Al-Khalid MBT And Pakistani Armour


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Aug 12, 2015
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Development continues and it is still being worked on and improved. It is not officially launched as yet. The second part of your post is hilarious to say the least, I hope you can differentiate between the two platforms.
Ofcourse development is a continuous process. But thus that mean that the prototype can't be featured?

As far as second part goes, its not hilarious at all. Whenever its a JV, you can't showcase the equipment in your website unless and untill you own more then half of its IP in percentage. Example being Brahmos. You would not see it in product range of NPO. As far as comparing Blitzkrieg Hamza and Kestrel is concerned, both are APC.


New Member
Sep 7, 2012
Yes, very robust R & D which can not produce a 100 CC engine on their own.

Here is an Israeli View on MBT Arjun VS Alkhalid.
You expect Israelis to write something bad about a product that they provide systems for? Quite naive. T
hat post of yours, whoever wrote it, is nothing but a pile of trash. The man does not have any idea what he is talking about. If the Arjun was so good, why is it taking so long to appear in the service? And, your own army is not satisfied with the product as it fails on several parameters. Need i continue on Arjun failures?

On the other hand, like every weapon system, the Al khalid has its shortcomings none of them are as serious as in Arjun. He talks about rounds, which improved round does your T-90 fire? None. The best it can fire is the copy of IMI round which is no longer in production as you blacklisted the company. The best round you have for now is the BM-42 clone with inferior metallurgy and less than acceptable penetration values, i.e. less than 400mm @ 2000 meters at zero degrees obliquity.

Another flaw is the overrated suspension. To this day, i am yet to see the Arjun jumping over the hump. I see Al khalid, T-80, T-90 and even Alzarrar doing it but not Arjun. You know why? Because it has a fragile suspension system that would cannot sustain the weight of this overweight behemoth.

There are a lot of problems with Arjun, and dont tempt me to go into its details. I dont want to end up in a comparison. The thread is on Al khalid so better keep it to that.
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Jan 7, 2016
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Alkhalid is a shit and it is nothing good except giving some orgasm to Pakistanis. It will be a repeat of battle of Jesalmer if Al khalid messes with Arjun.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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You expect Israelis to write something bad about a product that they provide systems for? Quite naive.
Israelis are not pakistanis. They will comment on merit and not on natioalism like you guys. You will face even a bigger loss than 1971 if you try to pit this substandard Al khalid with Arjun or T 90.


New Member
Sep 7, 2012
Israelis are not pakistanis. They will comment on merit and not on natioalism like you guys. You will face even a bigger loss than 1971 if you try to pit this substandard Al khalid with Arjun or T 90.
No they will not. They are more cunning than you and have a huge stake in Arjun project. They will never piss India and lose their share of pie.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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No they will not. They are more cunning than you and have a huge stake in Arjun project. They will never piss India and lose their share of pie.
I think Haffez said must have revealed this secrete to you in Madrasa.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
No they will not. They are more cunning than you and have a huge stake in Arjun project. They will never piss India and lose their share of pie.
Another Paki Brain fart.

Whats next ? Jews are cunning because its mentioned in Koran



New Member
Sep 7, 2012
Another Paki Brain fart.

Whats next ? Jews are cunning because its mentioned in Koran


The key term here is "Stake". Or are you denying that they didnt provide LAHAT and other subsystems for Arjun?


New Member
Sep 7, 2012
Alkhalid is a shit and it is nothing good except giving some orgasm to Pakistanis. It will be a repeat of battle of Jesalmer if Al khalid messes with Arjun.
When you claim something, you take the responsibility to prove it so go ahead.


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Jan 7, 2016
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Sorry, i dont indulge in useless debates. If you have something to contribute to the topic, do share.
Sorry If you are hurt. I delete it.

I have already contributed a great material on the subject.
he man does not have any idea what he is talking about. If the Arjun was so good, why is it taking so long to appear in the service?
every good product takes time to come in service. You test some missile and next day it is operational. You tested your coastal defense system and next day an announcement came that it is under deployment. You guys announced that you have made a drone and in few days it was deployed and couple of days later a news came in that it score its first hit. This happens only in Pakistan and no where else. You guys have developed a habbit of listening to this sort of news good only for giving you guys some excitement and nothing else. Arjun is already in service and MK2 is coming in the service.


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Jan 7, 2016
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When you claim something, you take the responsibility to prove it so go ahead.
What do you mean by proof . DO you want this to be said by Raheel shrif?

Read what Israeli expert says. Now you will say it is not reliable. So anything which bluffs and hypes your substandard weapon is right and anything saying otherwise is non reliable.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
By that Logic Chinese should have MBT 2000 in service. But they didn't inducted that junk and sold it to Pakis.

Same story with Chinese A 100 MLRS (Smerch Copy). Paki have it in service but not Chinese.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Yes, very robust R & D which can not produce a 100 CC engine on their own.

Here is an Israeli View on MBT Arjun VS Alkhalid.

An Interesting Comment ... if u Appreciate Arjun ...

#1 Arjun is getting massive Israeli help and NOT 6 as being reported in many places in media, but 8 rolled out recently. There are some Armour and rifling techniques which Isreal has taken from India as they were truly impressive. Other than that a lot of contribution from Israel. NO I CAN NOTprove this right now.

This is what i know after discussing Arjun with a high ranking scientist who is a member of the Foreign defense services board (rough translation from Hebrew) who have worked on Arjun for the last 9 months. I personally witnessed a really cool addition to the recent 8, it employs the exact same copy of the HW and SW as the Abrams self diagnostic system...not only does it tell you when the tank is not feeling well but also tells you which part.

there is also a battle management system deployed....the funniest part was how decked up the CO's Arjun was...the seats are amazing, even the Russian contingent (overpaid pricks) were emotionally moved to see the interior with all the widgets - and went the best capitalist tank (being sarc. and all)

...i think i will be able to SOMEDAY get pictures of the ARJUN M2 and let you folks see what i have a true comfort to drive that tank
I walk among diffrent circles compared to many out here on the forum and intend to build a reputation where people believe me without much fuss...

as i will not always be able to post links (actually i am too deep into defense to rely on media and links to prove myself). Anyway i am off to a hunting trip organised my some army chaps here in India..will defanately take pictures and post that

#2 You really will have a problem ...say in a desert coming close to this machine. This is a really good machine...the main gun beats the Merkava any day.

Bloody hell the shear energy at extended range in delivered with the accuracy is truly astonishing...i personally think this main gun is a accidental find for Indian's. the saboy round penetrated the hull of a t-55 derelict then went through the second one behind it and the place where it pierced the sand dune had a formation of glass crystals around the sand.

I have an idea (to how the Pakistanis can get it)...when the crew falls to sleep driving this beast - due to its crew could run to it and shove some tnt between the hull and the chaise

#3 I just saw the interior picture of Al khaled. You have a serious problem here. Is that a prototype or the finished product? I am serious , i really need to know this.

I truly hope that it is not a finished product. If it is, my god " the very Question that arjune is a better tank is a understatement. You have no idea what you have here lads. Even if the idea is a "will get the job done and cheap to produce" Al Khaled can be mass produced is the idea of Pakistani Armour....etc etc....WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?

Someone here tell me what is the purpose of Al-k...isit supposed to take on the inferior Indian tanks and put the t-80 against the arjun (still crazy - Russian admit it will eat the t-90) ok maybe its a attempt by Pakistan to atleast get hold of technologies to create a tank..etc etc
the nuts and bolts in alkhalid will kill the crew if a HESH round even nicked it. more so the LR-APFSDS will cut like butter the guys better get some good reactive armour on this tiny thing. please any experts here..
i really wish to ask some questions on the al-khaled.

#4 Incidentally my father worked on a series of Merkava tanks (yes yes i am a Jew) i too graduated with honors in Armour. but right now in a slightly different objective in India. anyway i agree with you maneuver is imp.

BUT THEN AGAIN in all the discussion i have seen here maneuver is something gone a miss here. i havent driven a al -k but this arjun is as maneuverable as a Abram M2(spent a lot of my time with these tanks) bloody difference, i dont know maybe al-khalid is much better compared to A-M2 in maneuver.

You will outrange what 5000m from a reflexes Chinese copy of soviet you think no one here thought of ATGM and countermeasure. This is the classified bit in electronics Israeli gave to Arjun. I am telling you buddy, someone better get serious about countering Arjun...its mere prototype passed direct hits from t-90 AP rounds (new round), it passed fragmented top attack munitions, You want to kill it.

a) you need to get it tracks off
b) in some way get the electronics off
c) hit it at less than 200 m from something like a Milan 3 repeatedly in hopefully the same area or
d)put a huge mine under it (has counter electronic to detect contribution from what is to be a Merkava 4 system)
e) i would have a serious debate going against this tank on a Merkava 3 and i am honors in armour and spent a few.

I think the brits will be very very interested in the armour these people have developed or even the rednecks....thats the level and quality you are looking at

Source: http://**********/threads/arjun-mark-ii-an-israeli-view-must-read.95660/#ixzz4XKJXfzuO
Which site is this ?



New Member
Sep 7, 2012
What do you mean by proof . DO you want this to be said by Raheel shrif?

Read what Israeli expert says. Now you will say it is not reliable. So anything which bluffs and hypes your substandard weapon is right and anything saying otherwise is non reliable.
Which Israeli expert? You quoted a troll who seem to have no knowledge about the subject.

You claimed that Arjun will beat the Al khalid when confronted right? So prove how will arjun achieve it with its questionable performance and an inferior ammo that cannot even penetrate a type-59 at zero degrees?

south block

up your a**
New Member
Feb 1, 2016
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Post the screen shot of the source that India produce 81 tech and Pak 39 as defined in MTCR
that was back in 2010 ,India was making close to 90 of the MTCR listed technologies by the time we join MTCR in 2016 on the other hand pakodia are still stuck with 60s era scud missiles :rofl: jokers are unable to do anything without Chinese help


New Member
Sep 7, 2012
that was back in 2010 ,India was making close to 90 of the MTCR listed technologies by the time we join MTCR in 2016 on the other hand pakodia are still stuck with 60s era scud missiles :rofl: jokers are unable to do anything without Chinese help

Did you miss this one? the first MIRV-capable missile in the sub-continent.
