islamic cause was a farce. Need to expose these c**t British
In international politics, this is how things are done. USA used islamic terrorism against soviet union, for example. UK used it against India, because India is too politically naive. Let's stop blaming others for our stupidity and shortsightedness.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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In international politics, this is how things are done. USA used islamic terrorism against soviet union, for example. UK used it against India, because India is too politically naive. Let's stop blaming others for our stupidity and shortsightedness.
And USA got 9/11 and brits got Rotterdam in return....

It’s not like they got away Scot free for their actions..


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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This proves that Jinnah was a british agent , just a puppet and islamic cause was a farce. Need to expose these c**t British
Absolutely... We need to exfoliate each event and expose the British and the pakis..
They are still doing the same against India..Britistanis!


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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In international politics, this is how things are done. USA used islamic terrorism against soviet union, for example. UK used it against India, because India is too politically naive. Let's stop blaming others for our stupidity and shortsightedness.
True and international politics we divided pakistan into 2. pakistan should stop blaming others for their stupidity and shortsightedness in using terrorism as a political tool and justifying it with the British fools.
but alas...them brits mission was thwarted in kashmir..


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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This proves that Jinnah was a british agent , just a puppet and islamic cause was a farce. Need to expose these c**t British
Islamic cause wasnt a farce. Its like a nuclear fission chain reaction. A reaction thats controllable but leads to explosion if left uncontrolled. Isnt the same thing happening in Syria, Yemen or Afghanistan.
Brits used the Islamic jihad to fulfill their evil designs on India. If Jinnah was a Brit agent, so were Gandhi and Nehru. If I remember correctly, Congress was content with dominion status and poorna swarajya was mooted quite later, probably by the time Muslim league had formed. When they realised the Muslims were far ahead in demanding a self rule that they thought of doing the same. Congress leaders would have chosen British rule over Islamic rule. Thats why they chose to remain mute to partition and accepted freedom with formation of Pakistan.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Absolutely... We need to exfoliate each event and expose the British and the pakis..
They are still doing the same against India..Britistanis!
True and international politics we divided pakistan into 2. pakistan should stop blaming others for their stupidity and shortsightedness in using terrorism as a political tool and justifying it with the British fools.
but alas...them brits mission was thwarted in kashmir..
Ya know what i like...I like the way the history is told loud at a time ..
I see a pattern..

Islamic cause wasnt a farce. Its like a nuclear fission chain reaction. A reaction thats controllable but leads to explosion if left uncontrolled. Isnt the same thing happening in Syria, Yemen or Afghanistan.
Brits used the Islamic jihad to fulfill their evil designs on India. If Jinnah was a Brit agent, so were Gandhi and Nehru. If I remember correctly, Congress was content with dominion status and poorna swarajya was mooted quite later, probably by the time Muslim league had formed. When they realised the Muslims were far ahead in demanding a self rule that they thought of doing the same. Congress leaders would have chosen British rule over Islamic rule. Thats why they chose to remain mute to partition and accepted freedom with formation of Pakistan.
This might be unpopular opinion but I agree with BritShit Bastard did by Splitting India. India and Hindus are already struggling to contain Pisslamic Jihad and are getting discriminated against in there own land today then how the hell will they control Pisslam Majority lands in NW India, SW India and W India with modern day Pisslam appeasement policies set up by Nehru Family and Gandhi. Majority of Far Northwest India, Far Western India and South Western India Will all be Pisslam Majority and Hindu minority. Just like in Kashmir Local Hindus will kicked out or converted out of the area by the Pisslam and mainland Hindus will can’t do anything about do it and will hide like pussies and late cry about it on the Internet. The Pisslam Population willl grow more than twice the Population of the Hindus and they will outnumber Hindus enventually in many states and also India will also struggle to feed all the Pisslam across india with such many children. We might see future wars against Maybe Stable Afghanistan and Iran over Territory in these regions. I am not pretty sure Gandhi ’s vision of “United India” with Pisslam Appeasement will not last long. We might see similar turn of events Like we see today with multiple Jihadis Terrorist Groups running around the NWPF, Sindh, Panjab, J&K and Balochistan trying to fight against he “Hindu Dogs” of India. There will be huge fighting and riots in Panjab between Hindus, Sikhs and Pisslam. There might enventually be civil war/Jihad war between Hindus and Pisslam in this “United India” the only reason Hindus were able to retain so much land later so many Pisslam invasions is because of the Hindus Outnumbered the Pisslams and Pisslam understood this and are countering it with there own population growth and they will enventually outnumber Hindus in modern India and faster in this Proposed “united India”. I always laugh at this idea created by Libtards, Commies and Leftists of “United india”. This United India with Pisslams and Hindus Bhai Bhai will never ever work and it will always end with a religious civil war. Pisslam as cult can’t live or tolerate other religions in peaceful manner. Instead of Crying in the comment sections of social media sities When Porkis Dogs thank or mention Jinnah for making PorkiShitan. We Should also thank the bastard Pork eater for removing all his Fellow Camel Piss drinkers future Terrorists from India. Without Bastard Jinnah and British India would have turned into a graveyard full of Hindus. We can always get our territory back it’s no big deal we don’t need to merge our country with Porkis to do it. We will sanitize or convert local Pisslam in the Area.
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Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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This might be unpopular opinion but I agree with BritShit Bastard did by Splitting India. India and Hindus are already struggling to contain Pisslamic Jihad and are getting discriminated against in there own land today then how hell will they control Pisslam Majority lands in NW India, SW India and W India with modern day Pisslam appeasement policies set up by Nehru Family and Gandhi. Majority of Far Northwest India and Far Western India Will be Pisslam Majority and Hindu minority. Just like in Kashmir Local Hindus will kicked out or converted out of the area and mainland Hindus will can’t do anything about do it and will hide like pussies and late cry about it on the Internet. The Pisslam Population willl grow more than twice the Population of the Hindus and they will outnumber Hindus enventually in many states and also India will also struggle to feed all the Pisslam across india with such many children. We might see future wars against Maybe Stable Afghanistan and Iran over Territory in these regions. I am not pretty sure Gandhi ’s vision of “United India” with Pisslam Appeasement will not last long. We might see similar turn of events Like we see today with multiple Jihadis Terrorist Groups running around the NWPF, Sindh, Panjab, J&K and Balochistan trying to fight against he “Hindu Dogs” of India. There will be huge fighting and riots in Panjab between Hindus, Sikhs and Pisslam. There might enventually be civil war/Jihad war between Hindus and Pisslam in this “United India”
Even if india was not split population of Muslims would have been the same. Which is currently in india.
At the time of independence Muslim population was real low and don't forget hindu sikh population in Pakistan was also more than 30-40%. Pakistan population of Muslim grew because they had fertile land to breed and live and don't forget before 1971 Pakistan was better developed than india.
If any government was smart enough then we could have easily packed and shipped away muslims of india in Africa and other states.
And don't forget the level of threat Pakistan poses to india because of their anti hindu ideology is not even 10% in indian muslim.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Even if india was not split population of Muslims would have been the same. Which is currently in india.
At the time of independence Muslim population was real low and don't forget hindu sikh population in Pakistan was also more than 30-40%. Pakistan population of Muslim grew because they had fertile land to breed and live and don't forget before 1971 Pakistan was better developed than india.
If any government was smart enough then we could have easily packed and shipped away muslims of india in Africa and other states.
And don't forget the level of threat Pakistan poses to india because of their anti hindu ideology is not even 10% in indian muslim.
If you look at Beggardesh and PorkiShitan ‘s Population you will clearly see that they are growing super fast even faster than India so without any control as Pisslam doesn’t allow Abortions and wants to have a huge number of Female Slaves and Jihadi Warriors as said by pedo Muhumud. The Pisslam Population of Proposed Undivided India in 2019 is more than four times bigger than the time of Partition combined with Pisslam who stayed back in India it will grow even faster. Pisslams are already 14% of modern India ‘s Populations in 2019 but in undivided India there population will be more than 40% or even greater number. Anti-Hindu ideology exists in all Pisslams but vast majority won’t show this feeling to others. When Pisslams are Majority or Close to majority they act different than before when they were a small minority. They switch from victim card to the creation of Pisslamic State with Hindus as slaves very fast as there population grows.
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Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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If you look at Beggardesh and PorkiShitan ‘s Population you will clearly see that they are growing super fast even faster than India so without any control as Pisslam doesn’t allow Abortions and wants to have a huge number of Female Slaves and Jihadi Warriors as said by pedo Muhumud. The Pisslam Population of Proposed Undivided India in 2019 more than four times better than the time of Partition combined with Pisslam who stayed back in India it will grow even faster. Pisslam are already 14% of modern India ‘s Populations in 2019 but in undivided India there population will be 40% or even greater number. Anti-Hindu ideology exists in all Pisslams but vast majority won’t show this feeling to others. When Pisslams are Majority or Close to majority they act different than before than when they are minority.
Hindus need to get their temples out of government control in order to use millions of $ which are in temple's to run mass conversation program's just like how vaticans work we should actually learn from them to get muslims and Christians to get them back into dharmic religion.

For now our hindu money is getting wasted by politicians.

Their are many factors involved. If Pakistan wouldn't have been created Muslim population in subcontinent would have been lower. Because muslims wouldn't had a specific land to breed so much. Muslim population in Bangladesh and Pakistan is so high because they wiped away Hindus from those areas. Just like in Kashmir were hindu population used to be 30-40% but they removed them in order to create safe place for breeding.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Hindus need to get their temples out of government control in order to use millions of $ which are in temple's to run mass conversation program's just like how vaticans work we should actually learn from them to get muslims and Christians to get them back into dharmic religion.

For now our hindu money is getting wasted by politicians.

Their are many factors involved. If Pakistan wouldn't have been created Muslim population in subcontinent would have been lower.
Hindus wouldn’t have to get the temples out of government control if we lived in a Hindu State but we are not because of Filthy Leftists, Commies and Libtards. I hope when Pisslams Dogs start waging jihad i hope they kill these three bastard Dog Groups first. Hindu money is not getting wasted on Politicians but on other non Hindu religious groups. Don’t be naive the Pisslam popularition will always grow larger even if PorkiShitan or Beggardesh was or wasn’t created especially grow bigger if latter two wasn’t created since the There is no Population Shift.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019

Panipat: The Bollywood battle over an 18th Century war

By Sodaba Haidare
BBC News
  • 8 December 2019
Image copyright
Image captionSanjay Dutt (R) plays Afghan leader Ahmad Shah Abdali

The argument over a war that took place in the 18th Century began in a modern way: with a tweet.

"Death strikes where his shadow falls," wrote Sanjay Dutt, the veteran Bollywood actor who plays the Afghan leader, Ahmad Shah Abdali, in the film Panipat, which opened in cinemas on Friday.

It was supposed to stir up excitement for the film, which was released on Friday. Instead, it came close to instigating an international incident, angering an entire country of once-loyal Bollywood fans.

But what exactly has got Afghans so riled up?

Panipat tells the story of a 1761 battle between an Indian empire and an Afghan army, led by Abdali, with the trailer leaving viewers in no doubt that this will be a high-octane ride from start to finish.

But it was certain to cause some controversy: after all, to Afghans Abdali is their founding father and hero, but to Indians he's an invader who killed thousands of Maratha warriors in the historic battle of Panipat, north of Delhi.

Image copyright
Image captionArjun Kapoor (L) and Kriti Sanon also appear in the film

Concerns were initially raised when the film was first announced. In 2017 the Afghan consulate in Mumbai reached out directly to the Indian Information and Broadcasting Ministry.

"Ahmad Shah Abdali holds great regard in the hearts and minds of Afghan people," said Naseem Sharifi, Afghanistan's consul general in the city. "When the film was being made we requested to watch it without exposing the plot. Despite our constant efforts, we didn't get any response from the filmmakers."

But then came Sanjay Dutt's tweet, complete with a picture of his character, the man Afghans refer to as Ahmad Shah Baba (father). The uproar was immediate.

Twitter post by @duttsanjay
It was a wonderful experience to play such a strong & fierce character in #Panipat. See you all in the cinemas on 6th Dec.

— Sanjay Dutt (@duttsanjay) November 28, 2019

"He's vicious. He wears kohl. Abdali wasn't like that. From the way he dresses to the way he speaks; it's not even Afghan, he's portrayed as an Arab," Elaha Walizadeh, an Afghan blogger, told the BBC.

For generations, Afghans have grown up with Bollywood films such as Khuda Gawah, starring Amitabh Bachchan as a brave and patriotic Afghan protagonist. They were a source of joy and hope for many refugees during the dark Taliban era. They played the songs at their weddings, danced to the tunes, memorised famous dialogue and even learned Hindi from it.

But then came films such as the 2018 epic Padmaavat, which saw superstar Ranveer Singh playing Alauddin Khilji, a Turko-Afghan ruler who invaded and ruled Delhi in the 12th Century. Though the film garnered positive reviews, the portrayal of Khaliji as a cruel and vicious ruler offended many Afghans - although they were far from the only group to take issue.

Media captionDeepika Padukone received death threats for her role in Bollywood epic Padmaavat
Similarly Kesari, a 2019 period drama about an epic battle between 21 Sikh soldiers from the British Indian Army and more than 10,000 Afghans, was criticised for stereotyping and vilifying Afghans as invaders who forcibly took land.

Platforms like Twitter and Facebook mean those offended can easily find others who share their disillusionment.

"People are seeing the issue of misrepresentation because of social media. More young Afghans are noticing a trend and having conversations about it," Walizadeh said.

"Whereas before they were elated at the slightest mention of Afghans in Hindi movies, they now watch it with scrutiny. Though misrepresentation is a global problem, given Afghans' relationship with Bollywood they expect better."

Some film critics say however that the changing portrayal of Afghan characters could be down to more than just rising awareness on the part of Afghan filmgoers.

Instead they link the rising number of films with negative Muslim characters as an attempt by Bollywood executives to align the industry with India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) - a Hindu nationalist party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"We have a Hindu majority party which is quite conscious of exploiting the soft power of Bollywood," said Ankur Pathak, entertainment editor of Huffington Post India.

"Whether that is the prime minister clicking selfies with the top stars, organising meet-and-greet events or the ruling party encouraging Bollywood to show films about nation-building, there's an invisible incentive to make films to depict India in a positive light - and by India that means it's Modi's idea of India or the BJP's idea of India, which is pro-Hindu."

It is a dangerous path, Pathak adds.

"Misrepresentation of any community does immense damage. Given the current climate it's something we need to steer clear from," he said.

Film director Ashutosh Gowariker has dismissed the claims.

He told online channel Film Companion: "This film is not about a Hindu-Muslim battle. It's about stopping an invader. It's about protecting your borders, your land, that's the patriotic theme of the film. In the wake of that we have to show that Abdali did invade but we have kept the dignity of the character."

Skip Twitter post 2 by @duttsanjay
"); border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; background-position: 16px 13px;">
See you guys in cinemas this Friday, as Ahmad Shah Abdali! @arjunk26 @kritisanon@AshGowariker #SunitaGowariker@RohitShelatkar @Shibasishsarkar @agppl@visionworldfilm @RelianceEnt@ZeeMusicCompany

— Sanjay Dutt (@duttsanjay) December 3, 2019
End of Twitter post 2 by @duttsanjay

But Mr Sharifi, the Afghan consul-general, remains worried about the possible fallout from Panipat - despite assurances from Sanjay Dutt that he would not have taken the role if the portrayal was negative.

The consul-general, who also acts as an advisor to the Afghan president, says he wants a panel of experts from both countries to review the film before its release.

The BBC asked Sanjay Dutt for a response to the criticism but did not receive a response.

For some of Bollywood's most loyal Afghan fans, the film is likely to disappoint.

"Historically Indian cinema has been instrumental in strengthening Indo-Afghan ties," Dr Shaida Abdali, the former Afghan ambassador to India, tweeted.

"I very much hope that the film 'Panipat' has kept that fact in mind while dealing with this important episode of our shared history!"
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