Air Wars 2020 : when we striked back, A fictional accounts of a real war


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Information Disclaimer - The knowledge presented here is gathered from numerous online & offline sources over the year by the author, and hence citing them is not in scope. Authenticity, correctness or consistency of the information presented is not guaranteed, and readers may accept them upon their own discretion.

In the Skies of the Nation Dominators are we. We are the who have eyes over the Skies on those who dares to Challenges us, we defend the every part of the Nation against those who dares to Strike Us.

Since 1980s in the name of tackling USSR China imported many tech from the west including engines Radars and many Advanced avionics into its jets. Then after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 the Chinese actively produced the SU 27s first under license then without license and even illegally upgraded versions were produced and unlicensed copy of the Israel jet. Compared to the Estimate strength of 1,800 Jets. IAF posses around 600 Operational combat aircrafts. China was getting a misrepresentation of that the PLAF has a absolutely Air Supermecy due to its sheer numbers.

In the Start of the early 2020, the chinese started a military build up at the LAC. Their first part to occupy startegic heights along the lac and gain more land on the Indian side of the lac. In the early september IA started a major operation to drive back the PLALF and strength its defensive line. In early september CDS asked the ACM to brief on a possible plan to resist and take down the PLAF in the air. ACM replied I will use the IAF on my own will because if its takes part the war expands. Therefore our arsenal is at it is. After meeting the RM the IAF deployed most of its sir assets near the lac to support the already stationed air assets near the lac.

Day One Operation Polo.

At the dawn of the sunrise IAF's bomber squadrons equipped with the su 30 MKIs and Jaguars attacked the assets of the PLA near the lac. At the first Ray's of the sun IAF bomber role aircraft achieved it first mission parameters. Despite the Mirage 2000s pilots been more experienced were transferred to the MKIs and jags squadrons to carry out the bombing missions. At the command of the Sq leader the first formation of the aircrafts suffered only few losses. Before reaching the second formation of the aircrafts chinses j 11s series of the aircrafts under the command of a Lt commander flew their aircrafts for regular combat air patrols. They achieved their first kills with downing two jaguars. In this situation instead of getting out of the fight FL and FO with their jags tried to engage the j 11s. FL fired his missile at the j 11s but missed. At the same time one j 11 coming at the back of the FO jags downed it. Due to low on fuel all the jags including the FL jags had to return to the base.

Despite the initial losses the third formation of the jags and MKIs carried out their mission successfully by destroying the PLALF armoured formations. Despite hard to calibrate its PGM and anti tank missiles they achieved 16 attack sorties out of which 8 sorties were achieved by the CO wing commanders leadership. The jags proved to be extremely effective deep strike and Close Air Support aircraft. Along with the MKIs which was capable of carrying heavy payloads of bombs, Precise Guided Mutiones and Missiles at the same time. Another sorties were carried out under the leadership of the Commander. Despite heavy bombing by the third formation hardly any SAM firing or CAP by the PLAAF was encountered just under 150 minutes PLALF entire Armoured squadron was destroyed. This lead to the slowdown in the PLA activities. In the words of the commander ''PLAs would never forget the MKIs and the Jaguars. We dont make claims but fired at any thing we could, mirage 2000s pilots were more trained and experienced it was during the early morning. It was thought that the Mirages pilots could handle the situation much better that's why Jaguars were piloted by Mirage 2000s pilots along with the MKIs.

Day Two Operation Charades.

The mirages 2000's detachment with handful selected pilots were brought to the ladakh air station earlier so could the A-S attack aircrafts could be provided with a top cover and could teach a lesson to the J 11s and J 10s pilots who would try to attack the Strike aircafts. The Mirages pilots were so confident and eager to participate in the early morning. On the very first day under a courageous and confident plan taken off with the MIG 27 Bahadur at 1,500 M AGL toward their targets. The Mirages were flying about 300 meteres below the bahadurs under the command of the Sq Leader. And 100 meters below them another four Mirages were flying under another Sq leader. With the detection of the formation of Bahadurs and Mirages towards the Tibetan territory PLAGF vectors the J10s towards them. This was a risky startegy in which the j10s were caught. This was due to before reaching towards their targets the bahadurs dived below and returned towards their base. The Mirages like fast moving missiles raised their altitude in just few seconds. The Mirages reached at a altitude of 45,000 feets and at a advantages position attacked the j10s. With under a confusing condition j 10s tried to get at back of the Mirages, but the Mirages were able to give a warning con and gone to a defensive break and at agile speed gone after the j10s and made their first kill by a mirage towards the j 10 at about 30 KM. Then a mirage accelerated at a speed towards a second j10 and made another kill at 20 Km. Another j 10 was brought down at the same range as the previous kill. While a mirage was cruising towards its j 10 kill, it was interrupted by a J 16 by making a dive between them. The PLAAF was agitated by the better skills of the IAF's. The Mirages returned due to low fuel toward its base.

Day Three Operation Quick Action.

The IAF another formation of the Bahadurs and Mirages flown in the same manner, but this time they targeted many ground targets. When a formation of PLAAF J 10s tried to interrupted them the Mirages vectored towards them and made their three kills within few minutes. Then one j 10 tried to avoid them by flying at a low altitude but by shot down by the agile and fast mirage. The J 10 pilots started to get scared of the Mirages and then they tried to avoid them at all cost. The effect of the Mirages giving the top covers to the strike aircrafts had given the increase in the ground attacks from air towards the PLAGF at its maximum effect and lethel.

The Secret Mission operation looker.

The PLA was totally in blind that a modified SU 30 MKI equipped with Special Sensors, jamming equipment and drones attached to it was doing various surveillance missions. Piloted by a commander Entering the Chinese airspace day and night totally undected covering all the major bases and stationed PLA. The airacft carried its spy mission well before the chinese Intrusion and was undetected for whole many months. Many major features and dams on the Brahmaputra were survillenced and it helped to understand whether the chinese intentions are to use the water as a tool to flood the Brahmaputra river.
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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Information Disclaimer - The knowledge presented here is gathered from numerous online & offline sources over the year by the author, and hence citing them is not in scope. Authenticity, correctness or consistency of the information presented is not guaranteed, and readers may accept them upon their own discretion.

In the Skies of the Nation Dominators are we. We are the who have eyes over the Skies on those who dares to Challenges us, we defend the every part of the Nation against those who dares to Strike Us.

Day 4 Operation Riddle.

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