2023 G20 Summit, New Delhi, India


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Modi will abide by his principles and retire at 75, which I believe will be 2026.

it’s looking like Shah is lined up as a replacement which is definitely a downgrade. Modi was a once in a century leader, there won’t be any to step into his shoes once he’s gone.
What about Yogi? Himanta?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Canadian turds overstepping, Cuckdeau threatened to stop some trade talks as well

View attachment 221992

Retired Indian diplomat Vivek Katju stated, "Canada regularly denies visas to members of our security forces who have served in Jammu and Kashmir.

Canadian turds are asking ex sec forces who apply for visa as to areas that they have served!!!!!!
The best answer our veterans should give is "All areas that our commander in chief has ordered us to with honor and duty"


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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Canadian turds overstepping, Cuckdeau threatened to stop some trade talks as well

View attachment 221992

Retired Indian diplomat Vivek Katju stated, "Canada regularly denies visas to members of our security forces who have served in Jammu and Kashmir.

Canadian turds are asking ex sec forces who apply for visa as to areas that they have served!!!!!!
Isn't a turd usually brown in color? Like "Afghan is tan" and "Pak is tan".


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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Canadians are welcome to check toilets to confirm the color.

I am sure Cuckadeau was given that task in G20, as per reports.
so you're saying that to check the toilet and turds, Trudeau went to India? Ouch.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Canadian PM Trudeau and the G-20.

If all the world leaders present say, the G-20 at Delhi was a resounding success then we have believe them, except the Canadian Prime Minister.

Although to an unsuspecting eye, it was not clearly visible but the Canadian media reported that the Canadian Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau) withdrew his hand quickly during a hand shake with PM Modi.

He probably is angry for being cold shouldered during the G-20. This trouble he started it himself. He abruptly withdrew from the trade talks only days before the G-20, to irritate India and his unwavering support to the Khalistani terrorists in Canada who have now become his vote bank. He forgets that only a generation back with his father’s support the Khalistani terrorists prospered and blew up an Air India flight in 1984 over Ireland Killing 325 Canadian citizens of Indian origin. Till now nobody has been prosecuted for planting the bomb on the flight. All evidence (23 minutes of terror planning) video tape recorded by security agency were erased. Nobody has been prosecuted for erasing the tapes.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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She has a BA degree, what you expect! These kind of hatred were allowed for long time and survived under govt patronage. Many tried similar thongs earlier: Buddhists, Jains, Brahmo and many other sects. But the deep rooted Dharma will hit back.
Ambedkarites are not us Buddhists. They are a blot in our name. Please don't call them us. There is NOTHING Buddhist about them the way they spread hatred against the mother culture.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Ambedkarites are not us Buddhists. They are a blot in our name. Please don't call them us. There is NOTHING Buddhist about them the way they spread hatred against the mother culture.
The issue is that there is hardly any doctrine or centralisation for Buddhism .. same like sanatam dharm ironically . I have seen lord Buddhas picture put up next to "sc/st" banners along with amebekars . Same thing with white liberals that randomly become Buddhists in America.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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The issue is that there is hardly any doctrine or centralisation for Buddhism .. same like sanatam dharm ironically . I have seen lord Buddhas picture put up next to "sc/st" banners along with amebekars . Same thing with white liberals that randomly become Buddhists in America.
First thing all dharmic minded people should do is to never refer to Ambedkarites as buddhists.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Foreign Leaders at G-20 and their Media reaction

The G-20 Summit has come to an end. Despite Putin and Xi's decision to skip it, it was still a thumping success.

Its main declaration of consensus was that the group supports all initiatives which enhance durable peace, including in Ukraine. The Indian diplomacy made a determined effort to reach a consensus among all powers.

What was said and done was of less importance. It is the sideline discussions of all the leaders which mattered the most. We do not know what they talked about. We only know a bit of their discussions thru their own country’s media reaction to the summit. Here's a sample:

The US came to get Russia's condemnation of the Ukraine invasion. The final declaration avoided discussing and mentioning it. President Biden observed in person the upcoming technology and manufacturing superpower that is India. He has already signaled a positive message to the US businesses to keep India's potential in mind. That is good news. The NYT, a major US media outlet, avoided any criticism or ridicule towards India.

The British Prime Minister was welcomed as a son-in-law of India, although India and Britain are at odds with each other on trade-related issues and unnecessary issues of Khalistan. The British support was the reason for the latter's success. Controlling it is now proving to be difficult for them. Also, the British media could not avoid commenting on the pro-India/Hindu policies of the BJP.

For Russia, keeping Ukraine out of discussion and the G-20 declaration was a positive step. Interfax, the Russian news agency, did not express any negative emotions during the Summit or the G-20 declaration.

The Chinese were surprised by its success during a subdued discussion. In general, they commented that India is forcing the meeting to follow its own agenda. Also, decision to build a new connectivity link to Europe through Saudi Arabia as a competition to their own BRI is causing them upset. China finds debt restructuring to be a sensitive issue. They wish to avoid any conversation on it.

The Canadian media's response was unique. Their Prime Minister's cold treatment was a unique concern for them. It was obvious after the abrupt cancellation from almost finalized trade talks that India reacted cold. The media in Canada only reported about Trudeau’s withdrawal of his hand from a long handshake with Modi. To an independent observer, it was not obvious enough to matter. But Trudeau had planned it and made it look like return of cold shoulder treatment to him. Trudeau is a learner after 8 years in office on how to conduct business abroad. He is indirectly making noises about foreign interference in Canadian affairs without divulging Canadian interference in other nations' affairs.

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