Agni V Missile


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Explain why.
because radiation energy at a distance d from the point of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of that distance.
In simple words, the further you go from the point of blast, the rate of fall in radiant energy increases. Thus the closer you are to the nuke, the more damage that will be inflicted upon you. Therefore it is prudent to use MIRV than just one Megaton range bomb. Furthermore MIRV gives you the luxury of redundancy which means even if one fails, it is highly improbable that all will fail to hit the target, however that is not the case with a single missile. I hope you get it now.


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Aug 27, 2011
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Agni V test depends on prime success

Orissa | Posted on Oct 19, 2011

BALASORE: The failed mission of December 2010 in mind, scientists pin much hope on the success of test-flight of Agni-II Prime, expected to be conducted on November 10. A smooth test would mean first trial of India's most powerful and longest range Agni-V missile, scheduled in December.

The Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) is planning to test-fire the surface-to-surface nuclear-capable Agni-II Prime from the Wheelers Island near Dhamra. Spade-work for the indigenously built intermediate range ballistic missile has started. The project team from Hyderabad will arrive on October 28 to oversee the final preparations. Usually, a missile is tested after the mission team gets the nod from the Launch Authorisation Board (LAB) of the DRDO and the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS). An official said if the scientists get green signal from the board and the CCS as per the programme, the missile will definitely blast off on the scheduled date.

"Agni-V, capable of hitting targets at a distance of 5,000 km, would derive most of its sub-systems from Agni-II Prime though they would need sufficient scaling. Besides, there is a plan to develop Agni-IV as an intermediate step between Agni-III and Agni-V," said a defence scientist. The maiden test of Agni-II Prime was a failure with the missile deviating from the trajectory soon after takeoff. Instead of attaining the desired altitude, the missile plunged down just after a flight of 30 seconds as no stage separation occurred midway.

Sources said this project was handled by a bunch of young scientists and this time they will leave no stone unturned to make the mission a success. Or else, it will be difficult for the DRDO to get the green signal for Agni-V.

Agni V test depends on prime success - southindia - Orissa - ibnlive
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Feb 17, 2009
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after A5 we should make A5 (SL) rather then go for A4. it is waste of resources to make missiles from 1000-5000 one after another.


Freakin' Fighter fan
Senior Member
Sep 15, 2010
if you want to live with peace then you should be ready for war, its better if we prepare our self for any surprise
Dude - hoping for the best and preparing for the worst is fine - but you seem to be hoping for war with China.
Remember, the longer India can live in peace, the better prepared we will be. Also, longer peace means stronger economy, better technology and higher standards of living for average Indian.

As for China, developing missiles is not the best preparation. India needs better armor and weapons for the infantry. Better vehicles, logistics, infrastructure. Better tanks and armored vehicles to take on PLA in the mountains of the north-east or the north-west.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
Agni-5 demo in February 2012: DRDO chief

Oct 22, 2011

MYSORE: Chief Controller of Research and Development DRDO W Selvamurthy said that India's nuclear capable ballistic missile� Agni-5, with 5,000 km travelling capacity, would be demonstrated in February 2012.

He told reporters at the Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL) on Friday that Agni-3, the indigenous missile which can hit a target 3,500 km away has been inducted into the Army.

Now, the DRDO has developed Agni-5, a missile with second striking capabilities, he said and added that the three-stage solid propellant ballistic missiles would enhance India's nuclear capabilities further.

Selvamurthy said the DRDO is focusing on making weapons besides developing life support technology. The DRDO has separate directorate to look into issues related to patents, industry-interface and technology management other than opening a commercial wing.

He said the organisation had developed missiles, light combat aircraft costing Rs 150 crore each and had saved three times the funds spent on purchase of aircraft and medium combat aircraft.

Agni-5 demo in February 2012: DRDO chief - southindia - Karnataka - ibnlive


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
Agni-5 demo in February 2012: DRDO chief

Oct 22, 2011

MYSORE: Chief Controller of Research and Development DRDO W Selvamurthy said that India's nuclear capable ballistic missile� Agni-5, with 5,000 km travelling capacity, would be demonstrated in February 2012.

He told reporters at the Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL) on Friday that Agni-3, the indigenous missile which can hit a target 3,500 km away has been inducted into the Army.

Now, the DRDO has developed Agni-5, a missile with second striking capabilities, he said and added that the three-stage solid propellant ballistic missiles would enhance India's nuclear capabilities further.

Selvamurthy said the DRDO is focusing on making weapons besides developing life support technology. The DRDO has separate directorate to look into issues related to patents, industry-interface and technology management other than opening a commercial wing.

He said the organisation had developed missiles, light combat aircraft costing Rs 150 crore each and had saved three times the funds spent on purchase of aircraft and medium combat aircraft.

Agni-5 demo in February 2012: DRDO chief - southindia - Karnataka - ibnlive
I think he had already stated that the test may come up in Feb. 2012, and that had prompted MoD , Mr. Antony to issue the scientists the 'earliest' timeline. Most probably it was V.K. Saraswat who came up with the timeline of Dec. 2011.



New Member
Mar 22, 2009
A little correction though , what Mr. W. Selvamurthy stated , was about 'March 2012', I don't know whether Dr. Saraswat has to come up again with the time frame.

As I quote here under the link and extract from Vijainder K Thakur's knol.

Agni-V IRBM - a knol by Vijainder K Thakur

Earlier, Chief Controller, research and development of DRDO, W Selvamurthy, said in Pune on Thursday, April 29, 2011 that the first test of the missile is scheduled in March 2012.
For more one can look into the link.

However Dr. Avinash Chander's statement reaffirms the time line stated by V.K. Saraswat.



Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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5,000-km range Agni-5 to be test fired in Feb

Buoyed by the successful test- firing of the Agni-4, DRDO will launch the 5,000-km version of the nuclear capable missile after three months as part of strengthening India's deterrence capabilities.

"Agni-V is presently undergoing integration and we may test fire it by the end of February next year. It is right on schedule and the successful test of Agni-4 will prove to be a building block in development of this missile," DRDO Chief V K Saraswat said here today.

Addressing a press conference here, Saraswat talked about India's missiles programme and developing effective deterrence capability against adversaries. Yesterday, DRDO had successful test fired nuclear capable Agni-4 missile from a test range in Wheeler Island off Odisha coast. "Agni-4 belongs to DRDO's flagship programme to make the country self-reliant in missile technology. We have now graduated to a higher level of missile technology with more capable versions of the earlier missiles such as Agni-1 and Agni-2," he said.

Talking about Agni-4's capabilities, he said, "Earlier missiles were based on rail mobile launchers which needed an exhaustive infrastructure support. But Agni-4 is based on road mobile launchers. It gives a much higher level of flexibility and is a maintenance free system. It is better in terms of accuracy and performance as well."

This missile is better than previous ones in various parameters such as terminal accuracy, payload delivery capability and also in terms of maintenance and flexible operational deployment, he said.


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Aug 27, 2011
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Eyeing China, India to enter ICBM club in 3 months

NEW DELHI: The countdown has begun. Within three months, India will gatecrash the super-exclusive ICBM (inter-continental ballistic missile) club, largely the preserve of countries like the US, Russia and China that brandish long-range strategic missiles with strike ranges well beyond 5,500 km.

However, it will become a full-fledged member of the club only when its most ambitious nuclear-capable Agni-V ballistic missile, which will be able to target even northern China if required, becomes fully operational in 2014.

Gung-ho a day after the successful test of the new-generation 3,500-km Agni-IV missile, senior defence scientists on Wednesday declared that Agni-V, with a strike range of over 5,000-km, would be test-fired within the December-February time-frame.

"The three-stage Agni-V is undergoing integration at the's on schedule," DRDO chief V K Saraswat said, adding that both Agni-IV and V were comparable to the best missiles in their class, including Chinese ones, as far as the technology was concerned. Agni programme director Avinash Chander said his team was "confident" of offering the 17.5-metre-tall Agni-V for induction to the armed forces by 2014. The much-lighter two-stage Agni-IV will be operational by 2013 after two to four more "repeatable" tests.

"Our aim is to take just two to three years from the first test to the induction phase," he said.

Once deployed, the 20-tonne Agni-IV and 50-tonne Agni-V will add the much-needed muscle to India's nuclear deterrence posture against China, which has a huge nuclear and missile arsenal like the 11,200-km Dong Feng-31A ICBM which is capable of hitting any Indian city. With higher accuracy, fast-reaction capability and road mobility, unlike the earlier largely rail-mobile Agni missiles, Agni-IV and V will give India the required operational flexibility against China since they will be capable of being stored and swiftly transported. If launched from the north-east, for instance, they will be able to hit high-value targets deep inside China.

India, however, is not in an arms race or "numbers game" like the US-Soviet rivalry of the Cold War era. "We are not looking at how many missiles China or Pakistan has. With a 'no first-use' nuclear weapons policy, we only want a sufficient number of missiles to defend the country in the event of a crisis. Ours is a defensive-mode strategy, even if others have offensive postures," Saraswat said. The DRDO chief added that "indigenous content" in India's strategic missiles had gone up to such a level, with ring-laser gyros, composite rocket motors, micro-navigation systems and their ilk, that "no technology control regime" could derail them any longer.

Then why not go for missiles that can fly around 10,000 km? DRDO claims that it has the capability to develop such missiles but the government does not want alarm bells to clang around the globe. India, after all, is interested only in "credible minimum deterrence" against the threats it faces. Saraswat said the current focus was on fine-tuning the Agni missiles to defeat anti-ballistic missile systems of potential adversaries. Towards this end, added Chander, the radar and other "signatures" of Agni-IV have been significantly reduced to make them "much more immune to counter-measures".

What will make the Agni missiles even more deadly is the development of MIRV (multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles) warheads on which the DRDO is working. An MIRV payload on a missile carries several nuclear warheads, which can be programmed to hit different targets. A flurry of such missiles can completely overwhelm BMD ( ballistic missile defence) systems.


Feb 17, 2009
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with green signal from highest level, Agni 5 is going full speed. It appears that MMS is now very concern about panda. Lets wait and see.


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2009
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can some one help me with comparing Agni 5 with other existing missiles in terms of technology used, payload, accuracy, costing, user friendly and other key characteristics.
Guidance system
War Head
Launch Platform

How advantageous is our technology when compared to US/Russian/Chinese/ Europe/Israel ( not mentioning Pak bcos they use chinese technology). If this topic is discussed earlier let me know.
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Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Agni-V shows India's intention to become major power: Official Chinese media

Analysts say that while short range missile Agni-I and II are regarded as Pakistan-specific, Agni-III, IV and V are perceived to be China-specific.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
TOI pop-up ads are really annoying. However, some comments on the article are good.


Sep 8, 2009
TOI pop-up ads are really annoying. However, some comments on the article are good.
Generally, ToI articles are of sub-par quality and exhibit shabby journalism, and most of the comments reveal ignorance and stupidity among the readers.

Only time I read ToI is when I've had a humourless day and want a good laugh.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Generally, ToI articles are of sub-par quality and exhibit shabby journalism, and most of the comments reveal ignorance and stupidity among the readers.

Only time I read ToI is when I've had a humourless day and want a good laugh.
You and Messiah are of the same mind in that regard.

You must like this comment:
Let me make it clear to all our Indian brothers, China is not our enemy, or even a threat, We should learn from history, India and China never had any problem before Britishers came here. Both of us (India and China) were looted by British, it clearly suggest that the real enemy is somehwere else. Brits are already occupying islands in Indian ocean. What are they doing here with their huge military base in Diego Garcia. West controlled media and western powers are fully engaged in creating trouble between these two great civilizations. The agenda is to keep these uneducated (technically literate) societies bullish towards each other so that they can enjoy greater control over them and in the region. We have to understand the fundamntals of politics then only we will be able to uncover the really game plan. We are bascially under control and the powers who have the control wants to retain the control. Germans had to pay huge price to the Europe (Western and Northers) but they did not pay a single penny to Indians who sacrificed their life in the World War. We visit India gate so many times how many times we do question ourself that why Indians were sent to Europe to fight against the Germans? And what happened to their families? Get some sense my dear countrymen and stop being bullish towards china. We can improve our relations with China, war is not a solution, we have to live together forever.
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Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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WG, that comment that you have posted here from ToI is very naive. Getting the Brits into picture as a dividing force is not correct. China has an imperialist streak to it. What is it doing in South China sea? What it did in Tibet, Xinjiang?

Chinese need to be deterred and there is no doubt about it. Writing idealistic comments will not help. I hope that gentleman who wrote those comments is nowhere near policy makers!!


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
WG, that comment that you have posted here from ToI is very naive. Getting the Brits into picture as a dividing force is not correct. China has an imperialist streak to it. What is it doing in South China sea? What it did in Tibet, Xinjiang?

Chinese need to be deterred and there is no doubt about it. Writing idealistic comments will not help. I hope that gentleman who wrote those comments is nowhere near policy makers!!
Other commenters made the same observations as you have.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Other commenters made the same observations as you have.
Well I have not read the comments posted there, I just commented on the one you posted here.

Most on the Internet have no love lost wrt China. I do have respect for China in the way they have progressed in the last 20 years, but it stops at that.

China is the real threat to India and to Asia and world alike.

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