General Bikram Singh takes over as Indian Army Chief


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
I am not at any conclusion yet but can estimate the probable events in future to come.

Just a fortnight before the ban was put on Suhag by VKS & now the ban has been lifted by the new COAS with out any justification or inquiry etc. !!!

if u read the clearly says that COAS and Defence ministry is satisfied by the letter of explanation submitt by suhag. it may be possible that VK singh out of personal enmity block the letter of suhag , no body is saint u know


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
@patriot @bw

Not sure what is classified, but in my opinion Gen VK Singh did harm to the Army's image, and all those leaks and interviews and media glare greatly tarnished Army's image. I am not casting aspersions on Gen VK Singh the soldier or the armyman or his intentions but he'll be rembered for all the wrong reasons.

Ray sir is better to qualified to comment though.
i agree with singh.Sir Ray can answer better


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
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if u read the clearly says that COAS and Defence ministry is satisfied by the letter of explanation submitt by suhag. it may be possible that VK singh out of personal enmity block the letter of suhag , no body is saint u know
YES! very true Nobody is saint.

That is the problem, when whole bunch is corrupt, they feel Secure, Comfortable & Satisfied in each others' company. When the odd one is in the bunch, it shows the difference.


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
YES! very true Nobody is saint.

That is the problem, when whole bunch is corrupt, they feel Secure, Comfortable & Satisfied in each others' company. When the odd one is in the bunch, it shows the difference.
it might be due to personal enmity, for national security all r one


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
I am not too comfortable with the way the Army is going around.

Too much of politics and scams.

Damn shame.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
VK Singh have done a good thing..

People have right to know, These are Open secret within Army and going around from long time..

Though People don't have right to interfere but to Question..


Phat Cat
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Feb 23, 2009
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^ Singh should have retired and then exposed or should've started exposing from the start, the episodes came to light when his term wasn't extended.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
^ Singh should have retired and then exposed or should've started exposing from the start, the episodes came to light when his term wasn't extended.
It would be same story as Gen Malik, No one listen to retd Gen they are soon forgotten..

Gen Malik wanted many changes, He mentioned it in his book also in some interview to India today, He was criticizer why he haven't done all these when he was in power..


If Gen VK Singh mentioned about this scandal after retd, Tatra would be there where it was before..

Wonder why BEML cased VK singh after his retd ?


New Member
Sep 10, 2010
Who is the better soldier Gen.VKS or Gen.Bikram ?

Please somebody help....I am confused,I hope some of you (defence personal) can answer my question.

First I thought Mr. VKS is a selfish person because of the controversys he made regardless of the reputation of the Indian Army, then he exposed the Tatra deal and suspended the promotion of Lt Gen Dalbir Singh that time I thought I was wrong.Then came Mr.Bikram and the first thing he did was to give promotion to Mr.Dalbir.
Asper VKS he was trying to clean the Army and he was desperate to throw Mr.Dalbir out of Army before he retire.
may GOD bless our country.


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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^^ Gen Vk Singh's reputation as a soldier is untarnished, he is a soldier's soldier. His tenure as an Army chief was controversial, his service record prior to that impeccable.

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Who is the better soldier Gen.VKS or Gen.Bikram ?

Please somebody help....I am confused,I hope some of you (defence personal) can answer my question.
Looking at Gen Bikram Singh 's experience there is NO doubt that the is VASTLY experienced

Same credentials as VK Singh
ie US war college course
topper in Commando course in India
stints with UN peace missions and all other necessary tough experiences
such as Kashmir ; DGMO ; Postings at Army HQ and working with Think tanks within the Army
for mapping out Indian Army's future Perspective plans


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
No one is better.

They are good or else they would not have reached where they reached.


New Member
Sep 10, 2010
Please don't count their achievements just wanna know their loyalty,love and faith towards my/his country.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Please don't count their achievements just wanna know their loyalty,love and faith towards my/his country.
I would say that has been tested in war as far as VK Singh is concerned.

It is has been tested for Bikram in the CI.

And of that there should be no reason to doubt.


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Jun 27, 2011
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@patriot @bw

Not sure what is classified, but in my opinion Gen VK Singh did harm to the Army's image, and all those leaks and interviews and media glare greatly tarnished Army's image. I am not casting aspersions on Gen VK Singh the soldier or the armyman or his intentions but he'll be rembered for all the wrong reasons.

Ray sir is better to qualified to comment though.
What is this business about image etc? I'd rather the spring cleaning come quickly. That such a man like VK Singh had to speak up shows how deep the rot has spread.

You'd rather the Indian Army become the Pakistani Army, by becoming rotten from within and nobody speaks up? Its after all not a coincidence the Pakistani Army fat cats are called Crore commanders and not Corps Commanders. The more morbid call them Corpse commanders given the kind of things they probably indulge in to keep power. After all Zia was disposed of per many public reports, by his own Army

The point is that a person like VK Singh came in and did what was necessary to clean up the system. Its long been obvious to many of us who track procurements carefully, that the Army's decision making structure had severe flaws in it. Many pieces of equipment have been purchased from the international market at inflated prices or when they don't meet actual requirements. Yet, the omerta that exists within the organization and in its retired clan, never allows for free and frank speech about the ill that exists in the organization to allow for reform and progress.

This sort of thing is very dangerous. Even a few steps on the path to becoming the Pakistani Army (crooks and thugs incorporated) or the chinese army (business incorporated) cannot be allowed. Because these few bad apples will deliberately injure the careers of many promising officers who would otherwise lead honestly and professionally.

It is shocking to see the head of a PSU make a claim that he does not need the permission of the MOD to sue the ex COAS, and see the man's gall even when he himself is under investigation.

This is the state of affairs in India today. To brush it away and close one's eyes would be unwise.

BTW, do a quick survey and see how many of our retd community are open representatives for many arms firms. Do you think they were hired for their technical knowledge or deep marketing tricks gained from decades of marketing experience in FMCG or other areas?

Or they were often hired for their networks in the defence services?

This is a very sorry trend. Because this is not Indian officers using their knowledge to further the local industry (and there are many who are doing this positive work), but there are others who are just acting as representatives even while having serving kith and kin. This is a conflict of interest, plain and simple.

In many cases, it is these very same people who plant news stories in news media about how indigenous programs are failures, flops and how imports are a must. Those imports are then shoddy and underdeliver. Take a look at the WZT-3 ARV purchase and how this so called "success" is a case study of what not to do.

India's T-90, decade after induction are still struggling with issues and we had to bribe the russians with another multi-hundred crore order to even provide the basic TOT for which we paid them extra to begin with.

The deal was sold to India on the premise that 67% of the tank was common with the existing T-72M1, curiously however the same TOT agreement stipulated we must pay again for the entire TOT package and import the first kits entirely from Russia.

And one of the gentlemen who oversaw this program apparently - per even a disclosed public report - went about threatening his subordinates when the Arjuns trial results were positive.

Now, call it institutional inertia or plain & simple unethical behaviour, but there has been a lot of this.

Its surprising that when VK Singh raised similar stuff about shady procurement, he is accused of maligning the image of the Army. What it should tell us is the stuff has become so commonplace that people are not even afraid of the sanctity of the office of the COAS. Personal fiefdoms think they can get away with anything.

Don't blame him for maligning the image of the Army, salute him for having the courage to look at the long term health of the organization and do some spring cleaning. At least he chucked some of the bad apples out.


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Jun 27, 2011
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Re: China is not an enemy, just a competitor: Lt Gen Bikram Singh

No thats the truth.Pakistan has held India into a stalemate formidably.Such is the case India cant even think of punishing pakistan for its guerrilla war for decades on.India's desperation wrt to pakistan can be gauged in those dossiers after each attack on indian city.:rofl:
Sure we should punish you for your guerilla war and your attacks on Indian cities but then again, you are doing the job for India and all those nations affected by Pakistani terrorism, when you idiots are killing each other like dogs over who is a better muslim

I mean, a day does not go by when a shia is killing a sunni or a sunni is not bombing a shia mosque. Your own army are getting killed left right and center by the very fools whom they trained!

I mean you guys post laughable posters of the SSG shaheeds (rather donkeys) in the lal masjid operation, who fought against "better muslims" who were originally trained by the very same SSG

Your Taliban handlers like Colonel Imam of the ISI are getting killed by their own proteges

In the NWFP/FATA etc, the Americans are forcing you to fight against your own strategic assets, involving divisional level forces and drawing forces away from the Indian border. And those soldiers are getting killed, crippled and probably can't even show their face proudly in their own village. After all, they were killing and getting killed by even "better muslims".

The Americans literally made you their prostitutes by just paying the right price. After all, which other country in the world apart from Pakistan has their own army fighting a war for another nation, killing their own so called "strategic assets" and also getting insulted every now and then, plus getting droned again and again.

Osama gets killed in the backyard of your own national military academy and your air force and army couldn't do anything.

You guys have no honor, izzat, self respect, anything, because after that your army is negotiating "rates" for containers to go into Afghanistan to sustain the very same NATO/ISAF that when provoked, took out 24 of your soldiers

And as if all this non stop humiliation was not enough, your so called pure Taliban/LET are busy killing ordinary Pakistanis in order to get to the military forces.

Its interesting for us Indians to see.

If Partition had not occurred, you lunatics would be part of an undivided India. At least, now you are separate and free to continue your bizarre race to become the next 7th century Arabia.

The way things are going on in Pakistan, if you dont wear a regulation beard, your as$ is grass, so it is if your sister/mother etc go out uncovered, so it is, if you don't belong to the "right sect" of islam.

All the while, no scientific progress, no progress in arts, culture etc. All you can do is thump your so called books of "he said this, he said that" and look to idiot mullahs for guidance and kill each other.

Boss, the manner in which you are killing each other is beyond anything RAW/MI/IB or any Indian agency could have come up with. We would never have been as sadistic, as inhuman or as plain stupid as you Pakistanis are, with each other.

You are destroying yourselves, your so called nation, day by day and the whole world is sitting by and watching. And wondering if there is any new level of stupidity the Pakistani nation won't commit in its quest for "ghairat". The self destructive quest for respect via negative actions as versus true izzat and progress.

In your quest to launch an attack on Indian cities, you have created a vast pool of suicide bombers and other lunatics who are killing thousands in Pakistani cities every year. Good work.

Meanwhile, work on your beard, length of your shalwar, making sure you know the right "community leaders" etc. After all, given the way Pakistan is going, even you may not be pure enough by the standards of your fellow citizens.

They may catch you listening to music, reading some english text, or something "non islamic" and kill you.

All said and done, despite the many issues in other nations, they are marching towards progress.

They value education, technology, and self awareness.

In Pakistan, you dumbnuts only value senseless violence. And in the process, the whole world is looking towards teaching you a good lesson.

After all, even your mai-baap, the US, is nowadays asking India to take a bigger role in Afghanistan. The SecDef comes to India and spends a fair bit of time telling an Indian audience about how bizarre Pakistan is.

People are writing books day in & night out in Washington about how duplicitous and good for nothing Pakistanis are.
In the race to the bottom, you are clearly the first. And you think having achieved this, via stupid terrorism, you were somehow brilliant.

Meanwhile you beg the whole world for aid. And the lowest level bureaucrat thinks "why is this useless pakistani calling me again to beg me for my country's money".

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The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
We are not psychiatrists to be worried about those who are afflicted with schizophrenia.


New Member
Jun 27, 2011
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We are not psychiatrists to be worried about those who are afflicted with schizophrenia.
The whole of Pakistan needs to be committed to a psychiatric ward in any hospital that'll take 180 million residents out of whom many display violent, delusional, sociopathic tendencies.

The number of research papers that will be published cataloging the myriad psychiatric diseases prevalent will probably keep the researchers in business for a few centuries.

