BJP expels Jaswant Singh


Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
New Member
Jul 23, 2009
NEW DELHI/SHIMLA: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday expelled senior leader Jaswant Singh from the primary membership of the party two days after the release of his book praising Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. BJP president Rajnath Singh told reporters here that the party's parliamentary board decided to expel the former external affairs minister from the primary membership of the party. "Yesterday, I issued a statement about the BJP dissociating itself from Jaswant Singh's views. The party discussed the matter at the chintan baithak (introspection session) and it was decided to expel him," Rajnath Singh said.

BJP had on Tuesday dissociated itself from the book written by Jaswant Singh praising Mohammad Ali Jinnah, saying the "painful" part of history cannot be wished away for which the Pakistan founder was responsible. "Views expressed by Jaswant Singh in his book 'Jinnah -- India, Partition, Independence' does not represent views of the party. In fact, the party completely dissociates itself from the contents of the book," party chief Rajnath Singh told reporters here. In his book, Jaswant Singh has held Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for the partition of India and Jinnah has been "demonised" in India.

Rajnath Singh underlined that Jinnah had played an important role in "division of India which led to a lot of dislocation and destabilisation of millions of people". "It is too well known we cannot wish away this painful part of our history," he said. He also took objection to ridiculing of Sardar Vallabhai Patel by Jaswant Singh, saying the first Home Minister played a historic role in unification and consolidation of India amidst serious threats to its unity and integrity. "The entire country remains indebted and proud of all the profound vision, courage and leadership of Patel," he said.



Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
New Member
Jul 23, 2009
They don't have the guts to do the same with Advani and Vasundhara Raje and Yashwant Sinha. If these things continue BJP will only become a sign board Party in next 4/5 years.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
true i always admired jaswant for his open views its a shame that one of the better leaders is treated in such a way


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
I do not agree with Mr. Singh's views, but this is double standards from the BJP when they did not do anything to Advani who basically said the same thing earlier


Top Gun
New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Jaswant Singh is one of Indias better Politicians, and I am not saying it because he is expelled from BJP. Its sad that Vasundhara Raje who lost Rajasthan and Advani who Lost India, is left to be in the party right at the top and JS, a man who spoke his mind on the Election debacle is kicked out!

This expulsion is not because of the Jinnah remark, its solely because Jaswant Singh wanted the party realise the election debacle and come of its high horse!


DFI stars
New Member
Jun 3, 2009
Country flag
I'm glad all of this is happening and hopefully it'll end up in a cataclysmic shakedown of the political system. In many ways the subject of the supposed roles played by Jinnah and Nehru's are at this point a secondary concern. The outfall from this circus on the other hand may prove to be far more applicable and beneficial to the Indian society in the contemporary context.

To address the secondary concern... it doesn't seem to be clear what Jaswant Singh's motives were for actually writing this book; assuming of course that there was something beyond his stated reason of an "academic exercise". If it is in fact nothing more than an academic exercise it signals disappointment considering many non partisan scholars have refuted his claims through better research. Mind you, every healthy society needs critical introspection from the upper echelon of its intelligentsia in the form of scholarly peer reviewed literature. However if there are factual inconsistencies in such an endeavor then its pointless. Having said that, Jinnah's role should certainly be studied more carefully and he should not be vilified in India simply on account of Pakistan's formation.

What is interesting however is the outfall from this public discourse. For one, the BJP has proved yet again that it is nothing more than an archaic political party burdened with prejudice, demagoguery and irrational dogmatism stemming from some sort of a complex that impedes intellectualism, reform and progressive thought- a critical requirement for India at this point in time. This of course is not to say that the Congress is free from similar afflictions; it's only that in this race of exceptionally low standards they have shown themselves to be marginally better and claimed victory in the elections.

Bottom line is that the political culture needs to evolve in India so that the political spectrum is defined along lines of policy and economics, not some diseased cauldron of sectarianism, caste, historical revisionism, violent populism, propaganda and demagoguery simmering over the fires of insecurity and a hidden inferiority complex. These things are better left to unfortunate nations who have no real scope of improvement. For India, all of this is an impediment and an utter waste of time which has left the political consciousness and the public sector at large light years behind the economic progress primarily propagated by the private sector.

I hope the BJP keeps up with their regular antics of histrionics, propaganda, book banning and pointless activities until they are successfully able to convey their inadequacy and irrelevance to all Indians who desire a competent political party capable of governing if elected.

Only after a major political party is left out in the cold by a potential electorate for wasting everyone's time with their signatory fascist ideology will there be some sort of a signal for change (even if ever so slightly) in the political consciousness.

India needs a political representative for fiscal and ideological conservatism (not synonymous with bigotry) and it is clear that the BJP in it's current form is incapable of providing this. Only a party which runs on the foundation of intellectualism and rational thought can fulfill such a critical role and for that to happen the links between bigoted fascist organizations like the RSS have to be severed. Hopefully events such as these will bring that goal a little closer.


New Member
Aug 12, 2009
"Hindus must unite againt muslims so that they can stop one more pureland"- this is literaly what varun gandhi said in his rousing, bating speech. Another much celebrated 'bhala manush' said "Muslims must have first claim on national resources". PPls must make a better judgement on which is a more communal statement in a nation where 70% of its population still waiting for that illusive "national resoure". Anyway leave it, elections are over, we can look into it this hindu/muslim vote bank debate as 2014 comes in site.

Right now assertions are made on how a political party ruling in 8 big states and having the biggest nationlist cadre, is going down. Some can smile and other can laugh, there is difference, which can be learned only with the time. Put BJP aside and name me a political dispensation which is not ruled by family fiefdoms. Absence of dichotomies and dissensions are taken on face values on these family businesses, but to disappointment of many they also have a tainted past. The basic question is not about whether BJP can reemerge, which is imminent - but whats the future for a party that symbolises Hindu aspirations and civilisational rejuvenation through political instruments and acts as a part of a larger saffron brotherhood that has grown stronger by each year since its emergence in 1925?

Suppose if there was no Jan Sangh or the BJP there would have been no Kashmir unification movement, no demands to scrap two flags and two
constitutional provisions for an Indian state and abolishing two Constitutional heads system for it. No one could have dared to be vocal against barbaric assaults on Hindu population and their temples. One can call it 'bigoted fascist organisation' which charted its discourse on unity in diversity, one nation, one culture and one people and justice to all, appeasement of none. Ofcourse not everones religious or otherwise ethos believes in this.

In the word of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee, founder of BJS - present day BJP
'India has been for centuries past the homeland of diverse people pursuing different faiths and religions. In all matters concerning the rights and duties of citizenship as such, there must be complete equality for all. We must be able to carry all sections of the people with us by creating in their minds a
healthy and progressive attitude of co-operation based on true equality of opportunity and mutual tolerance and understanding. Our party's door remains open to all who believe in our programme and ideology irrespective of considerations of caste and religion.'

'Our party believes that the future progress of India must be based on a natural synthesis between its full economic advance and the development of mind and character of the people in accordance with the highest traditions of Indian culture and civilization. The political freedom that we have achieved will be meaningless without economic freedom. It is a tragedy that a vast country such as India, with its almost limitless resources and raw materials,
should be steeped in poverty, disease, ignorance and degradation. Our party believes that without plunging the country into the vortex of violent chaos
and conflict, it should be possible for us to readjust the conditions of our economic life so as to bring to an end a shameful era of exploitation and
silent human suffering.'

'Our party though, ever prepared to extend its hand of equality to all citizens, does not feel ashamed to urge for the consolidation of Hindu society, nor does it suffer from an inferiority complex to acknowledge proudly that the great edifice of Indian culture and civilization, which had stood the test of thousands of years, has been built, most of all by the labour, sacrifice and wisdom of Hindu sages, savants and patriots throughout the chequered
history of our motherland. We are not so mean as to forget that in this gigantic process our country came into contact and conflict with many foreign races and ideologies and our great ancestors had the courage to fashion and refashion the country's structure in accordance with new ideas and with the changed conditions of our society. If India's freedom is to be purposeful, a correct appreciation of the fundamental features of Indian culture -- the discovery of that unity in diversity, which is the keynote of her civilization -- is highly essential.'

If anyone caste doubts about these words, is free to do so. The fact remains that no one can point finger on the governance of BJP in states - which are now vowed by international business fraternity - to- where downtroddens are getting rice at Rs.2/kg.

It was BJP who open the doors of international diplomany with proximity to Israel, to which whole nation is enjoying. Who knows this better than we defence jingos.

Jai shri Ram.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
If the BJP had indeed implemented the words of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookherjee in letter and spirit, we would have seen a very different party than what we see today.

Truth be told, the BJP ideology has often been hijacked by those who seek historical revenge, or use those sentiments for nefarious purposes.