India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


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Dec 18, 2013
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Why is he so upset of nothing has happened ? :pound:
The fat fuck would have probably lost his goat that he used to shag. That is why so much hurt.

No worries, some nanha mujahid will take the place of that goat and Hafiz would get some love again. #thankyouraheelsharif



Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Look at this mothfka....someone do surgical strike on him and his daughter....
Isn't this the same Psycho(known as Khujliwala Kutta) that said he would have married his own daughter if she was not her daughter? Call him be*ti*c**d

Also seems like ignorance is in his whole family as Puja Bhatt is a retard Psycho and we all know how many jokes are made on her another DUMB daughter Alia Bhatt.

Everybody knows who is, and he proves that time to time openly. His son was a friend of david headley .
He is more famous for his non-stop khujli and nick named as Bollywood ka Thurki Khujliwala Kutta

btw how come he could hold a piece of paper since he is doing khujli 24/7/365 :rofl:

These desperate moves by Pakistan are really showing that Pakis internally know that the strike happened and are scared that when video will be out, they shall be exposed.
They would use their BOOK OF DENIAL and say videos are fake.

When they can deny video proof in 26/11 they can deny just anything.

This time we didn't give them any proof yet and it's extremely irritating them BUT the Army know they got slapped very badly.. :lol:


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Feb 17, 2009
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Pakistans are fools of highest order, here is the one such statement

FORWARD LOCATION ON LOC (APP): Pakistan Army on Saturday once again rejecting the Indian claims for carrying out surgical strikes, stated that no such occurrence had taken place and if any such move is made in future, it will be responded in a befitting manner.

Now let see, we went in killed lots of terrorists pigs in POK and come back. Since PA has to prove itself, fine by me, they are free to bring in their terrorists pigs and kill them here in our J&K. If they come without terrorists, they wont find anyone here, as we have already killed most of them. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


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Feb 16, 2009
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Isn't this the same Psycho(known as Khujliwala Kutta) that said he would have married his own daughter if she was not her daughter? Call him be*ti*c**d

Also seems like ignorance is in his whole family as Puja Bhatt is a retard Psycho and we all know how many jokes are made on her another DUMB daughter Alia Bhatt.

He is more famous for his non-stop khujli and nick named as Bollywood ka Thurki Khujliwala Kutta

btw how come he could hold a piece of paper since he is doing khujli 24/7/365 :rofl:

They would use their BOOK OF DENIAL and say videos are fake.

When they can deny video proof in 26/11 they can deny just anything.

This time we didn't give them any proof yet and it's extremely irritating them BUT the Army know they got slapped very badly.. :lol:
Why does media give attention to these assholes?

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Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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if any such move is made in future, it will be responded in a befitting manner.
Is that an admission they are not going to retaliate and they are basically helpless ? I have a feeling US wacked them in the head and asked them not to respond...


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Nov 1, 2013
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Who cares what paki fauj says to its awam to save face? People on both sides of border, who actually matter, have got the message. Also, this isnt the only strike, there will be plenty more like this in time to come. I dont think we will even be doing press conference by then. This should be treated as just a regular SF operation, which we can execute any time we want. And this op was a successful one, i hope we stand the same way if ever things go bad.

Also, any info about our captured soldier? I heard pakis claiming he is untraceable, since they will have to return him under rules.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Who cares what paki fauj says to its awam to save face? People on both sides of border, who actually matter, have got the message. Also, this isnt the only strike, there will be plenty more like this in time to come. I dont think we will even be doing press conference by then. This should be treated as just a regular SF operation, which we can execute any time we want. And this op was a successful one, i hope we stand the same way if ever things go bad.

Also, any info about our captured soldier? I heard pakis claiming he is untraceable, since they will have to return him under rules.
India has trained with the best special. Forces
(USA and Israel) good to see the training put to use.

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New Member
Oct 1, 2016
Pakis are now in a state of shock. They are like "oink oink oink oink oink........"


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Pakis are now in a state of shock. They are like "oink oink oink oink oink........"
with tears.................................................................................


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Feb 17, 2009
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How can youtube have so much jihadi propaganda ....This is a typical training camp in PoK

terrorists doing shooting frame 0.58 onwards.

These terrorists have common with SSG, here

watch it from frame 0.20 they have same style of shooting. This is not regular madarsa educated terrorists. Pakistan has send their finest as terrorists but we have dispatched them to their 72

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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Still having a hard time believing this actually happened. Never ever been so delighted. I was in the hospital and checking Gaurav Savants tweets, and then i suddenly i see his tweet in capital letters and i scream "YES !!" that to right outside the ICU entrance :laugh:. People around me and Nurses look at me like i am nuts...


New Member
Aug 8, 2015
We should fund Balochis and folks in FATA to keep their army spread out and little tension on the eastern front will make sure their lines are spread thin and their army keeps sucking in state funds...
I would like to point out another thing. It seems as if our entire nation has gone on the defensive now. Why I wonder? Everybody's saying stuff like we've got to seal our borders tight and be on high alert which is completely rational but it just shows that we are praying for a major blow and then waiting to counter-attack. Frankly it sounds like the same old defensive offensive posture to me.

My idea is to be relentless in the pursuit of destabilising Pakistan. Simple reason because we can afford to do so. I've seen all these people moan about sensex falling, economy being harmed and what not. How the fuck does that matter?

First India has a very strong domestic demand base. Our GDP growth is more reliant on rising purchasing power of our billion plus population rather than exports to those negative growth bankrupt Western economies.

Second, for people who don't understand economics but pretend to be PhD holders with all their nonsense predictions everytime RBI announces its monetary policy; here is a very simple and basic macro-economic formula-

Y=C + I + G + (Ex - Im) where where "Y" means GDP “C” is spending by consumers, “I” is investment by businesses (domestic or foreign), “G” is government spending and “(Ex - Im)” is net exportsor exports minus imports.

In India's case our economic growth is purely due to variables C, I & G. When there's a war G increases which translates into more spending on land, labour and capital (financial & infrastructure)- the 3 factors of production. Variable 'I' might be affected due to reduced FDI inflows but that can be easily made up by macro-economic tweaks to raise C or domestic consumption basically through interest rate regime. So basically when G rises, Y i.e. GDP rises proportionately. Basically, War is Profitable (for economies with strong domestic resource base and internal demand)

For those with short memories, it was the 1997 South East Asian finacial crisis, the 1998 American nuclear sanctions and the 1999 Kargil War which proved the strength, stability and depth of the Indian economy. During that period India was outpaced by probably China only as it is till date. USA lifted those sanctions not because of some post 9/11 romace but because it was losing out on all the economic action.

Need more proof? Well America succeeded in delaying the recession till 2008 when they invaded Iraq in 2003. Independent analysts had started detecting early warnings in 2005 but the decay had set in much earlier somewhere in the late 90s. Invading Afghanistan was not profitable simply beacuse it was already in ruins with a small population base and not much natural resources to speak of. This was not in line with the American philosophy of invade, destroy, build and bill the new client state; of course through loans with strings. Iraq with its oil reserves presented a much jucier target as it could easily pay off massive American reconstruction projects.

Thirdly about the Sensex falling 500 points. How does it even matter? I've seen worse falls 2000 points or more but within a few weeks our economy bounces back due to strong fundamentals. It's just a readjustment of the market which should be welcomed else the figures would become too inflationary and there would be over-heating problems.
FIIs and FPIs are of 2 types- the speculators and the investors. The speculators or hot money is what we should get rid off. They're here only for the good times to make a quick buck. What we need is more of the long term investors who invest in infrastructure & capacity building. So when I saw the 500 point fall I just told myself 'good fucking riddance' and the fact that it climbed back to the previous levels so soon shows that now there's lesser of those undesireables.

All things said I wouldn't prefer an all out war as I don't have a bloodlust and don't want civilians to unnecessarily die on either side of the border; for what can easily be achieved through diplomatic & economic isolation, deniable covert-ops such as surgical strikes and a clandestine proxy war.
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New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Still having a hard time believing this actually happened. Never ever been so delighted. I was in the hospital and checking Gaurav Savants tweets, and then i suddenly i see his tweet in capital letters and i scream "YES !!" that to right outside the ICU entrance :laugh:. People around me and Nurses look at me like i am nuts...
what do you do ??????????????????????????????????????????

