Aftermath of Trump Victory


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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I am just highlighting the hypocrisy the left and libtards show today. Trump getting elected is quite the 'fuck you' to these douches. The entertainment is unhinged.. loving it
It is a natural reaction, when the pendulum swings to much to one side (libs) it will eventually swing excessively to the other side. Now is that time.
This ofc doesn't mean Trump is the saviour of the USA.

Yes, it is a fun show. Love it, actually.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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@pmaitra @Project Dharma @ezsasa @alphacentury @OrangeFlorian @Tarun Kumar @Ancient Indian @Nicky G @Bahamut @Tactical Frog

So these are some of the Trump policies from last couple of weeks. (Note: Not an exhaustive list, perhaps)

1. The wall.
2. Temporary visa ban for certain countries.
3. Withdrawal from TPP.
4. "One-China policy" bargaining chip
5. Shifting embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
6. Doubling H1B visa salary requirenment (not a trump policy per se but lets discuss that too.)
7. Comments on EU and East Asian allies regarding a supposed one-sided protection offered by america and hinting at increased renumerations.
8. Also interesting in the context of the last couple of years is the perceived or real support trump receives from White supremacists. (Note: Apparently KKK has started a recruitment drive in N. Carolina and Maine.) Also Trump's general anti-immigrant stance, considering that there are about 40 million legal immigrants and over ten million illegal immigrants.

Please discuss these policies wrt their effects on America, the neigborhood, the world, economy etc.
As many points as you can. The aim is to gather info.

@pmaitra Maybe it is time to start a new thread perhaps call it American Foreign policy or Trump Policies etc or if not we can continue here too. I'm fine with both, but just mentioning it.

You can quote this post to give your opinion on the points as shown below.
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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@pmaitra @Project Dharma @ezsasa @alphacentury @OrangeFlorian @Tarun Kumar @Ancient Indian @Nicky G @Bahamut

So these are some of the Trump policies from last couple of weeks. (Note: Not an exhaustive list, perhaps)

1. The wall.
2. Temporary visa ban for certain countries.
3. Withdrawal from TPP.
4. "One-China policy" bargaining chip
5. Shifting embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
6. Doubling H1B visa salary requirenment (not a trump policy per se but lets discuss that too.)
7. Comments on EU and East Asian allies regarding a supposed one-sided protection offered by america and hinting at increased renumerations.
8. Also interesting in the context of the last couple of years is the perceived or real support trump receives from White supremacists. (Note: Apparently KKK has started a recruitment drive in N. Carolina and Maine.) Also Trump's general anti-immigrant stance, considering that there are about 40 million legal immigrants and over ten million illegal immigrants.

Please discuss these policies wrt their effects on America, the neigborhood, the world, economy etc.
As many points as you can. The aim is to gather info.

@pmaitra Maybe it is time to start a new thread perhaps call it American Foreign policy or Trump Policies etc or if not we can continue here too. I'm fine with both, but just mentioning it.

You can quote this post to give your opinion on the points as shown below.
1. Seems useless to me. Most illegals don't just jump the fence. But perhaps these is some wisdom to it. Will wait and watch.
But narcotics they come through tunnels and other means, wall is not going to help in that regards. Additionally american money is deeply involved in narcotics and arms smuggling in Mexico.
OTOH the wall is sure going to worsen relations with mexico and soften mexico for america's enemies (CHN, RUS)

2. Makes less sense since the countries seem to be ones from which no terrorists have come to the US via immigration, over the last couple of decades. I think this is a move which trump took to make himself look tough for his voter base.

3. Reduces confidence East asian allies have in the US. Softens east asians for china. Already PHP slipping away. US clout reduction.

4. I think what trump is aiming here is to seem unpredictable in front of china and therefore put china off-balance a bit and open way for concessions when dealing with CCP. I think it is a good move.

5. No tangible benefit for america afaik. Will strain america's relations with other ME nations and therefore affect (negatively) america's geopolitical clout in the region.

6. Not a good move for america, in the short/medium term.

7. Ridiculous comments. If america is "protecting" its EU and EA allies it is because it receives a certain geopolitical clout from it. Removing its presence from these regions opens the door for RUS and CHN.

8. Trump's stance and statements seem to be worsening the ethnic-conflict situation in the US. And it seems "police brutality" will get stronger.


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
1. I have issues with the wall since people have to pay for it
2. A temporary visa ban wasn't given to enough of the right countries
3. The TPP is not real free trade since it doesn't leave decisions up to individual citizens and entrepeneurs about who to do business with but instead up to government regulators
4. More pressure needs to be put on china lest it start abusing its own power and expanding across the Pacific


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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@Dovah @Project Dharma @pmaitra

Guys yesterday I was just going through some folders on my pc and I saw Transformers 3: Dark of the moon movie on it (Note: Don't judge me)
So I decided to quickly skim through it.
And suddenly wtf
The aliens use Trump Towers as their HQ for taking over the world and enslaving humanity (again don't judge me, I'm kinda of a transformers fan)

Coincidence?? I think not.

Transformers is the shit dude. The first movie was awesome.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Lol the countries he has targeted are soft targets. Real masterminds are in Riyadh and Rawalpindi. Rawalpindi will blackmail about nuke sale to avoid being banned. Result will be that every muslim country will now look to acquire nukes and missiles. That someone can be so stupid is beyond comprehension. He has already threatened high tariffs on Mexico which willl gut the mexican middle class which will bring the drug gangs right at the heart of mexican power structure. Result will be dozens of hostile Russian boomers parked along mexico coast paid for by US drug consumers. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he is turning out to be very bad for US and very bad for India as well.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Let's discuss these here. We can fork a separate thread for H1B once the bill is passed. That bill is from California Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, a Democrat, so it might not be an aftermath of Trump's victory.

Regarding percentage of H1B, here is a news: Indians got 86% of the H1B visas for tech firms issued by the US in 2014
Considering H1B's as the work permit for highly skilled foreign workers, the idea of moving away from the lottery based permits to allowing highest pay ones getting preference is logical.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Considering H1B's as the work permit for highly skilled foreign workers, the idea of moving away from the lottery based permits to allowing highest pay ones getting preference is logical.
I haven't had the opportunity to read the original text of the bill. This bill has been in the works since before Trump was elected. I think there is a requirement for H1B holders to have a Master's Degree.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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I haven't had the opportunity to read the original text of the bill. This bill has been in the works since before Trump was elected. I think there is a requirement for H1B holders to have a Master's Degree.
The master's degree part has been dropped. You can't anyway measure skill with a degree. Money is a more normalized method ;-)


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
The master's degree part has been dropped. You can't anyway measure skill with a degree. Money is a more normalized method ;-)
It is just a bill. It will be debated and probably modified. That is why I would like to wait for it to get passed.

I personally feel that a degree from a US university gives the prospective employer more confidence in that person over a person with a degree from India. I don't see a university degree as a measure of what skills one has (We have certifications for that.). I see it as a measure of how good the person is in learning new technologies and being able to solve problems. I also see that many people who come to the US via our run-off-the-mill IT companies tend to downplay the importance of a US degree. Usually, these people have nothing more than a Bachelor's Degree from some nondescript Indian college. However, Indians who have an MS or MBA from a US university don't think that way.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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1. The wall.
2. Temporary visa ban for certain countries.
3. Withdrawal from TPP.
4. "One-China policy" bargaining chip
5. Shifting embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
6. Doubling H1B visa salary requirenment (not a trump policy per se but lets discuss that too.)
7. Comments on EU and East Asian allies regarding a supposed one-sided protection offered by america and hinting at increased renumerations.
8. Also interesting in the context of the last couple of years is the perceived or real support trump receives from White supremacists. (Note: Apparently KKK has started a recruitment drive in N. Carolina and Maine.) Also Trump's general anti-immigrant stance, considering that there are about 40 million legal immigrants and over ten million illegal immigrants.
1. Waste of money better spent making E-verify mandatory and cracking down on employers. Also better technology for border security.

2. Unclear what security measures are they going to take to make terrorist attacks unlikely. I'm afraid they might end up not improving the security and stirring the hornet's nest with this ban. Banning greencard holders (rescinded now) or even implying that they have the power to do so is dangerous though.

3. Don't know much about it, but it has all the right people ruffled. I'm not pro globalization myself so I'll cautiously support it for now.

4. About time, we should be done letting the Chinese push us around.

5. Hope he knows what he is doing, we're probably painting a big target on our backs for the Muslims.

6. Yes! End cheap offshoring now, it will benefit India as well in the long term by forcing them to become a knowledge based economy although the initial shock might be there.

7. Don't know much

8. Yes, very disturbing. Also Sessions has the biggest number of white supremacist followers among ANY senator. Bannon on his team is very very disturbing and many are saying that he is the one pulling the strings.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
1. Waste of money better spent making E-verify mandatory and cracking down on employers. Also better technology for border security.

2. Unclear what security measures are they going to take to make terrorist attacks unlikely. I'm afraid they might end up not improving the security and stirring the hornet's nest with this ban. Banning greencard holders (rescinded now) or even implying that they have the power to do so is dangerous though.

3. Don't know much about it, but it has all the right people ruffled. I'm not pro globalization myself so I'll cautiously support it for now.

4. About time, we should be done letting the Chinese push us around.

5. Hope he knows what he is doing, we're probably painting a big target on our backs for the Muslims.

6. Yes! End cheap offshoring now, it will benefit India as well in the long term by forcing them to become a knowledge based economy although the initial shock might be there.

7. Don't know much

8. Yes, very disturbing. Also Sessions has the biggest number of white supremacist followers among ANY senator. Bannon on his team is very very disturbing and many are saying that he is the one pulling the strings.
Thank you. Very well said.

On point 6, I would have said the same thing, but I would have probably also faced brickbats. :)

Coming to point 8, I hope Trump manages to keep the white supremacists under tabs. We don't want more Dylan Roofs around.


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2014
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1. Waste of money better spent making E-verify mandatory and cracking down on employers. Also better technology for border security.

2. Unclear what security measures are they going to take to make terrorist attacks unlikely. I'm afraid they might end up not improving the security and stirring the hornet's nest with this ban. Banning greencard holders (rescinded now) or even implying that they have the power to do so is dangerous though.

3. Don't know much about it, but it has all the right people ruffled. I'm not pro globalization myself so I'll cautiously support it for now.

4. About time, we should be done letting the Chinese push us around.

5. Hope he knows what he is doing, we're probably painting a big target on our backs for the Muslims.

6. Yes! End cheap offshoring now, it will benefit India as well in the long term by forcing them to become a knowledge based economy although the initial shock might be there.

7. Don't know much

8. Yes, very disturbing. Also Sessions has the biggest number of white supremacist followers among ANY senator. Bannon on his team is very very disturbing and many are saying that he is the one pulling the strings.
But where is 45% import duty on china....? I think trump won't do it


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Trump Nominates Gorsuch To Supreme Court - Full Event

Opposition to "judicial activism"
In a 2005 speech at Case Western Reserve University, Gorsuch said that judges should strive

"to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be—not to decide cases based on their own moral convictions or the policy consequences they believe might serve society best."[42]

Judge Neil Gorsuch is from Colorado. Interestingly, I was in Colorado on the day of Trump's inauguration. My car, along with few other cars, were blocked by a large crowd protesting against Trump.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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@pmaitra @Project Dharma

For 6. the reason I said it is not a good move for the US in short/medium term is because I'm not sure americans can suddenly replace tens of thousands of skilled-worker immigrants in the short-medium terms. Additionally I think there'll be a big drop in number of students going to the US because majority go for "higher studies" to get a green card &/or work visa. Otherwise it is a good move for america.
Ofc this is all assuming that the bill will pass, which I think it will.

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