Although we respect the principle of free speech, the board is not a democracy. Therefore we have devised a set of guidelines designed not to stifle debate, but to enhance it. To maintain a level of high-quality discussion, types of behaviors that are forbidden include, but are not limited to:
flamebaiting, trolling, participating in flame wars, or fanboy behavior.
posting, uploading or linking to content which is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, harassing, threatening, sexually suggestive, hateful, profane, or contains racially, ethnically, or religiously objectionable material.
religious proselytizing; this forum is not a pulpit, preaching your religion is not permitted here. We are also not a platform for the bashing of religion.
making malicious comments about the forum or its staff, on this forum and other forums or websites.
public criticism of a moderator's actions; if you have any concerns about a moderator, please contact an administrator
when presenting an argument as factual, please take care to be able to back up your argument with actual facts or evidence that you are able to source. Arguments based on unsubstantiated rumors or conspiracy theories are frowned down upon. [QUOTE/]
This forum is far more lenient in allowing a lot of crap that can actually get the Admins in trouble as well as mods. Particularly using defamatory and derogatory words, language, tone against some politicians. If that is frowned at by the moderators it is called violation of free speech. How is not allowing name calling violating freedom of speech?
Take the religion based clause posted above. What is allowed here would certainly not be allowed there.
Check any thread on religion section and see the posts there, where have we violated freedom of speech? In fact a lot of those would be deleted and poster be banned in the other forum. But the staff here has not even deleted many of those posts which were even reported by many members. Unfortunately it has been misused by many members and we have been getting numerous mails about getting more strict in our moderation.
The mod team has a job to do and do a balancing act. It is a bloody touch task to balance what is troll and what is freedom of speech. We respect our members who understand this and post within that framework. Lately that has changed with others not used to DFI and coming from other places which indulges in only that. Many of our well respected and star members have complained to us constantly about the drop in forum discussion standard. We respect them and value their opinion and will try to device a way to not only keep the forum clean but allow as many diverse views as possible.
Remember that the forum rules listed earlier are either explicitly mentioned in the forum rules or implicitly followed by DFI.
Anyone having a problem with that can contact the admins.