I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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The same one.. it was the Grandson.

His Hotel has one of the best selections of Vodka.
Yeah I can imagine he would. Must have made good friends with Russian officers.


New Member
May 4, 2009
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LOL I never made the connection... thanks

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief
Corruption in Army not something which was unknown, only difference is it's now official. For decades Army Top Brass supported by so called fourth pillar of democracy has killed and still trying to kill domestic efforts just for securing their in kick-backs. Let this opportunity be used to Ask Army some questions. Like why Tatra not custom built TATA (please don't throw that backbone chassis and independently swinging half axle design sh*t, it for a reason why top three army of world uses rigid axle design).

He have Guts to speak out, I admire him..
For me the question is " Why did not he came before his face got polished black?" Isn't it a face makeover process and in harsh words Selective NALIONALISM?


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
Was it Tatra truck deal that Army Chief was referring to?

by FP Staff Mar 27, 2012

A file image of the Tatra all-weather vehicle being used by Indian personnel during disaster relief. Reuters

Was the bribe offered to Army Chief General VK Singh due to his opposition to all-terrain Tatra vehicles that are being used by the Indian army?

Singh was reportedly opposed to the continuation of a 2010 deal signed by the army to include 788 more vehicles, the Indian Express reported today, deeming the vehicle to be 'substandard' and 'exorbitant'.

The agreement for the Tatra vehicles was signed in 1986. However, the deal between Tatra, its sister concern Vectra and Indian firm Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML), which develops the vehicle in India, has encountered allegations of non-transparency.

The holding pattern of Tatra has changed often which had led to allegations of the Indian firm BEML violating defence procurement guidelines as it forbade the purchase from any company that was not the original equipment manufacturer.

The vehicle deal was originally signed between BEML and Tatra and later Vectra, a firm run by an NRI businessman Ravindra Kumar Rishi, began collaborating with the firm.

In 2005 a general manager at BEML had accused the company's management of corruption in the deal, an allegation which was defended by the firm.

More recently Tatra made headlines again when a press release from the Indian Army had accused Lt General (retired) Tejinder Singh of offering a bribe on behalf of Tatra and Vectra Limited to the Army Chief.

Sources had said that Singh had reportedly met with the Army Chief to sensitise him about the rumours that he was opposed to dumping the deal in favour of another collaboration with Ural-India, a recent Indo-Russian project based in West Bengal, the Indian Express reported.

However, the defence ministry has justified the use of the Tatra trucks after its name emerged in the bribery scandal and said they had never received any complaints against the vehicle.

'We have never received complaints about the quality of Tatra trucks. They are all-weather trucks and can be used in forests and deserts "¦ and that is why they are different from ordinary trucks,' Rashmi Verma, joint secretary, land system, in the ministry, told reporters.

"Procurement of these trucks was made on certain General Service Qualitative Requirements (GSQR) prescribed by the forces and no other Indian company was making a truck which satisfied these GSQR," she said.

with inputs from Agencies

Was it Tatra truck deal that Army Chief was referring to? | Firstpost


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Mar 8, 2011
No complaints against Tatra trucks: defence ministry

Mar 26, 2012

New Delhi: None of the three services has complained against the British origin TATRA trucks, which are in the news in the wake of Army chief General VK Singh's allegation of offer of bribes to him by a lobbyist.

"We have never received any complaint from the armed forces. Yet there are certain after sales service issues which keep coming up as they were procured over a period of 10-12 years.

"Some of them are quite old and needs servicing and repair. Whenever we get request for replacement of parts BEML has been doing it," joint secretary (land systems) in the defence ministry Rashmi Verma told reporters in New Delhi.

She was asked to comment on the performance of these trucks and whether the forces ever complained on their serviceability and availability of spares in light of Army chief's remarks.

General Singh in a media interview has claimed that a lobbyist had offered him a bribe of Rs 14 crore to clear a procurement of tranche of 600 'substandard' vehicles.

He did not name the make of the vehicles but in a press release issued by the Army on 5 March there is reference to retired Lt Gen Tejinder Singh who was accused of offering a bribe on behalf of Tatra and Vetra Limited, which supplies vehicles to BEML.

Asked why the contract for manufacturing these trucks was not awarded to any other company except BEML and why competitive bidding process was not followed, Verma said that no other Indian company fulfilled the requirement expressed by the forces.

"Procurement of these trucks was made on certain General Service Qualitative Requirements (GSQR) prescribed by the forces and no other Indian company was making a truck which satisfied these GSQR," she said.

Verma said recently the GSQR for these trucks have been modified to enable competitive bidding and added that, "now it is done on open competitive bidding".

On the number of these trucks being used by the Indian Army, she said, "There are 7,000 Tatra trucks with the Army since 1986. There have been no complaint with the quality and these are all-weather trucks with a flexible axle and are one of their kind."


No complaints against Tatra trucks: defence ministry | Firstpost


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
CBI begins probe into Army chief's claim, Antony to make statement

New Delhi, March 27, 2012

The CBI on Tuesday began probe, and registered a preliminary inquiry into army chief General VK Singh's bribery allegations. Union defence minister AK Antony is likely to make a statement on the army chief's bribery claim issue on Tuesday. Army chief General VK Singh is also expected to file a formal complaint with the CBI which will name the retired Army officer who allegedly offered him Rs 14 crore as bribe for clearing the purchase of 600 heavy duty trucks.

Government sources said the CBI has requested a complaint from the Army chief so that investigations into the allegation could be launched.

Highly placed CBI sources confirmed the development.

"The agency sought formal complaint from the army chief. After verifying the contents, the agency registered a preliminary enquiry in the case.

"As of now it is one person's allegation against another's. Investigators will see if there is any evidence to support Gen. Singh's allegation or not. A special team has been formed to probe the case."

Defence minister AK Antony on Monday asked the CBI for an inquiry into Gen Singh's revelation after an uproar in Parliament.

Gen Singh has not named the lobbyist and only identified him as a retired Army officer

CBI begins probe into Army chief's claim, Antony to make statement - Hindustan Times


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Mar 8, 2011
Army Chief has concrete proof against the lobbyist: Sources

Rajan Singh, STAR News Correspondent

New Delhi: Army Chief Gen VK Singh has "concrete proof" against the lobbyist who offered him the bribe of Rs 14 crores for clearing the buying of a tranche of Tatra heavy duty trucks. Sources close to the Army Chief claim that the General would pass on the recording to the Central Bureau of Investigation which has been entrusted with launching a probe into the allegations of bribe offer to the Army Chief by a retired officer.

"We have solid evidence, which will be undeniable, of the lobbyist offering the bribe. We will hand over all proof to the CBI when time comes," the source said. If such evidence exists, as claimed by the source, it will give a dramatic turn to the entire episode. Equally critically, it will also raise question why the Chief still did not act or formally report the matter to the Government just after the offer was made. The Army has already accused Lt Gen (Retd) Tejinder Singh of making the offer. On Monday, Lt Gen Tejinder Singh denied all such allegations.

Tatra trucks are imported from Czech Republic for the Armed Forces which uses these as tank, aircraft and missile carriers. According to Gen VK Singh, in an interview given to Chauthi Duniya on Saturday, 7000 of these trucks are with the Indian Armed forces and these were being imported through three different companies at three different levels and at all levels profits were being made, making it expensive for the end user – Army. Gen Singh contends why these trucks should not be imported directly from the company instead of going through three layers.

The three companies involved are Tetra, Vectra Motors of UK and the government owned Bharat Earth Movers Ltd, which was appointed by the Ministry of Defence as Indian partner. A joint venture company is registered in India and has manufacturing facility in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, but due to depleted demand, it imported most of the trucks.

"Such incidents of bribery happened in the past and will happen in the future too. Nothing new," Gen Singh says in the interview. The claim of the sources close to the Army Chief that concrete evidence of the bribe offer exists, will also raise the following questions:

Why the General did not report the matter immediately and hand over the proof to the Government?

Why did the General anticipate that such an offer could be made and felt the need to collect proof against the person, who also happened to be his own officer?

Maintenance of these trucks was another issue. In the interview, the Gen Singh contends that these 7000 trucks in the Armed Forces were not being maintained properly by the Indian arm of the Czech company.

"We had to call people from Czech Republic each time which was proving time consuming and expensive. When the fresh demand for the trucks were made, Army asked the Czech company to first complete and set up a maintenance and service chain for the existing trucks, only then fresh demand will be placed," Gen Singh said.

It seems at this point the lobbyist, a retiring general, entered the picture directly. In an unprecedented and never-heard of move, on 5th March 2012, Army Headquarters issued a Press release accusing one of its most senior officers, Lt Gen Tejinder Singh, who had recently retired, as the man who had offered the Rs 14-crore bribe to his own chief. Lt Gen Tejinder Singh was holding the powerful post of Director General, Defence Intelligence Agency. DIA coordinates the intelligence operations of the all three arms of the Indian Armed Forces and was created after the Kargil War.

The Press release was issued on another issue at that time – that of allegations of bugging of offices of the Defence Minister AK Anthony and the Army Chief by the same Lt Gen Tejinder Singh for eavesdropping on the date of birth controversy of the Chief.

But the Press release not only accused the Lt Gen of commissioning the bugging but it went on to claim that Lt Gen Tejinder Singh had also offered bribe to his own General. The second para of the Press release goes as under:

"The present story has been put out by Lt Gen (retd) Tejinder Singh, who was the Ex DG-DIA and who has been earlier questioned on the purchase of the "Of the air Monitoring System", without sanction by the technically empowered committee. This officer has also been an allottee in Adarsh Housing Society in Mumbai and has also offered bribe on behalf of Tatra and Vetra Limited, which supplies vehicles to BEML. The Officer along with some disgruntled serving officers of the military intelligence, against whom disciplinary and administrative actions are in the pipeline, has worked out this fictitious story. The Army strongly denies this and takes strong exception to such salacious and malafide stories, coming out as news."

It is now baffling that despite the Army Headquarters naming formally Lt Gen Tejinder Singh for offering bribe to the Army Chief, why the Army Chief himself, Defence Minister Anthony or any other organ of the Government did not react or took action. The announcement of the CBI probe by Anthony came on Monday, full 20 days after the Press release and media reports over the weekend.

General has concrete proof against lobbyist


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
Retd Lt Gen Tejinder Singh denies role

Lt Gen (retd)Tejinder Singh, who is alleged to be the person who approached Army Chief General VK Singh with Rs 14 crore bribe offer, has denied any involvement.

Tejinder Singh denies role
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Mar 8, 2011
I will not tolerate corruption in Army: Antony

Tuesday, 27 March 2012 12:16

New Delhi: Defence minister AK Antony on Tuesday has replied to Army chief General VK Singh's allegations in Rajya Sabha.

Main points of reply are:

  • I have always given importance to honesty in my political career of 54 years: Antony.
  • All my life I have adhered to probity in public life: Antony.
  • I will not tolerate corruption in the Army: Antony.
  • I will cancel contracts if there is corruption: Antony.
  • Have taken the matter seriously and ordered a CBI probe: Antony.
    [*] I didn't receive any written complaint from the Army chief: Antony.
    [*] General Singh told me about the bribe offer but said he didn't want to pursue it, says Antony.

I will not tolerate corruption in Army: Antony

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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sad to say that some part of army, specially MI, is looking like PA.
Happiest part is that now people will ask 'Why' and Army will have to answer. There may no longer be a DGMF who will confidently(replace it with proper word) say "No more Arjun beyond 126" and country will quietly accept.


Air Warrior
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
He should have opened this issue before - may be as soon as he was provided with the offer.. Not after his birth date issue.. now it looks awful when he tries to connect his birth date issue with this bribe offer.. As an army general why didn't he took this offer to higher level after tracking this allegations?? He owns the ultimate authority in providing quality products to the Indian Army..

This doesn't look good now.. India's image in international forum is getting hitting in series..


New Member
Apr 5, 2009
All armies have issues and we are seeing this for the first time in India.
We are all shocked and numbed by the turn of events, and the clean up is required.

The people who link the age issue with this are looking are equating the COAS with a politician who makes counter allegations to save face.
When the COAS it getting the worms out of the wood work, why should people doubt him!
The babus of south block would also be shitting bricks, because some of them will also be dragged down.
They played an important part in "sorting" out the COAS in the age issue, maybe because he did not accept the 14 cr.


New Member
Nov 19, 2010
Just imagine how big the babu's lobby working backend.. its makes IA General to think :scared1:

Rahul Singh

New Member
Mar 30, 2009
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All armies have issues and we are seeing this for the first time in India.
We are all shocked and numbed by the turn of events, and the clean up is required.

The people who link the age issue with this are looking are equating the COAS with a politician who makes counter allegations to save face.
When the COAS it getting the worms out of the wood work, why should people doubt him!
The babus of south block would also be shitting bricks, because some of them will also be dragged down.
They played an important part in "sorting" out the COAS in the age issue, maybe because he did not accept the 14 cr.
^^^ COAS is being dragged because he did not informed authorities then and now using it only when he needs it for selfish gains, face makeover if you will. And BTW a COAS can be as corrupt as 'X' politician and a politician can be as honest as X COAS. Corruption lies in character not in Uniform/Dress.
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Logistic Vehicles, Tatra are good seen them in action though..

it always strange for me to see Mahindra Jeep with Maruti jeep, Maruti army jeeps is more powerful than Mahindra once and why two vehicles of same category are in service..
Then obviously, you have not served in high altitudes and mountains !

The issue of bribe need not necessarily be linked to quality but many other things like price.

It is said and believed that the price of on Tatra vehicle in international market is about 40 lakhs but Indian MoD buys that vehicle for 80 odd lakhs, something like that.

That is the issue I heard on TV.


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
Lt Gen (Retd) Tejinder Singh tried to bribe Army Chief: AK Antony

Updated Mar 27, 2012 at 01:25pm IST

New Delhi: Assuring Parliament of strong action in cases of corruption in the Army, Defence Minister AK Antony on Tuesday acknowledged that Army Chief General VK Singh had informed him about the bribe offered to him. While making a statement on the bribe allegation in the Rajya Sabha, Antony named Lieutenant General (Retd) Tejinder Singh as the person who offered General VK Singh a bribe of Rs 14 crore in 2010 for clearing the purchase of sub-standard vehicles. However, he also added that the Army Chief told him that he didn't want to pursue the case.

"I have always said the truth. When General VK Singh told me about the incident, I was shocked. The Army chief told me it was Tejinder Singh who offered him the bribe but he said he doesn't want to pursue it," Antony said.

"A comprehensive CBI enquiry will be conducted. If anybody is found guilty action will be taken. I will not spare anyone found guilty, no matter how powerful that person is," said the minister.

Antony said that he did not get any written complaint from the Army Chief on the bribery claims. "I have narrated the truth. I was also shocked when General VK Singh told me that he was offered crores of rupees by a retired general. It took one or two minutes to get out of the shock. Till today I have not received a written complaint from the Army Chief."

The Defence Minister vowed that he would not compromise on the issue of corruption as he had fought against corruption throughout his life.

"If I am wrong, please punish me. All through my life I fought against corruption in all positions I had held. I am for moderation not for corruption. I have ordered many CBI probes into land scams in the Army," he said.

While Antony corroborated General VK Singh's allegation, but he remained silent on why he did not order an investigation into the case in 2010 and only did so almost two years later and that too after the Army Chief revealed about the incident in an interview to a newspaper.

Meanwhile, the BJP said that the party would support the government on the issue. "The government should act and take some proactive initiatives, so that this situation comes to an ends quickly. The matter should have been enquired into when this happened," BJP leader and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said.

While Lieutenant General (Retd) Tejinder Singh accepted that he met the Army Chief in September 2010, but he added that it was a personal affair and had nothing to do with any defence contract.

"I don't represent any organisation called Tatra that makes vehicles," said the former Army officer.

On Monday Lieutenant General (Retd) Tejinder Singh had denied that he offered the bribe to the Army Chief. He said that he would take legal action against General VK Singh for making the allegation.

"I deny these allegations. I don't want to comment on this issue at a public platform. I don't want to make any comments. I have started legal proceedings against these allegations," Lieutenant General (Retd) Tejinder Singh had said.

Lt Gen (Retd) Tejinder Singh tried to bribe Army Chief: AK Antony - India News - IBNLive


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
General Vs General: Tejinder takes Army Chief to court

Source: Dailybhaskar.com | Last Updated 14:29(27/03/12)

New Delhi: The bribe row took a ugly turn on Tuesday afternoon after retired Lieutenant General Tejinder Singh filed a defamation suit against Army Chief General VK Singh, hours after Defence Minister AK Antony named former Lt General in his statement in the Parliament.

Singh's lawyer Anil Agarwal confirmed the news saying that allegations against his client were 'outrageous'.

Notably, Antony made a statement in the Parliament revealing that Army Chief informed him that he was offered a bribe by retired Lieutenant General Tejinder Singh.

Earlier speaking to a TV news channel, Lt Gen Singh reiterated that he had no links with any arms manufacturer. "There is no issue of purchase or sale of any equipment," he said.

Hitting back at Army Chief, he said those who made the allegations need to prove it. He also questioned as to why no action was taken then.

Lt General also said that he had last met the Army Chief in 2010 for his re-employment. He went up to an extent saying that General VK Singh recommended his name for top position in army.

Singh said, "I am not friend with General VK Singh to have made him an offer. There is no question of making me an offer of such a high amount to him."

On Monday, the Army chief had claimed in a media interview that a lobbyist had offered him a bribe of Rs 14 crore for clearing a file relating to a purchase of a tranche of 600 "sub-standard" vehicles of a particular make.

After Gen Singh's claim, Antony on Monday told journalists that Gen Singh had made a "serious allegation." "I have taken action," he said. Antony has also ordered a CBI inquiry into the matter.

Although Gen Singh did not name the lobbyist, an Army HQ press statement on March 5 had directly accused Lt-General Tejinder Singh, who retired as the chief of the Defence Intelligence Agency in July 2010, of spreading "salacious and mala fide stories".

The reports also said that Tejinder Singh is contemplating defamation suit against all those who named him in bribery claims.

General Vs General: Tejinder takes Army Chief to court - www.daily.bhaskar.com


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
Army Chief's bribe claim: Never lobbied for anyone, says ex-Army officer Tejinder Singh

New Delhi: Retired Lt Gen Tejinder Singh, who was named by the Defence Minister as the one who offered bribe to the Army chief, on Tuesday said that he never lobbied for any company in the Army and also didn't represent any organisation that makes vehicles.

The former Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) chief said he had met General Singh year and a half back in 2010. "It was a personal meeting," he said.

"I met army chief in Septembr 2010, it was a personal meeting. The meeting with General VK Singh had nothing to do with any contarct. I don't represent any organisation called Tatra that makes vehicles," Tejinder Singh told CNN-IBN.

Defence minister AK Antony on Tuesday named Tejinder Singh as the person who offered General VK Singh a bribe of Rs 14 crore in 2010 for clearing the purchase of sub-standard vehicles. However, he also added that the Army Chief told him that he didn't want to pursue the case.

Army Chief's bribe claim: Never lobbied for anyone, says ex-Army officer Tejinder Singh - India News - IBNLive