IDF is a Pakistani Forum that Attacked DFI !

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Jul 28, 2011
इनटेलेंजेन्स मे सीख्या जाता है गुप्त रूप से दुश्मनो के बीच जाकर जानकारी प्रताप करना ईसीवस आइ विज़िट टेम.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Those who want to know details of DFI please be informed :- DFI is founded by Void :- Indian by origin and currently its registred under Singh based off new delhi.

The topic here was not this the topic is how much do we love our country when we are funding terrorists by posting in pak controlled forums , next time you post there the money generated could be used to attack your city.( it sounds idiotic but thats a outlook that i share) you are entitled to your own views on this and its welcome.


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Oct 16, 2010
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After considerable time of posting here, its good to know who's who :)
Kind of feel like I should've known already, but anyways ....



New Member
Apr 1, 2011
How can posting in a pak forum be an ISI plan?? Greater number of indian members in pak forums compared to pak members in indian fora could be due to interest of indian members to know about pakis.. I mean its really interesting to see views of your enemy.. Unless you know your enemy how could you know how he thinks. Unless you know how he thinks how could you defeat him..?


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Mar 24, 2009
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ISI cannot make Indian members post. Indiana posting there give them traffic that gives them money.

There is not a lot anyone will gain from being on their forum anyways. We know what they think about Indians and their intentions.

If they have nothing to say they will give in their 2 cents by calling "bhinian, yindoo and cow urine drinkers". Now that is not helping Indians in anyways.

We know most Indian members go there to troll. But then that means money to them.


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Oct 16, 2010
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I agree with Yusuf. Nothing new in upholding the argument flames with those people except that some might get a false fan-boyish ego satisfaction of beating them up in debates. The thing is, it doesn't change anything.
I never posted at that fake forum and only visited PDF sometimes in foot steps of Google search.
If you want variety, try visiting WAB.



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Jun 20, 2010
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If pakistanis came here, then this forum would be no better than .pk.........people of both countries like to argue, they have their points and we have ours. But Indians go there because they think that is were the action is. I go there as a guest when i feel bored to see some funny posts.
I suppose most of the .pk members will find this forum boring, when i was a newbie i used to fell the same, but later realized that knowledge and keeping ones cool is more important than arguing and trolling, or trying to prove anything to our enemies. Also what turned me away was the amount of religious thinking in that forum. They view almost everything through a religious prism.

I think DFI is best the way it is now. We don't need Indian members here by force. Because here at DFI we don't discuss hate but discuss various defence/political issues and scenarios, which is why it is called a defence forum.


New Member
May 10, 2010
How can posting in a pak forum be an ISI plan?? Greater number of indian members in pak forums compared to pak members in indian fora could be due to interest of indian members to know about pakis.. I mean its really interesting to see views of your enemy.. Unless you know your enemy how could you know how he thinks. Unless you know how he thinks how could you defeat him..?
let me explain this to you . we are talking about 2 forums here . one is with a pkistani name and other one is owned by same people but with an Indian name. If you go to pakistani forum you will find that only trolls are allowed there . Any sane Indian poster which speak truth and show them mirror gets instant ban. That suite ISI and Its propaganda machinery . As per latest stats 35 % of traffic tot hat site is from India .
Now I will come to fake forum owned by same set of people with an Indian name. If you go to that site you wont even realize that its an pakistani owned forum. They have done it so well and I must appreciate them for their conning skill. ON that site 74 % of traffic is from India. If you want to know the site names you can PM me for that .
My point here is that why strengthen hands of enemies? We have enough good and quality forums owned by Indians. BR and DFI are two such examples. I would request all member's to persuade others from strengthening hands of our enemies.
Bharat Mata ki Jai .


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Nov 16, 2009
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People visit & post on fake forums. That generates ad revenue for them. That money is used to attack Indian websites.

There is no other explanation than this. Hope everyone is aware of this cycle.


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Aug 17, 2009
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well i am computer and networking illiterate so i am positing a technical question is it possible to find out where is or on which server a particular site is posted . is possible to determine which one is fake and which one is real one by the help of net technology or others.

i would like to tell my story i really had interset in airfighters as well as strategic planning so this lead to me search on net and this lead me to .pk forums(why its whole name is banned on dfi?) well initially i found it good but they banned me just for pm their one of lady member there (famous jana) . i search for indian forum and landed on BR but could not become member there as it require some original emailid i mean like that of mtnl or others but i had rediff id only that time so i went to .pk for long time . one day i accidentally found DFI (i think dfi had already started 3 years back) and instantly became member here and was happy that alteast there is some website where i can feel like home. i request mods as well as thanks them they keep up regulary informing us about fake indian sites thank u very much.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
How can posting in a pak forum be an ISI plan?? Greater number of indian members in pak forums compared to pak members in indian fora could be due to interest of indian members to know about pakis.. I mean its really interesting to see views of your enemy.. Unless you know your enemy how could you know how he thinks. Unless you know how he thinks how could you defeat him..?
No one is stopping you from knowing your enemies. But people would be concerned if you strengthen your enemies by naively falling into their trap.

What do these forum achieve for Pakistan?
1)They present the picture from pakistan angle.
2)They demonise India and present Kashmir as the crux of all problem.
3)They generate funds(however miniscule) for Pakistan which will be channeled into some or the other anti-indian activity.

What do these forums gain from Indian posters?
1)These forums depend on crucial Indian traffic to gain google rank.
2)The indian posters give an aura of 'international forum' to these pakistani forums.
3)Heated debates with Indian posters excite and attract more posts and posters.
4)It is mostly the Indian posters who make intelligent posts, while most pakistanis tend to be fan-boyish.

What do Indian posters gain from going to these forums?
1)Get to know, first hand, how exactly do pakistanis interact.
2)Get a high of beating a pakistani in debate in his own yard.
3)Get a patriotic feeling that he is defending his nation from enemy.

All that Indians gain are 'feelings', nothing concrete. While Pakistani forums gain tangible 'moolah' to fund and sponsor their vicious anti-indian activities. They also succeed in spreading dubious info about India and its interests.

The solution:
Stop visiting the pakistani forums, including those disguised as indian.

What do we achieve?
1)Puts limitations on the misinformation campaign of Pakistan against India.
2)Ranks fall and so traffic lessens and so the ranks on.
3)Ultimately reduces the funds made from these forums.
4)The forums become 'dull'.
5)All this may shut down those forums or even otherwise they would become inconsequential.
6)It would force cyber pakistanis to join indian forums to debate.
7)Indians get to interact, understand, debate and defeat them in our own yard.
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New Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Hi guys,
Am in PDF as Pandora,admin of as you can see many of 3D Rendered/Comparison tables including recent LCH comparision table in dfi are from my blog :smile:,I don't know how many people even know me but Recently i got banned till 31st aug to show a pakistani his real aukat.However i have a doubt regarding DFI member AJTR and her nationality??plz any1 enlighten me here.
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New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Pandora if you create original content and somebody is blindly copying it do take action against the website , recent two indian popular websites lodged DMCA complaints against the pakistani websites for copying blindly

Because of this we have put a notification on top of dfi on how to post 3rd part news and respect copyright.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Pandora if you create original content and somebody is blindly copying it do take action against the website , recent two indian popular websites lodged DMCA complaints against the pakistani websites for copying blindly

Because of this we have put a notification on top of dfi on how to post 3rd part news and respect copyright.


New Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Pandora if you create original content and somebody is blindly copying it do take action against the website , recent two indian popular websites lodged DMCA complaints against the pakistani websites for copying blindly

Because of this we have put a notification on top of dfi on how to post 3rd part news and respect copyright.
Na!AV no problem with that its free goodies for all specially 4 DFI besides i requested you to remove that hypen'-' from username and you promised that you'll do soon .Btw am asking about AJTR MATE!


New Member
Feb 19, 2009
what is there about going to a pakistani forum and know about the enemy?

dont you people have access to pakistani news websites which are full of opinions, editorials/various websites started by various individuals self-opinionated, and by people who think likewise to these people/various blogs which are not just more than enough to get what they think, but the intellect of those write ups is way-way more than any, and those being in the higher ups of ISI funding give you a better idea of what the ISI is thinking.

dont compare getting cheap thrills with knowing the enemy through a forum which is meant for trolling and through fake indian defence forums which try to polarize the indian mind, it is as absurd a notion as it can ever be.

knowing the enemy, you bet your last paisa, chaps here at dfi are at a better grasp of things on how and what is the pakistani thinking, than those going there and being a part of those pak forums and fake indian defence forums, which have ISI funding. heck people posting on those forums till today couldnt make out they were posting on a forum that is ISI funded, some knowing the enemy people are doing.

dont term getting taken for a ride and some cheap thrills as knowing the enemy.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
Those who want to know details of DFI please be informed :- DFI is founded by Void :- Indian by origin and currently its registred under Singh based off new delhi.

The topic here was not this the topic is how much do we love our country when we are funding terrorists by posting in pak controlled forums , next time you post there the money generated could be used to attack your city.( it sounds idiotic but thats a outlook that i share) you are entitled to your own views on this and its welcome.
According to your estimations, what could be the money generated from such forums?

You are experienced in this issue, so you can make a guess. Then, we will be in a better position to know how and where such amounts can be used.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
According to your estimations, what could be the money generated from such forums?

You are experienced in this issue, so you can make a guess. Then, we will be in a better position to know how and where such amounts can be used.
the money generated from that could be high enough to fund attacks on other websites for days and maybe even months , or most of the time a third party hacked group is hired for the purpose.

The problem is no clearcut details on the money matters they never give out as its a shady network , for dfi we do post a half yearly update for all members on the amount of revenues generated and amount spend.

The idea is individuals are free to go to any place , but just be warned because many might bot know all these kinds of issues and details.

So all those indians who are posting on the fake IDF , or whatever shady place never call yourself a patriotic or indian because in terms equivalent they are no less than those terrorists from across the border.

the indian government is slow as usual to understand the consequences with the next 10 years indians population will have max internet penetration in world and the pakistanis will try and profit from them to get anti government works , these are the same lot who hack and destroy indian government websites and portals from time to time.

Even now the attack on dfi is still on as we speak , thanks to our host for our uptime
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