Aftermath of Trump Victory

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Uggh, more fallout from this big orange ape. Liberals are being their typical stupid selves and cheering Muslims on for praying and their women are also putting on headscarves to cheer them on. The muzzies think that the West is converting. :facepalm:


Tihar Jail
Jul 18, 2014
Marine Le Pen Echoes Trump’s Bleak Populism in French Campaign Kickoff
Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right National Front, began her bid for the presidency in Lyon on Sunday with a speech that mirrored themes expressed by President Trump.

Arnold Jerocki / European Pressphoto Agency
February 5, 2017

LYON, France — The French far-right leader Marine Le Pen delivered a grim populist kickoff to her burgeoning presidential campaign on Sunday, warning thousands of her flag-waving supporters of “two totalitarianisms,” globalization and Islamism, that want to “subjugate France.”

Ms. Le Pen’s dark picture of a weakened France troubled by bureaucrats and burqas was a striking echo of themes being sounded across the Atlantic. France, a prosperous country with the world’s sixth-largest economy, was depicted as a besieged wreck. In a packed hall here, she made a point, in an hourlong speech brimming with nationalist fervor, of praising President Trump and the Americans who had elected him, as her supporters shouted forcefully, “This is our country!”

Americans, she said, had “kept faith with their national interest,” even as she promised to do the same for France, saying the French had been “dispossessed of their patriotism.”

Whether it will sell in a country undoubtedly frightened by terrorism and weary of unemployment hovering around 10 percent is unclear, but it is certain that Ms. Le Pen’s National Front party is closer than it has ever been to gaining power in France after over 40 years of existence. Polls show that she is very likely to reach at least a second round of voting in France’s two-stage electoral process this spring.

The weekend’s campaigning in this prosperous southeastern metropolis — her likely runoff opponent, Emmanuel Macron, the centrist former economy minister, also drew thousands to a rally across town on Saturday — offered a taste of the fierce electoral battle to come and a rerun of some of the American election’s dynamic.

The populist Ms. Le Pen, 48, offered up a forbidding dystopia in urgent need of radical upheaval, much like Mr. Trump did. The boyish Mr. Macron — he is 39 and has created a nonparty political movement that has suddenly caught fire — spoke of “reconciling” France and of “working together,” and repeatedly addressed more than 10,000 supporters in a giant stadium as “my friends.” France would certainly stay in the European Union, in his view, and there would be none of Ms. Le Pen’s war on globalization.

The crowd spilled onto the grounds outside the stadium, forcing many to watch Mr. Macron on huge screens. He took a backhanded slap at Mr. Trump, promising refuge in enlightened France to American scientists, academics and companies “fighting obscurantism” at home. They would have, “as of next May,” the date of the presidential runoff, “a homeland, and that will be France,” Mr. Macron promised.

The candidates both present themselves as outsiders — Mr. Macron served in the Socialist government but is not a Socialist, while Ms. Le Pen’s party has never held power — but the crowds at the two rallies were a study in contrast. Judging by a dozen-odd interviews, Mr. Macron’s group was peppered with teachers, doctors, academics, civil servants and men who described themselves as “heads of companies.”

In contrast, Ms. Le Pen’s crowd was full of factory workers and former soldiers, and it adored her thundering opening line: “I’m against the Right of money, and the Left of money. I’m the candidate of the people!”

Still, the slickly produced two-day National Front event at Lyon’s modernist conference center, full of party functionaries in blazers scurrying about, showed how far the party has come from its disreputable ragtag origins in the early 1970s, when it emerged as a xenophobic coalition of former Nazi collaborators and disgruntled veterans of the Algerian war who had not forgiven the country’s leaders for having agreed to Algeria’s independence — like Ms. Le Pen’s father, the party’s founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

She has effectively kicked him out of the party. But Ms. Le Pen’s populist tirade echoed with many of the former patriarch’s themes. She delivered her speech against a screen projecting the words “In the Name of the People,” and it was full of immigrants committing crimes, jihadists plotting attacks and European Union bureaucrats stealing jobs from the French.

Ms. Le Pen promised to crack down on all of them. Clearly buoyed by Mr. Trump’s victory after years of electoral defeats in France — “The impossible becomes the possible,” Ms. Le Pen said of it — she offered a sketch of what her presidency might look like. She promised to hold a referendum within six months on European Union membership, which she called a “nightmare,” secure the country’s borders and pull France out of NATO. Foreigners, she said, were eating up France’s social benefits and offering little in return. “Our benefits are distributed to people all over the world,” she said.

But in contrast to Mr. Trump, for Ms. Le Pen restoring what she called “sovereignty” to France appeared as an end in itself. She offered no return to a golden age of prosperity for her country, promising instead to “restore order” within five years. Ruin was just around the corner, in her telling. “After decades of cowardice and laissez-faire, our choice is a choice of civilization,” she said. “Will our children live in a country that is still French and democratic?”

The crowd ate it up. “She’s got a real program, in the name of the people, for the workers, and by the workers,” said Eric Fusis, a 58-year-old retired military officer from the Doubs. “It’s for the nation, and not for the financial sector and the banks,” he said.
Notice the photograph, this is a media blitz. It's a wave turned into a heil salute. Reeks of propaganda and treason.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Look for Trump-Turnbull Conversation Transcripts. There are plenty of them floating around. I wouldn't bother posting them here because they are obviously concocted. However, they are very funny.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
:lol: Bloody fools US Musalman doing Nawaz for publicity WTF or is their religion so cheap they use Isam to blackmail Trump and get sympathy from Trump haters, No self respect Lamo. whole Airport must've been stinking :lol:

If Musalman would've won Noble, contributed to Science & Tech or had any achievement Trump would've begged them to stay. He knows America won't lost a dime if a Toilet cleaner or Khajoor seller is deported back to their medieval Shythole.

In contrast with them are Jews small in number but occupy high place in US society. They earned their stay in US unlike Musalman who are begging to stay.

Don't take these Dramebaz seriously. The majority are with Trump otherwise he wouldn't have won the election.

Uggh, more fallout from this big orange ape. Liberals are being their typical stupid selves and cheering Muslims on for praying and their women are also putting on headscarves to cheer them on. The muzzies think that the West is converting. :facepalm:

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I agree with your sentiment ie banning Muslims, however he has done it in such a way that its made him look like a clown and he has also abused his powers by extending to greencard holders which means the whole thing is in jeopardy in the court system. He has also been consistently making claims that he will ban Muslims which is illegal according to the constitution and now it is going to be hard to enforce in court.

Instead, if he had just quietly banned future visas from these countries, nobody except the core liberal votebase would have said something. Instead he has one of the lowest approval ratings of any President and has galvanized Republicans and Democrats alike against him.

If Musalman would've won Noble, contributed to Science & Tech or had any achievement Trump would've begged them to stay. He knows America won't lost a dime if a Toilet cleaner or Khajoor seller is deported back to their medieval Shythole.
Trump might have begged them to stay, I agree but the people who are actually pulling strings (Bannon, Bremberg) have a white supremacist agenda. Meanwhile, I agree that Muslims have brought wrath onto themselves and deserve what they get, no sympathy there.

The majority are with Trump otherwise he wouldn't have won the election.
Actually he didn't win the majority vote and now his approval ratings are at an all time low.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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If Musalman would've won Noble, contributed to Science & Tech or had any achievement Trump would've begged them to stay. He knows America won't lost a dime if a Toilet cleaner or Khajoor seller is deported back to their medieval Shythole.
So you don't have any "musalman" scientist in India ? That is too bad .

You can be a muslim and make a career in USA . Like this man : Cheick Modibo Diarra, from Mali.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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So you don't have any "musalman" scientist in India ? That is too bad .

You can be a muslim and make a career in USA . Like this man : Cheick Modibo Diarra, from Mali.
There are some anomalies sure, but they are poor and welfare dependent as a demographic especially considering a lot of them are immigrants and immigrants tend to be prosperous. Along with the tendency to radicalize, not assimilate and look down on their compatriots, they are not worth focusing on if the goal of immigration is to attract the brightest and the best.



Regular Member
Nov 15, 2016
hindus along with sikhs are second most sucessful immigrants after jews

even if trump will try to put restriction on indian IT and green card holders, in long run it will be nuetralized by the presence of poweful and influential indian lobby

trump will favours india in defence , manifacturing and agriculture anyway

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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hindus along with sikhs are second most sucessful immigrants after jews
Actually jews come second, Hindus are first. And I'm guessing most Jews are not immigrants unlike Hindus.

even if trumo will try to put restriction on indian IT , in long run it will be nuetralized
Agree it's good for both countries.

trump will favours india in defence , manifacturing and agriculture anyway
He seems to be a free market guy, he will favor India where India is competitive.


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Jul 9, 2014
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Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Instead, if he had just quietly banned future visas from these countries, nobody except the core liberal votebase would have said something. Instead he has one of the lowest approval ratings of any President and has galvanized Republicans and Democrats alike against him.
And what does such a ban achieve except sending the wrong message to all the translators, soldiers, pilots, civilians in war-torn muslim countries who are working with Americans ? What kind of message does it send to people such as Niloofar Rahmani, who risked her life as an helicopter pilot and just requested asylum in USA ?


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
So you don't have any "musalman" scientist in India ? That is too bad .
Partially correct. Hindustani Musalman are considered backwards both economically and socially but not because of the majority.

And they generally lack scientific temper. Say hello to Dr Zakir Naik MBBS

Also, there is a small minority (mostly urban elite and traditional military families like Qaimkhanis of Rajasthan) among them who are successful and respected by Indians irrespective of religion as @tharun mentioned Dr Kalam and Brigadier Usman

You can be a muslim and make a career in USA . Like this man : Cheick Modibo Diarra, from Mali.
Lamo :lol: it's like saying terrorism has no religion because 1% of world terrorist are non Musalman.

What you are quoting are exceptions otherwise Modibo Diarra (lol) didn't have to migrate USA and have their own NASA in Mali.

You can be a muslim and make a career in USA .
Are you Algerian or Moroccan origin French.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
What kind of message does it send to people such as Niloofar Rahmani, who risked her life as an helicopter pilot and just requested asylum in USA ?
Yes. I agree Trump should make a strict screening process for these kind of guys.

However 2 face Musalman who abuse Americans behind their back for their "ummah" but still want US Visa must be blacklisted forever.

Here i am talking about Indian subcontinent. Azam khan SP neta often abuse Americans for the mess in Islamic world so US did a good job humiliating him at Airport now Trump should blacklist such people including Shahrukh Khan who never uttered a word against Pakistan the biggest exporter of Jihad.

IMO this category includes 90% World Islam.


What is your opinion about such people ?
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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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And what does such a ban achieve except sending the wrong message to all the translators, soldiers, pilots, civilians in war-torn muslim countries who are working with Americans ? What kind of message does it send to people such as Niloofar Rahmani, who risked her life as an helicopter pilot and just requested asylum in USA ?
Though refugees haven't been linked to a terror attack in the US, there are reports that ISIS has successfully infiltrated the ranks of refugees in Europe and have been linked to terror attacks there. It sounds brutal but it's better to send boots on the ground and setup resettlement zones in Syria rather than risk bringing them over here. Withdrawing from Iraq was a bad idea, going in was a worse idea of course but the job was left unfinished. As for translators and civilians who worked with the Army, they should never have been included in the ban along with legal permanent residents which is part of the reason why the execution has been screwed up. President Bannon's agenda is not national security but white supremacy.

@tharun mind your language, no reason to be abusive.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Are you Algerian or Moroccan origin French.
Nope. I am just one of the remaining few who still believe that it is possible to live with some muslims, when they are educated and are willing to live in an open society. Those muslims who want to enforce islamic rules in France , they are my ennemies.

About Morocco, it is a wonderful country . It is infiltrated by jihadists of course like any other muslim country but nothing can break mutual friendship between Morocco and France. Also to their credit, you can say that Morocco is the only Arab country where a Jewish community survived, because it got protection from King Hassan II.

Now I am out of here ;) after all not my business if Trump kills all american credit abroad and starts trade wars with anyone in the name of "Make America" great again. It is good for Dassault, it is good for Airbus, it is good for Europe.
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Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Come on man was it not the french who started the whole liberty equality and ferternity thing to ruin the planet so the thing is coming full circle
Viva la france viva la republic
Actually French are very good people, very friendly. I've seen several of them in Rishikesh and Badrinath who lived here for months in Ashrams even after their Visa expire.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Actually French are very good people, very friendly. I've seen several of them in Rishikesh and Badrinath who lived here for months in Ashrams even after their Visa expire.
Its true that the franks as a people are great an french clture and language are the next best thing since sliced bread but diehard liberalism will screw them royally


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Grenouille tactique j'aime les idéaux de la république française honorable mais le rampage islamique actuel exige une main de fer pas des gants kiddy

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