How to curb honeytrap issue perversive in our defense setup , only serious suggestions


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Sep 8, 2019
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This time 20 IQ tard sends sensitive sketches to Sonali Sharma.

Mind you this is INS Udaygiri, a frontline ship. PS in addition to "obsene chat" this cocksucker also got Rs 2000

Look at my sexxyyy photo babaee.. i will tell you about submarines if you send me a verry sexxxy pichar..


Fucking low iq bitch.

I seriously hope it is the IB that is posing as Sonali & neha & Maya....

Arjun Mk1A

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Mar 6, 2022
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This time 20 IQ tard sends sensitive sketches to Sonali Sharma.

Mind you this is INS Udaygiri, a frontline ship. PS in addition to "obsene chat" this cocksucker also got Rs 2000

Look at my sexxyyy photo babaee.. i will tell you about submarines if you send me a verry sexxxy pichar..

View attachment 244588

Fucking low iq bitch.

I seriously hope it is the IB that is posing as Sonali & neha & Maya....

Most probably Pakis will share it with Bride Traders Chinaman.

Meanwhile look at the bright side. In recent times IB and other Intel group actively investigating and taking actions against these people. So we can say there is an close monitoring on these kind of activities related to Defence.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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This time 20 IQ tard sends sensitive sketches to Sonali Sharma.

Mind you this is INS Udaygiri, a frontline ship. PS in addition to "obsene chat" this cocksucker also got Rs 2000

Look at my sexxyyy photo babaee.. i will tell you about submarines if you send me a verry sexxxy pichar..

View attachment 244588

Fucking low iq bitch.

I seriously hope it is the IB that is posing as Sonali & neha & Maya....
Chut could've got a little creative and played them for some time with pictures like these...





Could've shared grainy pictures of Paki submarine aft, rudder and traded more nooods.


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Mar 3, 2021
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Not that simple.

Honey traps are complex psychological operations that target a target's desire for social recognition of his/her accomplishment and exploit the unfulfilled desires (not necessarily sex).

Why do politicians don't tend for fall for those? Top politicians have far better situational awareness and people reading skills than the top bureaucrats. Politics is a very competitive domain, those who don't improvise quickly perish.
Oh, politicians do fall for them; all the time!

Honey trapping remains among the most widely used tactics deployed by intelligence agencies globally and it is not easy to blunt operations that single out targets and exploit their emotional vulnerabilities. Heck, an American expert on honey traps got lured into one himself;

This forum gets too reactionary at times - that's all. In fact, I am willing to bet that our boys too deploy such tactics - it is just that neither pakis nor the cheenis have news media as vocal as ours and thus, incidents are almost never reported.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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This is a serious issue and it concerns the national security of India, so it's better if we talk about this now.

Remember one thing, honey trapping is a very common form of espionage used by various spy agencies across the globe with the aim of gathering crucial Intel from an adversary country. Russian KGB, American CIA, British MI6 etc to name a few organisations.

During the cold war era, female agents called "Mozhno girls" or "Mozhnos" were used by USSR's KGB to spy on foreign government officials by seducing them and tricking them into giving valuable intelligence about foreign Weopons programs.

Many years ago, I read about it somewhere and there was a photo to corroborate the same too. Back in 2010, an Indian Navy commodore Sukhjinder Singh was caught in a honey trap in Russia. Read about it on the internet. Later on he was sacked by the government one year after the incident came to light.

In today's modern digital age, where nearly each and every individual has access to an electronic touchscreen device capable of connecting him/her to the rest of the world, honey trapping is seen happening more online than in real life.

First of all, all the scientists, engineers, Military officials who get honey trapped are all human beings irrespective of nationality or gender. It's not that only men get honey trapped, even women get honeytrapped too.

We are all human beings, it's natural for us to crave sexual pleasure by various means, it's an evolutionary instinct driven into us and we can't do much about it. Sabhi jeethe jhagthe praniyo mai tharak pan hai aur rahegi.

How are our military officials honey trapped? The most common practice from Honey trappers I have read about is them sending sexually enticing images, in one way, we can say it's porn.

We need to have detailed seminars on a regular basis to curb honey trapping attempts by our adversary intelligence agencies.

I hope the seminars actually have some effect and are not useless like sex education. Sex education is mostly useless in my opinion, simply because of the fact that sex education is only limited to the topic of

1."how to make children"
2. "how to avoid STDs"
3. "How to avoid making children".

At least this is the sex education that I got during my schooling years, which I don't think is very helpful, most of the times, these sex edu talks don't teach us about how to have sex, how should individuals go about it, what to expect on our first time doing it. The same leads a lot towards addiction to pornography, and addiction of pornography can be one of the most dangerous in the world.

I don't know if its just me but from where I come, my parents, friends and everyone most of the time would treat sex as a subject of Taboo. A lot of Indian men for example during their young days don't get enough exposure to women unlike our non Indian folks in the west who have at least some experience into dating, body counts and all that, not saying that we should go for such a shitty society where having divorces, high body counts, prostitution is normalised. I hope the Indian society doesn't stoop to such a level.

We need to have strict protocol procedures to curb this issue.
1. For example we need to keep strict tabs on the device usage by military personnel and defence scientists. It's quite possible that a lot of these guys are porn addicts and these are the people who are most likely to get honeytrapped and pass on critical information.
2. Porn addiction is bad, and a detailed seminar should be held where the reality and dangers of porn are exposed, because the most dangerous thing about porn is that it that shows sex in a way it simply isn't in real life.

A personal story, I don't know if it's appropriate to call this honey trap or not but happened to me on two occasions, on valentine's day last year and this year, two guys made a fake account and tried to prank me by sending me romantic messages. The first guy turned out to be my own friend, he confessed that it was him because I almost got the police involved. The second one I haven't caught still, hopefully I am able to flush him out too. So basically sending messages or even sexting me doesn't work. I am actually quite surprised that no matter how many times someone sends me some sexually enticing messages, I don't fall for it, it's almost like an instinct, good thing I have it.

Your Insights on the topic are most welcome.👍🏻


New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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All the ISI needs to do is get a photo from someone's facebook & vermin will be over it like flies.

No situational awareness.

Whatever needs to be said have already been said in this thread. Dont know what more to add.


Two bit turd thought that Sonal working at IBM wanted to share bob & vagene pics. This guy should be "dealt" while in custody.



New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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All the ISI needs to do is get a photo from someone's facebook & vermin will be over it like flies.

No situational awareness.

Whatever needs to be said have already been said in this thread. Dont know what more to add.

View attachment 252191

Two bit turd thought that Sonal working at IBM wanted to share bob & vagene pics. This guy should be "dealt" while in custody.

View attachment 252192
Even if the hints are there that the profile might be fake, most guys stop thinking from their real brain in these cases and start thinking from the other head!


New Member
Nov 11, 2023
There is no other way than announcing that R&AW will be watching everyone in defense- Main & Sub Contractors. There is very less of this shit in US MIC because of three reasons 1. Job is relatively secure and pay is not too small unlike peanuts paid here, so there is less incentive to think with dick 2. Presence of Hookers, Strip Malls and such in case to vent out and no vague or societal stigma. Even here, if one want to Vent, except Wife/GF there is no way, prostitution is vaguely defined 3. Every Employee and his Mother knows that big biradher NSA is watching over them and they can be caught very easily.
Here we need to announce that R&AW will be watching over them persistently and such cases will reduce somewhat.


New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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LTA should include:
1. Mandatory 1 trip to Goa Yearly.
2. 1 Thailand trip every 3 years.
3. 1 Amsterdam trip every 5 years.
There is no other way than announcing that R&AW will be watching everyone in defense- Main & Sub Contractors. There is very less of this shit in US MIC because of three reasons 1. Job is relatively secure and pay is not too small unlike peanuts paid here, so there is less incentive to think with dick 2. Presence of Hookers, Strip Malls and such in case to vent out and no vague or societal stigma. Even here, if one want to Vent, except Wife/GF there is no way, prostitution is vaguely defined 3. Every Employee and his Mother knows that big biradher NSA is watching over them and they can be caught very easily.
Here we need to announce that R&AW will be watching over them persistently and such cases will reduce somewhat.
Pradhanmantry GF banao Yojna!


New Member
Nov 11, 2023
LTA should include:
1. Mandatory 1 trip to Goa Yearly.
2. 1 Thailand trip every 3 years.
3. 1 Amsterdam trip every 5 years.
The latter two are more risky, what if something happens to them? Sure those people are very valuable and cultivating another such may take decades, and even if not accidents, What can be guarantee that the foreign randis aren't in to seduce them for any secrets set up by others? So, Instead I think we need to set up a new mini-town esque in Goa and make a Whorehouse copying from Amsterdam Red Light district building strategy. Instead of tickets to Goa, they can issue free-coupons to these Whorehouses in Goa itself to vent. Randis here itself in India are easy to monitor in case.