Aftermath of Trump Victory

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Merkel says fight against terrorism no excuse for U.S. entry ban

German Chancellor Angela Merkel at Bellevue Castle in Berlin, Germany January 27, 2017. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt

Click link to read full article.

Commentary: Frau Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkelovskaya is essentially saying, "I got carnage, you should also get carnage." :crazy:
I stand with Merkel . You are not going to stop carnage in Europe with airtight borders. What do we do with the millions of muslim citizens and legal residents already in Europe ? Americans, carnage is what whey have week after week without any terrorist involved. That carnage will only get bigger under Trump.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Tactical Frog, Merkel is wrong in admitting lot of immigrants without proper verification. She did similar to what leftists and so called liberals did in India by admitting millions of muslim refugees from BD/Myanmar. And see how they are harassing non muslims(the very people who welcomed refugees) in the states of India where they were given refuge. Arab and his Camel story is actually a description on how ungrateful muslim refugees spread and occupy, by taking advantage of gullibility of host.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Tactical Frog, Merkel is wrong in admitting lot of immigrants without proper verification. She did similar to what leftists and so called liberals did in India by admitting millions of muslim refugees from BD/Myanmar. And see how they are harassing non muslims(the very people who welcomed refugees) in the states of India where they were given refuge. Arab and his Camel story is actually a description on how ungrateful muslim refugees spread and occupy, by taking advantage of gullibility of host.
Verifying the story of people seeking refugee asylum is a complicate task .When people come from war torn countries such as Syria or Iraq, authorities assume their reasons to flee the countries are good. Obviously the number of terrorists that Isis has been able to sneak into Europe has been very low so far, otherwise Germany would be already devastated by civil war ! We are talking about a small number of individuals.

If you look at the Berlin Christmas market attack , the terrorist was known as dangerous and a threat long before the attack happened. There has been a failure of security and administrative procedures in his case. And he was not from any of the seven countries Trump just targetted btw, but a Tunisian !

By Trump logic every Muslim is a threat and he will soon find himself in the uncomfortable position of having to ban Indonesians and Turks as well . Does Trump know about the giant muslim community in India yet ?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I stand with Merkel . You are not going to stop carnage in Europe with airtight borders. What do we do with the millions of muslim citizens and legal residents already in Europe ? Americans, carnage is what whey have week after week without any terrorist involved. That carnage will only get bigger under Trump.
Merkel commented on Trump's executive order. Merkel has jurisdiction over Germany's immigration policy. Merkel has no jurisdiction over USA's immigration policy. I must say, Merkel should have ZERO jurisdiction over EU's immigration policy, but apparently, she holds sway.

You say what to do with Muslim citizens in Europe? I don't know. Neither did Trump comment on them. He did however suggest Merkel put a stop to this indiscriminate immigration. When we are talking about immigration, we are talking about immigrants, not citizens. Ultimately, it is up to Merkel what she does with Germany. For the rest of Europe, the sooner they learn to override and ignore her irrational decisions, the better. I think some Eastern European countries are already ignoring her.

Verifying the story of people seeking refugee asylum is a complicate task .When people come from war torn countries such as Syria or Iraq, authorities assume their reasons to flee the countries are good. Obviously the number of terrorists that Isis has been able to sneak into Europe has been very low so far, otherwise Germany would be already devastated by civil war ! We are talking about a small number of individuals.

If you look at the Berlin Christmas market attack , the terrorist was known as dangerous and a threat long before the attack happened. There has been a failure of security and administrative procedures in his case. And he was not from any of the seven countries Trump just targetted btw, but a Tunisian !

By Trump logic every Muslim is a threat and he will soon find himself in the uncomfortable position of having to ban Indonesians and Turks as well . Does Trump know about the giant muslim community in India yet ?
Trump's logic is simple. No immigration from terror infested countries until the Congress figures out a process of extreme vetting. This is not the same thing as what you claim, that every Muslim is a threat. Personally, I'd have liked him to target Saudi Arabia, so, I do not completely endorse this move.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Verifying the story of people seeking refugee asylum is a complicate task .When people come from war torn countries such as Syria or Iraq, authorities assume their reasons to flee the countries are good. Obviously the number of terrorists that Isis has been able to sneak into Europe has been very low so far, otherwise Germany would be already devastated by civil war ! We are talking about a small number of individuals.

If you look at the Berlin Christmas market attack , the terrorist was known as dangerous and a threat long before the attack happened. There has been a failure of security and administrative procedures in his case. And he was not from any of the seven countries Trump just targetted btw, but a Tunisian !

By Trump logic every Muslim is a threat and he will soon find himself in the uncomfortable position of having to ban Indonesians and Turks as well . Does Trump know about the giant muslim community in India yet ?
Trump logic is flawed and more comprehensive banning is needed on trouble maker states, to drive home point. However make no mistake large muslims IS going to create issue for you guys. You are giving Indian example. Let me telll you from Indian experience, whereever muslims population reached critical mass in India: harassment of non muslims, killings/maiming of non muslim leaders, shariafication, call for ummah revolution, targetting of western school, islamification of education, ghettos where administration cant enter became more prominent. Your own france and your neighbor britain is also experiencing the same-slowly but surely. as these incidets increase, more strong right wing leaders across non muslim world are going to rise, very similar to the way wbc count increases when foreign body(like virus, bacteria) invades your body

raheel besharam

Regular Member
Sep 24, 2016
The places he has banned are where the refugees are coming from and the ban list was created by obama administration he is simply following it and maybe he'll add porkistan into it as well.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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Havent read all the posts, but its not muslim ban, rite? He has flagged countries on basis of terror, so all citizens of those countries are subjected to that. Now, they all turn out to be muslims, (given,the number of minorities in those countries and how they are treated) I dont think you can question Trump on that. Yes, by what logic he has selected those countries(not muslims) is questionable, since saudi is not on the list.

Also, there is a ban on israelis in few countries. No drama for that?

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Trump's logic is simple. No immigration from terror infested countries until the Congress figures out a process of extreme vetting. This is not the same thing as what you claim, that every Muslim is a threat. Personally, I'd have liked him to target Saudi Arabia, so, I do not completely endorse this move.
Terror infested countries ? He can add France right now then. We are a terror infested country with several hundreds of Isis active trained terrorists. Gods know how many sympathizers. Now how is he legally going to proceed ? Blocking all French passengers
with a muslim name like Zinedine Zidane ?


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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If trump continues to play hardball politics, it wouldn't be long before India will be in his crosshairs on some issues.

Better be prepared for that.. one of the issues could be pharma.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Terror infested countries ? He can add France right now then. We are a terror infested country with several hundreds of Isis active trained terrorists. Gods know how many sympathizers. Now how is he legally going to proceed ? Blocking all French passengers
with a muslim name like Zinedine Zidane ?
Whether France should be included in that list or not is a debate I do not wish to get into, at least right now. There is a certain level of subjectivity in these decisions.

My post was in response to your post. I don't think your interpretation of Trump's executive order is correct, and therefore, I responded.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
U.S. Travel Restrictions Put Saudi Arabia in a Bind
Monarchy’s desire to cultivate good relations with Trump administration runs counter to outcry in Muslim world over ban

The monarchy’s desire to cultivate a better relationship with the Trump administration than it had with the U.S. under Barack Obama is exposing Saudi Arabia to criticism that it is unwilling to stand up for its Muslim allies, particularly those caught in an executive order that restricts entry to the U.S. for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries.
Saudi Arabia has produced more extremists that went on to carry out attacks on U.S. soil than any of the countries directly affected by the ban. Osama bin Laden, the late head of al Qaeda, was from one of the kingdom’s most prominent business families and 15 of the 19 Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers were Saudi. Only Tunisia has contributed more foreign fighters to Islamic State, according to a 2015 study by the Soufan Group, a security consultancy.
Appearing on NBC on Sunday, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus left open the possibility that Saudi Arabia as well as Egypt and Pakistan—all close U.S. allies—could be added. But former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who helped draft the executive order, told Fox News on Saturday that Saudi Arabia wasn’t included because “it is going through a massive change,” adding, “It is not the old Saudi Arabia.”


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Trump's heartland voters shrug off global uproar over immigration ban

Many of President Donald Trump’s core political supporters had a simple message on Sunday for the fiercest opponents of his immigration ban: Calm down.
In the St. Louis suburb of Manchester, Missouri, 72-year-old Jo Ann Tieken characterized the president as bringing reason into an overheated debate.

“Somebody has to stand up, be the grown up and see what we can do better to check on people coming in,” she said. “I’m all for everybody to stop and take a breath … Just give it a chance.”
In the electoral strongholds for Trump, residents seemed nonplussed about the uproar flashing across their television screens. They shrugged off concerns about botched execution, damage to foreign relations and legal challenges across the country.
Louise Ingram, a 69-year-old retiree from Troy, Alabama, said she forgave the new administration a few "glitches," such as widespread confusion over treatment of green card holders, as it moved to protect U.S. citizens from attacks.

"I'm not opposed to immigrants," she said. "I just want to make sure they are safe to come in."
Candace Wheater, a 60-year-old retired school cafeteria worker from Spring Lake, Michigan, also referenced the attacks in Brussels and Paris.

"Look at what’s happening in Europe," she said. "I don’t dare travel there, out of fear.”
Steve Hirsch, 63, from Manassas, Virginia, drove to Washington’s Dulles airport on Sunday to pick somebody up, rather than to protest as hundreds of others did.

He said he supported Trump's order. "A country is not a country if it doesn't have borders," he added.

He lauded Trump’s actions as a calculated step toward the larger goal of tightening border security.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Terror infested countries ? He can add France right now then. We are a terror infested country with several hundreds of Isis active trained terrorists. Gods know how many sympathizers. Now how is he legally going to proceed ? Blocking all French passengers
with a muslim name like Zinedine Zidane ?
Whether France should be included in that list or not is a debate I do not wish to get into, at least right now. There is a certain level of subjectivity in these decisions.

My post was in response to your post. I don't think your interpretation of Trump's executive order is correct, and therefore, I responded.
The point is that regardless of how you feel about EU refugee policies, the EU is full of Muslims who are going to be citizens of EU countries at a future date. We have pretty liberal visa policies with the EU and it is not realistic to ban passengers from the EU without religious profiling (which is illegal). America can not put on a tin foil hat and cut itself off from the rest of the world. Even India has a large population of Muslims some of which have been known to have ISIS links.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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"Look at what’s happening in Europe," she said. "I don’t dare travel there, out of fear.”
Perfect example of a Trump voter. Fear of getting killed by a terrorist attack, fear of no longer being a majority white country, fear of being poor. No will to go out and do something about it like get a better education, better job and always pretend like the government is in control of your life.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Perfect example of a Trump voter. Fear of getting killed by a terrorist attack, fear of no longer being a majority white country, fear of being poor. No will to go out and do something about it like get a better education, better job and always pretend like the government is in control of your life.
I think there is a lot of prejudice in the way media portrays an average Trump voter. The presumption that Trump voters need to "get a better education" is a myth that has been propagated for a very long time, and I blame mainstream media for this. Personally, I feel that a big proportion of college educated people who voted for Hillary are from political and arts fields. I may be wrong. I think I am quite correct in assuming that people who actually believe in working to get paid, as opposed to being on benefits, would more likely vote for a Republican.

The other day I was getting a ride from a gentleman from my local Volkswagen dealership. He is a Trump voter. I asked him whether he was happy Trump won. He said he was happy. Then he told me a story about his brother who lives in Florida, with whom he had a conversation. I'll paraphrase, but this is what he said in essence:

I was watching the news about Florida and called my brother in the evening, worried that Hillary might take Florida. My brother said, "don't worry, the people who are working will get off work in the evening and vote for Trump, and that is when Trump will take the lead."

I don't know whether Hillary was leading early on in the day, but Florida was a close contest in the beginning and Trump eventually won it.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I think I am quite correct in assuming that people who actually believe in working to get paid, as opposed to being on benefits, would more likely vote for a Republican.
Oh I agree but as a registered Republican voter, I don't think that Trump's core vote base is the traditional Republican.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Oh I agree but as a registered Republican voter, I don't think that Trump's core vote base is the traditional Republican.
Trump captured a large chunk of Bernie supporters in the rust belt.

Last week, I came back from a two week road trip across the mid-west and the mountains. I did speak with a few people. I clearly saw people were leaning towards Trump. I have personally spoken to a person collecting garbage at a rest area in West Virginia who voted for Trump. I also personally know an Associate Director of a major pharmaceutical company who voted for Trump. Trump's support is much more diverse than it is portrayed in the media.

P.S.: Will post some pictures later.

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