Famous Pak Historian: We lost terribly in 65 war, our win is a "Big Lie and Myth"


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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since you are on a wild nut rage i though i might as well join you.

i dont shild anyone, you tagged my and called me a paki(and its not the first time). and now mods are not doing anything about it. i make a good contribution to the forum and then you come in.

to some extent yes but muslim will always remain in poverty and have been, (according to statistics)


your picture is so fucked up in so many ways. now your comparing syria to pakistan!?
since you are on a wild nut rage i though i might as well join you.
guess who's back
View attachment 5960
Ohhh... so you have given a CLEAN CHIT to your own blood thirsty Iblis(Satan) middle east friends but CRY when see Muslims in India being poor.Your motherland Pakistan has got this savage 7th century habit from your middle eastern illegal Abbas.

Don't worry much about Muslims in India since they are 100 times better in any case since the hard working Muslims in India can become Prez/VP and even high ranks in Armed Forces. Incidentally the ones who became very successful are not producing a cricket team at home but believed in Quality rather than Quantity. For example Mr Kalam.

btw here is another pic the reason Syria and Pakistan situation is same.Muslims butchering Muslims using the most barbaric means.These are examples of Syria and Pakistan which is same.So it's your filthy brain f*** up totally by supporting Muslims butchering Muslims and also dreaming being some White British native whereas you are just a Paki in DENIAL MODE.

So go ahead and make more GREEN TROLL since you got enough time to earn daily bread by that. :rofl:

Pakistani Taliban execute, behead soldiers in South Waziristan

Terrorists in Syria playing football with the head of Syrian Soldiers

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Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Ohhh... so you have given a CLEAN CHIT to your own blood thirsty Iblis(Satan) middle east friends but CRY when see Muslims in India being poor.Your motherland Pakistan has got this savage 7th century habit from your middle eastern illegal Abbas.

Don't worry much about Muslims in India since they are 100 times better in any case since the hard working Muslims in India can become Prez/VP and even high ranks in Armed Forces. Incidentally the ones who became very successful are not producing a cricket team at home but believed in Quality rather than Quantity. For example Mr Kalam.

btw here is another pic the reason Syria and Pakistan situation is same.Muslims butchering Muslims using the most barbaric means.These are examples of Syria and Pakistan which is same.So it's your filthy brain f*** up totally by supporting Muslims butchering Muslims and also dreaming you bring some White British native whereas you are a Paki.

So go ahead and make more GREEN TROLL since you got enough time to earn daily bread by that. :rofl:

Pakistani Taliban execute, behead soldiers in South Waziristan

Terrorists in Syria playing football with the head of Syrian Soldiers

Video -> http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=48f54ec9be48

British soldiers used to play similar with head of german soldiers during WW1 and early wars.

blue marlin

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
world knows this .. you are new???
what do you mean "are you new?" if you mean new to dfi then yes. this is my first time. a buddy of mine used the same ip as me he got banned for spamming. any how he's busy with other things. i do come here time to time to check my alerts and see if there good stuff to comment on. i just love how people insist that i am pakistani.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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May be you are not Pakistani..but you are supporting a terrorist state from UK...

. i just love how people insist that i am pakistani.
So is Pakistan which loves to get humiliated in front of international community..
Same difference..anyway


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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What is the most blatant lie taught through Pakistan textbooks?
Nationalism and patriotism in Pakistan are contested subjects. What makes us Pakistanis and what is it that makes us love our land and nation?

The answers to these questions vary widely depending on who is being asked. A large part of our national identity stems from our sense of history and culture that are deeply rooted in the land and in the legacy of the region’s ancient civilisations. Religion has also played a big part in making us what we are today. But the picture general history textbooks paint for us does not portray the various facets of our identity.

Instead it offers quite a convoluted description of who we are. The distortion of historical facts has in turn played a quintessential role in manipulating our sense of self. What’s ironic is that the boldest fallacies in these books are about the events that are still in our living memory. Herald invited writers and commentators, well versed in history, to share their answers to what they believe is the most blatant lie taught through Pakistan history textbooks.

The fundamental divide between Hindus and Muslims
The most blatant lie in Pakistan Studies textbooks is the idea that Pakistan was formed solely because of a fundamental conflict between Hindus and Muslims. This idea bases itself on the notion of a civilisational divide between monolithic Hindu and Muslim identities, which simply did not exist.

The stress on religion ignored other factors that could cut across both identities. For instance, a Muslim from most of South India had far more in common, because of his regionally specific culture and language, with Hindus in his area than the Muslims in the north of the Subcontinent.

Similarly, the division of the historical narrative into a ‘Hindu’ and ‘Muslim’ period, aside from the ironic fact that this was actually instituted by the British, glosses over the reality that Islamic empires also fought each other for power. After all, Babar had to defeat Ibrahim Lodi, and thus, the Delhi Sultanate, for the Mughal period to begin.

Therefore, power and empire building often trumped this religious identity, that textbooks claim, can be traced linearly right to the formation of Pakistan.

These textbooks tend to have snapshot descriptions of the contempt with which the two religious communities treated one another. This is specifically highlighted in descriptions of the Congress ministries formed after the elections of 1937.

Other factors that contributed historically to these shows of religious ‘contempt’ in South Asian history are often ignored. Indeed, Richard Eaton’s classic study of temple desecrations shows that in almost all cases where Hindu temples were ransacked, it was for political or economic reasons.

In most cases, it was because the Muslim ruler was punishing an insubordinate Hindu official. Otherwise, the Mughals protected such temples. Jumping ahead, this sort of inter-communal cooperation aimed at maintaining political control could also be seen in the Unionist Party, which was in power in Punjab all the way up until 1946.

As Pakistan was formed barely a year later, the notion that its formation was based on a long-standing and fundamental conflict between Hindus and Muslims is deeply problematic.

— Anushay Malik holds a PhD in history from University of London and is currently an assistant professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences

Eulogising leaders
In his preface to the Muqaddimah, Ibn Khaldun warned of seven mistakes that he thought historians often committed. One of the seven is “the common desire to gain favor of those of high ranks, by praising them, by spreading their fame.”

This particular mistake, or lie rather, has plagued history writing for school texts in Pakistan since the 1950s and has been used as a political tool to project successive rulers – whether civilian or military – in a eulogistic format.

Moreover, another mindless inaccuracy is the absence of the ‘other’, where India and Congress are needlessly ignored and a one-sided version of history is deemed necessary for creating a nationalistic mindset.

This gap continues in the historical narrative for school students post-partition. Hence, some of the most blatant lies and subversion of historical facts exist in the textbooks mandated by the federal and provincial textbook boards.

Furthermore, maligning the ‘enemy’ is done quite overtly and mindlessly in official history school texts which, unfortunately, is also the case with some Indian school texts documented by discerning authors on both sides of the border.

Most nation states during the 19th and 20th centuries used official versions of history in order to create a homogenous and nationalistic identity. Pakistan’s first education minister, Fazalur Rehman, set up the Historical Society of Pakistan in 1948 so that history for the new nation could be rewritten in a fair and balanced manner using authentic and reliable sources.

Successive governments did not further this goal and history written for schools in Pakistan became the victim of fossilized textbook boards ratifying the work of unethical and unscholarly authors for public school consumption. Vested interests continue to triumph despite the open door policy since 2004 for private publishers to bid for quality textbooks.

— Ismat Riaz is an educational consultant and author of the textbook, Understanding History

Excluding and manipulating historical periods
The most blatant lie in textbook accounts of Pakistan’s history is by virtue of omission, which is in effect the denial of our multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious past. It is a common complaint that Pakistan’s history is taught as if it began with the conquest of Sindh by the Umayyad army, led by the young General, Muhammad bin Qasim in 711 AD.

Most textbooks in Sindh at least do mention Moenjodaro and the Indus Valley civilization, but it is not discussed in a meaningful way and there is no discussion about its extent and culture. Important periods and events during subsequent centuries are also skimmed over, like the Aryan civilization which introduced its powerful social system and epic poetry (Mahabharata in which Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa play important roles), the Brahmin religion, a thousand years of Buddhism with its universities and the Gandharan civilization which was spread throughout present day Pakistan.

No students of Pakistani schools can tell us that Pakistan was once part of the empires of Cyrus the Great and Darius of the Achaemenid Dynasty and later of the Sassanian Empire with the legendary rule of Naushirwan, “the Just”. Similarly, hardly anyone would be aware that Asoka whose capital was in Pataliputra in the east of the subcontinent also counted Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab as part of his domain.

The result of these omissions is disastrous on the minds of the youth in Pakistan. Instead of seeing themselves as heirs of many civilizations, they acquire a narrow, one-dimensional view of the world. This is contradicted by what they subsequently see in this global world of information technology and shared knowledge. That this is also in direct contravention of Islamic teachings does not occur to the perpetrators of a lopsided curriculum in our schools.

The first assertion in the Holy Quran is Iqra bi Ism I Rabik [and no restrictions are put on the acquisition of knowledge].

Instead, we have bans on books, digital platforms such as YouTube and even newspapers in this Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

— Hamida Khuhro is a historian and former education minister for Sindh

The other view
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan accompanied by members of Muslim League.
To say a large part of Pakistan’s history is shared with India would be stating the obvious. Yet it is this period of both our histories, or the portrayal of such, that is tampered with the most and has been used as a political tool by either side. The Herald invited renowned Indian historian and currently a Jawaharlal Nehru Fellow, Mushirul Hasan, to give his take on the lies taught through textbooks on both sides of the border.

History is only of use for its lessons, and it is the duty of the historian to see that they are properly taught. Very few in the subcontinent heed this advice. Both in India and Pakistan the intellectual climate has thrown the historical profession into disarray.

Such is the power and influence of the polemicists that a growing number of people are abandoning the quest for an objective approach. With the recent appointment of a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-oriented Chairman of the Indian Council for Historical Research, liberal and secular historians are worried about the future of their discipline.

The diversity of approaches has been the hallmark of Indian historiography. As a result, the making of Pakistan and its evolution as a nation state is interpreted differently in various quarters.

The ghosts of partition was put to rest and not exhumed for frequent post-mortems. Moreover, the liberal-left historians did not repudiate the idea of Pakistan. On the contrary, they criticised the Congress stalwarts for failing to guide the movements they initiated away from the forces of reactionary communalism.

This was true of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Ram Manohar Lohia, the Socialist leader. The Maulana, in particular, charged Nehru for jettisoning the plan for a Congress-Muslim coalition in 1937 and the prospect of an enduring Hindu-Muslim partnership.

Tara Chand’s three-volume History of the Freedom Movement in India held its ground until the Janata government decided, in 1977, to rewrite the secular textbook. With the establishment of the BJP-led government in October 1999, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-RSS combination began its subversion of academia through its time-tested method of infiltration and rewriting of textbooks and ‘fine-tuning’ of curricula.

Saffronization of education will breed fanaticism, heighten caste and communitarian consciousness, and stifle the natural inclination of a student to cultivate a balanced and cautious judgement. Increasingly, it may be difficult for some of us to establish historical truths or to defend the cult of objective historical inquiry.

As the radical currents are being swept aside by the winds of right-wing discourse, it is pertinent to recall the Saidian (Edward Said) dictum that “nothing disfigures the intellectuals’ public performance as much trimming, careful silence, patriotic bluster, and retrospective of self-dramatizing prophecy.”

The story in Pakistan runs on different lines. Starting with I H Qureshi and Aziz Ahmad, scholars in our neighbours have tenaciously adhered to the belief that the creation of the Muslim nation was the culmination of a ‘natural’ process.

They have pressed into service the ‘two-nation’ theory to define nationality in purely Islamic terms. In the process, they have turned a blind eye to the syncretic and composite trajectory of Indian society, which began with Mohammad Iqbal’s memorable lines Ae Aab-e-Rood-e-Ganga! Woh Din Hain Yaad Tujh Ko? Utra Tere Kinare Jab Karwan Humara [Oh, waters of the river Ganges! Do you remember those days? Those days when our caravan halted on your bank?].

The same poet talked of “Naya Shiwala”, a temple of peace and goodwill. Again, the same poet gave lessons of religious understanding and tolerance in yet another poet.

Sadly, these thoughts are hardly reflected in our textbooks. We don’t emphasize the virtue of living with diversity and sharing social and cultural inheritances. We don’t introduce our students to the vibrant legacy of Kabir, Guru Nanak, Akbar, and Dara Shikoh. Instead, we dwell on the imaginary kufr-o-imaan ki jung, on the destruction of temples and forcible conversions. Increasingly, young students are introduced to the Islamist or the Hindutva world views that have caused incalculable damage to State and civil society.

Saadat Hasan Manto described an existentialist reality – the separation of people living on both sides who had a long history of cultural and social contact – and the paradoxical character of borders being a metaphor of the ambiguities of nation-building. He offered, without saying so, a way of correcting the distortions inherent in state-centered national histories.

Ayesha Jalal is right in pointing out that as “old orthodoxies recede before the flood of fresh historical evidence and earlier certitudes are overturned by newly detected contradictions”, this is the time to heal “the multiple fractures which turned the promised dawn of freedom into a painful moment of separation.”

In the words of the poet Ali Sardar Jafri:

Tum aao gulshan-e-Lahore se chaman bardosh, Hum Aayein subh-e-Benaras ki roshni le kar, Himalaya ke hawaaon ki taazigi le kar, aur uss ke baad yeh poochein ke kaun dushaman hai? .. [You come forward with flowers from the Garden of Lahore, We bring to you the light and radiance of the morning of Benaras, The freshness of the winds of Himalayas, And then we ask who the enemy is?].

Wars with India
The most blatant lies in Pakistani history textbooks are about the events that are still in our living memory. Among the many examples, the three given below are about the wars of 1965 and 1971, and the partition carnage of 1947. The reason for the falsehood lies in our distorted view of nationalism. Rather than let children learn from our historical mistakes, we show them a false picture. Thus we are doomed to repeat the mistakes generation after generation.

The following excerpt regarding the 1965 war is taken from fifth grade reading material published by the NWFP Textbook Board, Peshawar in 2002 — “The Pakistan Army conquered several areas of India, and when India was at the verge of being defeated she ran to the United Nations to beg for a cease-fire. Magnanimously, thereafter, Pakistan returned all the conquered territories to India.”

The Punjab Textbook Board published the following text on the causes for the separation of East Pakistan in 1993 for secondary classes — “There were a large number of Hindus in East Pakistan. They had never truly accepted Pakistan. A large number of them were teachers in schools and colleges.

They continued creating a negative impression among students. No importance was attached to explaining the ideology of Pakistan to the younger generation.

The Hindus sent a substantial part of their earnings to Bharat, thus adversely affecting the economy of the province. Some political leaders encouraged provincialism for selfish gains. They went around depicting the central Government and (the then) West Pakistan as enemy and exploiter. Political aims were thus achieved at the cost of national unity.”

“While the Muslims provided all sorts of help to those non-Muslims desiring to leave Pakistan [during partition], people of India committed atrocities against Muslims trying to migrate to Pakistan. They would attack the buses, trucks and trains carrying the Muslim refugees and murder and loot them.” The latter except was taken from an intermediate classes textbook — Civics of Pakistan, 2000.

Some more examples of totally contorted and misleading, yet ingenious and amusing, narrations of the history of Pakistan can be extracted from a single text, A Textbook of Pakistan Studies by M D Zafar.

“Pakistan came to be established for the first time when the Arabs led by Muhammad bin Qasim occupied Sindh and Multan. Pakistan under the Arabs comprised the Lower Indus Valley.”

“During the 11th century the Ghaznavid Empire comprised what is now Pakistan and Afghanistan. During the 12th century the Ghaznavids lost Afghanistan and their rule came to be confined to Pakistan”.

“By the 13th century Pakistan had spread to include the whole of Northern India and Bengal. Under the Khiljis Pakistan moved further South to include a greater part of Central India and the Deccan”.

“During the 16th century, ‘Hindustan’ disappeared and was completely absorbed in ‘Pakistan”.

“Shah Waliullah appealed to Ahmad Shah Durrani of Afghanistan and ‘Pakistan’ to come to the rescue of the Muslims of Mughal India, and save them from the tyrannies of the Marhattas…”

“In the Pakistan territories where a Sikh state had come to be established, the Muslims were denied the freedom of religion.”

“Thus by the middle of the 19th century both Pakistan and Hindustan ceased to exist; instead British India came into being. Although Pakistan was created in August 1947, yet except for its name, the present-day Pakistan has existed, as a more or less single entity for centuries.”

— A H Nayyar is a physicist and retired professor. He co-edited an SDPI report titled “The Subtle Subversion: The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan.

Pakistan was made for Muslims
Dawn newspaper announces the death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. on September 12, 1948.

The most blatant lie that covers page after page of history textbooks is that Pakistan was created for the promotion and propagation of religion.
In fact when the Muslim League was established in Dhaka in 1906 one of the foremost principles was the creation of loyalty to the British rulers and to promote greater understanding between Muslims and the British government.

The idea of religion barely entered the discourse of the Muslim League until the elections of 1937, when the League lost elections and the Congress won decisively. It was at that time that religious nationalism was invoked vigorously to create a feeling of unity among the Muslims of Uttar Pardesh (UP), Bengal and Punjab in order to provide the League an ideational basis of support.
Pakistan was mainly created for the protection and promotion of the class interests of the landed aristocracy which formed the League. The meeting at which the League was formed was attended mainly by the landed elite which feared that if the British left India and representative government was established, the traditional power of the loyal Muslim aristocracy would erode, especially since the class composition of the Congress reflected the educated urban and rural middle classes seeking upward mobility and a share in political power.

The peasant movement in Bengal was mobilised for purely political purposes since its aims and ideology conflicted radically with those of the landed aristocracy.

The urban educated middle classes of UP which joined the League later and enunciated the Hindu-Muslim difference argument in 1940, eschewed Muslim nationalism soon after independence because it had outlived its political use. The nature of the state outlined by the educated urban class in 1947 was based on a pluralistic vision of a state based on religious and citizenship equality.

— Rubina Saigol is a scholar and has authored several books on education and society and co-edited books on feminism and gender.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Our textbooks and the lies they teach
Due to the 18th Amendment, a momentous shift in Pakistan’s governance arrangements is taking place through a politically mediated and largely consensual manner. The federal government is being trimmed and 10 ministries have already been devolved to the provinces. A key development pertains to the devolution of education — lock, stock and barrel — to the provinces. Most notably, the odious era of setting poisonous, centralised curricula in the name of a ‘martial’ nationalism is finally over. Whether the past practices of turning Pakistan into a jihad project will end is uncertain, unless the provinces take the initiative and reverse the regrettable trajectory of the past.

Pakistani textbooks have preached falsehoods, hatred and bigotry. They have constructed most non-Muslims, especially Hindus, as evil and primordial enemies, glorified military dictatorships and omitted references to our great betrayal of the Bengali brothers and sisters who were the founders and owners of the Pakistan movement. It is time to correct these wrongs.

However, this shift will be daunting for many reasons. The provinces are not well-prepared and would need to build capacities at their end. Similarly, generations of pseudo-historians, inspired by state narratives, exist who are willing to perpetuate the culture of weaving lies. Other than the ideological issues, bureaucratic slovenliness has also marred past performance. While the Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa textbook boards have been updating curricula, those in Sindh and Balochistan have not done so for nearly a decade.

So it is heartening to note that the Sindh government has finally made some headway now on the issue. The education department is working to update and align textbooks with the 2006 guidelines agreed to by all provinces. In addition, efforts are underway with the expertise of civil society to introduce critical modes of teaching, with supplementary learning material for both teachers and students.

The Sindh education department and the textbook board under the 2006 policy will be following a transparent process, inviting private publishers to submit books for subjects such as English, Mathematics, General Knowledge and Social Studies. For the first time, private publishers will be submitting transcripts for approval. The draft textbooks will then be reviewed by a committee comprising government and private experts and will finally be published in time for the April 2012 academic year.

What are the chances of this brilliant idea being implemented? Despite the odds, there is a strong likelihood that it may work. Largely, because the ruling coalition has an agreement over this issue and the 18th Amendment give full powers to the province. It is critical that other provinces also take note of Sindh’s initiative and set up similar reform committees.

Extremism in Pakistan has grown beyond belief and radicalisation of the young minds is a great challenge for Pakistan’s future. The provinces need to move quickly and undo the wrong committed by central authorities in the past.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 15th, 2011


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistani textbooks controversy

A study by Iftikhar Ahmad of Long Island University published in Current Issues in Comparative Education in 2004 drew five conclusions from content analysis of the social studies textbooks in Pakistan.[11]

  1. First, the selection of material and their thematic sequence in the textbooks present Islam not simply as a belief system but a political ideology and a grand unifying worldview that must be accepted by all citizens.:rofl:
  2. Second, to sanctify Islamic ideology as an article of faith, the textbooks distort historical facts about the nation's cultural and political heritage.:doh:
  3. Third, the textbooks offer a biased treatment of non-Muslim citizens in Pakistan.:nono:
  4. Fourth, the main objective of the social studies textbooks on Pakistan studies, civics, and global studies, is to indoctrinate children for a romanticized Islamic state as conceptualized by Islamic theocrats.
  5. Fifth, although the vocabulary in the textbooks underscores Islamic virtues, such as piety, obedience,:daru: and submissio:hippo:, little is mentioned about critical thinking, civic participation, or democratic values of freedom of speech, equality, and respect for cultural diversity.

C'mon..Pakistan is always very submissive to US China and anyone with money.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Here is what 70% of student population in Pakistan study

Look What We Are Teaching At Public Schools

Pakistan’s public schools, which educate some 70 percent of the student population….
Prescribed textbooks for Classes 4 and 5, attended by children aged 8 to 10, are bursting with anti-Hindu and anti-Sikh themes. By Class 6, when students are typically 10 to 12 years old, anti-Christian, anti-British and anti-European indoctrination begins. Children are taught that the “Christians and Europeans were not happy to see the Muslims flourishing in life.”31 Anti-Jewish postulations are introduced in Class 7. In Classes 9-10, when students are typically 13 to 16 years old, the ‘importance of Jihad’ is cultivated.

Here are excerpts from textbooks:
Text No. 1
Class: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 80-81
“Sikhs destroyed the Muslim towns from the river Sutlej to the river Jamna. A number of times the Sikhs crossed the river Jamna and looted and destroyed the settlements of the Muslims. They truned the mosques into their ‘Gurdawaras’, demolished the shrines of the Muslim saints and burnt religious schools and libraries.”
Authors:" Dr ":D Miss Ferozah Yasmeen," Dr" :D Azhar Hamid, Mian Muhammad Javed
Akhtar, Nasir-ur-Din Ghaznavi, Muhammad Zubair Hashmi, Bashir-ud-Din Malik
and Qazi Ajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside backcover): “The Punjab Texbook Board is your own organization. It produces quality and cost effective textbooks for you.”

Comment (inside backcover): “The Punjab Texbook Board is your own organization. It produces quality and cost effective textbooks for you. just like Pakistani Terrorism”

Text No. 2
Class: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 83
“The Muslims of Pakistan provided all the facilities to the Hindus and Sikhs who left for India. But the Hindus and Sikhs looted the Muslims in India with both hands and they attacked their caravans, busses and railway trains. Therefore about 1 million Muslims were martyred on their way to Pakistan.”
Authors: Dr Miss Ferozah Yasmeen, Dr Azhar Hamid, Mian Muhammad Javed
Akhtar, Nasir-ur-Din Ghaznavi, Muhammad Zubair Hashmi, Bashir-ud-Din Malik
and Qazi Ajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside backcover): “Approved by Federal Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.”

Text No. 3
Class: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 84
“India invaded Lahore on the 6th of September, 1965 without any ultimatum. After 17 days, the Indian authorities laid down arms acknowledging the bravery and gallantry of the Pak Army and civilians.”:pound:
Authors: Dr Miss Ferozah Yasmeen, Dr Azhar Hamid, Mian Muhammad Javed
Akhtar, Nasir-ur-Din Ghaznavi, Muhammad Zubair Hashmi, Bashir-ud-Din Malik
and Qazi Ajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside backcover): “Approved by Federal Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.”

Text No. 4
Class: 5
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 123
“When India was defeated in the war of 1965, she excited the Muslims of East Pakistan against the Muslims of West Pakistan. For this prupose, Inida sought the help of those Hindus who lived in East Pakistan. Ultimately, India attacked East Pakistan in December 1971 and helped the East Pakistanis to sever their relations with West Pakistan. Thus East Pakistan was separated from West Pakistan. :hehe:The East Pakistanis renamed their country Bangladesh. India immediately recognized Bangladesh as an independent soverign state.”

Authors: Dr Ferozah Yasmeen, Mrs Zarina Asharf, Bashir-ud-din Malik, Prof
Mirza Munawwar and Mian Mohammed Javed.
Comment (inside frontcover): “To achieve a better standard of life, quality
education playes a pivotal role. My Government is trying hard to provide this
base (Ch Pervez Elahi, Chief Minister, Punjab.”

Text No. 5
Class: 5
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 123
“India is our traditional enemy and we should always keep ourselves ready todefend out beloved country from Indian aggression.”:yo:

Authors: Dr Ferozah Yasmeen, Mrs Zarina Asharf, Bashir-ud-din Malik, Prof
Mirza Munawwar and Mian Mohammed Javed.
Comment (inside frontcover): “As for curriculum development, a team of
professional experts was assem,bled for writing of textbooks, which will prove
helpful in achieving the quality of education (Ch Pervez Elahi, Chief Minister,

Text No. 6
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 100
“The foundation of Hindu set up was based on injustice and cruelty”

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside frontcover): “Our curriculum in the past was not in concert with the requirements of modern times.:clap2: I am pleased to note that the government has not only given importance to the sovereignty and security of the country, but also taken steps for the improvement of the quality of education and curriculum to bring it in tune with the latest standards (Message from General Pervez

Text No. 7
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 63
“The religion has deep impact on the children in Bharat. The Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian children have their own separate identiy.”

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Comment (insdie frontcover): “It is a historical fact that the Muslims ruled the world for hundreds of years on the basis of the knowledge acquired by their intellectuals, philosophers and scientitsts (Message from General Pervez :bs:Musharraf).”

Text No. 8
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 54-55
“The Hindus claim Harijans as their integrated part but deal with them in the same manner as they behave with Muslims and other communities.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Comment: “In the light of Islamic teachins and to meet the challenges of lifek, it is incumbent upon all Pakistanis to devote their energies for acquiring knowledge with special emphasis on computer and IT education ((Message from GeneralPervez Musharraf).”

Text No. 9
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 95
“Conquest of Debul: A furious battle was fought between the two forces…..The Muslims changed the slogan of Allah-o-Akbar and Catapult was operated and started throwing heavy stones:hehe:…….The Hindus lost all hopes. The enemy was defeated and the fort was conquered.”

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 10
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 95
“The Hindus began to embrace Islam in great nuimber due to the good and kind treatment of Mulims.”:bs:

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 11
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 96
“An Arab soldier cut the neck of Raja Dahir with sword who was riding an elephant in a Howdaha. The sun of life of Raja Dahir set forever from the universe on 10th of Ramdan 93 H.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 12
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 99
“Before the Arab conquest the people were fed up with the teachings of Buddhists and Hindus. The main cause was the benign treatment of Muslims with the Hindus. Due to this attitude Hindus began to love Muslims and they became nearer and nearer to the Muslims.”

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 13
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 99
“The Biritish sent rare books from these libraries to England. Thus the British ruined the Muslim schools. They did not want that Islam should spread.”:daru:

Look at UKistan Now!!!!
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 14
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 121
“Islam preached equality, brotherhood, and fraternity and respect for all people:nono::lol:. The caste system of the Hindus had made life of common man as miserable and
as such they were fed up with this system.”

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 15
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 123
“The British changed the curriculum of Madrasas and they had their full say in Education also they could change the syllabi according to their minds. The teaching of Hadith and Fiqa was stopped all together. The British freely distributed the literature of Christianity.”

Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.

Text No. 16
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 12
“Before Islam, people lived in untold misery all over the world.”:bs:

Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.

Text No. 17
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 13
“Some Jewish tribes also lived in Arabia. They lent money to workers and peasants on high rates of interest and usurped their earnings. They held the whole society in their tight grip because of the ever increasing compound interest.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.

Text No. 18
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 25
“History has no parallel to the extremely kind treatment of the Christians by the Muslims. Still the Christian kingdoms of Europe were constantly trying to gain control of Jerusalem. This was the cause of the crusades.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.

Text No. 19
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 13
“All the Christian countries united against the Muslims and sent large armies to attack the holy city of Jerusalem. These wars are called crusades because the Pope, a head of the Christians, called a council of war. In this meeting he declared that Jesus Christ sanctioned war against Muslims.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.

Text No. 20
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 28
“During the Crusades, the Christians came in contact with the Muslims and learnt that the Muslim culture was far superior to their lown.”:bplease:
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 21

Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 43
“European nations have been working during the past three centuries, through conspiracies on :confused1:naked aggression:confused1: to subjugate the countries of the Muslim
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.

naked aggression....porn?

Text No. 22
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 3
“The economic system of West was creating unsolvable problems and had failed to do justice with the people.”

Authors: Muhammad Hussain Ch, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Sheikh Anees, Rai Faiz
Ahmad Kharal, Syed Abbas Haidar and Dr Qais.
Comment: This text appears in the textbook being used in the current academic
year and was not part of the previous textbook.

Text No. 23
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 6
“Islamic society was devoid of every kind of evil….”:pound::pound::pound:

Authors: Muhammad Hussain Ch, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Sheikh anees, Cai Faiz
Ahmad Kharal, Syed abbas Haidar and Dr Qais.
Comment: This text appears in the textbook being used in the current academic
year and was not part of the previous textbook.


Text No. 24
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 7
“One of the reasons of the downfall of the Muslims in the Sub-continent was the lack of the spirit of Jihad.”:rofl:

Text No. 25
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 10
“In Islam Jihad is very important…..The person who offers his life never dies…..All the prayers nurture one’s passion for Jihad.”

Text No. 26
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 17
“Shah Wali Ullah (RA) was a mujadid of the 18th century….He knew that the Sikhs, Marhattas were the enemies of Muslims.”

Text No. 27
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 20
“……according to Islamic point of view there were only two nations on eath, one the Muslims and the other the non-Muslim.”

Text No. 28
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 53
“Education sector in East Pakistan was totally under the control of Hindus. Under the guidance of India they fully poisoned the minds of Bangalis against Pakistan and aroused their sentiments.”

NOw..Paki Education board took over and they outperformed Indoos in Poisoning young paki minds and aroused their sentiments on goats and donkeys than fellow human beings

Text No. 29
Class: 12
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 4
“Great importance is given to Jihad (struggle) in Islam…….And always keep one self ready to sacrifice one’s life and property is jihad…..The basic purpose of all submissions and jihad is to keep oneself follower of the good will of Allah Almighty.”

Authors: Muhammad Farooq Malik, Rai Faiz Ahmad Kharal, Muhammad
Hussain Ch., Dr Sultan Khan and Khadim Ali Khan.

And CHINA!!!!


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
Country flag
what do you mean "are you new?" if you mean new to dfi then yes. this is my first time. a buddy of mine used the same ip as me he got banned for spamming. any how he's busy with other things. i do come here time to time to check my alerts and see if there good stuff to comment on. i just love how people insist that i am pakistani.
are you new to the world? Just yesterday born? .. this is what I meant, as you are not aware of how british soldiers invented football

blue marlin

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
are you new to the world? Just yesterday born? .. this is what I meant, as you are not aware of how british soldiers invented football
the tudor's invented football. they used a sheep's bladder and filled it with air and used it as the ball.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
Country flag
the tudor's invented football. they used a sheep's bladder and filled it with air and used it as the ball.
and british soldiers just made it interesting by using german soldier's head as a ball. And that's true about british soldiers

blue marlin

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
and british soldiers just made it interesting by using german soldier's head as a ball. And that's true about british soldiers
stupid post, why does British soldiers kicking nazi heads got to do with the 65 war?


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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How come whatever is written and taught in the books of islamic studies and pakistan studies sound very similar to what Leftists and Commie self-proclaimed intellectuals spew about Hindus and India??

There are stark similarities between rabid illiterate mullahs of pakistan and leftist NGOchap self-proclaimed intellectuals of India! WOW


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
Country flag
How come whatever is written and taught in the books of islamic studies and pakistan studies sound very similar to what Leftists and Commie self-proclaimed intellectuals spew about Hindus and India??

There are stark similarities between rabid illiterate mullahs of pakistan and leftist NGOchap self-proclaimed intellectuals of India! WOW
coz they are chaddi-buddies.........

blue marlin

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
I was talking about a pic where some jehids were playing with a head of a soldier. And you jumped in like bone in kebab. :doh:
and whats that got to do with British soldiers! talk sense. and what do you want me to do if someone is kicking a head like a football? referee! also you must have some messed up kebabs if you have bones in them


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
Country flag
How come whatever is written and taught in the books of islamic studies and pakistan studies sound very similar to what Leftists and Commie self-proclaimed intellectuals spew about Hindus and India??

There are stark similarities between rabid illiterate mullahs of pakistan and leftist NGOchap self-proclaimed intellectuals of India! WOW
They are the evil twins.


Sameet Pattnaik

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2014
ok im commenting now are you happy @rock127. many historians have there own versions of what happened and people must respect their opinion, regardless if it right or not or if someone does not like it.
You don't respect anyones opinion like that itself . there should be some fact and truth in it too. t the man is saying complete right pakistan suffered much loss in the war then india . and if we see many historian and expert & analyst of that time they have favour india of winning the war then pakistan !

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