How British Indian Army destroyed the Ottomans

Aaj ka hero

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Oct 8, 2018
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heading of this thread should be how british indian army destroyed outman empire
Yes, that's correct let's call spade a spade.
Indian army today is rightfully at it's place where it should be.
I want to ask some members who WERE THE PEOPLE WHO SHOT those who were at JALIANWALA BAGH.
Becuase I don't know, where they from army or police force?


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Sep 15, 2014
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Yes, that's correct let's call spade a spade.
Indian army today is rightfully at it's place where it should be.
I want to ask some members who WERE THE PEOPLE WHO SHOT those who were at JALIANWALA BAGH.
Becuase I don't know, where they from army or police force?
Army only. The British Imperial Police was seen as an administrative arm mainly .

Aaj ka hero

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Oct 8, 2018
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Because then indian soldiers have been butchering Indian civilians under various kings since all the gods turned the lights on and ironically since 1947 as well
I am against this, BASIC THING IS THIS US KILLING US is OK(yes, sound hilarious but still) how the heck MOTHERFUCK BRITISH GOT THE RIGHT TO ENTER WITH THAT LOGIC I DON'T UNDERSTAND this is similar like use ghori to kill prithvi raj chauhan by biggest asshole jaichand and then buy the ticket to be killed by the same ghori.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Sirji most of it is disapproved because there was on INVASION so how it can be invasion.
Sorry that is not even close to being true. There are enough holes in the Aryan invasion theory to question it and there are enough holes in the opposing theory to question it. And there is a third out of India theory which is also full of holes

But harping about existentialist idiosyncrasies we are missing the forest for the trees. It's 2019 here we are let's get the fuck on with it

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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The Aryan invasion theory is a theory is neither been proved nor disproved. Ironically the "Gene identity" you talk off has the same statistical error between Indians and Central Asians as well. And there is also a statistically significant difference between various south indian gene codes, various tribal adhivasis and the basic north Indian.
it’s a rejected theory. but still advasis from north and south doesn’t dominate the main land are not that big numbers.

By lumping all inhabitants of the Sub Continent as "Indian" (pre british) is disingenuous - Because then indian soldiers have been butchering Indian civilians under various kings since all the gods turned the lights on and ironically since 1947 as well

Please note that alot of eastern Kingdoms and Southern Kingdoms did view north and west Indian empires as foreigners as well. In fact our own mythological retelling of history has the terms nagas and asuras thrown in to signify a people not off the "same".
disagreements happend in every kingdoms and continents in europe etc. but the point is when freedom struggle started people from south we’re against the north? if that was the case why thousands of troops joined a bengali? at that time whole india was united to break chains of slavery. you cannot prove wrong by saying that we did in past and we did it again.

By accepting that these soldiers of British India as cowards, slaves, etc etc then you must agree that Maneksaw, Cariappa and every soldier that fought all the way to Kashmir (and some in 71) were all Cowardly Cunt bags who should be stripped of their honors and vilified outside parliament - The First 30 years of Free India was essentially the British Indian Army without Whitey overseers. - Accept it. By rationalizing this away you are doing yourself a disservice.
india and indians did questioned the loyalty of indian army. after independence too till the time they proved it . remember how one of the biggest demand of public at the time of independence was that a civilian will decide the policies of the army.
remember how carriapa was thrashed by nerhu when he requested actions against pakistan? and nehru said you will not deicide our enemies shows the trust issues too ( tho cariapa was right)
The Indian Army was born out of the same tradition as Pakistan’s. In British India, the army enjoyed a prominent position in Indian life, and even played a role in policy matters. The commander-in-chief, was also the de facto defence minister, and was the second most powerful person in the hierarchy after the viceroy himself. But after Independence things began to change.

Prime minister Nehru believed that the new India needed to rethink the role of the army, and initiated a policy that would firmly subordinate it to the civilian authority. One of the first things that happened after Independence, for example, was that Teen Murti House, traditionally the grand residence of the army chief, was assigned instead to the prime minister: A small matter by itself, perhaps, but a clear indicator of the way the wind was blowing.

Next came a series of budget cuts (resulting, among other things, in hefty cuts in army officers’ generous Raj-era salaries). And when India’s first army chief, field marshal Cariappa, publicly criticised the government’s economic performance, he was immediately rapped on the knuckles, and told not to meddle in matters that did not concern him.

Loyalty to the Crown is also Loyalty to your Sovereign - Ironically which is a big part of our Dharma - By Many the Queen was seen as just another ruler in India. However the Late 1800s and early 1900s exposed Educated Indians to the thought ideas of the west including liberty and civil rights and colonialization. The Indian Soldiers - who were poor and uneducated - then experienced the same thought ideas through war. Both came back to India to claim their rightful place in the modern world. These were the conditions that existed that laid the groundwork to a successful pan subcontinental freedom movement.
as you said previously many of the troops just worked for job and money which was provided to them. indian soldiers were used as a connon fodders in war they were not treated like a scholar or something else most of them joined forces for money and slaves hard truth but truth every indian army soldier worked under the british officers. those who sometimes disobeyed them were killed in red fort. they were never part of high table they were never part of glory they were just slaves bought to fight the war. they worked to kill slaughter every indian who opposed them . they slaughtered thousands of civilians for money which was provided to them. and some facilities that’s why indians kept fighting between themselves.
just tell me you are average indian in pre independence era who is your enemy number one ? a white in some rich house or a indian soldier who is running behind to kill you ?

Using Half Truths, non-contextualized History, innuendo and conjecture results in a narrative that is value destructive. Vilifying soldiers is counter productive.

The British truely ravaged our land like no other. And since Independence India as a country has risen leaps and bounds like no other country on this planet. Today for a $2000 per capita economy the institutions we put in place are unprecedented in entirety of Human History - Parliament, Supreme Court, EC, RBI, IIT, IIMs, ISRO, etc etc etc. in 1947 we went from 0.002% of the Global GDP to a top 10 economy within 3 generations and we did it without putting a gun to peoples heads (China)
history history i cannot chnage it but i can point out the things which i don’t like.
deaths rapes slavery and constant humiliation of 500 years bought everyone together it was sadar patel who bought every one down he was the trump card brits never wanted a united india. the people rulled by kings didn’t wanted to be rulled by them that’s why some hundreds of princely states got together

Aaj ka hero

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Oct 8, 2018
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Sorry that is not even close to being true. There are enough holes in the Aryan invasion theory to question it and there are enough holes in the opposing theory to question it. And there is a third out of India theory which is also full of holes

But harping about existentialist idiosyncrasies we are missing the forest for the trees. It's 2019 here we are let's get the fuck on with it
Intermingling is what I heard and if anybody follow logic then it also fit the bill because HARAPPAN AND INDUS Valley at that time were NEW YORK AND TOKYO of there times.
If you are talking about kalash people and Macedonian army then it's another story.
But there was no invasion I can be assured rest @ashdoc sir can pinpoint.


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Sep 15, 2014
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it’s a rejected theory. but still advasis from north and south doesn’t dominate the main land are not that big numbers.
By a small side of academia. All theories stand rejected as of now

disagreements happend in every kingdoms and continents in europe etc. but the point is when freedom struggle started people from south we’re against the north? if that was the case why thousands of troops joined a bengali? at that time whole india was united to break chains of slavery. you cannot prove wrong by saying that we did in past and we did it again.
Again Europeans never considered themselves one people. and Disagreements? i dont think you understand the scale of WWI and WWII or the Napoleonic wars

You didnt read what i wrote- It was the Elite of India that unified the country to fight the british for indepdence. And the Bengali you mentioned despite his intentions allied himself with some of the most Asur ideologies in human history. The people who backed him were a fraction of those who Joined the main mass movements which were Non-Cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, Swaraj and Quit-India movement.

Lastly 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 10,000 years ago is ALL in the past. (THAT is what i am saying)

india and indians did questioned the loyalty of indian army. after independence too till the time they proved it . remember how one of the biggest demand of public at the time of independence was that a civilian will decide the policies of the army.
remember how carriapa was thrashed by nerhu when he requested actions against pakistan? and nehru said you will not deicide our enemies shows the trust issues too ( tho cariapa was right)
The Indian Army was born out of the same tradition as Pakistan’s. In British India, the army enjoyed a prominent position in Indian life, and even played a role in policy matters. The commander-in-chief, was also the de facto defence minister, and was the second most powerful person in the hierarchy after the viceroy himself. But after Independence things began to change.
Civlians deciding the place of the Army has little to do with the british raj and more to do with basic hygiene principals of Democracy. Putting the Army lower than the civilian counterparts is ABSOLUTELY Correct. Every major democracy in the world has that. Without that we would have become Pakistan.

Army Generals on war are usually right and Civilian rules who loath war are usually wrong. But that is always a small price to pay. A number of my family members served under Cariappa. I have a good deal of knowledge of what he thought.

You are writing a blanket statement of fact over a very complex time. India, its administration, politicans, military were all BRAND NEW - nobody knew their place. and 70+ years later it turns out none of that was too bad.

The Change you talk about - was all GOOD.

Next came a series of budget cuts (resulting, among other things, in hefty cuts in army officers’ generous Raj-era salaries). And when India’s first army chief, field marshal Cariappa, publicly criticised the government’s economic performance, he was immediately rapped on the knuckles, and told not to meddle in matters that did not concern him.
Yes thats correct an Indian Army General has no frigging business telling the civilian authorities what and how to do. We (the civilians) did not vote them in power.

Talking about budget cuts - please do some reading on the economic problems India faced specially around the east of our country.

dont quiet understand what you are complaining about.,

as you said previously many of the troops just worked for job and money which was provided to them. indian soldiers were used as a connon fodders in war they were not treated like a scholar or something else most of them joined forces for money and slaves hard truth but truth every indian army soldier worked under the british officers. those who sometimes disobeyed them were killed in red fort. they were never part of high table they were never part of glory they were just slaves bought to fight the war. they worked to kill slaughter every indian who opposed them . they slaughtered thousands of civilians for money which was provided to them. and some facilities that’s why indians kept fighting between themselves.
just tell me you are average indian in pre independence era who is your enemy number one ? a white in some rich house or a indian soldier who is running behind to kill you ?
Again i got this point. you didnt have to repeat it. You just failed to understanding anything i said in reply

thats on you brother.

history history i cannot chnage it but i can point out the things which i don’t like.
deaths rapes slavery and constant humiliation of 500 years bought everyone together it was sadar patel who bought every one down he was the trump card brits never wanted a united india. the people rulled by kings didn’t wanted to be rulled by them that’s why some hundreds of princely states got together

All i am saying you have been fed a bullshit miopic version of history. the Onus to learn and evolve is on you. Why stop at 500 years? Why not go back 1000? 2000? Is it because 500 years helps temper your anger and hate more efficiently?


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Sep 15, 2014
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@Mods - This thread has completely diverged from the main topic - which warrants a nice discussion. Could we help clean up.

Guys - any other discussion we can open a new thread.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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All i am saying you have been fed a bullshit miopic version of history. the Onus to learn and evolve is on you. Why stop at 500 years? Why not go back 1000? 2000? Is it because 500 years helps temper your anger and hate more efficiently?
indian history is centuries old. i simply don’t have the knowledge to know correctly what happened centuries back. but recent history of india is 500 years old and the more recent history which effects all of us in day to day life was 300-200 year old so i find no point in bringing what happened in old indian civilisations.

why i will have hate against anyone?
i didn’t like british indian army? many indians in pre independence era didn’t liked them either. it was a perfect civilian killing machine.
such as chandar shekhar azad who actively killed british indian army troops.
(even tho he didn’t liked it )

but as majority of average indian i do respect armed forces of republic of india.

i will not go off topic now.
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May 12, 2018
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I this this tread is for "Indian Army wiped out the Ottomans" so stop talking which is not relevant on the thread.


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Oct 10, 2020
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During World War I, Indian troops spread across the Ottoman empire, helped lay the foundations of West Asia as we know it

“The Turkish Empire has committed suicide, and dug with its own hands its grave”, the British prime minister Herbert Asquith, proclaimed in early November 1914. He was responding to the Ottoman naval bombardment of Ukraine, bringing Turkey into the First World War in alliance with Germany against the Allies.

To illustrate — in north-west Iran and the Caucasus, Indian regiments helped to block Turkish movements towards Central Asia. In central and southern Iran, they attacked suspected anti-Allied jihadists, and countered Turkish and German agents seeking to infiltrate sensitive Indian border zones. From the Arabian Gulf, Indian troops attacked hundreds of miles into Iraq, reaching its northernmost Ottoman province to seize the oil fields. On the Arabian Peninsula, they contained the Ottoman garrisons of Yemen, assisted Lawrence of Arabia and embedded like him in local Arab rebel forces, and raided Ottoman outposts on Red Sea islands. Then out of Egypt Indian units made multiple attacks, both westwards in the Western Desert against Libyan jihadists, and eastwards into the Sinai, Palestine and Syria. From Egypt they also took part in the Allies’ amphibious assault on European Turkey: The Gallipoli campaign.

By November 1918, the Indian army’s immense grip on formerly Ottoman-controlled soil, where it had defeated the Turks, was reflected in the sheer size and breadth of its occupation. It was the single-largest Allied force in the Turkish theatres, having deployed a total of approximately 7,60,000 Indian troops to them. Its men stood guard from Basra, Baghdad, Fallujah, Ramadi and Mosul to Cairo, Suez, Gaza, Jerusalem, Amman, Haifa, Damascus, Gallipoli and Istanbul. At the time, the British empire, in fact, approached its territorial zenith.

The Allied peace negotiations with the Turks were to last longer than the First World War itself. Their protraction was proof of their complexity. The Allies hotly competed for the spoils of Ottoman defeat: The British angled for new British-influenced Middle Eastern buffer states from Iraq to Palestine in order to cushion the Indian imperial sphere, while the French, Greeks and Italians looked to partition the Ottoman empire for new imperial possessions of their own. The Turks wanted Turkey for themselves and fought for it, above all against the Greeks.

Eventually, the Allies and the Turks signed the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923. In conjunction with other international agreements applying more widely to the Ottoman lands of 1914-18, the borders were drawn of the Turkish Republic and other post-war Middle Eastern states and European-administered mandates including Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq. The map of the modern Middle East had taken shape.

The Indian army gradually evacuated the Middle East up to the late 1920s as the post-war settlements took effect.
Having been a wrecking ball to knock down the Ottoman empire during the war, its place between the old and the new Middle East had ultimately been destructive — on behalf, of course, of the British empire.

While the Muslims from India had other thoughts:

For many South Asian Muslims the thought of going to war against the Ottoman Caliph was repulsive and lead some to defect to the Ottomans.

The website for Britain's Sikh Museum contains a critical letter sent to a Muslim soldier serving in France in March 1916 that explains the distaste many South Asian Muslims toward serving Britain against the Ottomans: "You are entangled in a war in which no victory has been gained nor can any be gained in the future. What you ought to do is raise your fellow caste-men against the English and join the army of Islam (the Turks)."

Indeed, the multifaith character of the Singapore rebellion was noted by the Ottoman Consul General Rıfat Efendi in Batavia who filed a dispatch on the rebellion, "the truth is that an Indian Muslim, in the aforementioned city and Indian Muslim soldiers have declared major Jihad for the greater Islamic state against the British and also including the Hindu soldiers arriving from Singapore as well those Muslim civilians according to the intelligence that I have received" he wrote.

The Singapore Mutiny was not the only pro-Ottoman mutiny of World War I. Less than a year later a similar mutiny erupted in the winter of 1915-1916 when over 400 members unit the Indian Army's 15th Lancers, another majority Muslim unit refused to fight their Ottomans co-religionists during the Mesopotamia Campaign.

WW1 though not our war nor initiated by us, but nonetheless fought completely with our men, resources and money. We certainly can claim the credit for the victory and the effects it had.

Muslims from India supported the Khilafat and also ran against the interests of the empire and also India n the name of Jihad.

Indian contribution to WW1:

India provided Britain with not just men and material, but finances as well to fight World War 1. India bore £100 million towards the cost of the war. In the context of Britain; £100 in 1917 would be worth £34,000 today. An initial offer of a lump sum of £100 million was made in 1917. Three quarters of this was raised by war loans or bonds and the rest by the Government of India. In terms of direct monetary contribution India gave; £146.2 million from its revenues by 1920.

172,815 animals, which included 85,953 horses, 65,398 ponies and mules, 10,781 camels, 5,061 bullocks, 5,692 dairy cattle and 369.1 million tonnes of supplies and stores left the ports of India for various destinations. Within the first few weeks of the war, India supplied 70,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition, 600,002 rifles, mortars and machine guns. Considerable quantities of shell cases were manufactured. The Army Clothing Department produced 41,920,223 garments between 1914 and 1918. Raw materials like rough tanned hides, wool, manganese, mica, salt-petre, timber, bamboo, raw silk, hemp, coir, tea, rubber, petroleum oils and food stuffs were supplied. A total of 2,737,862 tonnes of items such as rice, flour, atta, ghee, sugar, tea, tinned meat, grain and hay for animals, jam, biscuits and firewood were shipped from India up to March 1919.

While rest of the empire took loan from British treasury. India self financed its war. Thus, we did wipe the so called largest Islamic empire. If any Turk or Paki talks about history, we surely can rub on their faces. :bplease:
During World War I, Indian troops spread across the Ottoman empire, helped lay the foundations of West Asia as we know it

“The Turkish Empire has committed suicide, and dug with its own hands its grave”, the British prime minister Herbert Asquith, proclaimed in early November 1914. He was responding to the Ottoman naval bombardment of Ukraine, bringing Turkey into the First World War in alliance with Germany against the Allies.

To illustrate — in north-west Iran and the Caucasus, Indian regiments helped to block Turkish movements towards Central Asia. In central and southern Iran, they attacked suspected anti-Allied jihadists, and countered Turkish and German agents seeking to infiltrate sensitive Indian border zones. From the Arabian Gulf, Indian troops attacked hundreds of miles into Iraq, reaching its northernmost Ottoman province to seize the oil fields. On the Arabian Peninsula, they contained the Ottoman garrisons of Yemen, assisted Lawrence of Arabia and embedded like him in local Arab rebel forces, and raided Ottoman outposts on Red Sea islands. Then out of Egypt Indian units made multiple attacks, both westwards in the Western Desert against Libyan jihadists, and eastwards into the Sinai, Palestine and Syria. From Egypt they also took part in the Allies’ amphibious assault on European Turkey: The Gallipoli campaign.

By November 1918, the Indian army’s immense grip on formerly Ottoman-controlled soil, where it had defeated the Turks, was reflected in the sheer size and breadth of its occupation. It was the single-largest Allied force in the Turkish theatres, having deployed a total of approximately 7,60,000 Indian troops to them. Its men stood guard from Basra, Baghdad, Fallujah, Ramadi and Mosul to Cairo, Suez, Gaza, Jerusalem, Amman, Haifa, Damascus, Gallipoli and Istanbul. At the time, the British empire, in fact, approached its territorial zenith.

The Allied peace negotiations with the Turks were to last longer than the First World War itself. Their protraction was proof of their complexity. The Allies hotly competed for the spoils of Ottoman defeat: The British angled for new British-influenced Middle Eastern buffer states from Iraq to Palestine in order to cushion the Indian imperial sphere, while the French, Greeks and Italians looked to partition the Ottoman empire for new imperial possessions of their own. The Turks wanted Turkey for themselves and fought for it, above all against the Greeks.

Eventually, the Allies and the Turks signed the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923. In conjunction with other international agreements applying more widely to the Ottoman lands of 1914-18, the borders were drawn of the Turkish Republic and other post-war Middle Eastern states and European-administered mandates including Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq. The map of the modern Middle East had taken shape.

The Indian army gradually evacuated the Middle East up to the late 1920s as the post-war settlements took effect.
Having been a wrecking ball to knock down the Ottoman empire during the war, its place between the old and the new Middle East had ultimately been destructive — on behalf, of course, of the British empire.

While the Muslims from India had other thoughts:

For many South Asian Muslims the thought of going to war against the Ottoman Caliph was repulsive and lead some to defect to the Ottomans.

The website for Britain's Sikh Museum contains a critical letter sent to a Muslim soldier serving in France in March 1916 that explains the distaste many South Asian Muslims toward serving Britain against the Ottomans: "You are entangled in a war in which no victory has been gained nor can any be gained in the future. What you ought to do is raise your fellow caste-men against the English and join the army of Islam (the Turks)."

Indeed, the multifaith character of the Singapore rebellion was noted by the Ottoman Consul General Rıfat Efendi in Batavia who filed a dispatch on the rebellion, "the truth is that an Indian Muslim, in the aforementioned city and Indian Muslim soldiers have declared major Jihad for the greater Islamic state against the British and also including the Hindu soldiers arriving from Singapore as well those Muslim civilians according to the intelligence that I have received" he wrote.

The Singapore Mutiny was not the only pro-Ottoman mutiny of World War I. Less than a year later a similar mutiny erupted in the winter of 1915-1916 when over 400 members unit the Indian Army's 15th Lancers, another majority Muslim unit refused to fight their Ottomans co-religionists during the Mesopotamia Campaign.

WW1 though not our war nor initiated by us, but nonetheless fought completely with our men, resources and money. We certainly can claim the credit for the victory and the effects it had.

Muslims from India supported the Khilafat and also ran against the interests of the empire and also India n the name of Jihad.

Indian contribution to WW1:

India provided Britain with not just men and material, but finances as well to fight World War 1. India bore £100 million towards the cost of the war. In the context of Britain; £100 in 1917 would be worth £34,000 today. An initial offer of a lump sum of £100 million was made in 1917. Three quarters of this was raised by war loans or bonds and the rest by the Government of India. In terms of direct monetary contribution India gave; £146.2 million from its revenues by 1920.

172,815 animals, which included 85,953 horses, 65,398 ponies and mules, 10,781 camels, 5,061 bullocks, 5,692 dairy cattle and 369.1 million tonnes of supplies and stores left the ports of India for various destinations. Within the first few weeks of the war, India supplied 70,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition, 600,002 rifles, mortars and machine guns. Considerable quantities of shell cases were manufactured. The Army Clothing Department produced 41,920,223 garments between 1914 and 1918. Raw materials like rough tanned hides, wool, manganese, mica, salt-petre, timber, bamboo, raw silk, hemp, coir, tea, rubber, petroleum oils and food stuffs were supplied. A total of 2,737,862 tonnes of items such as rice, flour, atta, ghee, sugar, tea, tinned meat, grain and hay for animals, jam, biscuits and firewood were shipped from India up to March 1919.

While rest of the empire took loan from British treasury. India self financed its war. Thus, we did wipe the so called largest Islamic empire. If any Turk or Paki talks about history, we surely can rub on their faces. :bplease:
Imagine taking pri


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Oct 10, 2020
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Imagine taking pride in serving British led troops, the British who humiliated every Indian just for their background.