Aftermath of Trump Victory


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Jan 12, 2017
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check out. Is america got what india have from 2004-2014.... the great manipulator:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
That's just a comedy show by a frustrated black guy....trump is not msm for sure.............
Trump treats these celebrities the way they are suppose to be treated. There arrogance is beyond all reason


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Nov 1, 2013
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Interesting to see how Trump works in coming days. His situation is very similar to Modi. MSM/Cabal/Brothelhood against both of them in their respective countries. Also challenges from supreme court. He has been impressive, I must say. He fired his AG while modi went with old bureaucracy. Modi could hv/should hv gotten a better team. Trump started doing core for his voters from day 1 while we still doing vikas mujra. He took on msm from start, while modi chose not to engage them. Though its early to say how both their strategies will pan out. Also, keeping in mind his second term, it will be interesting to see how he deals with his opposition (ofc, he will sleep in bed with them), but here I would like to see that crook MMS and sonia behind bars.(ofc, thats too much to ask:doh:). Anyway, both have got impressive mandate, lets see how they do. So far, Modi hasnt done anything worthy of the almost impossible mandate he got.


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Aug 17, 2009
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Though refugees haven't been linked to a terror attack in the US, there are reports that ISIS has successfully infiltrated the ranks of refugees in Europe and have been linked to terror attacks there. It sounds brutal but it's better to send boots on the ground and setup resettlement zones in Syria rather than risk bringing them over here. Withdrawing from Iraq was a bad idea, going in was a worse idea of course but the job was left unfinished. As for translators and civilians who worked with the Army, they should never have been included in the ban along with legal permanent residents which is part of the reason why the execution has been screwed up. President Bannon's agenda is not national security but white supremacy.

@tharun mind your language, no reason to be abusive.
IS there link /proof to it that "Bannon's" agenda is white supremacy or its just hearsay

In between all this below may de-rail thread but all this shit started with big dady going for Iraq..But still it was error

But then why did Europe specially France went for libya post tunisa/egypt spring specially orchestrating revolution in libya/egypt

And this same france didn`t supported BIg daddy`s mission in iraq.. ISnt that strange

Has all this non-sens started none of things had happened today


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Interesting to see how Trump works in coming days. His situation is very similar to Modi. MSM/Cabal/Brothelhood against both of them in their respective countries. Also challenges from supreme court. He has been impressive, I must say. He fired his AG while modi went with old bureaucracy. Modi could hv/should hv gotten a better team. Trump started doing core for his voters from day 1 while we still doing vikas mujra. He took on msm from start, while modi chose not to engage them. Though its early to say how both their strategies will pan out. Also, keeping in mind his second term, it will be interesting to see how he deals with his opposition (ofc, he will sleep in bed with them), but here I would like to see that crook MMS and sonia behind bars.(ofc, thats too much to ask:doh:). Anyway, both have got impressive mandate, lets see how they do. So far, Modi hasnt done anything worthy of the almost impossible mandate he got.

First SC of America is at present republican leaning.most of judjes that has been appointed to SC are republican leaning appointed by republican majority senate

second that AG was Obama appointe who in way was going to be replaced

She was fired because she asked lawyers from justice department not to stand for gov point of view in courts


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
First SC of America is at present republican leaning.most of judjes that has been appointed to SC are republican leaning appointed by republican majority senate

second that AG was Obama appointe who in way was going to be replaced

She was fired because she asked lawyers from justice department not to stand for gov point of view in courts
Doesn't matter. The judges do tend to be independent as judiciary should be independent of the executive and the legislative branches. Notice how the Bush appointed judge from Washington state put a restraining order on Trump's temporary immigration ban.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Doesn't matter. The judges do tend to be independent as judiciary should be independent of the executive and the legislative branches. Notice how the Bush appointed judge from Washington state put a restraining order on Trump's temporary immigration ban.
OK but then why does democrat or republican fight so much to get either democract or republican leaning judge in SC/HC of USA ????

IF judjes are netural then why didn`t obama went for gun control in US

What i read is that he feared a republican leaning SC would threw its gun control law


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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IS there link /proof to it that "Bannon's" agenda is white supremacy or its just hearsay

In between all this below may de-rail thread but all this shit started with big dady going for Iraq..But still it was error

But then why did Europe specially France went for libya post tunisa/egypt spring specially orchestrating revolution in libya/egypt

And this same france didn`t supported BIg daddy`s mission in iraq.. ISnt that strange

Has all this non-sens started none of things had happened today
Nothing strange about France not getting involved in Iraq, but got involved in Libya, Tunisia etc.

French believe North Africa in particular and Africa in general as their playground. Most of their colonies were African, while Brits focused on Asia in those days.


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Dec 25, 2015
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Facebook Shareholders Want a Replacement For Mark Zuckerberg From Board of Directors

Denisse Moreno
International Business TimesFebruary 6, 2017

Fake news sites appearing on Facebook and Google have come under heavy scrutiny after Donald Trump’s win, but his supporters fear a war on these sites will lead to censorship of conservative news outlets.

VentureBeat." class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" data-type="text" data-reactid="29">Facebook is allegedly being pressured by a group of shareholders to remove CEO Mark Zuckerberg from the board of directors, according to a proposal obtained by VentureBeat.

The shareowners want Zuckerberg, who has been on the board since 2012, to be replaced by an independent chairperson.

proposal stated." class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" data-type="text" data-reactid="34">“We believe the combination of these two roles in a single person weakens a corporation’s governance, which can harm shareholder value,” the proposal stated.

VentureBeat." class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" data-type="text" data-reactid="36">The removing Zuckerberg as Facebook CEO proposal claims an independent chairperson would do a better to “oversee the executives of the company, improve corporate governance, and set a more accountable, pro-shareholder agenda,” according to VentureBeat.

political aspirations were revealed in December 2016." class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" data-type="text" data-reactid="37">The revealed proposal comes after a lawsuit brought by Facebook shareholders against the board, which were accused of not representing investors’ interests when agreeing to Zuckerberg’s proposed stock plan. Zuckerberg, who holds a majority share of voting Facebook stock, wanted to be able to sell his shares to fund his philanthropic efforts, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, without losing control of the company. He then proposed the creation of a new class of shares for himself that would still let him stay in control of the company. The committee ended up agreeing to Zuckerberg's plan. It was in that lawsuit that Zuckerberg’s political aspirations were revealed in December 2016.

The recent proposal cites the lawsuit involving the new structure approved by Facebook last year as an imbalance of power.

The proposal states:

“In our view, shareholder value is enhanced by an independent board chair who can provide a balance of power between the CEO and the board and support strong board leadership. Independent board leadership is sorely needed at Facebook following the board’s decision in 2016 to approve a new capital structure which reduced the rights of Class A shareholders without requiring a majority vote of those shareholders.”" class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" data-type="text" data-reactid="40">“In our view, shareholder value is enhanced by an independent board chair who can provide a balance of power between the CEO and the board and support strong board leadership. Independent board leadership is sorely needed at Facebook following the board’s decision in 2016 to approve a new capital structure which reduced the rights of Class A shareholders without requiring a majority vote of those shareholders.”

Having someone serve as both CEO and chairperson is not abnormal for companies. Tesla, IBM, Amazon, Netflix and other companies have one person for both positions. Also, it will be hard to get Zuckerberg off the board of directors, since he in one of the biggest shareholders and could strike down the proposal easily with other investors.


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2017
most Indian Muslims dont join schools they join madarsa , study koran , hadees & then go to gulf countries for low level job .
there are muslim scientists but that is rare .
Yep, and we certainly did not have a muslim president who was a scientist.:devil:


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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so according to Google .....................Right wing = fascism ?? :daru::daru::daru::daru:
Dean Klementzos.jpg


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Dec 25, 2015
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Call was, more likely asking military advice about China, based on fucking over their currency manipulation.

Trump reportedly called his national security advisor at 3 a.m. to ask if the US wants a strong or weak dollar
Bob BryanFeb 8, 2017, 06.30 PM
President Donald Trump called National Security Advisor Mike Flynn at 3 a.m. to ask about the economic impact of a strong US dollar, according to a report from the Huffington Post.

HuffPo's SV Date and Christina Wilke, citing sources with knowledge of the conversation, reported that Trump asked Flynn if the strong dollar was good or bad for the US economy during the early morning phone call. According to the sources, Flynn said he was not sure and that Trump should ask an economist instead.

The Huffington Post said neither Flynn's office nor the White House responded to their request for confirmation of the call. The White House did not immediately return a request for comment from Business Insider.

Trump and his team have generally said that the stronger dollar, which strengthened significantly against other major currencies after the election but has since given back some of its gains, has been a negative for the US economy.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Trump said that the strong dollar is "killing us."

"Our companies can't compete with [Chinese companies] now because our currency is too strong. And it's killing us," Trump told the Journal.

Additionally, Trump's Treasury secretary pick, Steven Mnuchin, said in written responses that while the stronger dollar is generally good for the US because it represents "faith that investors have in doing business in America," but that the current strength of the dollar could have "negative short-term implications on the economy."

Recently, Trump's team has attacked China and Germany for what they believe are improper tactics to devalue their currencies against the dollar.

Generally, a strong dollar is good for American consumers because it makes it cheaper for people to buy foreign made products, it can also hurt US-based producers that export their goods since those goods become more expensive in other countries.

The US dollar index is little changed on Wednesday, higher by 0.3% at 100.50.


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Dec 25, 2015
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Swedish veteran cop rants about immigrant crimes on Facebook, ignites nationwide row
Published time: 7 Feb, 2017 14:38
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© Reuters
A Swedish police investigator triggered a media tsunami with a Facebook post linking violent crimes with immigrants. Peter Springare received an outpouring of support from fellow officers and common Swedes, as well as some accusations of racism.
Springare is a senior investigator at the serious crimes division at the Örebro Police Department with 47 years under his belt. In the Saturday post he said what he was going to say would not be politically correct and that saying such things could harm an officer’s position or pay grade, but he was about to retire and didn’t care.

“Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment,” he wrote.

Read more
Swedish police accused of covering up sexual assaults committed by refugees at music festival
“Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again. Christopher… what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again,” he added.

The post goes on to identify the origins of the suspects.

“Countries representing all the crimes this week: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity.”

The post steered waves in Sweden and has since received over 36,000 ‘likes’ and 16,000 ‘shares’ by Tuesday. People supporting Springare’s words started a group on Facebook with over 75,000 members. Among the people voicing support of the opinion were fellow police officers, both serving and retired.

According to news website Nyheter Idag, the police station where Springare works received at least 60 bouquets of flowers addressed to him on Monday – a “bloombomb” from admirers.

— Cali (@MillisVIVII) February 6, 2017
Others were not happy with the investigator’s remark, calling him right-wing or even racist. The post was referred to the special prosecutors’ office, which handles crimes involving law enforcement, to see whether it violated police regulations, according to Swedish media.

National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson said that it was important to distinguish what an officer does in the line of duty and outside of it.

“When he acts in his professional capacity, he should be extremely careful with issues of ethnicity. If he wants to talk about the problems of crime among immigrants in his spare time, he has freedom of expression like any other,” he told P4 Extra radio, adding that he knows Springare as a “very good person.”

In a second post, Springare denied accusations of right-wing sympathies.

“If you can't discuss the problem of crime among immigrants without somebody attributing it to racist propaganda, we are in deep trouble,” he said. “The problem is that nobody wants to talk about this.”

Establishing facts about how crime rates correlate with perpetrators belonging to the immigrant community is not the same thing as branding all immigrants criminals, Springare said explaining his position.

READ MORE: Swedish police lose control amid refugee crisis as number of 'no-go zones' rises to 55

Swedish police reportedly has significant problems tackling crime in some parts of the country. There are allegedly at least 55 areas in Sweden, where the law cannot be fully upheld, which are dubbed ‘no-go zones’ by the media.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
OK but then why does democrat or republican fight so much to get either democract or republican leaning judge in SC/HC of USA ????

IF judjes are netural then why didn`t obama went for gun control in US

What i read is that he feared a republican leaning SC would threw its gun control law
For judgements on gray areas, relating to abortion on demand and gun rights.

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