How to counter Fifth Generation Stealth fighters?


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Just as the rest of the World is thinking and developing their counter to the F-22 and F-35, America's constantly busy industrial military complex laboratories are churning out researches into the next defensive and offensive weapons systems of all kinds. Russia as usual will display its bravado, and a lot of Indians will watch in awe complete with lower jaws hanging, but the fact is that it can only do cosmetic attempts. During the Cold War the Soviets compensated for an obvious lack of qualitative edge on weapons over the AMericans by quantity. But with the collapse of the SOviet Union and its severe degradation of the Russian economy the Russians cannot even rely anymore on quantity since even their cosmetic attempt to create a rival to the F-22 AND F-35, a pimped up Su30, is already expensive relative to their economic capacity (before the Soviet economy includes all the soviet states that are now independent from Russia).


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Just as the rest of the World is thinking and developing their counter to the F-22 and F-35, America's constantly busy industrial military complex laboratories are churning out researches into the next defensive and offensive weapons systems of all kinds. Russia as usual will display its bravado, and a lot of Indians will watch in awe complete with lower jaws hanging, but the fact is that it can only do cosmetic attempts. During the Cold War the Soviets compensated for an obvious lack of qualitative edge on weapons over the AMericans by quantity. But with the collapse of the SOviet Union and its severe degradation of the Russian economy the Russians cannot even rely anymore on quantity since even their cosmetic attempt to create a rival to the F-22 AND F-35, a pimped up Su30, is already expensive relative to their economic capacity (before the Soviet economy includes all the soviet states that are now independent from Russia).
I will repeat the oft repeated counter to your oft repeated claim.

Why did the Malaysian Air Force replace their F/A-18C/D Hornets with Su-30MKMs instead of the more advanced F/A-18EF Super Hornets, which is the most obvious and logical option?

Why did the Malaysian Air Force choose Russian EW equipment over French equivalents?

Why did IAF go for the PAKFA program instead of the F-35? (Yes, LM attempted to push the F-35 to the IAF and presentations were given to that effect before India signed the MoU with Sukhoi in 2010)

Linked to the previous question. Why has IAF touted the FGFA to be the most advanced program in the world today?


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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It has more to do with politics, cost and the limits on the high tech accessories/weapons being made available by Uncle... Remember that our closest neighbor is closer to Uncle than us. Besides Russia has no qualms selling to us everything it has. They will even sell to anyone willing to pay the hide of Putin's mother, at a lower price!


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Why did IAF go for the PAKFA program instead of the F-35? (Yes, LM attempted to push the F-35 to the IAF and presentations were given to that effect before India signed the MoU with Sukhoi in 2010)
Because of COld War hang over which still afflicts both American and India officials leading to lack of trust. There are no other logical reason.

Linked to the previous question. Why has IAF touted the FGFA to be the most advanced program in the world today?
Why am I not surprised? Every Indian (or Indian participated) product is always declared the "best in the World!"
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Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Because of COld War hang over which still afflicts both American and India officials leading to lack of trust. There are no other logical reason.
Right. So we induct or have contracts for C-17, C-130, P-8Is, Apaches and we have the colonial hangover as recent as 2010. Funny, since I am beginning to wonder who we signed the Nuclear deal with.

The US was able to make us a de-facto nuclear power overnight outside the NPT framework, and we are still stuck in the colonial hangover. :rolleyes:

Heck we are even beginning to talk of JVs along the lines of Brahmos. The Americans were also talking about providing technology that is currently only reserved for closest allies.

Cold war indeed. IAF's choice to go for FGFA has nothing to do with the cold war, rather it is for obviously different reasons.

Why am I not surprised? Every Indian (or Indian participated) product is always declared the "best in the World!"
With the exception of Brahmos, which even today there is no equivalent and will not be for another 5 years or more, nobody has claimed anything in India to be the best in the world.

Only FGFA is touted to be the "most advanced" in the world for very simple and very obvious reasons that cannot be countered at all by any country with current technology or plans within the immediate future, including the F-35. None at all. Even known future projects that haven't yet fully started are nowhere close.

It has more to do with politics, cost and the limits on the high tech accessories/weapons being made available by Uncle...
What are you talking about? Only one of the above actually qualified, cost. The US had offered AESA. The Malaysians did not test the AESA, but it was going to be part of the final contract as competition to the MKM's ESA radar. Both Block 1 and Block 2 versions were compared.

Had Malaysia chosen SH, they would have been the third country to get the AESA after UAE and Australia.
Regardless, the MKM was cheaper and still the better aircraft.


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2012
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Can any Russian or Ukranian members please translate the Radar's details or at least its discription name/ id........ @gadeshi, @Akim, @Austin looks like a bistatic self-propelled elevated Passive search radar by Almaz-Antey concern.........could be new / non export since it is first time i saw it...........
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Regular Member
Dec 13, 2012
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Can any Russian or Ukranian members please translate the Radar's details or at least its discription name/ id........ @gadeshi, @Akim, @Austin looks like a bistatic self-propelled elevated Passive search radar by Almaz-Antey concern.........could be new / non export since it is first time i saw it...........
Sorry folks i think i have got it...the moving radar is 36d6 Tin-shield shown in the middle end of the video and the main radar in focus is s-400's main radar 96l6e target acquisition radar

But Russians have showcased a Passive radar concept in Maks 2013 this year called Avtobaza-m passive the range of Cassadian's passive radar and era Silent Guard......Pics are from Vitaly.V. Kuzmin's maks 2013 collection...
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Regular Member
Dec 13, 2012
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i wanted to ask @p2prada a following question:- Why every country is investing so much effort in Passive radar sensors while Stealth Gurus always tend to downplay their importance... i mean the Russians have Avtobaza-m, Czech rep. have Era Silent Guard,Eads-Cassadian have developed their own Stealth defeating passive radars Israeli and IAI-ELTA have EL/L-8388 which according to Sipri have sold them to South Korea in 2012.....
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Senior Member
May 25, 2009
i wanted to ask @p2prada a following question:- Why every country is investing so much effort in Passive radar sensors while Stealth Gurus always tend to downplay their importance... i mean the Russians have Avtobaza-m, Czech rep. have Era Silent Guard,Eads-Cassadian have developed their own Stealth defeating passive radars Israeli and IAI-ELTA have EL/L-8388 which according to Sipri have sold them to South Korea in 2012.....
It is not entirely a fool proof method. But it has its uses.

This is not a stealth defeating equipment, it has been in use since decades, even before stealth was even thought of.

It is simply a receiver.
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