Balkanization of Pakistan

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Of course there is and it is under control.
I know what u get on twitter when u type. But u can also find alot of Bangladeshis supporting Pakistan on the net :)
All of them were false flaggers. When I asked them questions in Bengali language, not a single out of them could reply. Instead of that they put me ignore list. :rofl:
Now a days, I'm trying to learn Kashmiri for catching more of such gems. And look, just in second week of my practice, I was able to catch to fake IDs on PDF.
PDF have also banned me many times for catching them. :hehe:
Really Gillani offered that !!!! i didn't know that :) Youu offer referendum to those areas where u are sure to win.
Who cares about him. I know there could be some idiots. But how many of 12.5 million Kashmiris support him? :sarcastic:
That is why Pakistan offered referendum in Kashmir
Pakistan offers means referendum, India offers means terrorism.
Logic applied made my day. :rotfl:
and india don't :)
I love that name india!!!!!!!!!
We will even host Hasnia wajid not coz we think she is a bitch but coz she is a PM of country.
Talking like paki girls preserve their virginity better than BDs. Confirm again pornistani.
@Bengal_Tiger please don't get offended. Pakistan is no. 1 in porn searches even after having less than 1/7th of population of India. So, these people see sex everywhere.
You should expect such language for your leaders from them. :D
You do not refuse to host a PM of a country especially when that country is ur enemy.
If talking about us Indians, better to confirm.
Because we don't personally think you are even a country. If we gave you something, means showing mercy, otherwise, you know our nature, specially, how we behave with pakistanis usually. :D
You may have remembered incidents or I should remind you.


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2015
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Indx, this Pakistani troll is unable to keep his disgusting mouth clean even after just two

Instead of insulting foreign heads of government he should worry about his own Pakistan which has been divided once and maybe insha'Allah divided again.

@ Everyone

Modi is probably enjoying some nice Pakistani biryani in Lahore courtesy of Pakistani finances, this is even though India has said they'll only negotiate over Pakistani occupied Kashmir and not the part held by

Modi is enjoying Pakistani pilau even though his government have clearly helped Bangladeshis to expel a Pakistani "diplomat" (terrorist) from Bangladeshh with the Pakistani regime crying over this and begging Bangladesh for friendship and reconciliation (whilst they Pakistanis carry on sponsoring terrorism in Bangladesh)

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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@ Everyone

Modi is probably enjoying some nice Pakistani biryani in Lahore courtesy of Pakistani finances, this is even though India has said they'll only negotiate over Pakistani occupied Kashmir and not the part held by

Modi is enjoying Pakistani pilau even though his government have clearly helped Bangladeshis to expel a Pakistani "diplomat" (terrorist) from Bangladeshh with the Pakistani regime crying over this and begging Bangladesh for friendship and reconciliation (whilst they Pakistanis carry on sponsoring terrorism in Bangladesh)
Actually, it is bootlicking syndrome of pakistanis from which they are suffering from their birth. This syndrome gets converted to also prostitute syndrome many times.
1. pakis were prostitute of US when US was unchallenged superpower.
2. They used to lick the boots of China when they emerged as great power.
3. They became China's prostitute when it emerged as second superpower.
And now,
4. They have started licking India's boots from when it has emerged as great power.
I don't know whether my beautiful nation will be superpower or not. But I know who will remain the unchallenged slave of superpower till the sun and stars exist.
Bangladesh is also rapidly catching up to the development indicators and has now shown interest in developing technologies. So, @Bengal_Tiger Be ready pakis may start licking your boots too .someday. :biggrin2:


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2015
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lol...well they kinda did something half-way towards that recently when they called on Bangladesh to carry out reconciliation.

Pakistan urges Bangladesh to demonstrate spirit of reconciliation
By DND -
December 24, 2015
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Taking note of baseless charges against a Pakistanidiplomat in Bangladesh, Pakistan Thursday once again urged the Government of Bangladesh to demonstrate the spirit of reconciliation and forward lookingapproach enshrined in the 1974 Tripartite Agreement.

Translation: "Oh love us Bangladesh, love friends with us" (meanwhile behind our backs backstabbing us and carrying out terrorism in our country).

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
lol...well they kinda did something half-way towards that recently when they called on Bangladesh to carry out reconciliation.

Pakistan urges Bangladesh to demonstrate spirit of reconciliation
By DND -
December 24, 2015
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Taking note of baseless charges against a Pakistanidiplomat in Bangladesh, Pakistan Thursday once again urged the Government of Bangladesh to demonstrate the spirit of reconciliation and forward lookingapproach enshrined in the 1974 Tripartite Agreement.

Translation: "Oh love us Bangladesh, love friends with us" (meanwhile behind our backs backstabbing us and carrying out terrorism in our country).
Helpless and hopeless pakis,
God, what is happening to great nation of pakiland?:nono:


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2015
Just a reality check
After the operation in Baluchustan, the Province is peaceful now. Where as Naksalite area in India is still under turmoil.
Today indian Prime Minister came to Lahore waging his tail :)
Are you on booz ?
Just because you people say there is no trouble in Balochistan it actually doesn't mean there is no trouble.
Why is your burrrp-e-burrrp taking this long ? Because terrorism has infested deep into your society, your culture and your blood. Take a doze and come here with a clear frame of find instead of ranting like a school kid with spots.


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015

Proves my earlier point about convergence of interests :-

1971 would not be possible without USSR balancing the West. Kissinger and Nixon even tried to get PRC to sent their forces on our border. When it comes to us, interests of Han imperialists, West and Pakis/Islamists converge.
Don't under estimate them, they were created and are sustained by some very powerful countries. For some nationalism stops with Pakistan, for others with Han imperialism but there's an enemy much greater than both we need to ultimately contend with.

Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
We are putting so much faith in the leaders of Baluchistan to do our bidding, I just want to draw your attention to the kind of joker the CM of Baluchistan is :



Regular Member
Nov 22, 2015
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We are putting so much faith in the leaders of Baluchistan to do our bidding, I just want to draw your attention to the kind of joker the CM of Baluchistan is :

From what I know this guy is not the sort of rebel leader that the Baloch separatists have.

- There are the sons/families of important tribal leaders such as the Bugtis and Marris.

- There are the more middle class, student Baloch separatist leadership.

Even if Balochistan doesn't gain independence, as long as there is an insurgency it bleeds Pakistan (e.g Kashmir will never be able to break away from India but it's a nuisance India could do without), and also it can block China from accessing the Arabian gulf via Pakistan thus frustrating both China and its client state of Pakistan.

However I think ultimately in the long run the Baloch will gain independence (could be totally wrong) because the Baloch are a tribal people inclined towards blood feuds, honour killing, fighting etc and that's in "normal peace time", now they consider themselves to be at war with Pakistan and the fact that they are still fighting against a nuclear power with 0.6 million troops says something. I can't see the Baloch giving up basically and the Punjabis definitively defeating them so eventually the Punjabis will just give up.

Pakistan is a time bomb with 0.2 billion people, people who do not know to resolve their differences through dialogue and democracy but kill each other, call each other "Kafir" (infidel), prone to military coups and terrorism in other words they are not people who can resolve their problems peacefully but will probably implode sooner or later.

The 0.2 billion population of Pakistan needs jobs, but they have water shortages, Karachi is cracking at the seams, the army is stealing money and there is only so much India-hate, Hindu-hate the Pakistani ruling military-feudal elite can use to divert ordinary Pakistanis from focusing on their internal economic problems.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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I think the biggest problem to Baloch Independence is Iran, the only thing Iran and Pak agree on is a non-separate baloch state.

But ultimately, I think India should annex Sindh and Punjab and Kashmir. Baloch can be independent, idk about KPK and FATA, whether they should be independent or join Afghanistan.


پاکستان زنده باد
Regular Member
Mar 4, 2009
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Ah the Indian brain farts..................

Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
Kashmir will never be able to break away from India
I know it makes strategic sense to hold on to Kashmir but I'd be lying if I said that mainstream Indians aren't hurting by the fact that our tax money is going into giving subsidized food for the snakes in Kashmir (rice is 2 rupees per kilo), these snakes eat our free food so that they could get the strength to throw more rocks at our security personnel and burn our vehicles, all of this is happening while my farmers are dying in bulk. If there's really such a thing as the mythical 'good muslim' I hope they feel ashamed to claim any moral high ground if this is being done in the name of their religion.

Giving 2 rupees/kilo rice to snakes who refuse to accept Indian constitution, Indian flag, Indian values and Indian people as their own is a mockery of Indians. Not saying that I want to get rid of the land, but god damn it, if there was a big red button somewhere which would magically throw all the snakes belonging to the 'religion of peace' variety out of my country, I would press that button so many times my fingers would break!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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As for Baluchistan the ongoing low intensity war is enough, they already hate Punjabis to an extent that recently they killed 20 plus non baloch and attacked Badin Radar facility not once but twice. @Zarvan Isn't it right ?
in 1947, Balochs (princely state of Kalat) wanted to Join with india. Idiot Naheru refused. In 2014 general election of India, they wrote Ab ki bar Modi sarkar slogans on stones. Lots of Balochs have taken refuge in India. (you will find Makarani surname) . SO it is our duty to help them to liberate from Pakistan and be the part of India, That will give us Gwadar port also and help to eliminate chinese presence in the region. Khan Abdul Gafar khan also wanted to join with india. He told Naheru that you have thrown us to the wolfs. There for it is our moral duty along with strategic need to divide pakistan and integrate Baluchistan and FATA with india and if possible Sindh also.We must integrate POK with india and we should continue to kick Punjabis untill they learn to live peacefully with us or reconvert to Hinduism. We must help MQM also.

Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
Lots of Balochs have taken refuge in India
True. In fact a popular film personality Kader Khan was also from Balucistan. Never in his life did he ever spew the venom that the self closeted jihadis like SRK and that midget called Amir Khan do on a regular basis.

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