GoI should not miss the opportunity to rid Maldives of Yameen NOW


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Are we hardwired to remain muzzie slaves for eternity?
Why should Hindu right wing government send Hindu troops to protect some brainwashed muzzies?
Heck their consitution doesnt even recognize us Hindus.

Cut this crap about IOR dominance and string of pearls bullshit.

The hard fact is the number of Ships in sea matters and nothing else. The western powers have more bases in IOR than China, yet I find nobody giving a crap about that. HuhHuh.

No matter how many ships or bases you got, you cannot block off an entire ocean!!!
China sending in ships to IOR will only make them vulnerable against Japan and USA.

If I were India, I would have let China build that beautiful base and watch far off as they keep pouring in more money keeping it afloat.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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This punk is asking for it.

I still don't think we will intervene militarily, though we should ramp up intelligence activities.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
People did come out in 2015. I guess you missed the news then. At that time too the army and police cracked down hard. I guess the new admin at South Block was still not ready to act then as they were trying chummy up with Yameen.
Only person who is missing something is you. The point you are missing is If people had come out, Yameen would have been toppled. I can not repeat myself again and again.

Going through all your post I can see you are trying to create a caricature that I am acquitting Yameen for all his faults when I am only trying to explain the power tussle that is happening in Maldives and why India should restrain.

Yameen is surviving with all its misuse of power because he has support of people army and police force. He is the go guy for India and India restored its relationship and invited him for bilateral for the same reasons. This is called realpolitik and it is full of Grey including Whites and blacks.

Also South block doesn't work on being run by new or old dispensation. The strategic outlook for Nasheed was not favourable then not favourable now. He is a hot Potato, I repeat.

Now, don't try to build a narrative unsupported by facts to keep a lane clear for the Govt in case it is proved that India is after all a chicken.
And you are privy to all the facts on why GOI is behaving in certain way.

Also you are calling me apologist of this government's inaction after previously accusing me on another thread as an outsider. Looks like you are bad judge of people and worldly affairs; ready to jump to conclusion.

I let you go because you are not aware of my consistent stand on various issue where I pledged India to militarily intervene. I debated 'For' interventions in Afghanistan, Burma North Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal when this forum used to be visited by actual analysts and watchers.

The Yameen guy that received about 24% of the votes in first round of the election, suddenly received 54% vote in 2nd round, when Nasheed was reduced to 36% from 45%. The 2nd round was declared invalid by the Supreme court of Maldives in 2013 itself.
And what is your 'Panchayaat" in all this ? It is their internal matter.

As for being popular. A popular president who enjoys the support of the only Armed groups of men in a tiny island doesn't have anything to fear from the opposition. He would not have any problem in releasing the opposition leaders. Instead he shut down the parliament and arrested the judges. Does it look like a move a democratic popular leader would make or does it look like a move of a man who knows that he would be ousted in the next round of election if he lets it happen in even a relative fair
So you are saying he is all powerful to rig everything to his favour. Do you even read your own analysis?

This suggests he has support of the whole establishment and people are not ready to ditch him. You expect India to forcefully intervene and start a war in Maldives.

How tough is it to rig an election where, again, the only Armed group of men are from your camp? The supreme court of Male had already once called the very election that saw Yameen become the President to be invali
Rigging election is not an adequate abrasion that warrants military intervention by India.

You are again twisting history. The LTTE was already in war with IPKF by the time Op Cactus underwent. If you have not forgotten, it was LTTE that betrayed India, not the other way around. LTTE might have been Hindu group, but they were not pro India. There would not have been any national interests to be served by having a hostile mercenary group helping change a regime under one's nose if that could be prevented. Btw, the Hindu LTTE was to help in the coup to change the regime. The regime would have remained under a Muslim president or general or whatever whoever took over the power. 98% Muslim population doesn't I give any other alternative. The PLOTE, that had originated from LTTE, was acting as mercenary group merely. It was already in conflict with both LTTE as well as India.
I only commented on paradoxes Indians are afflicted with. The twisting is done by you to make it paper on history.

PLOTE and LTTE were at loggerhead and violently clashing with each other.

Rajiv Gandhi was an asshole who brought humiliation to India and Indian forces and allowed Sri Lanka to backstab us. His wife's government made sure every Tamil Hindu is killed by Sinhalese.

What would have been the fate Male and Sri Lanka if POLTE ad LTTE had acquired the power respectively vis a vis our influence and relationship with them is anyone's wild imagination. So do not run deep into imagination that Male would have remained same as many Indian posters accuse it being a Jihadi paradise today. Even being a Muslim Majority but under dictatorship of Tamil Hindu leadership or even at continuous civil strive its population had remained subdued unlike today who calls India and Modi a Hindu extremist.

Now, as for saving Tamil Hindus in the Tamil - Sinhalese war of Sri Lanka. What could India have done since the Tamil side had not only rejected Indian intervention decades back, but was led by a man who took credit for killing an ex-PM of India and had already once betrayed India killing thousands of IPKF soldiers? And don't forget, it all happened during the numbspined MMS era. India had burnt it's bridges to Sri Lanka long ago as did Tamils under LTTE.
Such a shame that you are giving lame excuses and have no grudges for genocide committed by Sinhalese of Tamil Hindus.

AND You were accusing me a couple of paragraphs back as apologist of the government.

You are all gun blazing to Militarily to support .................................?? some imaginary entity in Maldives but sees no rational to help support Tamil hindus who were spilling their blood for their rights.

Now, as for showing alacrity for Op Cactus. It was a very good move to show the muscle and get the recognition. Had India failed to rise up to the occasion, after the already poor show of IPKF muddle in Sri Lanka, India could hardly have called any shots in future in IOR.
Yea to save a muslim President running a muslim majority nation ?

When operation Cactus was done it was to neutralize 90 PLOTE men plus 90 more who were already inside Maldives. It was desperate call from an elected president that India responded. The situation today is not even close to what happened then where state machinery helped us provide intel and people's support.

Since we did that operation in 1988 our intent to use our capabilities was shown.

Now our capabilities have increased manifolds and every power that is finding an expression in this current situation and IOR knows it. There is no need to prove something that has been already proved, especially when things can be done better diplomatically.

What is transpiring behind the diplomatic channels is not known to us but one visible fact that he is all powerful and enjoys the support of people is one hell of a factor that can not be missed.
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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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the sad thing about India is that its strength never matches its ambition and its people are not aware of that.

you talk about sanctions as if there really is going to have any. why would the US and Europe put sanctions on maldives? for what reasons? the comments from the western nations are quite mild, they are not desperate as India. India is anxious to jump in simply because the current president is lead maldives drift away from India, and for good reasons.

18% are indians? you never learn.

do you how many indian tourists visited maldives in 2017? 83,019.

how many tourists from China?306,530

china has been the largest source of tourist for maldives since 2011.
:laugh: Who wants Chinese tourists anywhere? :doh:





Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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You Chinkcom trolls don't care about democracy but US and EU does and you think your hordes of uncivilized hans will keep Maldives floating ,most maldivian come to india for medical or education and thousands are already studying here ,essential supplies come from india,the sad thing about chinks is the there loud mouth as was seen in doklam episode
you think you people care about democracy? the former president of maldives India is supporting ruled maldives for more than 30 years, he is a dictator. why is India supporting a dictator? simply because he is pro-India.

the education and medical and essentials India is providing are not for free, and maldives is paying with real money, money brought into maldives by tourist, a large amount of them come from China. in this regard, it makes sense for maldives to get close to china.

those who believe that china can't do and is not doing anything about doklam, don't complain when you find out what is actually going on out there.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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This punk is asking for it.

I still don't think we will intervene militarily, though we should ramp up intelligence activities.
It actually might have been the other way round.

I'm still not saying we will intervene militarily,YET, but it feels like minds have been made and we are in no mood to listen to any rhetoric from Maldives.

the former president of maldives India is supporting ruled maldives for more than 30 years, he is a dictator. why is India supporting a dictator? simply because he is pro-India.

I didn't know dictators were democratically elected.

Nasheed was the first democratically elected president of Maldives.

But then again we are raising the bar way too high if we are going to debate democracy with the slaves of CCP.
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जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Modi now talking about Maldives situation with Trump on phone ,after rejecting its special envoy


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
Maldives Needs Help Now and India Alone Can Provide it
-Brig (Retd.) Rumel Dahiya
Do check out the author's profile. Your comments please @hit&run . The author disagrees with your assertion that the people are with Yameen. A particular quote from the article:-
His legitimacy stands totally eroded after the declaration of emergency, arrest of judges, refusal to abide by the decisions of the Supreme Court, employing the armed forces to discipline Members of Parliament and deliberately obstructing the proper functioning of Parliament. He is an illegitimate occupant of high office since he would stand impeached if Parliament were permitted to function.
I agree that Indian policy is to not intervene unless the elected government of the foreign country asks for
help/intervention, but that did not stop us from meddling in Sri Lanka (not IPKF, I am talking Op Poomalai). I personally believe that as far as South Asia is concerned, we need to assert our influence even when the elected government is not the one calling us in. Although overt muscle flexing should be avoided. The aim should be to present India as a friend of the people of neighboring countries, not the friend of their governments. The challenge is that people from neighboring countries tend to be fickle, particularly susceptible to anti-India propaganda (like people in any other country) and tend to have a negative bias w.r.t. India.

Our policy of "No intervention in internal affairs unless expressly asked by the elected government of the country", should be followed in our extended region of influence, primarily the IOR.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Maldives Needs Help Now and India Alone Can Provide it
-Brig (Retd.) Rumel Dahiya
Do check out the author's profile. Your comments please @hit&run . The author disagrees with your assertion that the people are with Yameen. A particular quote from the article:-

I agree that Indian policy is to not intervene unless the elected government of the foreign country asks for
help/intervention, but that did not stop us from meddling in Sri Lanka (not IPKF, I am talking Op Poomalai). I personally believe that as far as South Asia is concerned, we need to assert our influence even when the elected government is not the one calling us in. Although overt muscle flexing should be avoided. The aim should be to present India as a friend of the people of neighboring countries, not the friend of their governments. The challenge is that people from neighboring countries tend to be fickle, particularly susceptible to anti-India propaganda (like people in any other country) and tend to have a negative bias w.r.t. India.

Our policy of "No intervention in internal affairs unless expressly asked by the elected government of the country", should be followed in our extended region of influence, primarily the IOR.[/QUOTE]

Author on public support is making an assumption. By now Maldive would have seen public uprising and protests on streets. None has happened so far. If public is mature then it would avoid violence but kick him out in election. This is what I have mentioned in my previous posts.

Author's premise that India should act fast come with a contradiction as he himself admitting that the situation is below the threshold of direct intervention.

This is the actual point we are debating if India should militarily act or not. I see no military pretex here but diplomatic assertiveness which India has already shown by refusing to meet his special Envoy. Next step would be isolation and gathering support from western counterparts.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Indians are certainly welcome to fill the vacuum in the Maldives

China upgrades travel warning to Maldives, asks its citizens to cancel plans
For seven years running, Chinese have topped tourist arrivals in Maldives. Tourism is a vital part of the country’s economy and brought in $2.7 billion in revenue in 2016.
When u have "soft power" (such as economic might) why do u need to wield military intervention? Indians would capture the Maldives in hours (or minutes). Then the intl community would sit tight awaiting how India is going to play out with the aftermaths for no gains :biggrin2: after wasting its diplomatic + military resources.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Indians are certainly welcome to fill the vacuum in the Maldives

China upgrades travel warning to Maldives, asks its citizens to cancel plans

When u have "soft power" (such as economic might) why do u need to wield military intervention? Indians would capture the Maldives in hours (or minutes). Then the intl community would sit tight awaiting how India is going to clear up the mess for no gains :biggrin2: after wasting its diplomatic + military resources.
You are cribbing on many levels. What is your problem?


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
You are cribbing on many levels. What is your problem?
My problem is Indian pussy legs would do chest thumping again, but eventually u're going to disappoint Maldivians.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
Country flag
now former Maldivian Vice President calls for Indian Intervention


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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India's strength is not for cleaning shit of dysfunctional, rogue neighbour who is up for quick bucks in their miseries.
When neighbors are rogue, your intervention become more necessary because any rogue country like china may bribe their politician and get a foothold in that country and threaten our national security. We have to be vigil all the time. these shitty nations can cause damage to our national security. It is very much necessary to have a friendly government in Srilanka, BD, Maldive, Nepal and Bhutan and Pakistan. It can not happen in pakistan but , we must be very vigilant to have friendly government in other places. Modi has established a friendly government in Srilanka but some times Nepal and Maldive becomes very important and chinese activities have increased a lot in these nations.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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now former Maldivian Vice President calls for Indian Intervention
He was India friendly but we let him down. If this happens, nobody will trust us. We must support those who supports us.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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why is India being such a bully?

maldives is an independent sovereignty, it's entitled to a formal diplomatic relationship with China, that means having a Chinese embassy within its territory.

Maldives needs Chinese tourists to boost its economy, that is how maldives manages to maintain the highest living standard in that region.
That is exactly you did with tibet and we all know what happened to them. You are doing your mischief in pakistan and now local people is getting idea of your evil design. You are trying to do the same in Africa. You are helping North Korea. All evil forces or nations ruled by corrupt politicians are your ally.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
Country flag
Maldives Needs Help Now and India Alone Can Provide it
-Brig (Retd.) Rumel Dahiya
Do check out the author's profile. Your comments please @hit&run . The author disagrees with your assertion that the people are with Yameen. A particular quote from the article:-

I agree that Indian policy is to not intervene unless the elected government of the foreign country asks for
help/intervention, but that did not stop us from meddling in Sri Lanka (not IPKF, I am talking Op Poomalai). I personally believe that as far as South Asia is concerned, we need to assert our influence even when the elected government is not the one calling us in. Although overt muscle flexing should be avoided. The aim should be to present India as a friend of the people of neighboring countries, not the friend of their governments. The challenge is that people from neighboring countries tend to be fickle, particularly susceptible to anti-India propaganda (like people in any other country) and tend to have a negative bias w.r.t. India.

Our policy of "No intervention in internal affairs unless expressly asked by the elected government of the country", should be followed in our extended region of influence, primarily the IOR.
Author on public support is making an assumption. By now Maldive would have seen public uprising and protests on streets. None has happened so far. If public is mature then it would avoid violence but kick him out in election. This is what I have mentioned in my previous posts.

Author's premise that India should act fast come with a contradiction as he himself admitting that the situation is below the threshold of direct intervention.

This is the actual point we are debating if India should militarily act or not. I see no military pretex here but diplomatic assertiveness which India has already shown by refusing to meet his special Envoy. Next step would be isolation and gathering support from western counterparts.[/QUOTE]

Intervention does not necessarily mean using force or military action. Intervention mean the appropriate response which situation demands. We must act appropriately. Diplomatic solution should be a top priority but whatever solution is there should strengthen out foot hold in Maldive.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
My problem is Indian pussy legs would do chest thumping again, but eventually u're going to disappoint Maldivians.
They can fuck themselves all we care.

Chinese should spend their money and buy their loyalties to go against India. Try It.

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