DFI heroes and villains of 2009


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
DFI heroes and villains of 2009.

The year is now on its last lap. It was an eventful year. The war on terrorism is on. And so are the attacks from the terrorists. On one side there was effort from powerful nation to scare its neighbour. On the other side new happenings in relation among nations. Somewhere there was effort from persons or organizations for great humanitarian cause. Some people came in news for spreading hatred .Someone excelled in sports or Arts, someone caught for corruption. We have to choose ‘best and worst’ from them. Please nominate 10 persons or organizations (not necessarily Indian) in both categories. Please don’t get into argument about names prescribed by others. Just give your list with brief explanation (if possible) supporting it. I proposed to keep this thread open till third week of December and names of those heroes and villains getting maximum entries by members will be declared as DFI heroes and villains of year 2009.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
My nominations:

Heros :icon_salut:: :goodstuff: :goodstuff: :goodstuff: :india:

1. Indian Soldiers(Army, Navy and AF combined + NSG commandos)

2. PC Chidambaram: For setting up excellent Intelligence network, NSG centers around all metropolitan cities after 26/11.


4. Pranab Mukharjee: Rock steady as foreign minister in the first part of 2009.

5. People of Arunachal Pradesh :goodstuff:: For their brilliant exhibition of support to Indian Democracy.

6. Sachin Tendulkar: I will nominate him every year. No reason.

7. Maulana Madani: For presenting Indian muslim's slap to Musharraf

8. AR Rahman

9. Sashi Tharoor: :D

10. Omar Abdullah : Next Gen CM :goodstuff:.

Villans :twizt:

1. DRDO + HAL: Utter disappointment.

2. Ajmal Kasab (For eating Indian tax payers money)

3. Indian News channels : For degrading their standards every day with masala news.

4. MadhuKoda

5. Raju Bros (Satyam)

6. ULFA+NAxals+Maoists+Hurriyat

7. Indian Movies(Both hindi and tamil): For holding the record for producing max no of Bakwaas movie every year

8. Indian Cricket: For utterly dismal, disappointing, pathetic performance in ICC t20 and Champions league.

9. Thakarey's (Bal & Raj)

10. BJP


New Member
Feb 19, 2009
[mod]while doing it, you could as well add a sub category for DFI as forum. what were the highs we as a forum touched this year and the lows we did, make 3 points each, also do not hesitate to have a say on the moderation.[/mod]


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
Country flag
@ Murgan
good selection , noting to change , but i would like to add 1 thing to your list.
DFI hero
1. KCR -Telangana
DFI Villan
1. YSR + Congress - These Govt have done noting great in any Big Defence deals .


New Member
Jul 31, 2009

GOI for prudently handling the instigations from our large neighbour in the north- silently giving them the message by deploying force and fighter jets where they are required instead of creating media hype.

People of Mumbai for their spirit after 26/11.

Tata grup for conquering one after one forts across the globe.

A R Rahaman

Indian cricket team – even after some set backs in the beginning of the year they are ending the year with a sweet note- number one in ICC test ranking

People of Arunachal Pradesh

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

Sk Hasina Government in Bangladesh for taking hard steps against extremist groups and cooperating with India to get rid of those militant leaders hiding in Bangladesh

Indian Army , para-military force and Police for there constant fight against Pakistani intruders and other terrorist organizations like ULFA and Maoists.

DRDO for slowly and steadily narrowing the gaps with global defense organizations in spite of some failures. Thanks for INS Arihant. ISRO too must be in top 10 for their achievements in 2009.


Raju brothers of Satyam and auditors of the company

Madhu Koda for hammering the fragments of our trust on politicians (that were already in fragments) to dust.

Bal-Raj Thakeray – You know why + Muslim fundamentalists for fatwa against Vandemataram

Government of Pakistan for their reluctance to penalize the masterminds of 26/11 and cooking up story of Indian involvement to destabilize Pakistan

Mass population of Pakistan for remaining blind for one more year.

Authorities in Australia for doing nothing when racists whites keep on attacking our people there.

Mamata Banerjee for her political myopia in Singur and Maoist issue.

BJP- failing to be a good opposition party and cat fights inside the party. L K ADVANI too (the Iron man did not know that one cabinet minister was taking three terrorists to Kandahar to release the passengers of hijacked plane.

All mafias known as the leaders of Maoists, ULFAs etc

Amar Singh (the broker of horse trade in Indian politics) for supporting those terrorists in Delhi as innocent students , bring cheap politics in the name of human rights even when a great police officer was shot dead by them during encounter.


The southern Man
New Member
Jul 15, 2009
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1 MANMOHAN SINGH- For positive economic and political stature domestic/internationally

2. CHIDHAMBARAM – For effective anti terrorism measures

3.MAHENDERA SINGH DHONI-Proactive leadership

4.G MADHAVAN NAIR+ ISRO TEAM-Space science strides 2009

5.Venkatraman Ramakrishnan - Nobel prize

6.Sachin Tendulakr - SPORTS PERSONALITY

7. Indian Military/Paramilitary forces- For Fighting against Terrorism

8. capt Sandeep singh +Indian hockey- Team winning the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup after 13 years

9.American Military – War on Taliban/Al Qaeda

10.A R RAHMAN-Music




3 TALIBAN/ALQAEDA-World’s Nemessis

4.GOVT OF PAKISTAN- For running less principled Governance culminating into a nearly failed state of pakistan.

5.LTTE (SRILANKA)- For pursuing violence to achive political goals

6.MADHUKODA- Corruption

7.SATYAM BR’S-Corruption

8.BAL/RAJ THAKAREYS- Another shame in Indian political fraternity

9.MAYAWATHI(UP –GOVT)- Infatuation for her statues/sculptures than the state’s development

10 AIR INDIA- Another Fustrated Fly


Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
New Member
Jul 23, 2009
2009 was an eventful year for India. We see the return UPA back to power. Success for Chandrayan, our first mission to moon. There were no major terror attacks apart from few horrible attacks in Assam.

Motivating moments for India.

1.Defense Forces, Paramilitary forces of India.

2.Salute to the Citizens of India (especially Mumbai). There was no communal tension in 2009 even after what we saw in 26/11.

3.ISRO. For making all of us proud with Chadrayan mission.

4.As I am from Orissa, it feels great to see our CM Naveen Patnaik back to power again. I hope he will wipe out the corrupt Congress in 2014 election.

5.Reliance’s KG gas/oil started flowing. Crain India also started oil production from Rajasthan. It will help us saving a lot of foreign exchange.

6.A jam packed Ambedkar stadium during Nehru Cup football final. Nice to see people came in support of other sports. But still a long way to go.

7.Thanks to Pranab Mukherjee , RBI and all the decision makers in Ministry of Finance . They made all the right decisions and we are back on track now.

8.A R Rahman for winning the Oscar and nominated for Grammy awards. But this is not his best music.

Now the big let downs

1.Ministry of sports and CWC committee for being on news for all the wrong reasons.

2.Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra (VilashRao Deshmukh) and former home minister of Maharashtra (R R Patil) back to power again.

3. UP CM Mayawati (Behenji) for wasting public money.

4.Mamata Banerjee. WB missed a good opportunity as TATA moved out.

5.Indo –US nuclear deal. Barack Obama is a good speaker. But there was more lip service than movement on ground.

6.India electronics Media.


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
It seems we need option of choosing 10 heroes and 30 villains. Even after putting 10 names I felt I am missing many elegible candidates. But while naming the heroes I had to ponder a lot.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009

Commandos of NSG : for doing their job in a exemplary way

Sachin Tendulkar: for continuing to play.

ISRO: water on moon, nothing more to say.

Chidambaram: for his tough stance against Naxals.

Dalai Lama: for irking the chinese and supporting India's stance and all that with a nice smile.:clever66:

People of Kashmir: for 'muhtod jawab' to secessionist forces.

MLAs and MPs of AP: for standing up to centre for the state and its people.:113:

MMS: for winning a second term.

Narendra Modi: hanging on there despite massive odds.:D

India: for successfully completing another round of national elections and continuing to be the paragon of democracy in this region.:dfi-1:


Pakistan: for continuining to support jihadi outfits as its foreign policy against India.

US: for continuing to support Pakistan by giving it billions in dollars which it uses against India.

Coterie of Sonia Gandhi: for misleading her on Telangana issue.:evil:

Ajmal Kasab's lawyer: for trying to delay the proceedings.

Mayawati: for wasting the public's money on erecting her own statues.

Naxals and Maoists: for killing innocents and trying to wage war against India.

Hurriyat and PDP: for whipping up sentiments in Kashmir on Amarnath yatra issue.

Taliban: just for the mayhem they create.

Mamta: for derailing Nano.

Indian Media: for their cosistently poor news coverage and biased opinions.:fighting:


BJP: a bunch of jokers.:roulette:

Musharraf: a standup comedian.

China: all hue and cry about Arunachal Pradesh and when India cocked a snook, no reaction.

Prabhakaran and his LTTE: they have been defeated finally.

Shivraj Patil: for his changing attires.:wink:

David Milliband: for his Kashmir statement and subsequent Indian reaction.

Australia: for being an unsafe place for Indians.

Pakistan Army: its GHQ was attacked yet they have dreams of fighting Indian Armed forces.

Nobel Peace Prize: for giving it to Obama.:rofl:

Prakash Karat: no explanation needed. :roulette:


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
It seems we need option of choosing 10 heroes and 30 villains. Even after putting 10 names I felt I am missing many elegible candidates. But while naming the heroes I had to ponder a lot.
Yep, finding heroes was much more difficult than finding villians or losers. :D


New Member
Jul 6, 2009

1) Dr. Manmohan Singh - best we can have...
2) Chidu - Worked hard , and difference can be seen with no terror attachs in last one year.
3) Sachin, Dhoni, Gambhir, Sehwag, Yuvraj - All of them did well and brought India at number one..
4) Omar Abdullah - have big hopes from him ,, Hope to see him in Centre one day along with Rahul Gandhi
5) ISRO - keep it up..
6) Telecom companies (Airtel,reliance,etc) - going great guns.
7) More of IIT's and IIM's
8) IPL - Though i not a fan of Modi, IPL is an Indian baby and it is a tool to project power especially to Australia,England and Pakistan.
9) Mr. Ratan Tata - Achieved so much but still so down to earth.. Admires you alot..
10) Army,Navy,Airforce,BSF,NSG,CRPF - Jai Hind !!


1) BJP - Led by very strong leader(iron man) who never came out after losing election..whole party is full of looooosers..
2) Varun Gandhi - Being a hindu, i am ashamed and embarased bcoz of him..
3) Mayawati - Wow, i dont know from where to start her praising..
4) Raj & Bal Thakrey - The day they will run the country , i will commit suicide...
5) Prakash karat - Communist , I dont know where is he hidding now. I can only remember those days when he was jumping here and there to stop Nuclear deal.. God knows in what kind of illusion he is living..
6) Mamta banerjee - I hate when she blackmails congress (poor nano) ..
7) Sreeshant - Who brought him back to Indian team again.. He only embarass us by his mad behavior around the world...
8) Pakistani Government - (Rehman malik,Gilani,etc)- I am atleast happy that they are not in Indian govt,
9) LTTE - bye bye..
10) Common wealth commitee - I just hope they finish work in time ...