India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Nov 1, 2016
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You want them to go first against Taiwan so that they loose some steam and it becomes easier for India.

Meanwhile the US & West would want them to go first against India... so they get a bleeding nose... & the US will actively plot for this outcome... so that it becomes easier to defend Taiwan.
It's been clear that India and the US are playing a game of hot potato with China, each one trying to pass the boiling object to the other whenever they catch it. But this puts freedom of choosing the time, place and intensity of confrontation entirely up to Chinese convenience, with the QUAD side only reacting, and breathing a sigh of relief whenever the Chinese graciously choose to de escalate.

It would be better if there is actual coordination between the Himalayan and Pacific fronts, where if the Chinese mount pressure on one front then the opposite front mounts pressure and vice versa.

For example, when Galwan happened, there should have been an immediate increase in USN and USAF activity near the Chinese coast. In return when China starts bothering the Philippines or Taiwan, there should be immediate upsurge of Indian troops in the Himalayas. But there has been no such coordination and initiative from the QUAD side yet, and doesn't seem to be going there.

Secondly, the air situation has already become dire for India. We should be working with the Americans for air to air stealth drones in large numbers. A few dozen rafales or F 35's won't cut it when the Chinese have already produced 350 J20s and will probably produce a 1000 more by 2035, along with their own robust drone program.

India and the US aren't working anywhere near their potential on taking the initiative and turning around the military situation against China.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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It's been clear that India and the US are playing a game of hot potato with China, each one trying to pass the boiling object to the other whenever they catch it. But this puts freedom of choosing the time, place and intensity of confrontation entirely up to Chinese convenience, with the QUAD side only reacting, and breathing a sigh of relief whenever the Chinese graciously choose to de escalate.

It would be better if there is actual coordination between the Himalayan and Pacific fronts, where if the Chinese mount pressure on one front then the opposite front mounts pressure and vice versa.

For example, when Galwan happened, there should have been an immediate increase in USN and USAF activity near the Chinese coast. In return when China starts bothering the Philippines or Taiwan, there should be immediate upsurge of Indian troops in the Himalayas. But there has been no such coordination and initiative from the QUAD side yet, and doesn't seem to be going there.

Secondly, the air situation has already become dire for India. We should be working with the Americans for air to air stealth drones in large numbers. A few dozen rafales or F 35's won't cut it when the Chinese have already produced 350 J20s and will probably produce a 1000 more by 2035, along with their own robust drone program.

India and the US aren't working anywhere near their potential on taking the initiative and turning around the military situation against China.
In a nutshell, the US wants India to play the same role as Ukraine against China which would replace Russia here. We aren't biting the bullet & Modi's no comedian turned President


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Sep 26, 2012
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It's been clear that India and the US are playing a game of hot potato with China, each one trying to pass the boiling object to the other whenever they catch it. But this puts freedom of choosing the time, place and intensity of confrontation entirely up to Chinese convenience, with the QUAD side only reacting, and breathing a sigh of relief whenever the Chinese graciously choose to de escalate.

It would be better if there is actual coordination between the Himalayan and Pacific fronts, where if the Chinese mount pressure on one front then the opposite front mounts pressure and vice versa.

For example, when Galwan happened, there should have been an immediate increase in USN and USAF activity near the Chinese coast. In return when China starts bothering the Philippines or Taiwan, there should be immediate upsurge of Indian troops in the Himalayas. But there has been no such coordination and initiative from the QUAD side yet, and doesn't seem to be going there.

Secondly, the air situation has already become dire for India. We should be working with the Americans for air to air stealth drones in large numbers. A few dozen rafales or F 35's won't cut it when the Chinese have already produced 350 J20s and will probably produce a 1000 more by 2035, along with their own robust drone program.

India and the US aren't working anywhere near their potential on taking the initiative and turning around the military situation against China.
Uncle sam will fight the chinese till the last Indian.


New Member
May 5, 2024
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Iam hearing people say that we should cover LOC with RCWS for better security cause regular patrolling is not sufficient to stop the infiltration RCWS with patrolling makes much more sense to me.

Is this actually Feasible or bs?


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Iam hearing people say that we should cover LOC with RCWS for better security cause regular patrolling is not sufficient to stop the infiltration RCWS with patrolling makes much more sense to me.

Is this actually Feasible or bs?
wont much difference on mountain terrain and unfenced areas .

IB probably has underground tunnels , BSF say zero infiltration but a terror enthusiast then appears in a village close to border asking for water .


New Member
Feb 12, 2024
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Iam hearing people say that we should cover LOC with RCWS for better security cause regular patrolling is not sufficient to stop the infiltration RCWS with patrolling makes much more sense to me.

Is this actually Feasible or bs?
bs totally how good would a rcws perform is a area full of trees and terrorists have 100 other ways to pass safely

Arjun Mk1A

New Member
Mar 6, 2022
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Iam hearing people say that we should cover LOC with RCWS for better security cause regular patrolling is not sufficient to stop the infiltration RCWS with patrolling makes much more sense to me.

Is this actually Feasible or bs?
That requires land clearing near the border and then we need to establish sentry post every few hundred meters. This will create multiple problems like cost of creating this facility and also humanitarian part since the system will more or less fire indiscriminately.

Arjun Mk1A

New Member
Mar 6, 2022
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Even 1962 war archives not released... like Henderson brooks report .
Indian establishment are pussies... Nothing serious gonna be released..

Most probably will showcase then High handedness by Lehruji and Defense minister shown in that war.

