Aftermath of Trump Victory

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Trump captured a large chunk of Bernie supporters in the rust belt.

Last week, I came back from a two week road trip across the mid-west and the mountains. I did speak with a few people. I clearly saw people were leaning towards Trump. I have personally spoken to a person collecting garbage at a rest area in West Virginia who voted for Trump. I also personally know an Associate Director of a major pharmaceutical company who voted for Trump. Trump's support is much more diverse than it is portrayed in the media.

P.S.: Will post some pictures later.
You're right, his votebase is definitely diverse, I don't think he captured enough traditional Republican votes to win the election. The garbage collector you mentioned would probably be a Democratic voter if they hadn't put up the worst candidate in recent history up for election. The Director is probably more of the rich traditional Republican votebase.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Amid protests and legal challenges over President Trump’s immigration order, the White House also found itself on the defensive this weekend about a normally routine statement about International Holocaust Remembrance Day that drew criticism and scorn.

The statement released on Friday failed to mention Jews or anti-Semitism, something that past presidential statements had done without fail.

Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, defended the language in a Sunday interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” telling the host, Chuck Todd, “I don’t regret the words.”

Mr. Priebus continued, “I mean, everyone’s suffering in the Holocaust including obviously, all of the Jewish people affected and the miserable genocide that occurred — it’s something that we consider to be extraordinarily sad.”


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Terror infested countries ? He can add France right now then. We are a terror infested country with several hundreds of Isis active trained terrorists. Gods know how many sympathizers. Now how is he legally going to proceed ? Blocking all French passengers
with a muslim name like Zinedine Zidane ?
Ah don't forget Sweden and Italy.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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I think there is a lot of prejudice in the way media portrays an average Trump voter. The presumption that Trump voters need to "get a better education" is a myth that has been propagated for a very long time, and I blame mainstream media for this. Personally, I feel that a big proportion of college educated people who voted for Hillary are from political and arts fields. I may be wrong. I think I am quite correct in assuming that people who actually believe in working to get paid, as opposed to being on benefits, would more likely vote for a Republican.
They are just Trump bhakts.

People thinking Trump won because lack of other good candidates are wrong. He didnt just win, he won big. Any other candidate wouldnt have achieved that. His overt character is deliberate/facade or is natural, I dont know. But, he is not stupid/novice as people think of him.

On jan 20 he filed for 2020 reelection. Now, every organisation, media etc will not just deal with him as prez but also prez candidate for 2020, and will keep in mind not just coming 4 years, but possible 8 years. His opponents within his party will eventually submit to him too. His power will only grow with time.



Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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what do you all think about cambridge analytica's claims about Trump win & Brexit?


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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@Dovah @Project Dharma @pmaitra

Guys yesterday I was just going through some folders on my pc and I saw Transformers 3: Dark of the moon movie on it (Note: Don't judge me)
So I decided to quickly skim through it.
And suddenly wtf
The aliens use Trump Towers as their HQ for taking over the world and enslaving humanity (again don't judge me, I'm kinda of a transformers fan)

Coincidence?? I think not.



Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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I would let Iranians come in. I don't see what the problem with Iran is.
I think it is about geopolitics because if it was about terrorists, then PAK and KSA would be 1st and 2nd on the list. They aren't even on the list though.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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@Dovah @Project Dharma @pmaitra

Guys yesterday I was just going through some folders on my pc and I saw Transformers 3: Dark of the moon movie on it (Note: Don't judge me)
So I decided to quickly skim through it.
And suddenly wtf
The aliens use Trump Towers as their HQ for taking over the world and enslaving humanity (again don't judge me, I'm kinda of a transformers fan)

Coincidence?? I think not.

That's funny.

Have you seen this?
It effectively ruined one of my favorite movies from childhood


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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I think @Spectribution does not quite understand the concept of Green Card. I agree with @Project Dharma. Green Card is a slang term which officially means the status of a Permanent (Legal) Resident of the United States.

The only difference between a citizen and a permanent resident is (1) the former gets to vote, and (2) the former has to attend jury duty. There is no other difference.
I think permanent residents can be deported if required, but not citizens.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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No it is not, you are not familiar with immigration law then. Greencard holders are basically on a track to citizenship. They have all the same rights and protections as citizens EXCEPT for the right to vote. They have also gone through a long vetting process while obtaining the greencard.

Wow, so be voiceless slaves? Everything about your post and your support for people who loath our kind suggests an inferiority complex from the Indian colonian hangover. White supremacists can suck a juicy sausage, I'm not shutting up, they can try to make me if they want.
When I was in the US I was actively preparing for SHTF scenario for a while :)
Had bug-out bags, locations, a ton of canned food, MREs, filters, knives and stuff. Of course couldn't get firearms or ammo but still it was kinda cool. You got anything like that going on? It might be useful :D

I learned that there is only one (legal) way for non-citizens to get firearms: Obtain a hunter's license. But I decided not to go for it. Anyway since you are a citizen, no worries for you in that dept.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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When I was in the US I was actively preparing for SHTF scenario for a while :)
Had bug-out bags, locations, a ton of canned food, MREs, filters, knives and stuff. Of course couldn't get firearms or ammo but still it was kinda cool. You got anything like that going on? It might be useful :D

I learned that there is only one (legal) way for non-citizens to get firearms: Obtain a hunter's license. But I decided not to go for it. Anyway since you are a citizen, no worries for you in that dept.
I told you about my firearms, I just have handguns and a shotgun though because I live in California and the laws are very anti gun ownership. I do know of a Sikh guy who is my brother in law's friend who basically has a war chest in home full of California illegal weapons.

For food, I have a bunch of Soylent that should last a few months. I also have the supplies to make my own. It's not for a SHTF scenario but I have it already and it will do the job if required.

Basically my guns are more for the earthquake and no law enforcement scenario. If shit gets so bad with Trump that it comes to civilians fighting it out with guns, we're fucked. Nobody can fight against the US Army :(


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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I told you about my firearms, I just have handguns and a shotgun though because I live in California and the laws are very anti gun ownership. I do know of a Sikh guy who is my brother in law's friend who basically has a war chest in home full of California illegal weapons.

For food, I have a bunch of Soylent that should last a few months. I also have the supplies to make my own. It's not for a SHTF scenario but I have it already and it will do the job if required.

Basically my guns are more for the earthquake and no law enforcement scenario. If shit gets so bad with Trump that it comes to civilians fighting it out with guns, we're fucked. Nobody can fight against the US Army :(
How about Vietnamese :)

Haven't you guys already gone through similar situations.

For eg: 1992 Los Angeles riots from your state, had a clear ethnic angle to it imho.
And the Asian american communities like koreans got together with their firearms to protect their homes from looting and stuff.
Ofc US Army is gonna be another level.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
When I was in the US I was actively preparing for SHTF scenario for a while :)
Had bug-out bags, locations, a ton of canned food, MREs, filters, knives and stuff. Of course couldn't get firearms or ammo but still it was kinda cool. You got anything like that going on? It might be useful :D

I learned that there is only one (legal) way for non-citizens to get firearms: Obtain a hunter's license. But I decided not to go for it. Anyway since you are a citizen, no worries for you in that dept.
You don't have to be a US citizen to legally own guns. Just go get a CCP. This may vary from state to state. I know for a fact that in North Carolina, you could legally own a gun as long as you are a legal resident.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@Dovah @Project Dharma @pmaitra

Guys yesterday I was just going through some folders on my pc and I saw Transformers 3: Dark of the moon movie on it (Note: Don't judge me)
So I decided to quickly skim through it.
And suddenly wtf
The aliens use Trump Towers as their HQ for taking over the world and enslaving humanity (again don't judge me, I'm kinda of a transformers fan)

Coincidence?? I think not.

The All-Seeing Simpsons Predicted Donald Trump’s Presidency in 2000


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Trump sacks defiant acting attorney general

Donald Trump has fired the acting US attorney general, after she questioned the legality of his immigration ban.

Sally Yates, who had been appointed under Barack Obama, earlier ordered justice department lawyers not to enforce the president's executive order.

Dana Boente, US attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, replaced her as acting attorney general.

He has directed the department to enforce Mr Trump's order.

In a statement, the White House said Ms Yates had "betrayed" the department.

Mr Trump's order temporarily banned nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US, and sparked street protests in the US and abroad.

In a letter, Ms Yates had said she was "not convinced" that the president's order was lawful.

"As long as I am the acting attorney general, the department of justice will not present arguments in defence of the Executive Order," she said.

Within hours, the White House announced: "President Trump relieved Ms Yates of her duties."

She had "betrayed the department of justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States", a statement from the press secretary said.
White House statement on acting attorney general
(CNN) From the White House: Statement on the Appointment of Dana Boente as Acting Attorney General

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals travelling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.

Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.

"I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected," said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.
This is heating up. The fired acting Attorney General is an Obama Administration remnant. On the other hand, the Attorney General nominee, Jeff Sessions, is still unconfirmed. The longer he remains unconfirmed, the longer the Obama remnants get to call shots. Trump had to fire the defiant acting Attorney General. Considering the ban is temporary, I think the Congress should focus on confirming Jeff Session and legislate a new bill that would enforce proper vetting.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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He wanted to ban Muslims but knew he couldn't do that legally, so he took this list of seven countries and put restrictions in place.

Knowing Obama, it's hardly surprising Saudi and Paki weren't in the list. Trump will likely add them or get some serious concessions to not put them in the list.

The places he has banned are where the refugees are coming from and the ban list was created by obama administration he is simply following it and maybe he'll add porkistan into it as well.
True, people seem to miss this point. This is the first step.

If trump continues to play hardball politics, it wouldn't be long before India will be in his crosshairs on some issues.

Better be prepared for that.. one of the issues could be pharma.
It's inevitable. US still holds the trump (pun intended) card in most matters. We'll just need to do the best we can.

We should try to ensure maximum damage to our enemies while the Trumparator is loose.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Trump is the best thing to have happened to 'Merica' and to the Western world, You don't have to agree with some or any of his policies, just be happy atleast 1 guy has the balls to stand up for what he actually believes in. The libtards of today are just spoiled, intolerant, racist pricks living in an alternate reality. It is these same libtards who defecate openly on all democratic values of freedom of thought, speech etc while the humble, naive and gullible trump supporters are the better behaved group of people.

What the fuck are these bitches on about?

Every nation has the right to decide who is allowed into their country. If Trump decides to ban people coming in temporarily from active Terror infested countries till internal policies on vetting are addressed, then so be it. Pak will also join the list shortly. This also doesn't mean this will be a permanent ban, there are many countries in the middle east where it is Haram to be a Israeli and many countries from the middle east are permanently banned from entering Israel.

Trump is here to stay for 8 years, people will be more than happy once they see more jobs, lower taxes and less illegal immigrants.

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