How can India respond to 7/13 terrorist attacks in Mumbai?


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2010

NIA is a federal agency and it has all the powers any federal agency would have. There were opposition from the states but it was over-ruled after the 26/11 attacks.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Mumbai once again has been the poor target of terrors ugly practices. Even this early an ordinary person can tell the striking similarities with the last major Mumbai attack"s". What can India do to avenge its greatest City and deter terrorists everywhere form lunching similar kind of attacks in the future? (Judging from the nature of the attacks, the group behind it seems to have absolutely no respect to Mumabi's antiterror forces.)
Nothing just wait for another bomb blast :confused::confused::mad2::mad2::mad2:


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2009
I strongly feel the jihadis want to rise the tension between India and Pak by this kind of attacks. i think pak govt does not have anything do with this attack.Perhaps some isi elements are involved.So in addition to strengthening the security, we must try to improve our relations with pak, donot deteriorate it. In that way we can deprive the terrorists from attaining their aim.


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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By forming a pan-India vigilante group that targets politicians and bureaucrats for non-performance. Everything else will fall in order, including security.


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2010
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How are the cowardly partly-vegetarian hindus going to respond ??

These effeminates dont have it within them to respond .


Oct 16, 2010
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I strongly feel the jihadis want to rise the tension between India and Pak by this kind of attacks. i think pak govt does not have anything do with this attack.Perhaps some isi elements are involved.So in addition to strengthening the security, we must try to improve our relations with pak, donot deteriorate it. In that way we can deprive the terrorists from attaining their aim.
and keep on getting hit day and night?
There's one thing to remember here. Our neighbors identitiy contains a permanent DNA of India hatred.
They cannot imagine themselves without being-doing anti India. Sorry to sound pessimistic but I don't see the Pakistani state willing or able (even if willing) to tackle this menace. Atleast not for our sake.
Though it is too early to say to what extent any elements is Pakistan are responsible for this, but action is necessary this time.
Lets say our government decides to take stern action (which is impossible here though), dilemma for them would be that any attempts to take out even a few terror camps near the border would break the already stressed thresh hold of Pakistan fuming under drone strikes and American humiliation.
Things could get out of hand. But that is how serious real life problems are solved. We cannot solve these issues if we'r not ready to rough it up and face the possiblity of getting few blows in the process. You expect to cross the river and don't want to face risk of a powerful water stream. How will the problem be solved this way?

By forming a pan-India vigilante group that targets politicians and bureaucrats for non-performance. Everything else will fall in order, including security.
Yeah and that group should be armed with bazookas, ought to be there. Then everything will fall in order for sure :D

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pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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The BEST thing about this tragedy is that ALL AMAN KI ASHA will become AMAN KI "ASHES "

When PM HUGS AND KISSES ZARDARI AND GILANI the message goes that Indians just love these attacks

Basically we NEEDED a REMINDER about the Hatred that our enemies AND their Internal Supporters have for us


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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I think there should be a more stringent intelligence gathering efforts, I say eavesdrop on all phone conversations inside India, and those outgoing and incoming long distance calls. The internet should be closely monitored (bugged). Then work closely with the CIA.

Can Indian intelligence officials eavesdrop on phone and internet signals in Pakistan? Do they have the capability? This should be make priority No. 1.

It must be pointed out that there has not been a successful terrorist act within the US lately. How are they managing it? Maybe India can learn.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2011
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give demarche the ambasador of pakistan and stop peace process for now to evade public anger and urge washington to pressure pakistan to do more,do not expect anything more from this spineless govt.


Air Warrior
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
Start a new thread "Trail update on 7/13 terrorist attacks in Mumbai"... :mad2: :mad2:

What else we can do??? :tsk: We don't have power or co-ordination to go against this corrupt GoI... But we can be sure that all people of India is totally vexed with the existing UPA... But the Congress can easily handle this during next election by bribing the vote - Thanks to the money R.Gandhi family deposited in Swiss bank.. They have a wonderful puppet Dr.Singh in their hands who can express what exactly they discuss and decide...

Also, our media will be bored by only showing the terrorist attack over next one week.. After to that they'll be interested in covering news about return of great Rajini (Apologies to Rajini Fans. Me too a fan of him) to India and Khan's new movie and a news Salman's new GF and ... and ... and .... :bored:

In another view, when people like Mr.Hazare and other activists takes guard against Government, the clever politicians do all their magics and work 24*7 to get rid of them... I seriously wonder the amount of effort the Politicians put around during those crisis time for them.. If they would have put 1/2 of the effort of that to any of the country's development work could have done great good for the POOR PEOPLE OF INDIA.... :tsk:

We need an revolution again.. We need to fight for INDEPENDENCE again from BABUS GOVERNMENT & CORRUPTION. We need to rewrite the 60 years old Constitution and its laws....


Senior Member
May 18, 2009
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There used to be statements from govt that any other attack on mumbai and it will be difficult for us to calm down the citizen ... blah blah or some action will be taken. Watever happened to that chest thumping.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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India: No Leads in Mumbai Bomb Attacks

By AP / N irmala George

(MUMBAI, India) — There are no immediate suspects in the triple bombing that killed 17 people in India's financial capital and the attack came without warning, the country's top security official said Thursday, while shellshocked residents lambasted the government for the apparent intelligence breakdown.

The bombings, which shook three separate neighborhoods within minutes of each other during Wednesday's busy evening rush hour, were the country's worst terror strike since the siege of Mumbai that killed 166 people 31 months ago. (See pictures: "Blasts Rock India's Financial Capital.")

Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said Indian intelligence had received no warning before the latest blasts of a possible attack on Mumbai.

"Whoever has perpetrated this attack has worked in a very, very clandestine manner," he said at a news conference after an emergency security meeting. (See TIME's video: "Mumbai Voices.")

He said police were looking into "every possible hostile group" in their search for the culprits.

That did little to reassure residents who questioned how the attack could happen despite massive security measures taken in recent years.

"After the 2008 blast and all the media hype (about safety) we thought we were safe," said Anita Ramaswami, a 33-year-old accountant. "But things still are the same and people in Mumbai continue to feel vulnerable."

No one has claimed responsibility for the bombing and Indian officials have so far refused to speculate who might be behind the attack.

"We are not pointing a finger at this stage," Chidambaram said. "We have to look at every possible hostile group and find out whether they are behind the blast."

Indian officials have accused Pakistan's powerful spy agency of helping coordinate and fund earlier attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai siege, which lasted three days. Peace talks between the countries were suspended after that attack and resumed only recently.

Asked whether the blasts might have been aimed at derailing a new round of peace talks expected in a few days, Chidambaram said: "We are ruling out no hypothesis."

He also called for patience with the government's efforts to protect its citizens.

"We live in the most troubled neighborhood in the world," he said. "Pakistan-Afghanistan is the epicenter of terror ... living in the most troubled neighborhood, every part of India is vulnerable."

Pakistan's government expressed distress about the loss of lives and injuries soon after the blasts were reported.

A steady drizzle Thursday washed away bloodstains and threatened evidence at the site of the attacks, which ripped off storefronts, shredded a bus stop and left bodies strewn in the dirt of Mumbai's crowded neighborhoods and market. Investigators covered the blast sites with plastic sheets to protect the evidence.

The bomb in the Dadar area in central Mumbai was placed on a bus shelter; in the Opera House business district in southern Mumbai it was placed on the road; in the Jhaveri Bazaar jewelry market a few miles (kilometers) away it was on a motorcycle, Chidambaram said.

The bombs were made of ammonium nitrate and were not remotely triggered, he said. Police were gathering evidence about the triggering or timing mechanism that set off the bombs and what types of containers they were in, Chidambaram said.

Surveillance cameras were in place at all three blast sites, Chidambaram said, but he did not reveal if any information was gleaned from them.

Meanwhile, families raced to find word about their relatives.

One man described hunting for information about his brother, who was in the jewelry market when the bomb went off.

"We are in that market every day from morning to night," he told NDTV news channel, as he held back tears. "We went from hospital to hospital and finally found his body in the morgue."

Kaushik Adhikari, 18, said his father, a goldsmith, was wounded in the same blast.

"He was hit by a shrapnel in the stomach and operated on. Doctors say he is stable," he said. "This has come as a big shock. We realize how uncertain life has become."

Chidambaram lowered the casualty toll to 17 confirmed deaths. He said a severed head was found that could be an 18th casualty. He did not explain the discrepancy from an earlier government statement that listed 21 deaths. Additionally, 131 were injured, 23 of them seriously.

The blasts marked the first major attack on Mumbai since 10 militants laid siege to the city for 60 hours in November 2008. That attack targeted two luxury hotels, a Jewish center and a busy train station.

C. Uday Bhaskar, a defense analyst, said the bombings showed that Mumbai remained vulnerable despite precautions taken after the 2008 attack.

"The local police still does not have either the capability or the capacity to pre-empt such attacks, and this is going to be a constant challenge," he said.

Associated Press writers Muneeza Naqvi, Ashok Sharma and Ravi Nessman in New Delhi contributed to this report.

Read more: India: No Leads in Mumbai Bomb Attacks - TIME


Nov 16, 2009
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More realistic response will be to officially surrender as a state. We are very close to that.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
How India can and How India will respond to these dastardly attacks are two very different things.

How India Can react
-Thorough investigation,
-beefing up security and intelligence,
-unravelling the terror network in the country,
-come down hard on the various terror modules,
-if a puki link is established come down hard on them diplomatically and possibly millitarily- attacks on terrorist training camps,
-Cut off all diplomatic relations with Pukis,
-a freeze on visas and exchanges

How India will likely react
-Statements that we are invetigating,
-visit by PM after ten days,
-visit by Sonia after 15 days,
-Rahul says that we cannot stop these attacks,
-Visit by opposition leaders the next day calling for PM to resign,
-Digvijay shooting off about how we are better off than Pakistan and America,
-WKKs asking us to improve relations with Pukis,
-Arundhoti writing an essay on how Mumbai and India brought it upon themselves,
-SM Krishna saying that piss process will continue,
-Manish Tiwari, Digvijay and others attempting to link the blasts to RSS and Abhinav Bharat saying that they received phonecalls,
-more dossiers,
-more chai-biskut,
-PM saying that both Pukis and India are victims of terror so equal-equal only,
-D*ckVJ saying that had Rahul been the PM this would have never happened


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2011
first , Rahul's statement is spot on. You cannot stop every soft target... we know this in the US too. The reason US has not had one in a decade is also due to the geographic location of the country that protects it.

there is however some things I see as baffling. One- this the state govt's responsibility as having resources ( cash) has been plentiful from the central govt.

two- I'm really baffled as to why these 3 locations that has been hit now 3 times in the last what 15-18 yrs is not well protected and policed. I understand that India cannot police every nook and corner- but why can't it at least do it on locations that have been hit multiple times?

These are areas smaller than Time square and we know the difficulty we have had here in the US( time square and New york)- but then too- it has a heavy police, CCTV, Bomb detection technologies deployed all over it. All though it won't still guarantee zero attacks , people see there are efforts made in all earnest. we got lucky last time in time square- by pure luck it did not go off- had it gone off-- man the death toll would have been in 100's .

Why at minimum the 3 sites don't have the top level security deployed is beyond me..
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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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How India can and How India will respond to these dastardly attacks are two very different things.

How India Can react
-Thorough investigation,
-beefing up security and intelligence,
-unravelling the terror network in the country,
-come down hard on the various terror modules,
-if a puki link is established come down hard on them diplomatically and possibly millitarily- attacks on terrorist training camps,
-Cut off all diplomatic relations with Pukis,
-a freeze on visas and exchanges

How India will likely react
-Statements that we are invetigating,
-visit by PM after ten days,
-visit by Sonia after 15 days,
-Rahul says that we cannot stop these attacks,
-Visit by opposition leaders the next day calling for PM to resign,
-Digvijay shooting off about how we are better off than Pakistan and America,
-WKKs asking us to improve relations with Pukis,
-Arundhoti writing an essay on how Mumbai and India brought it upon themselves,
-SM Krishna saying that piss process will continue,
-Manish Tiwari, Digvijay and others attempting to link the blasts to RSS and Abhinav Bharat saying that they received phonecalls,
-more dossiers,
-more chai-biskut,
-PM saying that both Pukis and India are victims of terror so equal-equal only,
-D*ckVJ saying that had Rahul been the PM this would have never happened

You have summed it up the feeling of lot of us. That is exactly the problem with the public in general is"Chalta Hai" attitude is not to tolerated and replaced with result "can Do" mission in public service. Just viewed the photographs posted on the forum, it looks like there are no law enforcement authorities to secure the area for evidence gathering which is the first step in carrying out investigation.

What is needed is to staff the existing agencies with top notch invetigatiors paid above the average salary. Their mandate should be 24/7 proactive monitoring of the groups with in the nation and overseas as well to foil the next attack. USA, Canada,UK and some european countries have done so. If we can purchase all kinds of armaments than we can equip our agencies with the latest methods and equipment to counter the threats.
How is this going to take shape? Lot of it depends upon the Indian public who hold the trump card "VOTE".
Are Indians ready for a real change or not? This is the question Indians have to ask themself. It can be done once you make up your mind. Next general election is coming very soon. So get ready to vote them out. Keep inventory of all the scandals and security lapses which have destroyed hundreds of families.Do not settle for less than the BEST.

It is time Indians who really care for the security and prosperity of the nation to rise up to bring about the permanent transformation for the sake of the nation. If it means raiding the terror camps so be it. If other countries can do it than India should do it as well. We have to stop pleasing the individuals for the vote bank.
Any comments are welcome.

Best wishes and regards.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2009
What is making government not hanging kasab,three years gone with 11 crore per year expenditure for his security(even victims are not provided these much money),are we waiting for his next birthday and another attack?
We dont know when our life is going to go by blasts but these terrorists are safe


Freakin' Fighter fan
Senior Member
Sep 15, 2010
This post has suddenly become an UPA-bashing mouthpiece. Was NDA really good for India in terms of terrorist attacks?
The data say otherwise.

Here's the list from NDA rule and Mumbai attacks by terrorists ...

6 December 2002 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar, killing 2
27 January 2003 - Bomb goes off on a bicycle in Vile Parle, killing 1
14 March 2003 - Bomb goes off in a train in Mulund, killing 10
28 July 2003 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar, killing 4

Guys, let's accept this, we may have two sides (UPA and NDA), but they are both equally as bad in terms of national security. They both are irresponsible, corrupt and inept.

Reason is, Indian voters still vote in terms of communal identity. Religion, caste, sub-caste, language, ethnicity - hell name any made up cultural identity you can think of and Indian voters use those to vote, instead of looking at the competence and honesty of the politician.
What can we do? We can stop voting for the a**holes irrespective of which party, religion, caste, sub-caste, religion, ethnicity etc etc - for once. The result might be devastating in the short term - most large political partys will be cut to pieces - LOTS and LOTS of small parties will gain importance, not to mention independents. A hung parliament and in all probabilities another election in a couple of years. However, it will give an important lesson to the big parties, that the days of identity based elections are gone.

On the home front, what is IB, NIA, CBI and other intelligence organizations doing? No information BEFORE and AFTER the bombings?


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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How can India respond to 7/13 terrorist attacks in Mumbai?
By getting rid of the Maino Mafia, her two inbred puppies and their toothless haggard of a slave holding a newly rabid dog in his hand (his name starts with D and recently introduced an extra 'a' in his first name). Once the nation gets rid of these 4-5 terrorists, jihad will automatically stop.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Just heard on TV from a senior lawyer that there is a shortage of about 24 judges to try terror related cases.

The problem is systemic and runs deep across the entire spectrum of law and order and justice. Resolving these issues too is part of fighting terror.

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