Activist asks public to visit China Nobel winner's Wife


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Activist asks public to visit China Nobel wife

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese activists urged the public on Wednesday to visit dissident Liu Xiaobo's wife to highlight that she has been under house arrest since her husband won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.

Activist Hu Jia said Chinese citizens, human rights workers and foreign politicians should visit Liu Xia at her guarded Beijing apartment to help her regain freedom, a call reminiscent of the campaign to visit blind activist Chen Guangcheng in Shandong before his escape from house arrest last spring.

"This should not be permitted to happen in a civilized society," Hu said. "To rescue Liu Xia is to rescue the right of all citizens."

A Hong Kong newspaper, Mingpao, published on its website a detailed graphic Wednesday of the home's location and its surveillance "to help readers to better understand her condition under house arrest."

The Associated Press last month visited the apartment when guards apparently were on break, conducting Liu's first interview in two years. Hu and other activists brushed past a guard to visit the home last week. Hu said he hopes the success would signal the start of more visits to Liu.

"You can blame the country for her first year under house arrest and the guards for her second year. But it will be the shame of all of us citizens if she should remain in her home prison for a third year," Hu said.

Her husband is four years into an 11-year prison term for subversion for writing a manifesto calling for democracy. China's authoritarian government strongly objected to his being named the peace prize laureate in 2010, and its detention of his wife has underlined the government's determination to prevent her from becoming a spokeswoman for her detained spouse.

Hu said Liu Xia — like Chen — has been illegally deprived of personal freedom. She also faces a lonely confinement, he said.

Before Chen fled from his rural home, dozens of ordinary Chinese responded to online calls to visit him in his village of Dongshigu, where he and his family were kept confined by police and thugs. The visitors were detained, questioned and even beaten, but they brought renewed attention to Chen and his cause.

Even Hollywood actor Christian Bale tried to visit, and it became international news when village thugs roughly turned Bale away.

Read more: Activist asks public to visit China Nobel wife - Connecticut Post


China may have arrested and put the Nbel Prize winner into a jail for 11 years, but what has his wife done to be under house arrest?

Has she also done some act which the Chinese Govt finds not as per their desire?

One would feel that is crazy to hold all of the family culpable for the act of a person the Govt finds not up to their liking.

Chinese justice is somewhat unique and out of synch with the civilised world, it appears.


Tihar Jail
Aug 20, 2012
Activist asks public to visit China Nobel wife

One should not get his family involved in political struggle, personally I admit Liu Xiaobo, he is at least in China to promote what he stands for, no matter how wrongful or how self-hating his idea are, he walks his talk.
He and his family just became a tool of those who make profit from anti-China compaign, a tragedy indeed.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
His wife also indulged in speeches that found disfavour of the Chinese Govt?

If so, why was she also not sent into jail?

How did the Nobel Prize winner and his family become a tool of those who made profit from anti-China compaign, a tragedy indeed?

What anti China campaign did they indulge in?.


Tihar Jail
Aug 20, 2012
His wife also indulged in speeches that found disfavour of the Chinese Govt?

If so, why was she also not sent into jail?

How did the Nobel Prize winner and his family become a tool of those who made profit from anti-China compaign, a tragedy indeed?

What anti China campaign did they indulge in?.
His very Nobel Title is a tool, he is a Peace Price Winner, what he did for Peace? check all Peace Price Winner from east block, tell me who is not a tragic tool?
You as a foreigner, likes anything anti China, you are not the one to blame, because you are a foreigner, you stand on a different ground, but
please mind your own business, if some one can help india to get rid of all those rampant rapists, he should be awarded with a Peace Price.

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