India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
Country flag
@GhostHunter69 I never believed in their fucking propaganda and until now I don't believe it's bhramos
I have written clearly that it's a false flag operation and maybe! maybe! They might plan to push us in two fronts
Yeah it's nothing new but according to me we are not adequately equipped for it
Fighting with severe losses and end result is not known is not a war we should fight but it is being imposed
Due to our bureaucrats babudom corrupt gernails and inefficiency our soldiers are gonna suffer and that's not a situation a rising power should see
It's all fault of our top level civilian and military bureaucracy
Many here agree and many disagree but known like you shout and spill foul languages unless it's required
Whatever you say my view won't change until I see the change
That's all from part


New Member
Jul 6, 2020
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At this point there are too many unknowns, so inadvertently what we will end up doing is speculate. In being speculative, we will come up with possible and plausible theories that explains what is going on. Let me summarise what we know so far -

1) Something came crashing down ( fact ).
2) It exploded (fact).
3) It was travelling at Mach 2+ speed ( proof? )
4) Plane crash and explosion which we are taking about are two distinct incidents (proof ?)
5) The debris show a part which is claimed to part of BrahMos missile (supposedly).
6) Pakistan's response time was shoddy, waited for 1 whole day before they reported the incident (fact).
7) Pak's AD shot it down (proof?)
8) Silence from MEA, IA and MOD. (fact)

Now, questions, which we can ask (Pakistan to corroborate) -

1) Proof that the projectile originated from India.
2) Proof that it was supersonic.
3) Radar data which establishes the above.

Since, there is (till now) total radio silence from our side, here I will speculate -

1) There is communication going on 'off the records' with US and Pak (coz if something happened, US sure as hell knows and is mediating as always).

2) If it was a false flag from Pak, there is a chance of them dragging us into a war by doing something else, so GoI and MoD along with defence chiefs are ensuring that we are ready if war is imposed on us.

3) If it was a false flag just with the intention of painting India as the aggressor (why? Is this a preemptive action to prevent something that Pakistan was afraid of India doing, given the current world situation) so as to keep India under pressure from US.

4) The one thing which has caused a lot of discussion - the BrahMos tail 'honey comb' designs, are we sure that it is unique to BrahMos? Given China copies things to the proverbial T, it is also possible that China built something which also has the similar tail section?

However, one very important question pops up -

If we consider this to be a false flag what are the other possible motives?

- Current political scenario in Pakistan, but, getting into a tussle with India will help them how exactly?

- Is this the doing of the army & isi or does this have political backing?

- Is it to cover up something else totally?
(possibly what?)

Things will become a lot simple if (and when) MEA steps up and lets us know what happened.

Update -


Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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At this point there are too many unknowns, so inadvertently what we will end up doing is speculate. In being speculative, we will come up with possible and plausible theories that explains what is going on. Let me summarise what we know so far -

1) Something came crashing down ( fact ).
2) It exploded (fact).
3) It was travelling at Mach 2+ speed ( proof? )
4) Plane crash and explosion which we are taking about are two distinct incidents (proof ?)
5) The debris show a part which is claimed to part of BrahMos missile (supposedly).
6) Pakistan's response time was shoddy, waited for 1 whole day before they reported the incident (fact).
7) Pak's AD shot it down (proof?)
8) Silence from MEA, IA and MOD. (fact)

Now, questions, which we can ask (Pakistan to corroborate) -

1) Proof that the projectile originated from India.
2) Proof that it was supersonic.
3) Radar data which establishes the above.

Since, there is (till now) total radio silence from our side, here I will speculate -

1) There is communication going on 'off the records' with US and Pak (coz if something happened, US sure as hell knows and is mediating as always).

2) If it was a false flag from Pak, there is a chance of them dragging us into a war by doing something else, so GoI and MoD along with defence chiefs are ensuring that we are ready if war is imposed on us.

3) If it was a false flag just with the intention of painting India as the aggressor (why? Is this a preemptive action to prevent something that Pakistan was afraid of India doing, given the current world situation) so as to keep India under pressure from US.

4) The one thing which has caused a lot of discussion - the BrahMos tail 'honey comb' designs, are we sure that it is unique to BrahMos? Given China copies things to the proverbial T, it is also possible that China built something which also has the similar tail section?

However, one very important question pops up -

If we consider this to be a false flag what are the other possible motives?

- Current political scenario in Pakistan, but, getting into a tussle with India will help them how exactly?

- Is this the doing of the army & isi or does this have political backing?

- Is it to cover up something else totally?
(possibly what?)

Things will become a lot simple if (and when) MEA steps up and lets us know what happened.
Statement agayi sirji


New Member
Mar 11, 2022
@GhostHunter69 I never believed in their fucking propaganda and until now I don't believe it's bhramos
I have written clearly that it's a false flag operation and maybe! maybe! They might plan to push us in two fronts
Yeah it's nothing new but according to me we are not adequately equipped for it
Fighting with severe losses and end result is not known is not a war we should fight but it is being imposed
Due to our bureaucrats babudom corrupt gernails and inefficiency our soldiers are gonna suffer and that's not a situation a rising power should see
It's all fault of our top level civilian and military bureaucracy
Many here agree and many disagree but known like you shout and spill foul languages unless it's required
Whatever you say my view won't change until I see the change
That's all from part
I have quoted the messages on which i had objection and you should check them. That was unrelated to what was the truth.

