Antony says India will match Chinese military infra buildup


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Aug 27, 2011
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Antony says India will match Chinese military infra buildup

Nov 15, 2011

New Delhi: Expressing concern over Chinese military infrastructure buildup, Defence Minister AK Antony today said India was working to match it to protect the country's territory and build an effective deterrence.

"China is expanding its military capabilities and their infrastructure in the border area is also increasing substantially and we are concerned about that," he said.

The Minister made these remarks when asked about India's response to Chinese military modernization in the Eastern and Northern sectors.

India has been deploying its frontline fighter aircraft Sukhoi-30 MKIs on its airbases along the Chinese border.

"We have been improving our infrastructure and military capabilities in the eastern sector. We are strengthening our military capability and infrastructure not for confrontation, but to protect our territory and also to build an effective deterrence"¦so that we can protect every inch of Indian territory," Antony said.

India has been deploying its frontline fighter aircraft Sukhoi-30 MKIs on its airbases along the Chinese border in the North-East and has raised two Mountain Divisions there.

Ultra light howitzers and tanks under new armoured formations are also planned to be deployed in the region.

Asked about the existing defence ties with China, Antony said the Defence Secretary-level talks between the two sides will be held next year.

"Defence exchanges with China are again resuming. I hope the defence dialogue (between the two nations) at the Defence Secretary-level will again resume next years," Antony told reporters on the sidelines of Fifth South Asia Conference here.

India and China will hold the Annual Defence Dialogue (ADD) in January next year during which the two sides are expected to discuss resumption of their joint army exercise and the pending border issues between them.


Antony says India will match Chinese military infra buildup | Firstpost


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
China's Increasing Military Clout in Tibet

China accelerates filling strategic oil reserves

China's record-high oil imports in June have caused market speculation that the Chinese government is accelerating the build-up of its strategic oil reserves, the 21st Century Business Herald reported Wednesday.

According to statistics released by the General Administration of Customs, China imported 22.27 million tons of crude oil in June, up 34 percent from last year. This marks the fourth time since last December that China's monthly oil imports topped 20 million tons.

Part of the oil imports went straight into China's national oil reserves and the commercial oil reserves of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Sinopec Group, a source close to the National Energy Administration told the newspaper.

China's oil imports started to recover from April 2009 and have remained at a high level since the second quarter of 2009. Until now, the country had maintained a monthly oil import of approximately 20 million tons.

The surge is connected to China prioritizing its strategic oil reserve plan, the newspaper cited the source above as saying.

China launched the strategic oil reserve plan in 2003. The country planned to complete all three phases of oil reserve base construction in 15 years. The first phase—located in Zhejiang's Zhoushan and Zhenhai, Liaoning's Dalian and Shandong's Huangdao—commenced operation in 2008. These four bases hold the equivalent of 30 days of China's oil imports.

The construction of the Duzishan oil base in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region started last September, marking the beginning of the second phase of China's strategic oil reserve plan. It's estimated China has by now completed construction of the Duzishan oil reserve base. The base is scheduled to start filling oil in the coming October. The second phase consists of eight oil reserve bases, located in cities include Guangdong's Zhanjiang and Huizhou, Gansu's Lanzhou, Jiangsu's Jintan, Liaoning's Jinzhou and Tianjin.

The last phase of China's strategic oil reserve plan is expected to be completed in 2020. Chongqing's Wanzhou district, Hainan Province and Hebei's Caofeidian are reportedly likely to be chosen as oil bases for the third phase.

Once the strategic oil reserve plan is finished, China will have oil reserves equaling about 100 days of net oil imports.

On Monday, the International Energy Association (IEA) said in a report that China had surpassed the United States to become the world's biggest energy consumer in 2009. China rejected the report on the grounds that the IEA's data on China's energy use is unreliable.

China accelerates filling strategic oil reserves -

China is raising her strategic oil reserves from 30 days to 100 days and that will give her a greater sustenance to wage war!


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
China's massive infrastructure build-up in Tibet is causing concern to the government of India. Defence minister A K Antony has spoken in parliament of the rapid development of rail, road, airfield and telecom infrastructure and military camps being undertaken by the Chinese authorities in Tibet. He assured the MPs that 'necessary steps' were being taken to counter these developments.

Antony acknowledged that a road network stretching across 58,000 km coupled with five operational airfields at Gongar, Pangta, Linchi, Hoping and Gar Gunsa have come up in Tibet. Besides, extension of the Qinghai Tibet Railway (QTR) line to Xigaze and another line from Kashgar to Hotan in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region is also in progress.
Effectively controlling the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) is crucial for China's security as Tibet comprises approximately one-fourth of China's land mass.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
As per military analysis China has the capability to deploy and sustain 34 divisions over a month along the Line of Actual Control.

China can do so by mustering troops from the Chegdu and Lanzou Military Region without having to carry out stocking or dumping in advance.

China has a distinct advantage over India when viewed against India's 09 Divisions along the Northern borders.

As a major upgrade, China is doing/done the following in Tibet and Xinjiang:

1. Connection with all major counties in Tibet with border roads completed. Road network increased from 51,000 kms in 2008 to 58,000 kms in 2010. Plan to increase black topped roads by another 70,000 kms is on the anvil.

2. Extension of Qinghai - Tibet Railway from Golmund to Lhasa and thereon to Shiagatse (close to Sikkim). Rail connectivity is planned to link Katmandu in Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan , Pakistan and Central Asian Republics.

3. Eleven new rails lines are on the anvil for Tibet and Xinjiang for rapid deployment of the PLA.

4. 18 air bases in Tibet and Xinjiang have the capability to put India under the range of Sukhoi 27.

The infrastructure development along with building of logistic hubs at a rapid pace is worth note since it is far in excess of the requirement for the local population. It is a known fact that the PLA has built tunnels for storage of military hardware.

The fact that Pakistan is China's all weather friend and supplies military hardware to include J 17 is of serious concern to India. It maybe recalled that China has 1000 troops in POK to upgrade the Karakorum Highway and fast pace the link to Gwadar, Karachi and Bin Qassim. This will give 'strategic depth' ( at term not quite what it means in the military sense, but more in the political realm) as also permit China to control the Persian Gulf.

China's Dong Fang Electric Supply Corporation and the Pakistan Railways have signed the feasibility study contract on a Havelian - Khunjerab Pass rail link.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
India's current response is 9 Infantry Division.

Road connectivity still poor.

Logistics hubs not adequate.

However, the population very pro India.

Military upgradation in the troop level, light and yet effective artillery, better communications, effective air force response in infrastructure and assets are underway.

Can China really be able to threaten India in a conventional war?


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Extra troops along China border will raise tensions, harm India's interests: Chinese

Extra troops along China border will raise tensions, harm India's interests: Chinese daily

BEIJING: Terming India's decision to beef up the security along the border with China by deploying one lakh additional troops as a "sensitive move", an official daily here said it would result in raising tensions harming New Delhi's interests.



Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Only chinese have the right to add troops, add fighter jets, Missiles, make roads, even position artillery. Our Lungi No.2 Antony should take steps to improve our defence capability there and should not think of such idiotic remark by Chinese :mad2:
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Increasing number wont do, But arming them too..

Get arty and tanks, infrastructure..


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Not having troops will mean loss of land. We are better off raising tensions.

And what crystal ball are they gazing at? Indian economy is slowing down and not able to afford latest stuff? Just recently the Chinese themselves said that they are looking at more modest growths.

Chinese seem to have acces to the the best opium via Gilgit that they have encroached into.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Not having troops will mean loss of land. We are better off raising tensions.

And what crystal ball are they gazing at? Indian economy is slowing down and not able to afford latest stuff? Just recently the Chinese themselves said that they are looking at more modest growths.

Chinese seem to have acces to the the best opium via Gilgit that they have encroached into.
That's it brother.. i am a big fan of you know. i am lurking on this forum for almost 2 years as of now. i have seen only very few fist full of gems like you who puts country first and everything else behind like name, state, race, religion, politics, past history, family etc etc. you always do and talk as per the interest of our nation. you always care about what is best for our country and don't give shit to anything else. if at-least 10% of our total population thinks like you, then in India, we shall build our restroom's using Gold and Silver :)

You have earned my respects :yo:

today, i bow to you :hail: :hail: :hail:


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Not having troops will mean loss of land. We are better off raising tensions.

And what crystal ball are they gazing at? Indian economy is slowing down and not able to afford latest stuff? Just recently the Chinese themselves said that they are looking at more modest growths.

Chinese seem to have acces to the the best opium via Gilgit that they have encroached into.
also, here is the list of other people whom i consider as gems of this forum are KUNAL, LF, AVI, SPIEZ, BABA.

there are few others as well, but i cannot list all of them :)

nothing personal guys, just my thoughts
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The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Increasing number wont do, But arming them too..

Get arty and tanks, infrastructure..
i like to know what they meant by "harm India's interests" or It will result in a tense situation in the region and harm India's own interests.

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The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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"You create aggressors and invite aggression simply by remaining weak"........ Which country in the world has this kind of experience better than India. India always treated others with respect and trust but they shamelessly breached the trust and invaded it, looted it!!....... And if India is now strengthening its defense capabilities why should China be worried? It seems Chinese had some evil designs for India which is becoming hard with India's strengthening defense capabilities

Before asking /commenting, China should think what they are doing? Why the hell they increased solders in India border. Why they put wrong MAP? what they want to prove? Why they build Train track, solders bunkers near border? why they are pushing their people to come Arunachol n build houses n all... China should think about themselves before asking India..... If this time War happen then we will take out Tibet out of chian... Mind it .

Surest way to develop good friendship with china are as follows:
1. Deploy more fire power in the border areas.
2. Develop and deploy 5000 - 10000 KM range missiles which can reach Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hong Kong and many more chinese cities.
3. Develop good relationship with South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Burma, Russia, Iran and Tibet.
4. Have few submarines in South East Asia
5. Develop more manufacturing base and take share of chinese market.
6. Export arms to all the neighbours mentioned earlier.
7. Use Indian influence in Africa to get more oil fields, mining bases and industrial markets.

This and many other measures will really develop good relationship with china as china only understands one language i.e. language of force and language of strength.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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"In an era when precision-guided weapons are developing rapidly, everyone with common sense knows that concentrated troops could be eliminated easily"
hahaha ha hahhaha ahahaha i don't think these chicoms knows what they are talking about.. hahah ahahahaha hahaaha 1 lakh soldiers will be spread across all over the loc hahaha lets see how much precision guided weapons can do... hahahaha we are not fools to pill up or put all our soldiers in one single area so that guided weapons can take out easily hahahahaha...

:pound: :pound: :pound:

it seems to me that chicoms have become restless and desperate on our moves.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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"India's troop increase on the border between China and India is aimed at meeting the requirements of the United States and then getting support from the United States. However, will India realise its goal?", it asked.
what requirements from USA? or which requirements are they talking about? hahahahaah :pound: do they really think India is a puppet country like pakistan :pound: dear chicoms, we know our goal and we know what we are doing :lol: before putting finger in our butt, why don't you lick your own butt first?

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
i like to know what they meant by "harm India's interests" or It will result in a tense situation in the region and harm India's own interests.

They will increase incursions and very good chances of making a small conflict just like blunders they made during 1967..


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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sarcasm BY TOI reader

We Chinese ask you Indian why you raise army to fight us? We no want to fight you. We only want to take Arunachal and Ladakh which belong to China, as its say in our Ancient Ancestral Mao book written long long ago more than 15 years ago.

We also only want some other small parts of Indian country like Kashmir Sikkim, etc. But we no want fight with you Indian. We Chinese peaceful people. So we only ask you to give us your land peacefully. If you Indians raise army, then we have to fight you to take it and then it not going to be very peaceful for us Chinese. This is also no good for China image as peaceful leader in world. You Indian just give China your land and you just walk away peacefully. Also take all your Indian people who live there with you, because otherwise we have to shoot them to make houses for Chinese; And then it not be peaceful for Chinese, because loud gun noise scare our children, and then they no make Nike shoes properly.

But if you raise big army on border, then you must keep all you army in very small area so we can use "precision" missile to finish them all quickly. Our analysts spent many months and come with calculation that if your army not in small area, then for 140,000 men China need 140,000 missiles. This no good for peace (And we need lot of money for that many missile). So we demand you Indian keep army as 1000 men per sq meter (maybe you ask them to stand on each other shoulder), so we use only 140 missiles and finish war peacefully

:pound: :pound: :pound: :lol:


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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They will increase incursions and very good chances of making a small conflict just like blunders they made during 1967..
that will create global panic... :confused:

is it what they want? they are not going to get anything by using incursions and small conflicts


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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How the hell more troops on the border will create trouble for India?? has CCP gone mad with its threats....Bunch of chinese Jokers damn stupid!! :D

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