AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)


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Mar 19, 2020
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Most likely the final config of AMCA.
Honestly that IRST is quite a bummer, let's just hope it won't affect the frontal aspect that much,
How the F*** were Turks able to make an EOTS but we are forced to resort to an IRST
Make an EOTS? How do you even know if that thing on the KAAN is functional? It may just be a placeholder for an EOTS that is still being developed.

KAAN has not even STARTED it's flight test regime. Just having a first flight to try to get Erdogan re-elected doesn't mean that they've managed to develop all the things required for a 5th gen fighter. Please keep that in mind before falling for Turk propaganda.


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Jul 9, 2023
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Oh yes AMCA so expensive should have definitely been opposed and we should have bought shiny new F-35s or Sukhoi crap would have been really good for us absolutely agreed 👍
I mean what ganja are they smoking? I mean F-35 is out of equation, Ameriturds will only be dumping their leftovers to make useful Ukaraine 2.0 out of India. They would definitely ever never supply F-35. So, are the maggots advocating for Su-57? I sometimes feel like the lobby is more Russian Oriented than Import Oriented because you see atleast for Western Imports, we get to see their value in practical usage like P-8 Poseidon or Globemaster or Reaper unlike Russo-Soviet crap and wastage of billions of dollars. I feel like the lobby is responsible for FMBT requirements again want to repeat a T-90 drama for T-14 crap. Same with Su-57, its the same Russian lobby motherfuckers shilling for Su-57 because its some 5th(actually 4.5th) gen and ruskies wanted to subsidize their production by us being useful idiots. Glad, that we pulled out of that Su-57 otherwise our AMCA would be another Tejas fiasco instead of yesterday news of Metal Cutting.


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Nov 1, 2022
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Highlights include the fact that the first prototype will take 4 years to produce & GoI was sitting on its arse for nearly 3 years hoping the pvt sector would step in for the JV.

It's only when it was pointed out by ADA that any more delays meant us losing the advantage of fielding such FAs , GoI came out of its slumber & approved the project.

5 prototypes to be produced in all with each costing INR 900 crores with production to commence in 2035 after FOC presumably with the cost per aircraft predicted to fall owing to scale of production.

Incidentally as an earlier post quoting a tweet makes clear apparently there was opposition to procurement of AMCA from some quarters on account of costs

Rajaraja Chola

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Mar 25, 2016
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Highlights include the fact that the first prototype will take 4 years to produce & GoI was sitting on its arse for nearly 3 years hoping the pvt sector would step in for the JV.

It's only when it was pointed out by ADA that any more delays meant us losing the advantage of fielding such FAs , GoI came out of its slumber & approved the project.

5 prototypes to be produced in all with each costing INR 900 crores with production to commence in 2035 after FOC presumably with the cost per aircraft predicted to fall owing to scale of production.

Incidentally as an earlier post quoting a tweet makes clear apparently there was opposition to procurement of AMCA from some quarters on account of costs
The only JV can be production partner. Actually JV for production would make sense for Mk2, as it’s less complex aircraft. AMCA would require as much expertise as possible for production. In fact some manufacturing technologies themselves would be required to be developed.

India should hire an expert working in the US defence field, still holding Indian passport, to work as contact person to say the truth to the PMO. What could private sector contribute? No one have experience in systems design. Manufacturing wings, cable assembly, doors are not the only requirement for JV

Zoid Raptor

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Mar 6, 2019
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India should hire an expert working in the US defence field, still holding Indian passport,
US requires security clearance and US citizenship in most cases to work in defense firms due to ITAR regulations. In some non-critical roles, they'd be open to Permanent Residents with a valid Greencard

MoD can have better luck hiring someone off the book

