Idiotic Musings From Firangistan


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Mar 8, 2022
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To prevent the spread of communism.

Contrary to the general impression people have of him he's served his adopted country loyally working well within the constraints of the times & accepted policies of the day , in accordance with the wishes of the administration he was a part of , which he was instrumental in framing but not exclusively so , be it in the ME , Africa , Asia Latin America Europe or the ex USSR.

Where he erred grievously was in his understanding of China , the tactical decision to rehabilitate China which was a pariah state in the early 1970s on the brink of implosion by pursuing close relations with it only to open up another front against the former USSR & being blinded to their obvious ambitions which became apparent much later , after he demitted office & which was at complete variance to the interests of the US , working as an elder statesman particularly at the behest of Republican administrations , though not exclusively so , often pleading China's case in Washington among his successors & admirers in the state department with various administrations , where he enjoyed bi partisan support & tremendous respect for his insights & views particularly on China.

He didn't course correct even after the error of his ways became apparent . How much of it was being blindsided by his views on China , how much of it was his ego at play refusing to see things as they are as opposed to what they were when he first made his clandestine trip to China , for he in partnership with Nixon inaugurated a new era in international diplomacy by normalising relations with China which at the time was hailed as a masterstroke of diplomacy , is something we'd never know & can only speculate.

HE remained adamant till the very end disavowing confrontation with China, instead advocating a G2 mechanism where China would share power as an equal with the US which almost became policy under the most overrated president of the US in modern times - Obummer before it ran aground in Obummer's tenure itself & was finally buried under Trump.

Generations from now will recognise the vital role the Trump administration played in ending BAU - business as usual with China which a black swan event like the Wuhan virus pandemic vindicated forcing his successor "China" Joe Biden to pursue a continuation in hostile policies
against China though he's tried to temper as many of these policies as he can , as opposed to Biden's earlier stance of accommodation of China during his tenure of a VP in Obummer's administration .

Many in the US suspect his earlier molly cuddling of China & present soft stance in some issues as opposed to pursuing a more robust & hostile FP which had Trump been re elected , he'd definitely have pursued , was also in great part due to his prodigal son's business dealings with China .

Meanwhile Kissinger's legacy lies in tatters given the present state of disrepair in the relationship between US & China . As & when the 2 go to war , which they will eventually , his legacy will be effectively buried for he'd go down in history as being instrumental in creating a Frankenstein to rival his own country being probably the only man to do so in the recorded history of international diplomacy , though he wasn't alone in this endeavour but the most prominent among such people.

What a cross to bear for a person so brilliant in his chosen vocation being one of its most astute & acclaimed practitioner ! Verily self deception can cloud the intellectual faculties of the most brilliant of people.
Slight correction here. Kissinger didn't persue China to open up another front against USSR. He did it, because the entire west was unaware of the Sino-Soviet split and they viewed the China+USSR combination as an unbeatable & even bigger ( in every sense- population, resources, land area, etc) version of the US-Canada-Europe economic-political union.
Kissinger viewed- correctly within his assumptions(of no Sino-Soviet split) that its a matter of time before the Soviet-Chinese alliance relegates the Anglo-Saxon-Germanic alliance into second class status.

The lunacy/retardation of the western establishment (of which Kissinger was a part) was to think that economic progress would bring political freedom & gradual re-alignment towards democratic principles: as if it ever happened in the oil rich middle east or as if China ever had a problem being rich & autocratic throughout the ages.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Slight correction here. Kissinger didn't persue China to open up another front against USSR. He did it, because the entire west was unaware of the Sino-Soviet split and they viewed the China+USSR combination as an unbeatable & even bigger ( in every sense- population, resources, land area, etc) version of the US-Canada-Europe economic-political union.
Kissinger viewed- correctly within his assumptions(of no Sino-Soviet split) that its a matter of time before the Soviet-Chinese alliance relegates the Anglo-Saxon-Germanic alliance into second class status.

The lunacy/retardation of the western establishment (of which Kissinger was a part) was to think that economic progress would bring political freedom & gradual re-alignment towards democratic principles: as if it ever happened in the oil rich middle east or as if China ever had a problem being rich & autocratic throughout the ages.
The Ussuri River incident in 1969 , Russian support for India by being mostly neutral in the 1962 war in the face of bitter Chinese complaints bordering on abuse against the Soviets some of which was public for this perceived betrayal would be unnoticed by the US & somebody as sharp as Kissinger ?


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Mar 8, 2022
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The Ussuri River incident in 1969 , Russian support for India by being mostly neutral in the 1962 war in the face of bitter Chinese complaints bordering on abuse against the Soviets some of which was public for this perceived betrayal would be unnoticed by the US & somebody as sharp as Kissinger ?
USA didnt know of the Ussuri river incident till the early 80s. the 1962 war Soviet neutrality was seen mostly as Big daddy commie of Moscow not picking sides between his right hand junior commie Mao and the hot chick who likes big daddy commie, can give big daddy commie 100 kuru babies but isnt sure yet, so big daddy is sending her more and more flowers (india) and being Dhritarashtra at vastraharan by Dussasan Mao


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Mar 8, 2022
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The Ussuri River incident in 1969 , Russian support for India by being mostly neutral in the 1962 war in the face of bitter Chinese complaints bordering on abuse against the Soviets some of which was public for this perceived betrayal would be unnoticed by the US & somebody as sharp as Kissinger ?
Also, look up the hillariously named 'Cod wars' between UK and Iceland. happened 3 times i believe, where USA pretty much told UK to bend over and take it without lube from the inbred vikaangs. Now you could argue 'why did USA do that, UK is a much much bigger ally & important to NATO than Iceland' and its true, but the argument is 'coz murrica can afford to say chup rah churayel to the pommies but cannot afford to have iceland say fuck u america, soviets can have a base here'. So Murricans could've seen the exact same logic in USSR's actions over 'seemingly much more important PRC ' than India, where USSR thought it can afford to tell Mao to stick his chopsticks up his butt but can't afford to have Mahatma Never-who take his pants off and bend over to the murricans as a fuck u to the soviets.

Here's a more or less accurate but hillarious short video on the cod wars:



Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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USA didnt know of the Ussuri river incident till the early 80s. the 1962 war Soviet neutrality was seen mostly as Big daddy commie of Moscow not picking sides between his right hand junior commie Mao and the hot chick who likes big daddy commie, can give big daddy commie 100 kuru babies but isnt sure yet, so big daddy is sending her more and more flowers (india) and being Dhritarashtra at vastraharan by Dussasan Mao
I think you ought to read Kissinger's On China where he clearly mentions the US was well aware of the Sino Soviet rift including the Ussuri River incident.

Further I wonder how can you justify what you did frivolously & facetiously the Russian stance on the 1962 war when till that point of time in Western estimation & as per repeated Sino Soviet assertions & public statements of support for each other much like the public issuance of Sino Paxtani joint statements declaring they're iron brothers etc , the Russians cooly steeped back from supporting China in public & behind closed doors in word & deed.

The only reason the relationship wasn't mended before 1971 was because of Chinese suspicion of US intentions & Mao's & the CCP's pre occupation with the cultural revolution & power struggles behind the bamboo curtain.


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Mar 8, 2022
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I think you ought to read Kissinger's On China where he clearly mentions the US was well aware of the Sino Soviet rift including the Ussuri River incident.

Further I wonder how can you justify what you did frivolously & facetiously the Russian stance on the 1962 war when till that point of time in Western estimation & as per repeated Sino Soviet assertions & public statements of support for each other much like the public issuance of Sino Paxtani joint statements declaring they're iron
brothers etc , the Russians cooly steeped back from supporting China in public & behind closed doors in word & deed.
I havent read kissinger, but i have read several books by former US state department people who claimed that USA didnt know of the Sino-Soviet split till the early 80s.
As i said, if you think my light hearted justification was way off base, look up the cod wars, where murrica told its china to back the eff off and give in to a much, much less important nation and no one thought of or suspected any rift in relations.

Remember, USA didnt see China as equal partner of Soviets, they saw ( correctly) the Soviets to be the senior partner and China to be the junior one, much like US-UK relationship.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Because in Canada, you CANNOT own a gun for personal safety, unless you are a high-level security contractor. Guns are only for entertainment(my official reason) or hunting. As such, I am required to have the gun with a trigger lock, locked inside a case, which is locked inside a safe. All the time, being unloaded AND with safety switch on.

So yes, if there is a riot going on, I can pull a 'grumpy old Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino and sit on my rocking chair by the window with a gun in hand, drinking 10 gallons of coffee and keeping an eye out for intruders to my castle'. But if you broke into my house tomorrow, randomly, what am I supposed to do? Serve you some chai biscuit while I go open 3 sets of locks (and one of them is the safe lock, which is a combination lock), put bullets in the gun and then come shoot you after your chai biscuit is done.
What if you could use a fire axe to defend yourself? Or a bow and arrow? I am saying these tools because you said hunting. A lot of professional hunters use crossbows or compound bows for silent kills. Camping machetes, swords, fire pokes (since you're in Canada).

If someone breaks into your home, then he or she is a threat to your life and family. period. No law on earth needs to be followed except the safety of your family and self over everything else. Cops, lawyers, courts and everyone else can wait until you get out of that situation alive and use.

Even Justinder's laws allow you to defend yourself using any means necessary if you feel that your life or your family's lives are in danger.


Laws are designed for the living - not if you are dead.

Screw the guns if they are not accessible. There is a reason why we folks in the mountains still maintain our traditional weapons and no government dares to take them away from us. The state police and the authorities know that Khukris and Daos are an inherent part of the Sikkimese and Gorkha tradition.

Tradition or otherwise, you will keep seeking permission to keep stuff. I can put any camping website from North America or Europe and see plenty of melee tools available for self-defence.
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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What if you could use a fire axe to defend yourself? Or a bow and arrow? I am saying these tools because you said hunting. A lot of professional hunters use crossbows or compound bows for silent kills. Camping machetes, swords, fire pokes (since you're in Canada).

If someone breaks into your home, then he or she is a threat to your life and family. period. No law on earth needs to be followed except the safety of your family and self over everything else. Cops, lawyers, courts and everyone else can wait until you get out of that situation alive and use.

Even Justinder's laws allow you to defend yourself using any means necessary if you feel that your life or your family's lives are in danger.

View attachment 230641

Laws are designed for the living - not if you are dead.

Screw the guns if they are not accessible. There is a reason why we folks in the mountains still maintain our traditional weapons and no government dares to take them away from us. The state police and the authorities know that Khukris and Daos are an inherent part of the Sikkimese and Gorkha tradition.

Tradition or otherwise, you will keep seeking permission to keep stuff. I can put any camping website from North America or Europe and see plenty of melee tools available for self-defence.
Well i am not a hunter, so i dont know the intricacies of what hunters are allowed.Besides, i reguarly receive kids and families at my home, i am not comfortable with THAT many weapons lying around and dont want to turn my study into a room of safes.

I am a law abiding citizen, so i have to do what the law tells me. In Canada, the law is clear- guns are a privilege, not a right and i have to ensure their safe storage to keep that privilege. For example, if there was a fire in my house and i had my pistol lying on the dinner table, the firemen would come,put the fire out, confiscate my pistol for improper storage, report me to the gun registration authority and i lose my license.

As for defending myself- yes, i have the right to shoot someone in the face if they threaten me. But the issue is, HOW did i get to that gun. Like say for eg, i was driving to the range, i stopped at a gas station for fuel and a hooligan assaulted me, i pulled out my gun and shot him. Is that cool ? well i wont go to jail for manslaughter, as i was defending myself. But if i pull the gun outta my pocket, i will be fined, my guns taken away etc. If i ran to my trunk, opened it, then opened the locked gun case, then opened the trigger lock, then put the bullets in the gun and then shot the guy, i am all fine and clear. Same thing applies to 'defence with a gun using deadly force inside my home'.

So its extremely unlikely that i can actually use a gun to defend myself, given these restrictions.

I am not too concerned about defending myself or my family from hooligans ( provided they dont have a gun on them) because as a young man i used to box, so i know how to take a punch ( its very easy if you know how) and i learnt enough jiu jitsu to completely fuckup your joints - those who take self defence seriously usually end up going the way of jiu jitsu, because it doesn't matter how big and strong you are- if i snap your elbow or kick in your knee and then twist it till it faces backwards, you cold be shaquille O neil on crack and you will still lose.

What does concern me, is if someone broke into my house with a gun and then tried to harm me and my family. THEN i am screwed, coz i dont have my guns lying around the house where kids can get a hold of them easily.

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