DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Jun 29, 2009
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DRDO, IIT-D joins hands for weather forecast system, IIT News - By Indiaedunews.net

Chandigarh: In order to develop an indigenous capability and methodology for long term forecast of weather, the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in its first kind of venture has joined hands with the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT-D)

The joint venture would enable generation of weather forecast reports over the entire duration of the season.

Presently, the accuracy to anticipate the weather forecast is limited to a week.

“We are looking forward to extend this period of forecasting weather and climatic formations about one or two months ahead which would eventually extend to anticipation of a seasonal duration,” said Ashwagosha Ganju, Director of DRDO’s Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE).

“The project will take around three years to devise effective models for weather forecasting,” he added.

The SASE is a nodal agency for the project, engaged in studying snow physics, avalanche mitigation and climatic conditions over the Himalayas.

Funded by the DRDO, it is the first of its kind of a joint venture in the country.

Six experts in atmospheric sciences from the SASE and the IIT are engaged in the project where the IIT would be responsible for conceiving and developing forecast models and DRDO observatories and weather stations would collect data.

Extending its mountain meteorology project, SASE from now onwards, will focus on Western Himalayas and to the Central Himalayan axis to improve weather forecast and avalanche warning.

Besides the SASE, the Meteorological Department, the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast, the Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force are stakeholders in the project.


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Feb 12, 2009
Will Antony finally revamp DRDO? - India - The Times of India


Experts, however, say ‘mere tinkering’ will simply not do any longer. Instead, DRDO and its 51 labs need a drastic overhaul, along with a strong push for joint ventures and private sector participation to ensure India develops a robust industrial-military infrastructure. “For a country like India which has global aspirations and the third-largest standing armed forces in the world, it’s very embarrassing that over 70% of its military requirements have to be imported,” said a senior officer.

The Rama Rao report, on its part, stresses DRDO should concentrate only on 8 to 10 ‘critical technologies’ of ‘strategic importance’ instead of also venturing into making juices, mosquito repellents, titanium dental implants and the like. For this, a dozen or so of DRDO’s 51 labs should be hived off to other ministries and the rest reorganized into five basic clusters — naval systems, aero-systems, combat systems, weapon systems and electronic warfare systems.

Interestingly, another key recommendation is to create a Defence Technology Commission to allow DRDO to have a greater say.


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Feb 12, 2009
Some thing interesting here what you guys think
ISRO plans to use semi-cryogenic engines

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has embarked on a programme to induct semi-cryogenic engines, which will use kerosene as fuel, and this engine will form the booster for its future launch vehicles, ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan said on Sunday.

The Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV Mark III), which was under development, would put a four-tonne satellite in a geo-synchronous transfer orbit. The ISRO had embarked on a human space programme, and it planned to put two Indians in space in an orbit around the earth in seven years, he said addressing the Indian Science Congress here.

Vizag centre

Srikumar Banerjee, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, said a second research centre of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre would be set up in Visakhapatnam because BARC, Trombay, was expanding in a big way. The Visakhapatnam centre would concentrate on energy science and environment.

The Department of Atomic Energy’s mandate was also to conduct basic research in physics, chemistry, mathematics and material sciences, Dr. Banerjee said.

V.K. Saraswat, Director-General, Defence Research and Development Organisation, said the DRDO was working on hypersonic cruise missiles . It had developed an engine for missiles that worked on kerosene.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009
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Kill vehicle, a critical aspect: Saraswat

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: V.K. Saraswat, DRDO Director-General and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, said on Sunday that the DRDO had already scored a hat-trick in the past few years, when three of its interceptor missiles (kill vehicles), developed as part of the Ballistic Missile Defence Programme, ripped apart “enemy” ballistic missiles in direct hits mid-flight.

“Developing the [anti-satellite] kill vehicle is the most critical aspect, because the satellite signatures and the ballistic missile signatures are different,” he said. But he added: “I am not building any [anti-satellite] weapon as on today. But I will have all the building blocks ready,” for space security would be a major issue in future.

A fourth interceptor missile test, scheduled for September, would try to bring down an “enemy missile” at an altitude of 120-140 km, he said.

Propulsion technology

The DRDO was keen on bridging the gaps in propulsion technology for battle tanks and aircraft. It was already building the indigenous Kaveri engine for Light Combat Aircraft Tejas. The engine had performed exceedingly well in high-altitude tests in Russia, Dr. Saraswat said. “We want to use the Kaveri engine for the advanced medium combat aircraft. It will also power ships.” The Tejas now flies on General Electric engines.

A naval version of Tejas was getting ready. This twin-seat aircraft would be able to take off from and land on India’s aircraft carriers.


Oct 8, 2009
India developing weapon to shoot down enemy satellites: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

India is working on a weapon system capable of neutralising enemy satellites operating in low-earth orbits, according to Defence Research and Development Organisation Director General V.K. Saraswat.

Scientists are putting together building blocks of such a system but no tests have been planned as yet, Saraswat said, while speaking to newsmen at the science congress.

The weapon system would have the capacity to hit and destroy satellites in low-earth and polar orbits.

"We are working to ensure space security and protect our satellites. At the same time we are also working on how to deny the enemy access to our space assets," the scientist said. In 2007, China had fired a ground-based missile to destroy one of its own ageing satellites to test its anti-satellite weapon system.

Giving an overview of Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) activities, chairman Dr K. Radhakrishnan displayed several models of advanced Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) for future space missions.

Better and more efficient launch vehicles are a priority of ISRO, Radhakrishnan said. The current research is expected to yield a machine that could fly into space, launch a spacecraft and get back for more missions.

Radhakrishnan said the agency was looking at launch vehicles that could take up to six tonnes into space - that is three times the current capability.

To cut costs in such ventures, the agency would be using kerosene instead of liquid oxygen to aid burning of liquid hydrogen in cryogenic engines. More advance air-breathing engines will take oxygen straight from the atmosphere as the launcher soars up the sky.

While a modified version of Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) with indigenous cryogenic stage is slated for launch later this year, ISRO is working on the next generation of the giant launcher. The Mark III version of GSLV could take four tonnes, or double the current capacity.


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Feb 12, 2009
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FORCE - A Complete News Magazine on National Security - Defence Magazine

Also under construction at HVF are 124 units of the Indian locally-designed Arjun MBT, which recently underwent comparative trials with the T-72 and T-90S. These desert trials, it is learned, were fairly successful which has pushed the army to raise the initial order to 250 enough for six regiments with a possible product improved order for another 250 as Mark II version.


Feb 17, 2009
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DRDO develops 'wearable computers' for soldiers

DRDO develops 'wearable computers' for soldiers

Thiruvananthapuram, Jan 5 (PTI) The Indian soldier carrying a computer along with his weapons in an inhospitable terrain does not seem not far off.

The device is a compact, low power, high-performance computing platform capable of doing the functions of a desktop on the palm.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is working on a ?Wearable Computer? project which could be used for various applications including locating scattered team members while moving along in the most inhospitable terrain.

The prototype of the ?Wearable Computers? was displayed at the ongoing Indian Science Congress here, the personnel of Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR) under DRDO's Bangalore unit.
The device was capable of carrying out scores of applications like Situation Awareness, Command Control, Navigation, Sensor Data Processing, Video and Voice Streaming.

It could also perform Situation Assessment during disaster management.



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Aug 14, 2009

Thiruvananthapuram, Jan 6 : Indian scientists are developing an electronic device that will sniff out explosives like RDX which remain undetected by existing security equipments.

"A prototype of the e-device is under development to smell explosives from a distance by a sensor coated with nano materials," Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Mumbai) professor V. Ramgopal Rao told IANS on the sidelines of the Indian Science Congress here.

The government has entrusted the electrical engineering department of the IIT to develop the high-tech device in collaboration with the High Energy Materials Research Lab of the state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) at Chandigarh and the Madras Atomic Power Station at Kalpakkam near Chennai.

To enhance security and check use of improvised explosive devices (IED) by terrorists and other criminal elements, Rao said the device with nano sensors could be installed at airports, railway stations, bus stands and other vital installations to detect them in solid, liquid or vapour form and seize before they are timed to explode.

"The device with an electronic nose will be able to sniff presence of IED or RDX in any of the three forms in the way trained canines can do. As training dogs in multitudes and deploying them at many places is a daunting task, an 'electronic dog' is a good alternative," Rao said.

The Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore has also been roped in to develope the portable e-device or e-dog, with a seed funding of $25 million from the government.

Earlier, at a plenary session on Nano Technology and Education in the premier science event, Rao said the e-device would raise an alarm when an explosive like RDX comes within its proximity through the micro-electronic mechanical system (MEMS) of its sensor, coated with nano particles per million (ppm) or billion in a block or specified area.

"Explosives such as RDX or TNT can be remotely detected and monitored using pure nitrogen molecules in nano materials in ambient conditions," Rao pointed out.

The e-device was demonstrated at a review meeting of the pilot project in Mumbai recently where explosives were detected in vapour form when pure nitrogen from its nano materials got released.

Copyright Indo Asian News


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Nov 25, 2009
Probe ordered into bulletproof vest scam

New Delhi: Two days after CNN-IBN exposed faulty trials of bulletproof jackets at a Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) lab, Joint Director in charge of the trials RK Verma was called from Chandigarh to Delhi and questioned.

The team included officials of the Intelligence Bureau and the CRPF, which was to have used 20,000 of the bulletproof jackets.

According to sources associated with the probe, the DRDO officer is being asked to explain the discrepancies CNN-IBN highlighted in its report.

Verma is also being grilled about an audio CD in which he allegedly accepted that he fudged the trials and attempted to compromise the second and final stage of the Rs 120-crore tender. In the CD, the DRDO official also allegedly claimed to enjoy political patronage.

The tender is currently on hold. A final decision on this matter will be taken by the Home Minister once the technical evaluation committee submits its report to the tender appraisal committee, which is headed by the CRPF's top boss.

Sources say the episode is being seen at the highest level as it has implications for India's national security. Verma is likely to undergo detailed and prolonged questioning and face disciplinary action.

Meanwhile, DRDO has been asked to clean up its act and the tainted ballistic trials could be held again.

Impact: Probe ordered into bulletproof vest scam


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Feb 16, 2009
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Defence committee recommends privatisation of DPSUs; FDI limit may be raised upto 49%

05 Jan 2010 8ak: DNA reports that a high powered committee constituted to look into the defence spending has recommended numerous reforms such as increasing the foreign direct investment (FDI) limit in the defence sector to 49% and divestment of defence public sector units (DPSUs).
The defence expenditure review committee (DERC) set up by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government is headed by former secretary (defence finance) V.K. Misra and has former senior officers of all three arms of the armed forces. The committee recommends:-

  1. Increasing the FDI limit in defence sector to 49% from 26% and also called for a case by case waiver up to 74% and 100%.
  2. That the government to encourage the private sector to take over foreign defence firms and establish a self- governing wealth fund to facilitate this activity.
  3. The committee also recommends on increasing the financial power of the defence minister up to Rs 500 crore.
  4. The committee has suggested in initiating some structural changes within the Ministry of Defence to improve efficiency and reduce red-tape.
  5. The committee also recommends time-bound disinvestment process of PSUs for ensuring accountability, transparency, and efficiency.
  6. The government should immediately adopt the Rama Rao committee report, which looked into reforms needed in DRDO and indigenous projects must be closely examined every 18 months.
Advocating the cause of private sector participation in defence DERC says that a platform had been created where the defence PSUs should be prepared to compete strongly with the private sector in areas where long-range requirements of the defence services clearly suggest inclusion of a tier 1 private sector company in India. The DERC has stressed on the need to reduce the time taken between the request for information (RFI) and final acquisition, through a series of efficient procurement processes and asked the government to avoid single vendor situations except in cases where strategic and operational interest of the nation is concerned.

8ak - Indian Defence News: Defence committee recommends privatisation of DPSUs; FDI limit may be raised upto 49%


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2009
Nitesh and Sri, is there any update on this? this is mid 2008 news.

DRDO and EADS develop advanced missile warning system for aircraft

Written by Viswanath
Friday, 30 May 2008

Joint Local production with Alpha Technologies, Bangalore

EADS Defence & Security (DS) together with the Indian Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE) has successfully developed a missile warning system which will enter series production in India soon. As reported by the company during the Berlin Airshow, the system has passed successfully extensive flight trials which paved the way to equipping several hundred Indian Armed Forces' rotary wing and wide body aircraft.

The system is based on the proven MILDS Missile Launch Detection System provided by Defence Electronics, an integrated Business Unit of EADS Defence & Security. During the flight trials onboard an Indian Air Force test platform (AVRO 748) which were supported by Alpha Technologies, Bangalore and EADS Defence Security, the system with six sensors fulfilled all the requirements in terms of detection probability, accuracy, false alarms and reliability. Due to this success, the missile warning system has been accepted as "indigenious equipment" by the Indian authorities. It is planned to equip several hundred rotary wing and wide body aircraft of various types. After initial production in cooperation of Defence Electronics and Alpha Technologies which already has been started, the transition to series production at the Alpha site in Bangalore is foreseen in the near future.

"We are proud to have a perfectly working cooperation with Alpha Technologies in place", explained Bernd Wenzler, CEO of Defence Electronics. "With Alpha's and DARE's high technology standards and our proven products we are confident to fulfill the Indian armed forces' needs for reliable protection against increasing threats".

In 2006, EADS Defence & Security has signed a strategic co-operation agreement with the Indian Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE) which capitalizes on longstanding experience in electronic warfare and avionics. As part of the agreement, DS in a first step has delivered 36 sensors for further integration and development which has been completed now.

MILDS AN/AAR-60 is an advanced, passive imaging sensor which detects and tracks the UV emissions of approaching missiles including the most prevalent threat of heat seeking shoulder launched Man Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS). The system provides full coverage, a low false alarm rate and maximum warning time to enable the deployment of countermeasures such as Chaff/Flares. With a very low false alarm rate and fast detection combined with automatic initiation of countermeasures, MILDS AN/AAR-60 relieves the pilot’s workload in time-critical situations and ensures the safe return of both crew and aircraft. With more than 5,600 sensors sold, the sensor has been proven in service aboard a huge variety of rotary wing and wide body aircraft; a version for fighter aircraft is under development. In the field of electronic self-protection and missile warning, Defence Electronics is involved in the defensive aids systems of the Eurofighter, the A400M transport aircraft and the Tiger and NH90 helicopters.

Defence Electronics is an integrated Business Unit of EADS Defence & Security (DS). DS is a systems solutions provider for armed forces and civil security worldwide. Its portfolio ranges from sensors and secure networks through missiles to aircraft and UAVs as well as global security, service and support solutions. In 2007, DS – with around 22,000 employees – achieved revenues of € 5.5 billion. EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2007, EADS generated revenues of € 39.1 billion and employs a workforce of about 116,000.

MACHINIST - DRDO and EADS develop advanced missile warning system for aircraft


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009

A 'Printed' Microstrip Antenna Array and low power (500 W) L-Band T/R Modules developed by DRDO. The former finds use in the man-portable Battlefield Surveillance Radar (BFSR) as well as on airborne surveillance radars. DRDO has also developed a 4x16 element active phased array radar for experimental purposes, as the first step.

Cutaway of the Advanced Light Weight Torpedo (ALWT) developed by DRDO for both ship-borne and air-borne carriage. It can attack targets at a depth of 540 m, has a maximum speed of 33 knots and has a dynamic frontal sealing system for noise reduction and higher reliability.

This 42 tonne mammoth is an Amphibious Floating Bridge and Ferry System (AFFS) developed by the R&DE (Engrs) branch of DRDO, for the ferry of traffic across large and deep water obstacles. The 10 x 3.6 x 4 m vehicle can covert to a fully decked bridge configuration of length 28.4 m, in 9 minutes. Two more vehicles can be joined in tandem to form a floating bridge of length 105 m, in 30 minutes. The bridge superstructure is integrated with floats (shown inflated) to provide stability and additional buoyancy.

The vehicle has a max speed of 55 km/h on road, 40 km/h cross country and an aquatic mobility of 2.7 m/sec with twin pump jets. The vehicle is also capable of retracting it's wheels for use as a grounded bridge/ramp for high banks.

The Sujav is a compact EW system for the V/UHF communication range, seen installed on TATA 'Sumo' 4x4 vehicles. It can perform a fast spectral search between frequencies of 30 to 1000 MHZ with 4 channel monitoring and jam on multiple frequencies with responsive jamming being used against fixed and frequency hopping sets. Jammer power output is 500 W(VHF) / 200 W(UHF) and features decoding of standard formats and direction finding with emitter location being fixed on a map. This system has been designed by the DLRL lab of DRDO, the designers of the 'Tempest' EW system.

A 1:8 scale model and a full size mockup of the WM-18 Naval Rocket Launcher, built by L&T. This weapon system is for use aboard Landing Ship Tank (LST) warships to facilitate beach clearing operations. The whole system comprises of port and starboard launchers capable of firing 18 rockets in single launch or salvo mode. The electro-hydraulically operated launchers are slaved to a Director designation sight and controlled from a remote console. A two axis servo stabilized system compensates for ship roll and pitch motion.

L&T and DRDO have co-developed this "Universal Missile Launcher", configured on a wheeled vehicle and designed to launch SAMs in vertical or inclined launch modes. It features an all-electrical 28 V DC system, complete silent mode of operation, auto levelling, advanced electronic controls and an advanced user console and GUI.

Kora class missile corvette designed and manufactured by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Ltd. of Calcutta. The small 1,350 tonne corvette packs a massive surface to surface punch with 16 Zvezda 3M24E Uran AsHMs. Currently, these corvettes carry MATCH (Multi Role Anti Submarine Torpedo Carrying Helicopter) Chetak helicopters for the ASW role but are soon to be equipped with the naval Dhruv helicopter which will replace the former. Naval Dhruvs will carry the DRDO (LRDE) SV-2000 Maritime patrol radar.

The Bheema 1000 (signifying a 1 ton lift capacity) is an aircraft loading trolley developed by the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) of DRDO and manufactured by Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. (BEML). The IAF also uses imported MJ-3 weapon loading trolleys.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009

The Battlefield Surveillance Radar - Short Range (BFSR-SR) mounted on pole aboard a TATA Sumo vehicle forms a mobile light observation post. The Radar has LPI features thanks to low peak power (5 W) and digitally coded waveforms with a choice of RF channels.

The prospect of private sector participation in defense has lead companies like Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) ,one of India's leading utility vehicle manufacturers, to come out with products like the 'Striker' combat vehicle, seen above. Note the FLAME launcher and Thermal Imaging Sight for the Milan ATGM on the universal machine gun mount. The launcher and sight weigh 34 kgs combined.

Various ammunition manufactured by the OFB including 105 mm (top left) and 120 mm (right) illuminating rounds. The Adrushy Mine (centre) is equipped with a magnetic influence fuze and shaped charge. It has an armour penetration of of >100 mm and immunity against CLMC (V) blast at a distance of 2.5 m.

Inside of the Mine Protected Vehicle, designed and produced by the OFB. The hull is protected against 10 kg TNT blasts and 7.62 SLR Ammunition.

The OFB has upgraded atleast 180 M-46 guns from 130 mm to 155 mm calibre using kits supplied by Soltam Artillery Systems of Israel. Another 300 guns will be upgraded at the OFB facility in Jabalpur.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Bullet-proof jacket scam: Test scrapped, bidders to submit fresh samples
Express News Service Tags : bullet proof jackets, DRDO Posted: Tuesday , Jan 12, 2010 at 0430 hrs New Delhi:
Following the emergence of major irregularities in the purchase of bullet-proof jackets for security forces, the Home Ministry on Monday scrapped the findings of the testing conducted by a tainted official at a Chandigarh laboratory and asked the bidders to submit fresh samples for testing. The ministry also requested the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for initiating disciplinary proceedings against its scientist R K Verma, the joint director at the Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory in Chandigarh, a DRDO unit, who had conducted the tests.
Verma, who was part of the tender evaluation committee, has admitted to wrongdoing in the testing procedure in the order of 59,000 bullet-proof jackets for the Central para-military forces that was placed by the government last year. Ordered in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in November 2008, it was one of the biggest purchases of security gears for the police forces in recent times.

http://www.google.com/url?ct=abg&q=http%3A//services.google.com/feedback/abg%3Furl%3Dhttp%3A//www.indianexpress.com/%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dca-pub-9517772455344405%26adU%3Dwww.JetAirways.com/Cheap_Tickets%26adT%3DJetAirways%25E2%2584%25A2%2BOfficial%2BSite%26adU%3DHDFC.HomeLoans.enhanz.in%26adT%3DHDFC%2BHome%2BLoans%26adU%3DXenonXT.TataMotors.com%26adT%3DThe%2BNew%2BTata%2BXenon%2BXT%26adU%3DMakeMyTrip.com/Cheap-Airfares%26adT%3DPune-Delhi%2BLow%2BAirfares%26done%3D1%26gl%3DINA government statement said the Home Ministry had decided to scrap the test reports submitted by the Chandigarh laboratory and asked the bidders to submit fresh samples of their products for testing. It also asked the DRDO to nominate one or more “scientists/ technologists of integrity” to conduct the tests on fresh samples.
The scandal had come to light following the emergence of a CD purportedly containing conversations between Verma and one of the bidders. In the subsequent inquiry, Verma admitted that it was indeed his voice on the CD.

Bullet-proof jacket scam: Test scrapped, bidders to submit fresh samples

Tender for bulletproof jackets scrapped

Vinay Kumar Share · print · T+

The Home Ministry on Monday scrapped a tender for buying 59,000 bulletproof jackets for the paramilitary forces owing to irregularities found during evaluation, a Ministry spokesperson said.
The Ministry will request the bidders to submit fresh samples for tests. It has also scrapped the test reports submitted by the Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, which works under the Defence Research and Development Organisation. The tender’s value was estimated at Rs. 100 crore-Rs. 150 crore.
The Ballistic tests were conducted under the supervision of Joint Director of the Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory R. K. Verma and the Technical Evaluation Committee submitted a report to the Tender Advisory Committee.
The Ministry received complaints from different sources while the matter was under the Technical Evaluation Committee’s consideration. A compact disc purportedly containing conversations between Mr. Verma and one of the bidders was also received.
On December 23, Home Minister P. Chidambaram directed that the tender process be stayed and the price bids not be opened until further orders. The complaints and the compact disc were examined by the Director-General of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), who reported that Mr. Verma had admitted that it was his voice on the compact disc.
The Ministry requested the DRDO to take disciplinary action against Mr. Verma after holding an enquiry. The Technical Evaluation Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee were advised to maintain vigil and ensure scrupulous adherence to the terms and conditions of the tender.

The Hindu : News / National : Tender for bulletproof jackets scrapped


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Nitesh and Sri, is there any update on this? this is mid 2008 news.
AS per Prasun's blog of march 10 2009

Presently, the DRDO’s Bangalore-based Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE) and SaabTech are co-developing the MILDS AN/AAR-60 missile approach warning system (MAWS), which forms only one component of the CIDAS defensive aids suite. The MAWS is of South African origin and was further co-developed by EADS ewation (Germany) and Grintek Ewation (South Africa) after decided to merge by 2001. This was followed by SaabTech taking a stake in Avitronics (part of Grintek). SaabTech now owns both the South African companies (Grintek and Avitronics) as well as the EADS-Grintek joint venture. Therefore, in conclusion, the prime contractor for supplying the CIDAS defensive aids suite is SaabTech. The CIDAS will also find its way on board the HAL-developed Light Combat Helicopter, whose first prototype will be rolled out this March. In addition, the CIDAS will also most likely be on board the to-be-upgraded Ka-28PL, Ka-31 and Sea King Mk42B helicopters of the Indian Navy, and also on the 60 armed Dhruv ALHs that the Indian Army will be procuring for its projected Combat Aviation Brigade, which will also be employed for vertical envelopment operations in support of expeditionary amphibious warfare campaigns. A version of CIDAS also exists for combat aircraft and will in all probability be selected for installation on board the Su-30MKI in the near future, since the Su-30MKIs lack on-board missile approach warning systems and laser warning systems. Another aircraft to be equipped with CIDAS will be the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) now being co-developed by HAL and Russia’s United Aircraft Corp.

TRISHUL: IDAS For Indian T-90 MBTs Selected


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Jun 29, 2009
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Hindustan Aeronautics has confirmed it is in talks with Rolls-Royce about a joint venture in India to make commercial engine parts for export. The two companies, which first worked together 50 years ago, are thought to be considering a deal that would see each make an initial investment of $4 million. HAL already makes military engine parts under licence from R-R.

Business briefing


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Jun 29, 2009
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ASIAN DEFENCE: AL-55I engine test flight 2010

The flight tests of the light aviation engine AL-55I, which is manufactured by NPO Saturn under a contract with India, will take place in 2010, a source in the Russian defense industry told Interfax.“The improved version of the Al-55I engine will be dozens of kilos lighter than its predecessors and will have the same haulage and fuel characteristics,” the source said.A full cycle of the light AL-55I engine tests will not be needed, the source said.

Besides reducing the mass of the engine by using new materials, the engine will undergo construction changes, the source said.“Specifically, the changes will affect the engine software,” the source said.The AL-55I engine is created for the Indian light training one- engine plane HJT-36 Intermediate Jet Trainer (owned by the HAL corporation) and the heavier two-engine HJT-39 Twin Engine Combat Attack Trainer. The AL-55I has the main version with 1,760 kilo haulage for HJT-36 and increased haulage (2,200 kilos) for HJT-39.

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