Ancestry Of Jats


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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I don't get it.

Many sages were not born in Europe or Central Asia, and that proves what? Is it possible that these sages had some of their ancestors from Central Asia?

Akbar was born in India. Does that prove that none of his ancestors were from Central Asia?
Nikki Haley was born in America. Does that prove that none of her ancestors are from India?
If you talk about ancestors then, our DNA matches with Chimpanzee by 99% and only 1% difference is what makes us Human. Have you ever seen a white chimp? :rofl:

Secondly, when you talk about Aryan, we should consider Vedas which mention it. We humans are interconnected and dna's have been mixed around the world, And that's why the term Vasudevyah Kutumbhkum comes. :)


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
If you talk about ancestors then, our DNA matches with Chimpanzee by 99% and only 1% difference is what makes us Human. Have you ever seen a white chimp? :rofl:

Secondly, when you talk about Aryan, we should consider Vedas which mention it. We humans are interconnected and dna's have been mixed around the world, And that's why the term Vasudevyah Kutumbhkum comes. :)
You know what I am talking about. There is no "if" and "but."

You said many sages mentioned in the Vedas were from India. Ok, cool. So, what is your point?

Have you ever seen a white chimp? :rofl:
Yes, and you have too, now at least. :rofl:
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
No they don't.
Yes, they do. ANI/ASI and OIT are just examples of political demagoguery. @Mad Indian has said it clearly, but unintentionally. This is an attempt at creating a pan-Indian identity. This is purely politics, and non-science.

Just like the Pakistani right-wingers came up with Arab ancestry codswallop, so did the Indian right-wingers, albeit in their own flavour.

Pardon me, I cannot share this Paki-mentality.

Awwww. Friends of yours were they?
Well, you can believe these maps just popped out of the sky. I don't expect anything better than that.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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All I m getting is a bunch of angry/impatient retorts with less substance.

And since @Mad Indian has already said "No, he can't" (paraphrasing) and asked us to deduce from all the "proof" he has posted (I neither have the time nor the interest- less ROI), I now have to ask the others who swear by OIT to kindly reply to below, just so I know exactly what it is that you are arguing for.
And while we are at it, post all the salient points of your theory (OIT or whatever else it) complete with patterns of migrations, their dates, language transmission models, so on and so forth.
Please also include details about how the ANI/ASI studies are integrated into your theory.
Also @pmaitra other than in some Nazi wet dreams I don't think anybody thought aryans were germans. :rofl:
And I think even the Nazis themselves secretly knew/believed that aryans were non-germanic, that's why they sent "scientist" to various parts of the planet to "investigate" the origin of aryans (they sent some to Tibet too.)
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
You are correct @Razor. Even before the rise of Hitler, many Germans were fascinated by the "Aryan" race, but they had a semblance of rationality. That they sent scientists to study the people of Tibet explains that they were making attempts to test their theory or theories.

Any person who understands science will come up with a theory and then make an attempt to test it. Recall the picture I posted from the American Museum of Natural History.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
Just like the Pakistani right-wingers came up with Arab ancestry codswallop, so did the Indian right-wingers, albeit in their own flavour.

Pardon me, I cannot share this Paki-mentality.
Pakis claim foreign ancestry. As do you. So you're already infected with paki mentality.

Indian mentality is to assert indigenous origin.


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2015
Lol, what kind of thread is this? Jatta ka chora thread?
Ek madrasi sab pe bhari. :devil:

The Vedas mention many Sages in India, most importantly the saptarishis(eg: Bharadwaj, Vishvamitra, Vasisht, Kashyappa, etc) . And none of them are born in Europe or Central Asia.

All of them were product of India.
Yesterday TV was showing a program on Socrates and out of chance the word 'Shukracharya' came to my mind. And Shukra would have been a perfectly valid name for somebody who knew the mythology of Shukracharya.

Remember Chandragupta was Sandrocotus for the Greeks. So these Greeks can play around with words.
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Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
Myth of "Aryan" race

February 7, 1935

The dogma of the “Aryan” race, which recently has burst like a shell upon an astonished world, though formulated on a view of racial affinities fundamentally obsolete and a biased interpretation of archaeological fact, with the aid of the mystic symbols of the swastika, the arm raised in salute and a Messianic leader, has swept Germany off her feet.

Briefly, the German doctrine of the “Aryan” race is that the tall, long-headed, fair-complexioned, Nordic peoples of northern Europe are the modern representatives of the original “Aryans.” To this race is due the high standard of culture found throughout the civilized world.

Wherever the Nordic strain is mixed with other breeds, it is said, it deteriorates. The aim of the State, therefore, must be to preserve the purity, integrity and dominance of the Aryan race, biologically, socially and politically.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Ek madrasi sab pe bhari. :devil:

Yesterday TV was showing a program on Socrates and out of chance the word 'Shukracharya' came to my mind. And Shukra would have been a perfectly valid name for somebody who knew the mythology of Shukracharya.

Remember Chandragupta was Sandrocotus for the Greeks. So these Greeks can play around with words.
Shukra is Venus in Greek. Goddess of Love. so not at all any resemblance.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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You know what I am talking about. There is no "if" and "but."

You said many sages mentioned in the Vedas were from India. Ok, cool. So, what is your point?

Yes, and you have too, now at least. :rofl:
With black hair? Hahaha, More like a Japnese to me :p

So my point is , they started this word Aryan and they did not say 'we came from xyz land' And Using word Aryan to describe human being on the basis of region is false.


Regular Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Can anyone , with adequate knowledge about Aryan "Invasion" , could rightly point out the below contradictions:

1. Invasion takes place, when one party dominates, in terms of military might over the other. So, it was consistently said that , Aryans were master in horse's , so invasion was easy.

But, horses have their origin in Indian-subcontinent. So , how come the "indigenous" people were not "good" at it.

2. How come, you can "forcefully" displace people living in an inducive environment , from their birth place, on which they have lived over thousands of years ? It's simply impossible to change the social geography of the place, without a great violence.

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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And since @Mad Indian has already said "No, he can't" (paraphrasing) and asked us to deduce from all the "proof" he has posted (I neither have the time nor the interest- less ROI), I now have to ask the others who swear by OIT to kindly reply to below, just so I know exactly what it is that you are arguing for.
And what proof you have AIT ? I never said OIT is true. Stop arguing strawmans.

Disproving OIT does not make AIT valid. As I said you guys sound like creationists who think they can prove gods existence by disproving evolution and talk trash about evolution.

Me not giving links for why OIT is true has more to do with laziness to educate identity crisised idiots rather than lack of knowledge.

Seriously you are proving to be as dumb as athiest Hindu with each post. Look at all the change of goal posts you have done.- first you claims AIT was true due to genetics. We provided evidence against it using genetics which show AIT never happened. You then claimed it cultural migration. I just showed there is no evidence for it. Now you have again flip flopped to migration and how migrants brought the Sanskrit with them. Seriously do you have so much desperation to prove your ancestors got fucked by invaders. If that means that much to you you can believe that and I could not care less.

This will be my last reply to you considering you have joined pmaitra in being an ideological stuck up rather than wanting to know the truth

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Can anyone , with adequate knowledge about Aryan "Invasion" , could rightly point out the below contradictions:

1. Invasion takes place, when one party dominates, in terms of military might over the other. So, it was consistently said that , Aryans were master in horse's , so invasion was easy.

But, horses have their origin in Indian-subcontinent. So , how come the "indigenous" people were not "good" at it.

2. How come, you can "forcefully" displace people living in an inducive environment , from their birth place, on which they have lived over thousands of years ? It's simply impossible to change the social geography of the place, without a great violence.
There is no archeological evidence, no genetic evidence and linguistic is highly subjective and contradictory. There are linguistics experts who claim Sanskrit was the original of European languages and not the other way round. And still some morons would rather believe that Europeans gave them their culture and identity. Says a lot about how pathetic Indian self respect is :doh:

warrior monk

Regular Member
Nov 24, 2014
Ok people first of all there is no AIT it has been debunked as pseudo science but there is clear misinterpretation of OIT theory also.
AIT theory is a clear mental masturbation of racist Europeans because the mt DNA and Y-chromosome markers of Indian population clearly demonstrate that the people of India are of indigenous, local origin from within Indo Aryan geographical area , thus negating the Aryan Invasion theory
Coming to the RV culture the RV Ethnographic research clearly states that RV culture spawned from Bihar to Iran centering around the sapta sindu region in India Pakistan .
Therefore the whole Rig Vedic culture is spread out in 5 different countries India , Pakistan , Afghanistan and Iran and parts of Uzbekistan. The linguistic evidence and the ancient Hindu religious evidence clearly points to the Indo-Aryan super state was spread over five countries.from Iran to India.

Modern day Indian Political boundary doesn't signify the Indo-Aryan superstate completely but partiality as 4 other neighboring countries are amiss .

Ancient Hindu literary evidence suggests the uttarapatha mentioned in numerous ancient Hindu texts ran from Tamraliptika ( Bengal) to Zariaspa north of Amu darya in Uzbekistan and ancient Hindu kingdoms as well as mleccha kingdoms existed .

The kekeya kingdom mentioned in the Ramayana and were known as utmost of Aryans is in Afghanistan . One of Dashratha 's wives was from here so ancient Afganistan had a clear Indo-Aryan past Kubha river mentioned in vedas is Kabul river the . The Kubha River (Kabul), Suwastu (Swat) Kramu (Kurram) & Gomati (Gomal) Rivers have also got place in ancient texts. The Ganga & Yamuna which were mentioned in later Vedic texts indicated the eastern boundary of the Sapta Saindhava Region.
This Aryan culture spread over 5 countries half of which is in India spread itself to neighboring regions like deeper into central asia to Turkey.
Indo Aryan elite also imposed itself over the Hurrian population of Northern Mesopotamia and Turkey in the course of expansion that is why during a treaty between Hittites and mittani ancient hindu dieties like mitra ,varuna and Indra are mentioned.This explains the linguistic influence of the Indo-Aryan culture in Mesopotamia and Central Asia but as far genetic evidence are concerned there is no evidence of influx of european blood .
Ancient Hindus comprise of the whole of the people of India , Pakistan , Afghanistan , Southern Uzbekistan and Iran. Hindus were never a single political entity but spread over many kingdoms and ancient Hindu texts like vedas and sages belong mostly to the Sapta Saidhava area between Haryana and Afghanistan and the later texts were composed in the Indus Gangetic plains also spanning India and Pakistan.
Ancient aryan Hindu state over the course of 5000 years lost more than 40 % of area and 20 % population to foreign culture . Currently these 20 % of ancient Hindus are people of Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iran and S. Uzbekistan. All the European invasiaon nonsense is just crap .
By the way Aryan word means noble person it has no racial connotation and the language spoke by people in these 5 states was Indo Aryan.


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2015
Shukra is Venus in Greek. Goddess of Love. so not at all any resemblance.
Venus = Rome
Aphrodite = Greece

@Mad Indian , brother , do you know something about , Ramapithecus and Narmada Man ?
Yup. One piece of collar-bone claimed to be of Narmada Man. Is that enough for evidence? Somebody even drew sketches of Narmada Man based on that one piece of collar bone.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Pakis claim foreign ancestry. As do you. So you're already infected with paki mentality.

Indian mentality is to assert indigenous origin.
You would have been correct had I said that there was not a single human being in India and Aryans came to India from outside.

However, you cannot present any evidence that I said that.

Hence, your assumptions are wrong.

I claim mixed ancestry, not foreign ancestry, as you claim.

Secondly, you missed the point totally. The Paki-mentality is the tendency to re-write history to suit a particular political narrative even if there is evidence to the contrary.
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